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  1. O.Christina

    This body, carrying me through life so naturally; inspired by the sun, its heart and heartbeat constantly sending out and taking in, modulating, transforming; the magic of a body being consciously created and nourished through offering food and water, allowing to live, to breathe. Pure magic to be deeply grateful for which has been taken for granted, often unnoticed by me. Thank you for being there offering me a house and a home while being gifted to live on this planet Earth.

    2 weeks ago
  2. barba

    On my morning walks, I feel my feet and the warm or cold air on my skin. And I feel the joy of these sensations almost every day. But the gratitude for the solid ground that supports me (on this wonderful ball in space) and the air that gives me life in the first place – I very rarely get to that. Thank you for reminding me to take the time for just that.
    And I can write a list: my functioning body, my mind, my feelings…

    2 weeks ago
  3. Robin Ann

    Having food to eat, roof over my head, clean water to drink and feeling safe where I live.

    2 weeks ago
  4. Linda

    Good medical care. So many people do not have access to it. I feel deeply grateful for it.

    2 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Linda, I have that too. It saves up a lot of money for when we need the doctor.

      2 weeks ago
  5. Charlie T

    My beating heart. My most recent breath. My existence in this cosmos. And the Sun that continues to burn and give us all life.

    2 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Charlie, it’s great to be alive and well. Tomorrow isn’t garenteed.

      2 weeks ago
  6. L

    Spatial perception. It’s an ability we don’t think about often in our daily lives. For the past six months we’ve been living with my partner’s mom who has alzheimers. I’ve watched as her spatial and visual perception abilities have slowly continued to decline – abilities that we all take for granted as we navigate through our daily lives. It’s made me think more about this processing taking place in our brains that is so automatic we don’t actively think about it… and remember to be grateful for this.

    2 weeks ago
  7. L
    Loc Tran

    My Ngoc, I’m very happy that you get to do the things you normally do. I’m a routine guy, and I know how that feels. We rely on electricity for many things. I was very happy when that returned even though I was on my way to my Menards piano job.

    2 weeks ago
  8. Ngoc Nguyen

    Living in a country with reliable power, I often forget to appreciate the convenience electricity brings to my life. Yesterday, a rare power outage reminded me just how grateful I am for electricity in my daily routine. Without it, I started my day without hot coffee because I couldn’t heat water. This small disruption made me realize how much I rely on electricity for my comfort and convenience. of this essential resource.

    2 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, I may have commented in the wrong place earlier. Hopefully, this one goes right below your answer which was what I was trying or thought I did. I’m happy for you that you’re able to do the things you usually do. I’m a routine person, so I know how that feels. We rely on electricity for many things. Right after I stepped foot out the door to go to my Menards piano job yesterday, the power went back on.

      2 weeks ago
  9. sunnypatti

    The love that we are created from. The love that we are. The love that God and the Universe is. I have studied many different philosophies, and they all boil down to love.

    2 weeks ago
  10. Yram

    Change and possibilities!

    2 weeks ago
  11. P
    Patrick Bartholomew

    The kindness of strangers that the vast majority of people are more than happy to help a fellow human in need.

    2 weeks ago
  12. J

    Myself and my body. Despite all the injuries I’ve endured (mentally, physically, psychologically) I am still here. For that, I am extremely grateful.

    2 weeks ago
  13. L
    Loc Tran

    Nothing jumps out. I’m grateful for it all.

    2 weeks ago
  14. Nannette

    The kindness and love of people. Often we become “jaded” ..we have had a bad day..nothing seems right..then someone holds a door for us, gives us a smile, says hello! Goodness our whole world changes. The world seems in chaos right now…but we have to stop and see the good. Really see it and the folks behind the goodness. I know a whole bunch of folks who visit this site…are kind, and loving and good. I am grateful for one and all.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Yram


      2 weeks ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Nannette, I’m with you there. People show their love and kindness in many different ways. We must be ready to receive it. I’m learning with you, because Asian people deeply value intimacy. In order to give, we must receive.

      2 weeks ago
  15. Avril

    My philosophical path explains that everything is impermanent. The ground shifts, the air can be clean or polluted, the water is prolific, and there is drought. The only constant in the physical realm is impermanence. Impermanence scares people. However, without the ephemeral nature of the physical plane everything is meaningless. Because we are impermanent, we must cherish each other, the planet, and anything vital. Thich Nhat Hahn explains how beautiful it is that sadness is impermanent–so we can know it will move through. Joy is impermanent, too. We must tend the fire of joy to keep is burning. So, today I offer impermanence my gratitude.

    2 weeks ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Yes Avril, everything has its lifespan in the ephemeral physical plane. The soil we walk on and plant in were once rocks. As Niel Young said, Rust never Sleeps.

      2 weeks ago
    2. Yram

      Thank you for that perspective!

      2 weeks ago

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