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  1. Christina
    1 year ago

    To life; to the one who just now offered a date to have my car repaired so that it would hopefully not stop running during Christmas time when being on the road for far distances; to my dear boss for his big heart; to all my friends and dear ones for being in this life and for you all here with me; for the source of all. Thank you from my heart.

  2. Patti
    1 year ago

    I’m thankful for my family (dogs included), for the past few days of positive business dealing with lots of nice customers, and for being off today to catch up on some R&R.

  3. C
    Christopher Le Flore
    1 year ago

    Today, to my wife. For being patient and kind in my darkest moments, and for being there when it really matters most. For choosing to not take my shortcomings personally.

  4. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    My sister-in-law for her annual fabulous holiday party, a tradition that started while my brother was still alive and that she continued. They both have had the gift of making and keeping friends so it’s almost like an archeological dig: layers and layers of years and friends. Always great conversation, great food, lots of laughing. The party was last night. I spent the night at a nearby AirBnB because the house was packed with others staying over (we all have longer drives back) so this morning I’ll go back in a while for more great food and great talk over breakfast, then drive home full of warmth and coffee.

    1. Yram
      1 year ago

      That sounds like a delightful time. I could “hear” the joy in your heart. Safe travel home.

  5. Yram
    1 year ago

    I thank you all for your responses. They brought up a wealth of ideas. I will leave it at that because anything else would be repetition. I have savor what I read.

  6. Nannette
    1 year ago

    I thank God for another day and another chance to be a better person. I thank my Mom who died many, many years ago for taking care of me and trying to give me a good life. I thank my father…for my life…but he was not up to the task of being a father after my Mom died. I am thankful for my husband, my warm home and my animals….and for all of you who visit here every day…and the fols who make this site possible. I am so happy to be here.

  7. Laura
    1 year ago

    I offer thanks to the Divine for another day of life and for the life given to me, a life filled with love, beauty and abundance.

  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    I give thanks most days. It goes something
    like this:
    Thank you, to my ancestors.
    Thank you, to my family.
    Thank you, to my childhood friends.
    Thank you, to the community that
    supported my business for 23yrs.
    Thank you, to the friends I made through
    that adventure.
    Thank you, to the friends who are in my life.
    And thank, you to the friends that have passed.
    I am thankful for the crisis that led me here.

    1. S
      Ana Maria
      1 year ago

      How beautiful! Thank you for letting me see another way to be thankful. Love!

    2. Laura
      1 year ago

      Beautiful. Thank YOU, Charlie.

  9. Michele
    1 year ago

    My children, family, and cat 🙂

  10. Josie
    1 year ago

    To each of you for being here daily when I open my e-mail….and, as Joseph says so well, “for those who keep the lights on” for us. Thank you!

  11. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    1 year ago

    For the medical advances that allow me to live the quality of life I do, and the medical staff who know how to use them. Also, the desire and motivation to live said life.

  12. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    1 year ago

    To the whom of the question: My father, who has done the best he could raising 6 children. My mother who died when I was four. My stepmother who married a man with 4 children. My lovely wife Cheryl. Our two children and two grandchildren. My brother and sisters. My youngest brother who departed the planet by the force of his own hands September 2002. Several true friends. Cheryl’s large family. And of course, all of you good folks who reflect on these pages and the good folks who keep this wonderful site up and running for all of us. The what is a being a week short of 22 months of living alcohol free.

    1. Nannette
      1 year ago

      What a wonderful answer to todays Question, Joseph!! Most of all Congratulations on 22 months of sober life. God Bless You!!

  13. Avril
    1 year ago

    There are so many people and experiences. Today, what comes to mind is my recent trip to India which reminded me that the sacred is always all around you.

  14. EJP
    1 year ago

    I am thankful for this new day…..a fresh start…anything is possible.

  15. Pilgrim
    1 year ago

    I offer thanks for my life and the doctors who have brought me this far. I offer thanks for family and friends, and for a warm home as the cold continues to deepen. I offer thanks for those who have walked the long pathway of life and teaching with me. To borrow from Kevin, I offer thanks for the ocean, for her solace and beauty, a place of wonder and fun. I offer thanks for the teachers and for the deep wisdom. And for kindness all around, thank you, thank you.

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