It was 63 degrees out which was warm compared to tomorrow’s high of 46 so I took a walk at lunch. I decided to send my daughter a card and walked about 10 mins to an outside mailbox on the street near work and sat in the sunshine for a few mins. I also took our dog Stanley for a little walk in the dark after work.
Sit outside on this beautiful autumn day with my bare feet touching the earth. Ah yes grounding. Enjoying the warm sunshine, listening to the wind & watching leaves fall, absolutely delightful. Taking a break from all my chores, my should dos & just being with Mother Nature. This is Joy. I am content.🍂😊❤️🙏🏻🍁❤️
I had to chuckle at this Tuesday’s question. Very timely and a little bit of irony.
This is open enrollment time for Medicare and since my prescription drug provider doubled the premium for 2024, I know that I have some research to do. I’ve been “dabbling” in trying to navigate my way through this muck and mire, but have not earnestly tackled it yet. It’s giving me a ridiculous amount of anxiety and I’m completely stressed out about it. And just yesterday I vowed that today would be the day that I would get this done! How can I spark a little joy into this drudgery??
I’m grateful for this question….I needed this! And so I’ve decided that on this beautiful, sunny autumn day, I will take a prayer walk before diving in. Colder/rainy/snowy weather is forecasted for the next few days so I will soak in the joy that being outside in nature always brings me. Later this afternoon, after I’ve completed my (monumental!) task, I will sit on our porch in the sunshine reading a book, with gratitude and joy that I was guided through this process.
~Blessings to you all 🙏
I’m doing some of it right now: Eating a delicious breakfast with veggies from the farmers’ market (Chinese broccoli, baby bok choy, potatoes, mushrooms, onions) and eggs. I’m grateful I can manage my budget to buy food directly from the people who raised it.
I started the morning reading One-Sentence Journal, a collection of poetry and essays by Chris LaTray, a wonderful Métis writer ( His observations remind me to pay attention and to pay respect to the world around me.
I need to keep putting “movement snacks” between my many, many meetings to keep my brain and body refreshed and connect with the natural world. Those often yield moments of joy as I get out into the fall colors and fresh air or pull up a song on YouTube and dance for 5 minutes.
The other day on a birthday outing with friends I found a beautiful vintage necklace and earring set. Today I’m going to package it up and send it to my oldest daughter, whose birthday is Sunday. It sparks joy to think of her opening it and imagine her wearing the set. It’s a beautiful bright turquoise, a color both of us love and wear a lot.
I read Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation for today (Nov 7). It featured the words of Anne Lamott and It filled me with joy and hope. It’s all about how gratefulness empowers us to be gifts to a needy world. Here’s the link:
It is 60 degrees here in WV this morning…with clouds looking as we may have rain. I have been sick for over two weeks with bronchitis..still I am short of breath..BUT! I am going to try to get out for a walk this morning before the rain comes and enjoy the warm air and walk in the leaves like a school child. I need to go to the grocery store- but I am going to try to put it off for another day or so. I just do not feel ready to go to the store. My run to the grocery market is several hours long as I have a 35 minute drive- then need to go to the pet food store and Sam’s and then the grocery market…making the trip count. So this morning…I will be thankful for my forest!! Wishing all a special day.
Dear Nannette, I hope you enjoy your walk in the leaves. Love the image of being a school child at play. I said to myself last night I wonder how Nannette is doing. I felt your absence deeply. It’s a joy to see you out here this morning.
Joy today for me. hmmmm I went to training, I will go to yoga and a nice walk with my friend and my dog and go to visit a male friend who I am getting close to.
I’m doing it right now. I’m taking some
time off with my wife. A little exploring
and some down time together.
It brings me joy to see her happy and
enjoying herself. I’m eager to be out in
the natural beauty, move my body, and
take some photos.
Today I am going out into the world (sort of). I have not been anywhere except right outside my condo since my nasty fall. My daughter is taking us to buy groceries. First time in quite some time. The joy for me is re-entering “life.” I am a bit nervous, but I know I’ll have a shopping cart to hold on to, my knee and hands wrapped, and the assistance I need. It will be good to have more food in the house. The healing is still in process, but I will be grateful for this opportunity.
Blessings to all of you on this Tuesday day or Prayer!
Good morning Pilgrim. I’m so happy to be here with you and equally happy for you to have an outing with your daughter. I will pray that this will be a rejuvenation of body and spirit. My husband also holds on to the shopping cart for support since he has chronic back pain (spinal stenosis/degenerative disc disease). Please be very kind to yourself as you venture out and know that I am holding you in healing prayer. 🙏 Om Shanti friend.
Pilgrim, So glad to hear you have the opportunity to be out and about. It’s good for both mind and body. Blessings to you and your daughter as she assists you on your adventure.
Today is Tuesday, it’s Saver discount 40% off for seniors. So, I would love to go there with my mother in-law for some small stuff or just walk around and look. At least, we have a place for exercising in the winter.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
It was 63 degrees out which was warm compared to tomorrow’s high of 46 so I took a walk at lunch. I decided to send my daughter a card and walked about 10 mins to an outside mailbox on the street near work and sat in the sunshine for a few mins. I also took our dog Stanley for a little walk in the dark after work.
Sit outside on this beautiful autumn day with my bare feet touching the earth. Ah yes grounding. Enjoying the warm sunshine, listening to the wind & watching leaves fall, absolutely delightful. Taking a break from all my chores, my should dos & just being with Mother Nature. This is Joy. I am content.🍂😊❤️🙏🏻🍁❤️
Give my Kelpie dog, Bella a hug and pat.
I had to chuckle at this Tuesday’s question. Very timely and a little bit of irony.
This is open enrollment time for Medicare and since my prescription drug provider doubled the premium for 2024, I know that I have some research to do. I’ve been “dabbling” in trying to navigate my way through this muck and mire, but have not earnestly tackled it yet. It’s giving me a ridiculous amount of anxiety and I’m completely stressed out about it. And just yesterday I vowed that today would be the day that I would get this done! How can I spark a little joy into this drudgery??
I’m grateful for this question….I needed this! And so I’ve decided that on this beautiful, sunny autumn day, I will take a prayer walk before diving in. Colder/rainy/snowy weather is forecasted for the next few days so I will soak in the joy that being outside in nature always brings me. Later this afternoon, after I’ve completed my (monumental!) task, I will sit on our porch in the sunshine reading a book, with gratitude and joy that I was guided through this process.
~Blessings to you all 🙏
I’m going to start with opening the curtains and letting the sun in. We will see what transpires as the day goes on.
I’m doing some of it right now: Eating a delicious breakfast with veggies from the farmers’ market (Chinese broccoli, baby bok choy, potatoes, mushrooms, onions) and eggs. I’m grateful I can manage my budget to buy food directly from the people who raised it.
I started the morning reading One-Sentence Journal, a collection of poetry and essays by Chris LaTray, a wonderful Métis writer ( His observations remind me to pay attention and to pay respect to the world around me.
I need to keep putting “movement snacks” between my many, many meetings to keep my brain and body refreshed and connect with the natural world. Those often yield moments of joy as I get out into the fall colors and fresh air or pull up a song on YouTube and dance for 5 minutes.
The other day on a birthday outing with friends I found a beautiful vintage necklace and earring set. Today I’m going to package it up and send it to my oldest daughter, whose birthday is Sunday. It sparks joy to think of her opening it and imagine her wearing the set. It’s a beautiful bright turquoise, a color both of us love and wear a lot.
And there will be chocolate somewhere in the day.
Barb, Your enthusiastic reply brought me joy!
“And there will be chocolate somewhere in the day” Love this…for me too!
I read Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation for today (Nov 7). It featured the words of Anne Lamott and It filled me with joy and hope. It’s all about how gratefulness empowers us to be gifts to a needy world. Here’s the link:
From one of my favorite writers–what a wonderful piece. Thank you for sharing it.
Beautiful quotes: “Gratitude is peace” . Thank you for sharing the site!
It is 60 degrees here in WV this morning…with clouds looking as we may have rain. I have been sick for over two weeks with bronchitis..still I am short of breath..BUT! I am going to try to get out for a walk this morning before the rain comes and enjoy the warm air and walk in the leaves like a school child. I need to go to the grocery store- but I am going to try to put it off for another day or so. I just do not feel ready to go to the store. My run to the grocery market is several hours long as I have a 35 minute drive- then need to go to the pet food store and Sam’s and then the grocery market…making the trip count. So this morning…I will be thankful for my forest!! Wishing all a special day.
I will pray for your continued healing on my prayer walk this morning Nannette. 🙏 God bless.
Dear Nannette, I hope you enjoy your walk in the leaves. Love the image of being a school child at play. I said to myself last night I wonder how Nannette is doing. I felt your absence deeply. It’s a joy to see you out here this morning.
Joy today for me. hmmmm I went to training, I will go to yoga and a nice walk with my friend and my dog and go to visit a male friend who I am getting close to.
I’m doing it right now. I’m taking some
time off with my wife. A little exploring
and some down time together.
It brings me joy to see her happy and
enjoying herself. I’m eager to be out in
the natural beauty, move my body, and
take some photos.
Today I am going out into the world (sort of). I have not been anywhere except right outside my condo since my nasty fall. My daughter is taking us to buy groceries. First time in quite some time. The joy for me is re-entering “life.” I am a bit nervous, but I know I’ll have a shopping cart to hold on to, my knee and hands wrapped, and the assistance I need. It will be good to have more food in the house. The healing is still in process, but I will be grateful for this opportunity.
Blessings to all of you on this Tuesday day or Prayer!
Good morning Pilgrim. I’m so happy to be here with you and equally happy for you to have an outing with your daughter. I will pray that this will be a rejuvenation of body and spirit. My husband also holds on to the shopping cart for support since he has chronic back pain (spinal stenosis/degenerative disc disease). Please be very kind to yourself as you venture out and know that I am holding you in healing prayer. 🙏 Om Shanti friend.
Thank you, my Friend. I am grateful, as always for your kindness and prayer. Many blessings!
Pilgrim, So glad to hear you have the opportunity to be out and about. It’s good for both mind and body. Blessings to you and your daughter as she assists you on your adventure.
Take extra time to read.
Strive to live into the Serenity Prayer so that troubling realizations don’t dominate my thoughts.
Today is Tuesday, it’s Saver discount 40% off for seniors. So, I would love to go there with my mother in-law for some small stuff or just walk around and look. At least, we have a place for exercising in the winter.
That sounds like a fun adventure. I’m sure she will enjoy the outing but also the company. Enjoy and I hope you find an item you like.
I am a self-taught piano player. Accomplishing something challenging on the keyboard today would bring me great joy!🎶