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  1. i

    -sense of freedom/independence
    -new experiences that i’ve dreamed about
    -healing my inner child

    12 months ago
  2. Anna

    I am more able to let go.
    I am more open to change.
    I am more open to laughter and fun with friends.

    1 year ago
  3. Robin Ann

    1. Experiencing joy and pride with my grown children, sharing my wisdom with them and having a sense of deep love & admiration.
    2. Spending time with friends I have known for over 50 years, laughing and sharing memories and making new ones.
    3. Being able to travel overseas to new destinations and experiencing lots of awe moments

    1 year ago
  4. R

    I am learning to love and like myself just as I am.
    I am healing my inner child and I can do that because of all the experiences and lessons I have learned through the years.
    I feel an urgency to slow down and practice compassion, which brought me to your page. I am living the second half of my life (maybe?) and I want to live these years, days, moments with intention and loving kindness.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Just beautiful!! May this journey of your next second half of your life be full joy, hope, healing and lots and lots of love. You are worthy of all of it! Your inner child will heal with your awareness. So many of us are on this path with you.

      1 year ago
  5. Dolores Kazanjian

    At age 89, that’s a tough question to answer. Getting old is hard.
    But I am grateful for every breath I take, for the fact that I still live independently, that I am with my husband of 43 years, for the wisdom and stories I have to impart and the fact that I do have younger people in my life who are willing (even anxious, sometimes to hear them). And for this site and all of you, who help me to stay positive and grateful.

    1 year ago
  6. L

    1. I’m learning to appreciate solitude more and that I don’t always need to be in the center of things (for many years I only wanted to live in cities).

    2. With over 15 years of experience in my field, I have been able to work from home (with my cats) for the last 5 years.

    3. I’m more open minded to experiencing new things.

    I should note that I’m in my early 40s. I feel that life has gotten more challenging as I get older or maybe it’s my perspective that is changing. Regardless, I will take this as an opportunity to say how grateful I am to everyone who responds here – I know a lot of the ‘regulars’ are older than me, and I truly appreciate your wisdom and perspective on life.

    1 year ago
  7. Chester

    Not sure any joys come from being a certain age. I was listening to an interview earlier today and the individual commented that she believed there were really only two ages – alive and dead. I thought that was an interesting point of view. There are certainly many joys of the life I’ve lived, the life I will continue to live, and the beauty of the present moment.

    1 year ago
  8. Charlie T

    I don’t know about this age. I’ve never
    been this age before. But, at this point
    in my life, so much brings me joy.
    When I think about this, I realize that
    it’s rarely pure joy. My emotions, including
    joy, are usually right next to each other.
    Maybe the thing about this point in my life,
    is that I’m aware of this fact and I’m okay
    with it.

    1 year ago
  9. O.Christina

    – Watching the mountain in front of the window right now, and all of a sudden, it completely had disappeared! – and, while writing, there it is, clearly visible again. Fascinating! A short, unexpected, breathtaking moment of wonder.
    – Usually having been doing my best to fulfill what or who called for being of service, now as well free for relaxing time on and off while still alert and present, might be due to the beginning of opening up to love.
    – Being with dear friends, sharing friendship, engagement and love for all in ways that come along.

    1 year ago
  10. Carol

    I’m still here
    I’m loved
    I’m willing and teachable
    Joy, Joy, Joy

    1 year ago
  11. Yram

    1. I can nap when I want.
    2. Living in a community, I can watch others cut the grass, rake leaves, and shovel snow. I do love to shovel snow though.
    3. I answer to myself with more confidence.

    1 year ago
  12. J

    Being in my mid-20s, I thought I had to have things figured out by now. I thought I would have a solid foundation of who I was. But in reality, I don’t. It used to scare me, and sometimes it still does, but I’ve been trying to shift my perspective, giving myself grace and compassion because I am still so young and have a lot to learn. For a long time, I felt like I was always rushing because I was “running out of time”. But this is no race, there is no finish line, there is nowhere to be but this present moment.

    1 year ago
    1. Carol

      Jenifer, I’m 81 years old and a question that has helped me for many years is: What do I know for sure, anyway? My answer: I am here, NOW. Life is process not product. As you shared “…this is no race, there is no finish line, there is nowhere to be but the present moment.” Wish I had that kind of awareness in my 20’s!

      1 year ago
      1. Joseph McCann

        Hear, hear.

        1 year ago
  13. Antoinette

    Right here right now is all there is so that means it is joyful because anything else is only a picture in the mind! Letting go, letting go and letting go- this is joyful!

    1 year ago
  14. sunnypatti

    I’ve learned a lot the past 50 years. I’m healthy, get around well, and love myself more than I did when I was younger.

    1 year ago
  15. Rabbit

    I don’t have to go to work feeling as I do. I would need too much time off for all the doctor appointments. 😊👩‍⚕️
    I can still do the things that my husband and I need to do to take care of ourselves.
    I have opportunities to make someone’s day better, maybe even mine.

    1 year ago

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