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  1. Linda72766
    8 months ago

    My husband. He has always loved me unconditionally and makes me want to be a better person every day.

  2. barba
    8 months ago

    If I look closely: no one – not even myself. I need a role and a protective armor everywhere.
    Sometimes I can see and feel the armor and then myself behind it.
    It is in my hands to build trust in people, in life, so I can give others the chance to give me the space to be my true self.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      8 months ago

      It’s the next day and I’m still thinking about this question so I came back. I hear you on the armor, Barba. Who are we protecting with it: ourselves from other people, or other people from who we really are, all 360 degrees of us? I’m recognizing some ways I protect others. I may still want to continue that, or I may want to be explicit that there are ways I haven’t been my full self and I’m going to change that so brace yourself, friend.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    8 months ago

    Like many have said “My truest self is me!”, I feel I have earned that right over so many ups and downs as well!! I was the one that in the end
    had to pull it together. My second thought is my Parents in the many lessons/wisdoms they taught me.

    Happy 4th of July!!

  4. Nannette
    8 months ago

    Hello my friends, Oh my…how good you ALL make me feel! DEANN, thank you so very much for your comment about me and your concern. You all fill my heart with such love…thank you all who made comments. Again, this is such an amazing group of people. I am Blessed to spend “time” with you!

    Yes, I have had some struggles. I did have the defibbrillator implanted- a week ago tomorrow- and was able to be in my home again on Satureday afternoon. What joy to be in my home again with my husband and my animals. I am truly so grateful. I have spent many hours praying and I know God hears me. I had quite the set back on Tuesday evening. On the way to the bathroom at 1:30in the morning, my blood pressure bottomed out. I fell and passed out…my poor husband. I also had intense pain and weakness in my arms. My husband had to hold a cup with a straw and water for me. I could not lift my arms. Apparently is was a reaction to two of my medications. Thankfully, we had an appointment to see the Cardiology team yesterday. A medication was discontinued…and one I was on before well as one medication that was in the one drug that was u discontinued. Fortunately, I had been on a form of that drug before…so I am hoping for no further side effects. I was very poor yesterday. My husband had to get a Wheelchair to transport me in the hospital. BUT!! Today is much better. I have been up…I slept well all night…and was able to drink and eat on my own today…the pain in my arms is much improved. I thank you all so very much for your support and kindness and PRAYERS.

    To answer today’s question, I have to first be truest to my self. Next…my God..hopefully I am true to him…and not least is my husband who has been through so much with me these past few weeks.

    I am wishing you all a Happy 4th of July…enjoy the freedom of the U.S. but most of all I wish you all good health, love and happiness. Thank you!!! Sending with love

    1. Yram
      8 months ago

      I am very glad to hear of your improvement. Your positivity helps sustain you.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      8 months ago

      So glad to hear you are in your home and able to sleep in your bed Nannette.

      1. Nannette
        8 months ago

        Thank you, Joseph, Yes, being home is a true, true gift. Not to be taken lightly!! Thank you for your reply!!

    3. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      8 months ago

      Oh Nannette, it is SO great to hear from you! You have been in my thoughts and prayers! Oh my about the set back but so glad you are doing better now. My daughter and my close friend both had heart attacks and it is so scary. So glad your husband was there for you!! Sending positive thoughts and healing wishes your way!!

      1. Nannette
        8 months ago

        Robin Ann, Thank you so much!!! Your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me…and I am so very appreciative. What would I do without folks like you?? You are a Blessing. I KNOW that I will soon be back to my cranky but grateful self. Many, many thanks. God Bless You Always.

  5. Ose
    8 months ago

    My boss in his honesty and compassion; my beloved sister and the friends dear. to my heart. They can make my heart sing through their heart´s song, make my eyes sparkle due to their joy as well as crying due to their shared pain when a kindred heart is suffering. Rare moments of stillness in meditation also unfold closeness to true self..

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      O. Christina, it’s amazing to see the impact that even the people who aren’t close to us have on our lives. You speaking glowingly about your boss is powerful.

      1. Ose
        8 months ago

        Yes, all encounters form us, make an impact on us and resonance appears even if someone just does not look into your eyes when passing by. Then offering this nonverbal contact to the kindred heart passing by could make both of us feel met in our true self, and warmth, kindness and a notion of not being strangers at all appears in our both hearts. Thank you for your comment, dear Loc Tran

        1. L
          Loc Tran
          8 months ago

          No problem, Christina. Random acts of kindness is a hot topic in this community. Not only that, it’s anything that links to love and kindness.

  6. pkr29022
    8 months ago

    Interesting question; I would have to say myself.
    If I cannot be true & honest to myself how can I be that to anyone else. Yes, it is a challenge to look at all parts of the self, the shadow self & all the rest. It is a life long process, I believe.
    Love yourself…🩷
    Happy 4th of July to all our USA friends here.🎆 🇺🇸🎇

  7. Michele
    8 months ago

    Do we not hide our truest self from others? Do we not put on a front/mask when meeting people for the first time, or even co-workers? These are thoughts that come to my mind as I read the question. So to answer it, it would be my family and close friends, but ultimately my truest self is myself.

  8. Yram
    8 months ago

    I don’t know that I have one person in particular. I agree with the answers of those who have posted.
    I think it is the person who let’s me, laugh, cry, vent, pray, show compassion, greet them with my hair down and bathrobe on, is one who brings out my truest self.
    Yesterday we got word that my husband’s brother died. He struggled many years with breathing issues. Right now we both feel open, raw, and sad. That is a true self.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      8 months ago

      May peace and compassion find you and your husband, Dear Yram.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      8 months ago

      Yram, so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending lots of strength for getting thru a difficult time to your family.

    3. Nannette
      8 months ago

      YRAM, I am so sorry to hear of your brother in law’s passing. Death is always so hard. Please know you and your husband and family will be in my prayers. God Bless You.

    4. Mary
      8 months ago

      I’m so sorry to hear about your brother in law, Yram.
      Wishing gentleness, kindness, and love for you and your family.

    5. pkr29022
      8 months ago

      Yram, prayers for you & your family.🙏🏻

    6. Michele
      8 months ago

      My deepest condolences to you and your husband on the loss of your brother-in-law.

  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    8 months ago

    I think of my “Truest self” in a couple
    of ways. There is the person I am right
    now, and there is the person I have been
    over time. The accumulation of my former
    selves and all of my experiences and
    expressions. So, my wife, Elena, immediately
    comes to mind. We have “only” known each
    other the past five years. She knows and
    supports this current version of me so well
    and allows me to express this.
    Now, if I consider friends and family, that
    have known me since childhood, it gets a
    bit trickier. They have known all of the
    versions of me. Is that my “truest self”?
    It’s almost as if, the longer we’ve known
    someone, the harder it is to see them
    for who they currently are. We see all of
    them, and sometimes this can obscure
    the most recent version. This has opened
    an interesting thought experiment in my
    head. Thank you for this seemingly simple
    question and I look forward to reading all
    of your responses 🙏

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      8 months ago

      Charlie, I am sure that there are some people who know only of an intoxicated version of myself. This is where “let it go” comes in for me. No need to beat a past version up….it will only lead to damage to the current version. Thank for posing this conundrum.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Charlie, very profound response. There are many different versions of ourselves at various points in our lives. It goes to show that the journey to exploring ourselves and others is endless.

    3. Mary
      8 months ago

      Interesting, Charlie.
      I would think those who have known us longer
      know us, best.
      But this is true only if their hearts are truly open to us.
      Still, you are very on point, in that many people who have known us for many years
      may be attached to a older version of ourselves rather than who we are now.

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        8 months ago

        Mary, you brought up some interesting point. Asian cultures value family and tradition. Social settings are family of families. Intimacy is deeply valued. When encountering problems, these people are there when needed most which is the benefit of personal conversations. After meeting someone for the first time, it feels like you’ve known them for 8,000yrs.
        On the other hand, this leads to expectation. Being different from family or cultural norms is frowned upon. Fortunately, my autism and bipolar mania is mild. This gives me the family by-pass from heavier responsibilities. Therefore, I’ll always be grateful to come from an accepting family.
        Anyone outside sees me as a normal vision-impaired person. That’s all they need to see. Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Ultimately, they’re just protecting their base just like I’m doing for myself. Firm expectations is their way of showing care, and it’s the only way they know.

    4. Yram
      8 months ago

      You proposed a lot of interesting thoughts. I thought I had a simple answer.

  10. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    8 months ago

    The person who makes me feel like my truest self is my dear twin sister. Despite living separately, we still share many common thoughts and feelings, even though our experiences come from different environments. Since I love my twin so much, I never thought I could be separated from her, especially by living overseas. Unbelievably, my husband shares many common characteristics with her, so I found my twin in him, making our relationship a match made in heaven.
    Happy 4th of July to all my U.S. friends!

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Ngoc, when I first met her in person and had a real conversation during our trip to Vietnam in 2023 at the house of your side of the family, it felt like I knew her for 8,000yrs.

  11. Patti
    8 months ago

    The first person I thought of was me, so that has to be my answer 🙂 If I don’t make myself feel like my true self, how can anyone else? I turn inward to find my true self, and that inward part of me is just me… now if the question were reworded a bit to say something like “who in life allows me to be my truest self?” then the answer would include my husband, parents, siblings, and some friends I hold near & dear.

    Happy Independence Day!

  12. Carol Ann Conner
    8 months ago

    Who in my life makes me feel like my truest self? Several of my dear friends in Louisiana, a very wise friend in New Jersey, the beautiful folks I share with on this site, and my late sister.

  13. D
    8 months ago

    I have been missing Nanette’s, comments. I hope she is on the mend. Unless I missed an answer, her last post she was still unwell. Hugs her way.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Yes, I hope she’s doing well.

    2. Michele
      8 months ago

      Me too, hope she is ok.

    3. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      8 months ago

      Yes, 🙏

    4. Carol Ann Conner
      8 months ago

      Me, too

  14. D
    8 months ago

    My first thought is God, my creator and how when I struggle and feel lost he sends me what I need to find myself again.

    My children who are on the verge of adulthood, they now see me as more than mom and I feel good about the woman they see.

    My mom who knows me better than anyone. She has always loved me faults and all. She knows better than anyone when I need support or a swift kick in the butt.

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    8 months ago


    1. Ngoc Nguyen
      Ngoc Nguyen
      8 months ago

      Well, I don’t have to eat any sweetness today! 😀 Love you! <3

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        8 months ago

        Love you too, my Ngoc. We’ll never be scarce on those.

        1. Barb C
          Barb C
          8 months ago

          You two are really a lot of sweetness ❤️ .

          1. L
            Loc Tran
            8 months ago

            Thanks Barb, as you saw from her answer, we’re a match made in heaven.

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