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  1. Christina

    Currently, my father needs my care, where I am happy to be able to visit him soon, as he might be already on his way to leave for good. May be we are lucky to have some days together in understanding and peace. This would make us both very happy. And guessing that tending to myself these days would be a good idea also. May you all have a beautiful day, dear friends.

    12 months ago
  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Right now my mind is in vacation mode. That is all that needs to be tended to right now lol.
    My father’s birthday was yesterday so I do plan on taking 1/2 day off and meeting him for lunch tomorrow.
    He wants to go to Applebees, his wife and my friend Mike are joining. Today by luck my supervisor sent
    us all $50 gift cards with many different choices to pick from and Applebees was one of the choices! : )

    12 months ago
  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    I need to be more regular about
    exercise. Time and energy always
    seem to be hard to come by.
    Adding some form of art to my
    routine is something I have been
    thinking about.
    Not taking for granted my lovely
    wife, and making sure I show her,
    with expressions of love and affection.
    Thanks for the reminder 🙏
    It’s a good idea for me to do a little
    self survey every now and then.

    12 months ago
  4. Don
    Don Jones

    Relationships – there is no autopilot when it comes to others.

    12 months ago
  5. sparrow51014

    It seems we are all dealing with something . . .
    for today,
    my answer is
    . . . right now,
    my independence.
    The light just dawned this morning.
    I am having some issues regarding my independence . . .
    just realizing it,
    I have to find a way of dealing with them.
    I want to do as much as I can,
    but I don’t want to feel controlled.
    It feels a little like going back to a very dark time in my life,
    and I never want to go back there.

    12 months ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Loving Kindness your way Sparrow.

      12 months ago
      1. sparrow51014

        Thank you,
        dear Joseph…♥

        12 months ago
  6. Diane

    My heart needs tending to today. And by that I mean that I will extend the same loving-kindness to myself that I freely give my daughters, my husband, the neighbor and the stranger. Why is it so much harder to give it to myself? I am seriously my own worst critic.
    I will carry this intention with me today…..and one day at a time ever after.
    ~Have a blessed day everyone 🙏

    12 months ago
    1. S
      Ana Maria

      Oh Diane! You just made my heart skip a bit with your comment. That is it! That is what needs tending in my heart. I am my worst critic, with my tendency to be a worrier I am kind to everyone around me except my self. I demand so much of me that I would never demand of other people. I thank you for your comment. May you find the kindness that you deserved.

      12 months ago
  7. Barb C
    Barb C

    I suppose this could have prompted more meditative musings but for me this generates a to-do list.
    First thing that came to mind is the large batch of zucchini and pattypan squash I need to pickle, a gift from one of the folks in my local Buy Nothing group. I’m hoping we get a few more sunny days so the tomatillos and tomatoes in my own garden can ripen, then I’ll be making salsa verde and canning tomatoes.
    I need to tend to packing up our house for a remodeling project that involves flooring, so everything has to be moved out and then moved back in at a certain stage. I’ve started already and have a hard deadline about 3 weeks out so I have time but not unlimited time. Doing this early rather than at the last minutes is a form of tending to my husband since he’s growing increasingly anxious that it isn’t already done. I, on the other hand, plan to sit on the sofa and sleep on a bed until the very last day, so we’re not quite in sync.
    I’m overdue on several medical appointments for basic maintenance and never quite seem to remember to make those calls during the workday.
    Time to get in gear and start a day during which I will do none of the above because it isn’t that kind of schedule today, but I’ll be tending to my job and road safety.

    12 months ago
    1. Maeve87787

      My mind goes to the ‘to do’ list as well. :).

      12 months ago
    2. Diane

      Aaah Barb…the ever-present “to do” list! I know it well! Have a safe commute and a productive work-day Barb….that list will be tended to in its time 🙂

      12 months ago
  8. Carol Ann Conner

    I need to be more faithful when it comes to my physical therapy exercises. I need to monitor my thoughts much more often than I’ve been doing lately.

    12 months ago
  9. Carla

    i’ve just walked in the kitchen door, from tossing trash, dodging an autumn misty rain. I became very aware of fall planting and excessive plant growing that needs pruning “and tending to.” My first reaction to this question is the need to take that action soon. “Chop wood, carry water.” I’ll focus on spiritual tending with a cup of tea soon! 🍂😉🌾

    12 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Thank you for reminding me that the to-do list I posted above is also a form of meditation or practice, approached with that mindset.

      12 months ago
  10. c
    carrie monroe

    In my life right now I feel like what I need to be working on to improve is my faith and my relationship with God.

    12 months ago
    1. Diane

      Good morning Carrie…it is a life-long journey you are taking! I believe that your efforts will be blessed as you travel.
      A scripture comes to mind from the Old Testament:

      “But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.” Deuteronomy 4:29
      ~Om Shanti…peace Carrie 🙏

      12 months ago
  11. Patti

    My yoga practice.

    12 months ago
  12. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    “During my life I have met some of the kindest people who don’t consider themselves spiritual at all. Yet their approach to life comes from a deep caring and concern for all human beings. It comes from basic kindness. That is what spirituality is about. It is about out deep connections. It isn’t about what gender we think God is, or whether we think God exists, or what rituals we perform or what creeds we profess. It is experiencing and acting on our deep connections. It is often done quietly, with no fanfare……….It is a friendliness to all Life.” Diane Mariechild

    Loving Kindness for all beings, I can always tend to.

    12 months ago
    1. sparrow51014

      12 months ago
    2. Diane

      Joseph…this quote resonates and speaks to my heart. Just this morning I did a loving-kindness meditation. I will tend to that with you. Thank you for this sharing.

      12 months ago
  13. Pilgrim

    Anxiety, frustration, self-doubt, and seeking calm in the midst of these. Seems like this needs a lot of tending.

    12 months ago
    1. Diane

      Good morning Pilgrim….so grateful to see you here. And you are not alone. Along with Carol, I can relate. This morning I listened to a talk/meditation with Tara Brach. I sobbed my way through it as she has the gift of connecting us with our pain. Self-doubt and shame is what needed tending in me. In the end I allowed myself these feelings and gave those very real feelings loving-kindness. She quoted The Guest House by Rumi which I have on a tapestry hanging in my meditation room.
      I need to read that more often!
      May this day bring you deep calm as you tend to yourself with loving-kindness. Om Shanti friend. 🙏

      12 months ago
      1. Pilgrim

        Good morning, my friend. I so appreciate your support, your input, and the reminder of The Guest House. The words put me in mind of Ram Dass … “we are all just walking each other home.” I believe that you also introduced me to his wisdom.
        Deep blessings to you on this day!

        12 months ago
    2. Carol Ann Conner

      Pilgrim, I relate!

      12 months ago
  14. EJP

    The negatively in my life needs tending today…..out with the negative and in with more positive.

    12 months ago
  15. Kevin

    Continuing to explore better ways to manage chronic and acute levels of pain.

    12 months ago

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