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  1. TofuLove75790
    7 months ago

    I suppose less suffering and more choice in how people live — no more war, starving, all that. I don’t have some deep grand vision of how everyone needs to be — people can figure that out for themselves once they have the basics like shelter, food, medical etc. People’s values, principles, if they want to monogamous or polyamorous, all that is not my concern — I just focus on the basics.

  2. barba
    7 months ago

    The world is always in its best condition, always perfect. Because it is exactly as it is now. It cannot be any different than it is.
    This probably refers to us, humanity, our behavior towards ourselves and the world.
    So my vision for us humans:
    That we (physically) feel, are so interwoven with the moment, our life, that we can act in such a way as to complete every moment perfectly. Momeent for moment.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    7 months ago

    Peace on earth!!

  4. D
    7 months ago

    For everyone to have open minds, grateful hearts and giving hands.

  5. Carol Ann Conner
    7 months ago

    Evolution of our species

  6. pkr29022
    7 months ago


  7. Liza
    7 months ago

    Peace, Respect, Love, Compassion. Sustainability.

  8. Barb C
    Barb C
    7 months ago

    In the world at its best we’re at our best. We’re kind and welcoming toward everyone, recognizing that each of us contributes something to the world by the way we are in it. We’ve stopped setting the planet on fire and instead are repairing and restoring the damage done, in ways that mean everyone has food to eat, clean water, a home, meaningful work contributing to make things better, and time to play and rest. We’ve acknowledged the deep harms created by every form of “ism” and are working to overcome them and to make sure they don’t return. We’ve changed the definition of success away from “growth at any cost” to “all people and the planet are thriving”.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      7 months ago

      Barb, speaking of isms, any clown can create that with a lot of free time on their hands. I’m very sure if we wanted to, we could create Barbism or Locaism. Reach followers. Get millions of likes. We choose not to do that. It’s fake and only causes more divisions.

  9. Yram
    7 months ago

    That the love I feel here and in other small groups flourish and take over the negativity and hatred.

    1. Nannette
      7 months ago

      YRAM, what a beautiful thought!!

  10. Michele
    7 months ago


  11. L
    Loc Tran
    7 months ago

    Our world is very divided these days. My vision at its best is when everyone can look past our differences, meet closer to the middle, find common ground, and work together. If we can do that, we’d have less war and controversy and greater peace. Where we have control is how we go about our relationships with ourselves and the people closest to us. It starts and ends there.

  12. Mal Jaaber
    Mal Jaaber
    7 months ago

    In these times we live in, the world is desperately in need of more love and kindness. We as humans have so much in common—way more than we care to see or acknowledge, despite our social, cultural, and religious differences. We need to come together from ALL walks of life and realize that life is precious and shouldn’t be wasted on such harmful emotions as hate and intolerance. I believe that we were put on this earth to take care of one another and not to cause others harm. If more people acted with more compassion for each other, in my opinion, the world would be at its best.

  13. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    7 months ago

    As someone who benefits greatly from technological improvements, I do appreciate these advancements. However, from my perspective, technology is now being overused. I randomly come across many videos where students share how to rephrase online resources and paste them into their essays. I have watched videos demonstrating how people can achieve millions of likes and comments on social media by using artificial intelligence. This causes me to doubt the authenticity of customer reviews when I aim to buy something online. I have also seen videos showing how to generate pictures and videos from someone’s photos.
    I am grateful for the benefits of technology that make my life easier as someone with vision loss. But I also worry about how much our next generation relies too much on technology. It may limit creativity and connection to the real world because instead of asking others to gain experience, we can easily search on the internet, eliminating the need to wait for answers.
    I hope for the responsible use of technology to enhance our lives. More importantly, I hope for a future where technology is under human control.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      7 months ago

      My Ngoc, technology was originally meant to help special cases become more independent and working smarter. What it’s turned into is that we use it as a crutch by letting it run our lives, do the thinking for us, and isolating from humans, especially when the going gets tough.

  14. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    7 months ago

    Wow, what an interesting question.
    I’m usually too “practical” to consider
    such a question. Preferring to see things
    as they are, instead of how I wish they
    were. But I like this exercise.
    Well, first, I would like us humans to live
    sustainably on this delicate blue/green planet.
    Next, it would be great if we all could use our
    intellect to solve problems in a peaceful way.
    And, maybe a re-prioritizing of virtue.
    Putting love, sharing, assisting, giving, and
    cooperation, above greed, power, control,
    and hate.

  15. Pilgrim
    7 months ago

    My thoughts went immediately to John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Memories of my younger days …

    1. Yram
      7 months ago

      A friend and I were just pining for a neighborhood that feels like the neighborhoods we grew up in. When backyards didn’t have as many fences, if they did we climbed them. There was often times a “block watch” lady who knew all the comings and goings but she was the first to protect our children. Well I could go on and on.

      1. Pilgrim
        7 months ago

        This sounds very much like where I grew up. Thank you! Reminds me of the movie “Now and Then” that I watch every year.

    2. Michele
      7 months ago

      Great song!

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