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  1. A

    I don’t litter. I try to pick up litter when I see other people do it. I practice not taking for granted what I have at my fingertips. I show love to my friends and family. I care for others and myself. I spread love and positivity as much as possible and try to smile at people whenever I can.

    4 months ago
  2. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian

    I have dedicated most of my life to caring for the world and striving to make it a better, kinder place. I can’t help it; that’s how I came. I am a type one on the Enneagram – the reformers.
    Currently, I am a political activist, I do everything I can to practice an environmentally friendly garden, I spread kindness wherever I can.
    I am a hands-on faith healer and pray daily for the healing of individuals and the world. A prayer I wrote recently has been included in our (Episcopal) Church liturgy.

    4 months ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Dolores, Might you share your prayer with us?

      4 months ago
      1. Dolores Kazanjian
        Dolores Kazanjian

        Happy to.
        Prayer for St, Stephen’s During its Discernment Process

        Dear Lord, we pray for our beloved St. Stephen’s. We thank you for our fellowship, our leadership, our rich heritage, our beautiful facilities and our love for each other. We ask that you guide us. Show us your will for now and for the future. Give us the willingness and strength to follow your teachings and to be in service to each other, to our community and to humankind, May we be a place where all are welcome. May we do everything in our power to preserve this magical world that you have given us. Forgive us we have failed to follow your words and put material goods and ego ahead of service. Support, protect and guide us during this discernment process and give us the wisdom to know your will and the courage to walk in your way.
        [If this is a stand-alone add] We ask it in Jesus’ name and all the names of God

        4 months ago
        1. Carol Ann Conner

          Dolores, Thanks for sharing this heartfelt prayer that is filled with gratefulness and compassion and is a reflection of your strong faith. Yes, “…give us the wisdom to know your will and the courage to walk in your way. We ask it in Jesus’ name and all the names of God.”

          4 months ago
      2. Mary
        Mary Mantei

        I second Carol’s request.

        4 months ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    By showing love and concern for those in need. Helping in any small way I can.

    Today is my 64th birthday and it is crazy to me that I am that age! It was so great hearing from so many friends and family today.
    I took the day off of work and went to an exercise class and had no other agenda which felt great! It was chilly this morning but then the
    sun came out this afternoon and it warmed up nice : )

    4 months ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Thank you all for the Birthday wishes. As much as it has been a very tough year for me, I have had an overwhelming amount of support from friends and family as well as all of you! It truly warms my heart and made my 64th Birthday! Thank you!

      4 months ago
    2. Yram

      I hope you day was filled with the appreciation of you. You deserve it.

      4 months ago
    3. Avril

      Happy Birthday Robin Anne!!

      4 months ago
    4. Michele

      Happy 64th Robin Ann!

      4 months ago
    5. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      It is crazy Robin Ann, in a few months if my eyes open each morning, I will hit 67. Hope you have a relaxing evening.

      4 months ago
    6. Carol Ann Conner

      Robin Ann, Happy Birthday!

      4 months ago
  4. Avril

    I am a little late posting today. Better late than never. We got a new kitten last night! How do I help the world? This sweet baby next to me was found behind a Starbucks on Tuesday—I’ve taken him to the vet and now we’re testing the waters with our other fur babies. We saved this little life and he’s sharing so much love. It’s a little move—but, it has impact.

    4 months ago
  5. C
    Carissa Thomas

    I show care for the world by trying to listen to everyone’s perspective with an open mind and empathy, and try to mitigate my own biases when listening.

    4 months ago
  6. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    When I was a young man, many years ago,
    I told my mother that I was thinking
    about becoming a vegetarian. Mostly this
    was an existential dilemma about not feeling
    able or willing to do the butchering of
    large animals myself. She, being a
    mid westerner of a certain age, said she
    wasn’t so sure it was a good idea, and then
    she gave me a book to read called “Diet for
    a small planet”. I read this and a few other
    books on the subject, and decided that
    I wouldn’t eat beef or pork. And for the last
    45yrs, I haven’t. Now, this is not something I
    advertise and most people that know me,
    including my siblings, don’t even really know
    about this. But this and a few other things that
    I do, are my way of doing a small part to
    ease the load on the planet. And of course
    there are personal benefits to the things I
    do. It’s not all altruistic sacrifice. In fact at
    this point, it requires no discipline at all. It’s
    just the way I operate.

    4 months ago
    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      Our son became a practicing vegetarian at the age of 17. He is 35 now.

      4 months ago
  7. Chanel Adams
    Chanel Adams

    I show care for the world by:
    Slowing down my thoughts and actions.
    Not trying to waste food or resources.
    Giving to others in need.
    Helpling those in need, in the best way I know how.
    Praying for the world and for peace, which we desperately need.

    4 months ago
  8. Kevin

    I show care for the world in a number of small ways, such as:
    Conserving natural resources like water, soils, and trees however I can.
    My wife and I support financially organizations that work to protect marine life.
    I make an effort not to waste food of any kind.
    I support candidates, locally and nationally, who support reducing our carbon footprint.
    I sometimes pray, just pray, that humankind will take better care of our mutual home.

    4 months ago
  9. Barb C
    Barb C

    My first instinct was to respond in terms of things I do to ease my environmental impact: walk, bike, and take transit for most of my transportation; recycle; buy locally as much as I can; participate in my local Buy Nothing group; donate and vote to support what I believe in.

    Then I thought, “No, the world means everything, including the people.” We are in and of the world and nature, not separate. When I care for myself or my loved ones I’m caring for the world. When I smile at a stranger as I ride past, I’m caring for the world. The caring and energy I put out into the world changes it, every day.

    Big question.

    4 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Barb, I totally get you. The Vietnamese culture deeply values doing things for others. Coming from that culture, I can see why you would list off the things you do. I would have done the exact same thing 5 years ago. There’s most certainly more to care than just doing things for others. It starts and ends with self-care. Active listening is care too.

      4 months ago
  10. Yram

    I show care by showing up.

    4 months ago
  11. Carol Ann Conner

    I guess to answer today’s question, I have to ask myself, What is my concept/definition of “the world?” So, I will just say “Be Kind…Embrace Simplicity…Be Here Now…Respond instead of React.”

    I just finished reading the book “Alfie and Me” by ecologist and author Carl Safina. I have a wish that you all consider reading it. I obtained it from my local public library but plan to buy a copy as I find it so profound, I want it on my bookshelf so I can have its wisdom close at hand. “I leave you with a quote from page 302:

    “Fifty years after Michael Collins went to the moon on Apollo 11, he recalled his impression of Earth with the words, ‘It’s tiny. It’s shiny. It’s beautiful. It’s home and It’s fragile.’ For a long time we looked out from our tiny vantage, convinced that the Universe revolved around us. Perhaps, our only hope of getting it right is to get outside of ourselves and look back at our frail shell in the cosmos with awe and curiosity and to realize how much human fulfillment can result from simply loving living with appreciation and gratitude.” Carl Safina

    4 months ago
    1. Barb C
      Barb C

      Thank you for this recommendation! My library has the book and I’ve tagged it to remind myself to read it.

      4 months ago
      1. Carol Ann Conner

        Barb, I think you will find the book a very timely read.

        4 months ago
        1. Joseph
          Joseph McCann

          Thank you, Carol. I will get a hold of a copy.

          4 months ago
  12. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    As an English learner, I understand how challenging it can be to learn a new language in adulthood. That’s why I’m happy to volunteer as an English tutor for the elderly. I love my job so much! This tutoring experience has taught me to be more patient in observing the progress and outcomes.

    4 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, I’ve had experience volunteering playing piano for people with disabilities and elderly people before years ago. We’re staying true to our background. It comes from the base of helping others despite doing different things.

      4 months ago
  13. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    In my morning meditation, I focus on healing, loving energy from the Universe for individuals and situations. One focus is that our world leaders will realize the power of acting out of love rather than fear. It would be a very different type of revolution.

    I pick up litter everywhere I go. I love to keep our little space in our neighborhood pleasant and peaceful in hope of eliciting those feelings in others. I support our land conservancies and also efforts to make our city more friendly to non-car users. Hold optimism and openness front and center.

    4 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Mary, on the Soothing Pod Meditation App, I remember the exercises linked to what you’re talking about falls under the area of compassion.

      4 months ago
    2. Carol Ann Conner

      Mary, Yes, Yes, Yes…Love instead of Fear…Bridges instead of Bombs…Evolution instead of Revolution.

      4 months ago
  14. Ose

    Listening deeply to my fellow people and caring about their well being has been since young, being careful with the amount of water used and raising the quality of water used by having added a filter to the faucet so that the water used as well as the water entering the cycle again may be of better quality for all; enclosing possible suffering people into prayer and meditation are some of the ways.

    4 months ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      O.Christina, St. Paul is credited with saying, “Pray without ceasing.” Your response to today’s question made me think of that quote.

      4 months ago
  15. Patti

    I do my best to tend to what’s around me. I don’t use chemicals in my yard to keep the plants, bugs and bees and also my dogs safe. I do my best not to be wasteful of products and recycle/reuse everything possible. And I smile at others 🙂

    4 months ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      SunnyPatti, Thich Nhat Hanh says that a smile is the simplest form of meditation. That rings true with me. I’m smiling at your response to this question.

      4 months ago

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