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  1. Jenna Lynn
    Jenna Lynn

    A story that reminds me to treasure life is the transformative journey I experienced when my husband and I separated as he sought treatment for his alcoholism. It was a pivotal moment where I made the conscious decision to break free from the codependent life I had created with him and take our one and a half-year-old son to seek respite in Dallas with my family.

    As I embraced my newfound sense of self, I realized the importance of treasuring life and living it authentically. I discovered that true happiness comes from within and that by nurturing my own well-being, I could create a positive and fulfilling life for myself and my son.

    1 year ago
  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Beside my Mother dying when I was 40 of cancer, my grandson’s father died of suicide when he was only 5 years old. Very sad reminders!

    1 year ago
  3. Don
    Don Jones

    The life of Christ.

    1 year ago
  4. hmmm.....
    Dragon Lady

    My life story

    1 year ago
  5. Banning

    I can’t really think of any stories but sometimes i reflect and contemplate what contributions people could have had to the world if they had been given the opportunity and sometimes it saddens me. When I reflect on this I find a renewed strength in defending life and preserving the safety and happiness of others so they can be the best humans they can be and hopefully move our species forward.

    1 year ago
  6. W

    Twenty years ago my daughter’s elementary school teacher’s husband died in a car accident. We were family friends beyond the classroom. I remember driving to work the next morning and seeing the sunrise. Every single time I have the privilege of seeing the dawn of a new day, I realize how fortunate I am to witness it.

    1 year ago
  7. pkr29022

    Like others have said here, I have no stories to tell. I try to be thankful for every day. I am very blessed. After losing my mom & dear brother in a span of 10 months, I realize how precious my life is. How blessed I am. I am working hard on not losing sight of this & try to live life fully & sow good seeds. Spreading love, light, blessings & peace wherever I can.
    Happy Monday All. 🙏🏻✨❤️

    1 year ago
  8. F
    Faith Imani

    One story that comes to mind is when I was in high school and I was sent to the high school guidance counselor’s office because my speech teacher didn’t know what else to so with me at the time. She had said something to upset me; of course, that was decades ago and I can’t remember now. I was often a dramatic child. But I remember that I must have been upset about something because the school counselor said to me, “the most beautiful thing about life is you can always start again”. I have carried her message with me for decades now, especially during those times when I fear the future, uncertain about what to do next. I remember that time in my high school guidance counselor’s office and I have shared it with many others ever sense.

    1 year ago
  9. Nannette

    I don’t have a story that reminds me to treasure life…I just know that each day is a gift…and as others have said..we don’t know how many more moments or days we each have. I try to make the best of each day…to be happy and appreciative of all that I have. My life is better than I would have ever imagined. I have now…that I know. I am grateful for all of you and this wonderful Grateful Living site. God Bless.

    1 year ago
  10. devy39652

    As time goes by and I get older, I see all the people I know and grew up with are either in poor shape or have passed on. Their stories affect me and bring me closer to the ideas of not taking life for granted, that our time is limited here on earth so enjoy every minute , every day

    1 year ago
  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    I can’t think of a story right now.
    However, I often think of good friends
    who’ve past and the effects they’ve had
    on me. The quality’s I admire in them
    and want to emulate.
    I’m not sure why I have been given this
    day, but I will try to shine.

    1 year ago
  12. Barb C
    Barb C

    I thought first of stories in books, like “A Lantern in Her Hand” by Bess Streeter Aldrich, which I loved as a child. It’s the story of a woman with many dreams that end up realized through her children and grandchildren, and she learns to love and appreciate the life she has rather than pining for the life she dreamed of as a girl.
    Then I thought of family members. My mom developed vascular dementia and lived for many years with holes being punched in her memory until she finally couldn’t say anything that sounded like English and didn’t recognize any of the children and grandchildren she loved so dearly. It wasn’t the old age she deserved. She had many good years before that and I think of how I want to live now, not knowing how many good years I’ll get. One of my brothers drowned in an accident in his 60s. He lived every moment with full enjoyment and thinking of him always makes me smile.
    We don’t know how many moments we have to treasure life or where our own stories will take us.

    1 year ago
  13. Carol Ann Conner

    I always think of the stories in Genesis because I read them as myths that aren’t necessarily true but teach truth. The creation story says that God creates by letting not drawing up plans and what he creates is good so life in and of itself is good. Then where does all this fear, hate, greed and warring come from? It comes from the choices we make and so I do my best to own my choices and be an instrument of creative letting. As Mother Teresa said, “When I see a need. I proceed and I do not organize too much.” Today’s the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice in it. And may we all awake from our slumber and grow in awareness. May we evolve instead of revolve and may we all find that we never left the garden, we just went to sleep at the wheel!

    1 year ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian80021
      Dolores Kazanjian

      Oh, wow, Carol. I started today’s journal by writing “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” It’s my go-to phrase when I find myself worrying or thinking negative thoughts. It’s no coincidence that I read your post not too long afterward.
      Thank you for all your wonderful posts.

      1 year ago
    2. Nannette

      How beautiful, Carol! Thank you so very much for your insight today. I will read and re-read it. I am thankful for you and this site today!

      1 year ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Hi Nannette, Wished we could meet. Maybe on one of your travel adventures if you are in NE Kansas, you can stop by. Your words always feed my soul.

        1 year ago
  14. Yram

    When I wrote the question in my diary, I wrote “enjoy” instead of treasure. It hit me that there is a big difference. I will hold that thought in mind as I move throughout my day. My first treasure this morning was a warm cup of tea and visiting with you all.

    1 year ago
  15. Pilgrim

    Thanks to a physician who thought outside the box many years ago, and tried a medication that was usually for something else, I lived. Grateful, always.

    1 year ago

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