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  1. TofuLove75790
    5 months ago

    I think I do. I’m not always giving myself enough a chance to live in my own needs and preferences. I haven’t been giving myself space to like just be in my life and not like continually twist into the person I think others need of me in that moment. I am giving myself that care to just live in my own life.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    My son is my focus right now, my daughter is doing awesome. Changes are ahead but we must and will embrace them!

  3. Barb C
    Barb C
    5 months ago

    My older daughter, who’s had some challenges recently.
    Myself, with a flare-up from the wrist I broke almost exactly two years ago. Sept. 1 was the “wrist-a-versary”. In restoring my yoga practice I’m doing 30-minute practices every other day and using wrist support gel cushions. It still feels “crunchy” inside when I move it back and forth and some days it’s twinge-y, like today. I’m so lucky I have basically a full recovery but I wish I could move it freely without being aware of the injury.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      5 months ago

      Nagging recovery of injuries have made me be more aware of my body in my daily labors, Barb. My empathy and compassion,

  4. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    Today, I need my care. I go to the dentist this afternoon for a cleaning. I know it is considered a painless procedure but with a large fusion in my neck that affects my jaw, dental work of any kind presents a challenge. PLEASE PICTURE ME HOLDING MY MOUTH OPEN WITHOUT A PROBLEM! 🙂 My mind is in performance mode. SIGH! I know that this should not be considered a challenge but old behavior(fear of failure) always seems to rear its head so as Joseph would say, I got to get the monkey out of my head and into my lap!

    1. Yram
      5 months ago

      In too, had a routine 6 month check. All was good but I dread going. With a dentist in family you would think it would be a charm. Hummm, NO.

    2. Barb C
      Barb C
      5 months ago

      I hope it went well for you, Carol. I went to the dentist last week to have a permanent crown put in but it was wrong and they sent me home with a new temporary crown for another month while they make a new permanent. Jaw was full of lidocaine because I metabolize it really fast so they have to give me several shots. Not the most fun I’ve ever had but I don’t have a neck issue to add to it!

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        5 months ago

        Barb, Hope you the next visit you get a permanent crown and the episode is over! I was very fortunate…no problems found so I don’t go back for 6 months.

        1. Joseph
          Joseph McCann
          5 months ago

          Always a plus Carol. Glad you received a good report.

  5. L
    5 months ago

    My partner who just put his mom into an assisted living facility. He’s been having a really tough time with this transition.

  6. Patti
    5 months ago

    Me, my husband, and our dogs. Us humans are struggling to figure out the next step… leaping into a work situation or waiting. The doggies are struggling with the new home, as we do not have two fenced in acres to roam anymore. We have been taking them on daily hikes, sometimes two, but the fact that they can’t go out whenever they want to seems to be bothering them – especially our very independent protector, Ruger.

    1. Patti
      5 months ago

      also, what happened to our little profile pics? just curious…

      1. Michele
        5 months ago

        I sent an email to the Contacts listed on the website asking about it ….

      2. Barb C
        Barb C
        5 months ago

        I’m wondering too. I miss everyone’s symbols and pictures.

        1. Palm
          5 months ago

          Me too

        2. Joseph
          Joseph McCann
          5 months ago

          Need to contact IT!

  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 months ago

    I have surrounded myself with struggling
    people and I struggle. So care is always
    coming and going around me. Even if it’s
    just listening or checking in or helping out
    with something. But, “project me” could
    always use more care and tending.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Charlie, coming from a culture where intimacy is valued over interests, I’m surrounded by care as well. In a family of families setting, everyone knows everyone’s business. What I do affects you. Same the other way around. It goes on and on with the next person and beyond. I’m not the best at accepting ignorance, so this is one aspect I like about Asian cultures. Freedom and stupidity go together. It’s easier for individuals to bend the rules in their favor. It’s almost impossible to do that in a strict environment. Going deeper, it’s actually easier to get our way in an environment that’s a bit stricter.

  8. Nannette
    5 months ago

    Unfortunately, I am still recovering from my cardiac “event”. I don’t feel unfortunate that I am recovering but it is a slow process and that is very hard for me. As I have shared my husband and I are traveling. Some days are easier than others. I try to be the best helper I can be. I tend to feel guilty about slowing down, etc. With God’s help..I hope to get stronger. I am doing all of my normal things..but it is not always easy. But then again whoever said life would be easy- and there is so many more lives much more seriously impacted than mine.
    My nephew is in Florida and he had the equivalent of open heart surgery yesterday. He is his recovery will be much more complicated. I have much to be grateful for. Thank you all for your support. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  9. Carla
    5 months ago

    There’s a few who come to mind: coworker who’s father just passed, a dear friend who’s spouse of 40 yrs died; an older brother living with stage 4 cancer; two others with long term COVID. I’ll be listening for how to “be” for each one.

  10. Palm
    5 months ago

    No brainer, my mom, she is alone, sister and niece having returned home after spending the holidays with her

  11. Jenifer
    5 months ago

    My family 🧡

  12. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    5 months ago

    I am thinking of this question as an invitation to pay attention today to a space or person who may show up and is in need of some care. So my plan is to keep my eyes open, pay attention, and see what happens.

  13. Antoinette88615
    5 months ago

    Right now I’m challenged by lots of minds that are coming up which are causing suffering. Like restlessness and anxiety/ worrying.
    This is the art of letting go . How a person who has hyperactivity and complex PTSD can sit with the minds that make me want to crawl out of a cage that I am in only in my mind world.
    So today my homework is to not run away from the minds coming up but to embrace the suffering. And let it go . Recall reflect release or we can use what David says stop look and go. It’s ok to be here right now and to let go. Thank you all for being here .

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      Recall reflect release – Thank you for that

    2. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 months ago

      Your courage is inspiring, Antoinette. Thank you.

      1. Antoinette88615
        5 months ago

        Thank you so much . ☺️ Mary .

  14. Michele
    5 months ago

    I do – will take it easy – self love 💗

    1. Josie
      5 months ago

      Same here, Michele. Leaving for few days R&R shortly.

    2. Antoinette88615
      5 months ago

      I’m with you Michele. Today CPTSD is difficult . And maybe I should listen to the song as well! Peace

  15. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    5 months ago

    Everyone and no one. I at times have thought that our small forage farm needs my care, my nurturing. I now am of the mindset that the earth will take care of itself. I am just leaving a mark upon it that is pleasing to my eye and were I to vanish today, this patch of ground will still be here doing what the earth does. My mark will eventually be erased. and the rebirth and death of life will continue.

    The photo next to the word of the day made me think of the song Morning Dew written by Tim Rose and Bonnie Dobson, performed by the Grateful Dead.
    Walk me out in the morning dew my honey,
    Walk me out in the morning dew today.

    I hope all have some morning dew to walk in this morning.

    1. pkr29022
      5 months ago

      Yes, to Jerry & Morning Dew….one of our favorites.❤️🎶🎸

      1. L
        5 months ago

        Yes, to Jerry always 🙏🎶

    2. Michele
      5 months ago

      Thank you Joseph – playing it now

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