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  1. Palm

    I feel that today, my cup needs filling up. I’ve started with a long coffee, journaling, and reading the reflections here. Now I’ll get dressed and go for a walk with my cat.

    4 weeks ago
  2. barba

    By consciously looking at my world, my life, the gifts. And trying to feel the feeling of gratitude in my body, to let it spread and to feel the connection with everything. To feel how wonderful our life is. I can pass this on without having to do anything.

    4 weeks ago
  3. O.Christina

    Expressing my thanks to the ones being with me, for their friendship, for their faith and courage, and for the love shared; this morning a dear kindred heart visited and brought much joy and allowed to get to know her refined and very kind soul, a gift of sorts to have met her. Each theme shared exceeded a ripple of gratefulness and was in one spirit. May she be blessed on her way. Prayer, sending light and heart´s vibes to friends and family, to my father, to the world; and sharing gratefulness whith others whenever possible; then being grateful may become the wave whereon compassion and the wish for the well being and blossoming of all which is is sparkling into the hearts like the shining reflections of the sun on the ripples of water.

    4 weeks ago
  4. Antoinette

    Saying thank you ! Today I said thank you to the universe so many times ! Thank you for allowing me to have eyes to see the pin ones on the trees with the fluffy white clouds passing by in the blue sky. I’m so blessed. Thank you for the opportunity to cut fresh Rhubarb and eat strawberries. Thank you so much for everything that you do.

    4 weeks ago
  5. Mark Piper

    Act justly, to model good behavior, around my children.

    4 weeks ago
  6. Linda

    I will start today by thanking my husband, grandson and my dear friends and family for being in my life. They are incredible gifts to me.

    4 weeks ago
  7. Carol

    I can start a ripple of gratefulness by expressing my thanks to all of you for your expressions of sympathy concerning my dear sister’s passing. They have been very helpful to me. In speaking of my grief over my sister Mary’s death with my son this morning, he reminded me that she had ask for treatment to be stopped and care arranged. He said “Let’s be happy for her. It was her wish to move on and we honored her request.” I am so grateful for my son. I learn from him every day. I’m coming to the conclusion that both joy and sorrow can occupy the same moment.

    4 weeks ago
    1. Anna

      Dear Carol, I know this paradox, when my father died I felt the same.
      I think that this is the very nature of our human condition.
      Feel embraced, dear Carol.

      4 weeks ago
      1. Carol

        Anna, I so needed your wish that I feel embraced. Thank you.

        4 weeks ago
    2. Palm

      I can understand, Carol, sorrow and joy together.
      I am sorry for your loss and glad you could honor your sister. it’s a blessing that she died peacefully.
      Last year, I also had the privilege to see my father dying peacefully, and I am grateful.

      4 weeks ago
      1. Carol

        Palm, Your words “sorrow for my loss and glad I could honor my sister” warmed my heart. Thank you.

        4 weeks ago
    3. Linda

      That is so true about joy and sorrow, Carol.

      I am sorry about your sister’s passing.

      4 weeks ago
      1. Carol

        Yes, joy and sorrow–two sides of the same coin!

        4 weeks ago
  8. Mary

    I can be aware of the many good things in my life as I experience today.
    Feeling grateful brings joy to me and this often will spread to others.
    Negativity and positivity both tend to spread.
    I choose positivity and joy today.♥️

    4 weeks ago
    1. Palm

      Have a lovely Sunday, Mary, and everyone 🪷❤️

      4 weeks ago
  9. L

    By staying present, paying attention, and thinking of ways to integrate small acts of kindness and appreciation throughout the day. A ripple successively expands outwards, much like that the idea is to not only practice gratefulness within oneself, but also to inspire others to experience this throughout their day.

    4 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      That’s right, Steph Curry. It starts and ends with himself. A real leader brings the best out of his teammates as well.

      4 weeks ago
      1. L

        So very true! Many times I’ve seen the Steph ripple effect 🙂

        4 weeks ago
  10. Yram

    This reminded me that 55 years ago in April we designed our wedding rings. One of the symbols was of circle and concentric circles, a ripple. We explained that what we start will reach out to others. As I look back, that has come full circle 🔵. Folks will now say “Do you remember when we…..”
    The power of a start is amazing.

    4 weeks ago
    1. Carol

      Thanks, YRAM

      4 weeks ago
  11. Charlie T

    Well, that ripple of gratitude won’t start
    itself 😁. Almost five years ago, I vowed
    to try and be a participant and not just an
    observer. So, when I can, I try to be the
    one to throw the first pebble.
    I have so much to be grateful for this
    morning. I am back home, after an
    adventurous road trip. Sunburned, mosquito
    bitten, scratched, smelling of campfire smoke,
    and filled with memories of nature’s majesty.
    Now I sit here in my little sun room, in the cool
    of this summer morning, with my recently
    emptied coffee cup, connected to you all
    through the magic of technology, I am truly
    grateful for all that I have, all that I have
    experienced, and everyone that has touched
    my life. I have missed my daily gratitude
    contemplation and I am grateful to be back.

    4 weeks ago
    1. Mary Mantei

      Welcome home, Charles. Good to have you back.🌺

      4 weeks ago
    2. Carol

      I was thinking earlier this morning, “Where’s Charlie?” Glad to find you here!

      4 weeks ago
    3. L
      Loc Tran

      Charlie, as an observer myself, I’m with you there on taking that next step. My culture really values visibility. Participation is visible whereas observing is the opposite. Observation is frowned upon in Asian cultures where intimacy is valued. I don’t like agendas, so I can see where they’re coming from. “Agenda” tends to be viewed more in a negative light whereas purpose or meanning are smiled upon.
      Being a cross between: cultures, generations, and non vs disabled groups, I struggle with intimacy which is to be expected. I’ve learned to view myself as a one-of-a-kind instead of “forgotten.” The former brings a sense of peace and uniqueness.
      Over the last 2 months, I’ve deactivated myself from Facebook citing incompatibilities with modern society. I’ve been happier and don’t see myself returning to social media anytime soon. Even without that, I still have quite a few friends from K-12, McNally Smith, and even some co-workers too. Just like my response from Deann, we have more close people in our contacts than we realize, because we’re too devoted to social media.

      4 weeks ago
    4. Yram

      A great visual! Thank you. Enjoy the weekend.

      4 weeks ago
  12. Michele

    I start by coming onto this website each morning – thank you, it’s a wonderful way to start the day:)

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!

    4 weeks ago
  13. sunnypatti

    By telling my husband that I am grateful for him and the life we share.

    4 weeks ago
  14. Ngoc Nguyen

    As Eeevvv mentioned a meditation mobile application, I’d like to express my gratitude for the Soothing Pod app that my husband Loc Tran and I really enjoy. Loc uses it for his morning meditations, while I use it for bedtime stories. I appreciate the Soothing Pod team for providing free access. I hope you enjoy the app as well.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    4 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, thank you for Soothing Pod. I love it. It’s really sweet of you.

      4 weeks ago
  15. L
    Loc Tran

    Quality time in the morning with Ngoc when we wake up is my way of starting a ripple of gratefulness today just like with any other typical day.

    4 weeks ago

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