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  1. S
    Shrija Rajan
    5 months ago

    More freedom in living life
    More experience in my profession
    More freedom in expressing my true emotions

  2. L
    Lakirra Mcintosh
    5 months ago

    1. Getting to have redo of childhood fun.

    2. Wisdom.

    3. I can transfer positive energy.

  3. c
    cassandra Leigh
    5 months ago

    1. Wisdom.
    2. Appreciation of things that I once didn’t even know I took for granted
    3. The future

  4. D
    Dk GK
    5 months ago

    The joy for me at 72 is having a grandson who gives me unconditional love when ever he sees me. He makes me laugh all the time. Some times it is the little things like having the freedom to do what I want to do and when I want to do needing no ones permission to do so.

  5. Ose
    5 months ago

    The joy of being there for fellow people in a meaningful way where they possibly feel supported by the fruits of my life lived, of being helped and supported by my fellow friends in being a student in meditation, awareness and belonging, and the joy of being gifted to being with friends in heart on our way together, sharing joys, tears, and sometimes endeavors like bikeriding, cooking and other beautiful joint ventures all together.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 months ago

      That describes a wonderful life, Ose.

      1. Ose
        5 months ago

        yes, isn´t it? And I am really helped a lot to be able to enjoy it. Thank xou!

  6. barba
    5 months ago

    1. that I have the time, the desire and the leisure to answer such questions
    2. I have time to find out what and how I want to live, what is important to me
    3. my body is still healthy enough that I don’t spend too much time on it.

  7. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    5 months ago

    I was 64 in May.
    I would say being independent and working for a great company with excellent Benefits.
    Able to travel near and far (I work for a company that offers plenty of time off).
    Healthy and able to concentrate on my wellness 100% and my loved ones.

  8. sparrow51014
    5 months ago

    . . . having more time to myself,
    that the time I have can be spent in a more flexible way,
    being a more willing student,
    and less stubborn in most things . . .

  9. TofuLove75790
    5 months ago

    Everything about being my age — middle is awesome. As a woman not being that noticeable for me personally has been sweet delicious relief. I’ve emotionally settled down so much and a lot of the insecurities that spun about in my younger years — I’m like, man I cannot believe I was worrying so much about that! Days go by and I don’t even think about stuff that before mattered so much. I feel more comfortable with being myself even if that isn’t “cool” .

    I truly am at a stage in life stuff like never being remembered in a history book doesn’t bother me, not being epic all the time — yeah, no, I find so much pleasure in the mundane. I’m so much more honest now about like what I’m about, what I’m into, just in general very straightforward because I’m old and there’s no reason to put energy into stuff that isn’t personally meaningful to me. Like I said, being cool is too much effort at this age just to impress some random person who probably is also trying to play cool. My needs are so much simpler like a nice meal, sitting in the park listening to birds, taking a nap, straight up people get way cooler with age and I find I actually prefer people even older than me as I get older — age is fabulous at least at this stage!

    1. sparrow51014
      5 months ago

      You are a breath of fresh air,
      dear Tofulove . . . ♥

  10. Barb C
    Barb C
    5 months ago

    I love reading everyone’s answers, remembering Younger Me, looking forward to Elder Me.

    I’m 61. Today my three things are:
    – I have time to restore my more active habits that have slipped over the course of breaking a wrist, spraining a knee, and never quite getting back into my yoga practice and my ability to go for much longer bike rides.
    – I’m financially secure and in a home I don’t plan to move out of that my sweetheart and I have remodeled to make it ours, in a wonderful neighborhood and town.
    – After decades of being a bit of a workaholic I’ve found balance, enjoyment in simple activities, and I know I’ll be great at being retired when that time comes eventually. (Not for quite a while, thanks to the remodeling costs!)

    I could go on. I carry inside me every age I’ve ever been and that would always be a joy since each age has brought love and lessons.

    1. Patti
      5 months ago

      Love and lessons are my favorite things about aging 😍

  11. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    Greater self-awareness that leads to greater ability to be present that leads to gratefulness for the gift of each day. The ability to trust Life and myself and the privilege and possibility of more growth. I guess basically, Awareness, Awareness, Awareness.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      5 months ago

      Yes Carol, Awareness is essential to Awakening and so much more. The monkey in a corner room of my mind does not appreciate it when I am Aware.

  12. Pilgrim
    5 months ago

    I am 73 and live alone (though some of my family is up the road, if needed). I make my own decisions. I enjoy the outdoors freely, yet carefully – due to various falls. I am blessed that some of my longtime friends stay in touch and occasionally visit.

  13. T
    5 months ago

    Three joys of being 28:
    I am able to explore new hobbies and interests with an open mind. When I’m feeling down or judging myself for lack of progress then I remember that I still have lots of life to live and should not use older peers as my reference point for comparison (or at all). My body is still adaptable enough to do new things or things I haven’t completely prepared for without feeling too sore or hurt. All in all this prompt has reminded me to be grateful for my body and the trial and errors of being a young adult

  14. L
    5 months ago

    My birthday is this week and I’ll be 44 years old, so this question arrives at a perfect time!

    1. Learning to understand myself better, starting to overcome the negative thoughts, ideas, and unhelpful programs learned in childhood.

    2. Making better financial choices, having a steady career and income that allows me to support myself, pay down old debts, and care for my 7 rescue kitties.

    3. Realizing that I’ve found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

  15. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    Thank you so much for today’s question. It reminds me of how blessed I am to have so much joy in my life. At the age of 29, I’m so grateful for having my lovely family, enough material comfort, and the opportunity to witness the happiness of my loved ones.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      My Ngoc, we still have a lot of time remaining even with family members of our parents generation with science and technological advancements and people living longer lives. It’s the beauty of increasing lifespan.

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