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  1. Lydia 50952

    Yesterday I drew the curtains back in our lounge to see the sun just gilding the Lujar mountains that bound my view. Just for a few moments, the mountain glowed copper gold against blue sky, and I felt joy then, and now thinking of it.

    5 months ago
  2. Ose

    When light appears, as when dawn begun this early morning.

    5 months ago
  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    For some reason, I can’t really think of
    a time when joy surprised me. Maybe
    I’m not thinking about this right.
    I mean, I have gone into situations that
    I didn’t expect to be joyful, but turned
    out to be joyful, for sure.
    I think it’s my turn to look at all of your
    responses to see how you interpreted
    this question.

    5 months ago
  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    My first trip to Ireland I felt pure joy! It as so beautiful and I miss it!!

    5 months ago
  5. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian

    In old age not so much joy but a deep contentment has set in as I mellow and experience the kindness of so many people in my life.
    One that stands out from earlier days was in 1969. I had just moved back to NYC after a six-year stint for a job in suburbia. A few days later the Mets won the world series. I could hear from my office window (right next to City Hall) the cheering of the crowds on the streets. My heart sang with joy, “I’m home.”

    5 months ago
  6. Yram

    I am mostly surprised when I see joy expressed by others when I show compassion and kindness.

    5 months ago
  7. Barb C
    Barb C

    I have a distinct memory from college. I was walking along the sidewalk heading home from class under a row of big old maple trees. It was autumn and masses of yellow leaves above and on the ground surrounded me in a tunnel of gold with the sun shining through and warming me. I felt a rising pressure inside me that I immediately labeled a joy bubble. It wanted to burst out of my chest and lift me along with it as it rose, I could just tell. A purely spontaneous feeling drawn out by the beauty of the moment.

    Every so often I get that very specific sensation again. It’s not ever something I can force. It is always a delight.

    5 months ago
  8. Carol Ann Conner

    I’m weary from a sleepless night filled with discomfort…look forward to reading others responses…Richard Rohr says “The dark side is never the whole, although in the short term it often appears to be. ” At this moment my perspective is quite limited. That said, being able to connect with all of you always brings me joy.

    5 months ago
    1. Michele

      Wishing you a better peaceful sleep tonight Carol.

      5 months ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Thanks, Michele…doing much better this morning.

        5 months ago
    2. Dolores Kazanjian
      Dolores Kazanjian

      I can relate. Take care of yourself and get some rest. Fr. Richard is one of our favorite spiritual guides. My husband and I are right now doing an online course based on his book Immortal Diamond. We went to a number of his Conspire conferences in Albuquerque.

      5 months ago
    3. C
      Carly J

      Been there! Be gentle with yourself today ♥️

      5 months ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Thanks, Carly J

        5 months ago
    4. Barb C
      Barb C

      So sorry you had a rough night, Carol. That makes it harder to start the day. Glad you’re here with us.

      5 months ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Thanks, Barb…your words are deeply appreciated. I’m headed to the kitchen for a 2nd cup of coffee and a lite breakfast.

        5 months ago
  9. C
    Carissa Thomas

    When people can be so genuinely kind and warm, and then they tell you about their history and trials of their life. Joy seems to reside in all of the most unexpected places

    5 months ago
  10. J

    A few days ago, my wife Erin, my daughter Kelly and her boyfriend Nate were at a Phillies baseball game. We were having a fun family time together. I’d spoken to the man next to me about the game and noted that he had 3 kids and (likely) his wife there. He was handed the infant at one point, as others went for hot dogs.

    After a few minutes, I “felt” eyes on me. It was the brown eyes of this child looking at me and the surrounding crowd: curious, wide open, searching eyes taking in all of this new experience… at the age of probably about 6 months.


    5 months ago
    1. Yram

      I had a similar experience where a mom was holding a small child. I started making silly faces and the child responded with a smile and giggle. Pure joy!

      5 months ago
  11. Nannette

    Last week when my husband and I returned home after our several months away….the song of the thrush filled the air. I knew that I was home…what joy!! Keep on singing dear thrushes!!

    5 months ago
  12. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    I collect rocks that are in the shape of hearts. I live with a man whose observation skills are quite amazing. On our anniversary a few years ago, we were on a beach with friends. Suddenly, my husband stoops down and then hands me tiny stone in the shape of a heart, that also has the pattern of a perfect heart on it. I can still feel the delight and joy in that very symbolic gift.

    5 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      How wonderful! My sister-in-law also collects heart rocks and I watch for them on walks hoping to find one for her.

      5 months ago
  13. Michele

    Last night – my daughter has a couple friends visiting and one of them, who has not been here before, was so joyful seeing my house and my neighborhood – she loved the peacocks, lol. Seeing her happy made me smile.

    5 months ago
  14. Avril

    I think surprise is an essential element of joy. I access joy when I make a choice to have a stance of gratefulness. As well all know, that means I am allowing everything to be a gift. Gifts are a surprise. It really is so magical, I am surpised everyday—some days more than others. Sometimes, I have to be more flexible to see the opportunity in a situation. But, when I am really present and practiced up I can connect with joy (which is not the same as happiness).

    5 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Years ago, during a conversation I had with my best buddy from middle, Sean, he told me a saying I totally agree with. “The past is history. The future is a mystery, and the present is a gift.”

      5 months ago
  15. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    When has it not? Living with the attitude of gratitude, Joy springs forth from the tiniest of things, to the grandeur of a colorful sunrise or sunset. The first pansy flower in a small flower garden behind the house brought joy yesterday. Things are greening up here in the San Luis Valley and all sorts of birds can be seen fliting around in the field I am irrigating and all along the riparian corridor. The western meadow larks are singing their song. When I hear their flute like tome early in the spring it recalls a memory that always brings a smile to my face. Many years ago, Dwayne Mott exclaimed to Ralph Horton, “I hear Ralphs favorite bird!” to which Ralph soundly replied, “You damned old fool. I hate those birds! They bring the wind with them.” The western meadow lark will always be Ralphs “favorite bird” to me.

    5 months ago

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