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  1. Tina Mulhern
    Tina Mulhern
    2 weeks ago

    I experienced joy when I was texting with my daughter’s new mother-in-law, Carolyn, an update about my daughter, her friends and their pets who all needed to evacuate, not once… but twice in California fires. They all are safe as 7+ are living an hour and a half Easton LA with a single dad of one of them. The are so grateful to be all together. I have reached out to my beloveds for prayers and Carolyn was checking in.

    The joy I experienced was after I gave her the good news, she expressed that she was continuing with her prayers and that she was praying for lots of rain!!!! I was delighted because I thought that was so clever and I told her I would also pray for rainfall. I shared that with my friends and they started sending my pics of rainfall and umbrellas. It just brought levity to what has been a trying time for so many people. I’m grateful for the prayers and a chance to feel giddy with my friends, much like my daughter is.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    2 weeks ago

    My daughter sent me a photo of a card her company gave her to celebrate her upcoming one year of sobriety. It said ” Someone once told me. I heard you quit…” I smiled and said “I didn’t quit anything. I changed everything”. The card was signed by all of her co-workers. Words of encouragement and congrats. Her company is called “Her 2nd chance’. I was overwhelmed with joy when I saw it and just cried. It was so moving, thoughtful and beautiful.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      2 weeks ago

      Your daughter’s response is fabulous, Robin.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 weeks ago

      It is beautiful Robin Ann.

  3. S R
    S R
    2 weeks ago

    I experienced joy at an unexpected time when I am open, be aware, at peace and curious to all spectrum of life’s blessings and challenges and truly accept the Divine in me and the Divine’s gifts to me. As stated in James 1:2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds… Also, whenever I am in gratitude for the opportunity to experience various spectrum of life’s blessings and challenges or to share life’s spectrum of experiences with other beings or bless others with what they need through my gifts I experience joy. In Buddhism, joy is seldom mentioned but peace and so when I am centered or in peace I experience joy. These quotes express somehow when I experience joy.8
    Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you.
    Michael Bernard Beckwith
    When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. Jean Shinoda Bolen
    If you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation. Deepak Chopra
    When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.
    Psalm 94:19
    You make known to me the path of life. you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      2 weeks ago

      Thank you for taking the time to share these inspirational quotes, SR.

  4. D
    2 weeks ago

    Last night, the moon came up on the mountain road where I was walking our dog. The sky was gray-purple and the naked trees made long moon shadows in the snow. For a moment, I felt transported.

  5. Yram
    2 weeks ago

    Recently I have had remarks from friends and family that gave me lightheartedness.

    I received a snail mail card from 3 ladies wishing me well.

  6. c
    Carol Ann
    2 weeks ago

    I think that in general, I need another person these days to be a carrier or deliverer of joy — a surprise happy contact from someone can be very heartening; and I get to spend time now with some young children, and I love how their joy is just so innate and bursting out all the time – I love being able to provide a place for that to happen and encouraging and welcoming it and being a part of it. I don’t know that I am specifically feeling my own joy – but, “it is such a joy!” to honor theirs. A lot of my own innate or internal joy is much more a quiet sense of calm and relief. A sense that “for right now, for right here, for this space and time….. all is well in my experiencing of my realm.” The problems and issues or any challenges or sadnesses may remain, but the mind chatter is peaceful, and I can experience a sense of rightness and… well… yes—-> gratitude! right now. That is a form of quiet, solid, tender, “grateful” joy. Wishing a blessed weekend to all. c.

    1. S R
      S R
      2 weeks ago

      Carol Ann; I bring you good news of joy and peace during this cloudy moment but underneath the clouds, there is light which you are giving to the young ones and they are giving back to you in the best way they can and fill you their joy. May these quotes from Michael Bernard Beckwith and Deepak Chopra help you know that at this moment you are receiving the right joy and sharing joy.
      Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you. Michael Bernard Beckwith. If you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation. Deepak Chopra. You are doing both of these. You are enough at this moment and grateful you can share openly as to how you are feeling. and you are feeling me with joy. May each moment of this day be blessed with sunshine and peace. Shalom.

      1. c
        Carol Ann
        2 weeks ago

        “receiving the right joy and sharing the right joy”. That is beautiful, SR. Thank you so much!

  7. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    2 weeks ago

    Once I was visiting a local botanical garden and was walking through an indoor “rain forest” area. I walked past a turtle that was walking in the pebbles next to the path. Then I heard a SPLASH. I looked back, and the turtle had jumped into a little pond. I had never seen a turtle swimming before. It looked so free, so joyful as it glided around the pond and under water. It filled me with an incredible, unexpected wave of happiness.

    Other unexpected experiences of joy have generally involved unexpected moments of connection with people or animals.

    1. sparrow51014
      2 weeks ago

      make me happy. ♥

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 weeks ago

      Turtles certainly are good to observe Elizabeth. With their stoic looking faces.

  8. sparrow51014
    2 weeks ago

    . . . when my geriatric cat,
    whose body is failing her,
    suddenly perked up
    and wanted to play her huggy bear game
    this morning. ♥

  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    2 weeks ago

    It’s a funny thing, joy is so much a felt experience for me, that when I’m not felling particularly well, it’s hard for me to tap into it. It’s not like I can turn on joy. It’s an orientation and circumstances combining. So, I’m sure I have felt joy at an unexpected moment, but I’m struggling to recall one right now, as my compass needle is not aligned in this moment. I’m sure there will be
    moments of joy today, as on most days. I just need to get my head right.

    1. sparrow51014
      2 weeks ago

      I feel this way sometimes,
      dear Charlie . . .
      you are not alone. ♥

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      2 weeks ago

      Charlie, been there; done that. Feeling joy is harder when our minds are cluttered.

    3. c
      Carol Ann
      2 weeks ago

      I appreciate this insight and sharing, Charlie. thank you.

  10. SarahEAW
    2 weeks ago

    I experienced joy just being present at the event in October. Sitting at table with all of my family. I miss them so. I pray for healing of my broken family and all those who are suffering with broken families. I pray for the faith to know that God will work all things for good, to be patient, to forgive and love.

  11. Carol Ann Conner
    2 weeks ago

    Whenever I realize that the self dialogue running its mouth in my head has taken me into the past or future, I sigh and feel my body relax. It’s then that my attitude shifts from judgement toward joy and gratefulness because I am back, I am present and embracing NOW. As today’s quote from Michael B. Beckwith says, “Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you.”

  12. T
    Trevor Alvut
    2 weeks ago

    When I did more dips in the jailyard with perfect form than I ever did outside a razor wire cage

  13. Jenifer
    2 weeks ago

    When I’m in a crummy mood, I usually have something happen to remind me to not take things so seriously. A phone call or text from a friend. A kind interaction with a stranger. An old song playing that I used to love before. It gets me out of my head and into the here and now. And for that, I am grateful. 🧡

    1. T
      Trevor Alvut
      2 weeks ago

      Yes it’s important to loosen up. I often get way too serious until I lose my cool.

  14. Laura
    2 weeks ago

    Joy always seems to arrive unexpectedly. That’s part of what makes it so joyful. It’s a gift I didn’t expect.

  15. Patti
    2 weeks ago

    Running into a nice lady on our walk yesterday morning. She was strolling a cute little toddler who loves dogs, and I could tell she was waiting on us when we were at the crosswalk. I am always happy to stop and talk to someone, but it was so cold and grey out that I really didn’t expect to see anyone. It was a nice encounter.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      2 weeks ago

      Sunnypatti, talking to strangers has a way of making us happy. I’ve run into a lot of them during my morning family walks at Northtown Mall close to my house. There are times where I’m the first to say “Hi”, introduce myself, and have some small talk as well. People are really friendly.

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