Anticipating Spring time- my favorite season!
Planning and travelling some place new- have my eye on Switzerland in my future
Spending quality time with friends and family
Sailing, hiking, biking or cross county skiing in perfect weather!
So many things add delight! As I’ve mentioned before, I make a list each day in my journal. Reminding myself in the morning that they’re there if I look for them is a sure way to find some.
Delights just this week so far:
– Birds in the tree and on bushes doing their bird thing right outside our windows
– Quiet sense of home stuff moving along while I work: washer and dryer chugging and humming
– Printer putting out an actual page, not the weird tiny symbols and gobbledygook it had been producing for weeks
– Black-capped chickadee, perky on the suet cage
– Finding the credit card and other items that’s been hiding in a backpack for a long time
– Felting to fill a couple of tiny holes in a favorite blue wool jacket, my first attempt at this type of repair and it was successful
– Starting a new journal that features Mary Oliver poems and quotations (“This Wild and Precious Life”–wonderful find at a local gifts & stuff store in our downtown)
– A nearly full moon shining in the early morning darkness
– Morning sun’s rays shooting through tall pins as I biked to work in bracing 31-degree temps
– Riding my bike downhill
– Full moon in the night sky
– Venus shining over the neighborhood
– Making my improv teacher laugh so hard she doubled over
– Going to a social event and talking with bike advocates, which I used to do a lot more often
What delights me?
…which is different from ‘enjoyment’,
and also different from ‘pleasure’ and ‘fun’.
Delight is a special word unto itself…
it’s like finding a cream puff on my breakfast plate,
seeing an ear-full of cedar waxwings
gathered on the boxwoods outside.
It delights me
if I can please a child…
it delights me
to watch my 18 year old cat
play with my bathrobe sash…
it delights me
when I read what you choose to share in this place each day…
it delights me
when I notice a fragile columbine in bloom,
especially after I thought they had all died out..
It delights me
when I can elicit spontaneous laughter
from my solemn husband.
Acts of kindness
delight me . . .
it’s in the little things,
the small miracles we see when we look.
It’s the little things
that are not really little at all,
and to discover this for myself
delights me even more. ♥
The rain, in the summer in Arizona, the first few minutes of stepping out in the sun and letting the sun warming my skin. Laughing, connection. Water: to drink, to look at, to play in. Animals, my dogs. Hiking, nature. The moments and sensations after exercise. Being inside cozy inside during a snowstorm having fun with friends and family. Watching the snow fall.
Having a parking space open up right in front of the store I want to go to.
Unexpected calls for my boys.
Winning at a game.
Seeing the snow accumulating as I gather with my friends here.
Reading a book that engages me.
Having a positive response when someone sees me or hears my voice.
Seeing buds open to a full flower.
Watching the birds in my yard, making impromptu jokes, puns and silliness when talking with my husband (he is the best at bringing out that side of me, but laughter and humor with other friends also adds delight when it comes up), savoring delicious and healthy food, poetry, cool-looking clouds and shadows.
Variety of activities, novelty, connection, being in nature, physical activity and art, add delight to my life.
But the main component for delight holds true no matter what I’m doing.
That is gratefulness.
If I notice the gifts in the simplest of activities, or in no activity at all,
I feel joy and delight.
Talking to long time friends over the phone. Starry nights, a full moon or seeing a sliver of a new moon. The smell of fresh mowed grass, or alfalfa, but that wonderful smell won’t be around for months here in MInnesota. Seeing and hearing giggly children brings joy and delight. Blessing to all this day💫
Carla, my parents and much of the older generation Vietnamese people don’t like the cold and snow. Vietnam is a warm climate. I was born in Vietnam but was raised in Minnesota, so I enjoy winters here.
I am easily delighted. Fresh fruit for my morning cereal, an interesting show on the radio while I’m driving, a sunny and warm day, a relaxed afternoon with friends, and so many little things bring me delight.
Although, it’s not like I’m delighted all the time, but maybe that’s part of what makes it special.
Orienting myself towards gratitude, is key to seeing and experiencing so much joy and delight.
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Anticipating Spring time- my favorite season!
Planning and travelling some place new- have my eye on Switzerland in my future
Spending quality time with friends and family
Sailing, hiking, biking or cross county skiing in perfect weather!
Robin, just a month left until spring.
A ten minute walk around our parish campus, mostly wooded, and the bright birds flying through it.
So many things add delight! As I’ve mentioned before, I make a list each day in my journal. Reminding myself in the morning that they’re there if I look for them is a sure way to find some.
Delights just this week so far:
– Birds in the tree and on bushes doing their bird thing right outside our windows
– Quiet sense of home stuff moving along while I work: washer and dryer chugging and humming
– Printer putting out an actual page, not the weird tiny symbols and gobbledygook it had been producing for weeks
– Black-capped chickadee, perky on the suet cage
– Finding the credit card and other items that’s been hiding in a backpack for a long time
– Felting to fill a couple of tiny holes in a favorite blue wool jacket, my first attempt at this type of repair and it was successful
– Starting a new journal that features Mary Oliver poems and quotations (“This Wild and Precious Life”–wonderful find at a local gifts & stuff store in our downtown)
– A nearly full moon shining in the early morning darkness
– Morning sun’s rays shooting through tall pins as I biked to work in bracing 31-degree temps
– Riding my bike downhill
– Full moon in the night sky
– Venus shining over the neighborhood
– Making my improv teacher laugh so hard she doubled over
– Going to a social event and talking with bike advocates, which I used to do a lot more often
I wrote a blog post about the kinds of delights I seek and find that I’ll share here; too long to repeat as a comment.
Now I’m looking forward to the delightful reading of all your many delights!
Beautiful post,
dear Barb . . .
don’t hide your light under a barrel. ♥
What delights me?
…which is different from ‘enjoyment’,
and also different from ‘pleasure’ and ‘fun’.
Delight is a special word unto itself…
it’s like finding a cream puff on my breakfast plate,
seeing an ear-full of cedar waxwings
gathered on the boxwoods outside.
It delights me
if I can please a child…
it delights me
to watch my 18 year old cat
play with my bathrobe sash…
it delights me
when I read what you choose to share in this place each day…
it delights me
when I notice a fragile columbine in bloom,
especially after I thought they had all died out..
It delights me
when I can elicit spontaneous laughter
from my solemn husband.
Acts of kindness
delight me . . .
it’s in the little things,
the small miracles we see when we look.
It’s the little things
that are not really little at all,
and to discover this for myself
delights me even more. ♥
I love the 18 year old cat
playing with your bathrobe sash.
She is a treasure,
dear Mary. ♥
The rain, in the summer in Arizona, the first few minutes of stepping out in the sun and letting the sun warming my skin. Laughing, connection. Water: to drink, to look at, to play in. Animals, my dogs. Hiking, nature. The moments and sensations after exercise. Being inside cozy inside during a snowstorm having fun with friends and family. Watching the snow fall.
I remember the rain in Arizona too,
dear Suzanne . . .
nowhere else
does it rain like that. ♥
My great grand babies!
My children, dogs, daffodils, the sun on my face, cranking up music and rolling the windows down- sometimes when it is cold with the heat cranked up.
When someone’s smile reaches their eyes.
I love this,
dear Deann . . .
we can tell the difference,
can’t we? 🙂
Having a parking space open up right in front of the store I want to go to.
Unexpected calls for my boys.
Winning at a game.
Seeing the snow accumulating as I gather with my friends here.
Reading a book that engages me.
Having a positive response when someone sees me or hears my voice.
Seeing buds open to a full flower.
when people are happy to discover they can have a cookie I just baked. especially a decorated one.
I will be right over!
😆 you just made me laugh out loud! now, that was delightful!
Me too!
A fresh baked and decorated cookie! Yes!
👏👏👏 Well, Happy Valentines Day to be. I will get my bake on!! thank you, Mary and Yram!
Watching the birds in my yard, making impromptu jokes, puns and silliness when talking with my husband (he is the best at bringing out that side of me, but laughter and humor with other friends also adds delight when it comes up), savoring delicious and healthy food, poetry, cool-looking clouds and shadows.
Variety of activities, novelty, connection, being in nature, physical activity and art, add delight to my life.
But the main component for delight holds true no matter what I’m doing.
That is gratefulness.
If I notice the gifts in the simplest of activities, or in no activity at all,
I feel joy and delight.
Mary, an excellent reminder to begin activities with gratefulness. Thank you.
You are quite welcome, Drea.
Since it’s a really cold day, I have to say: a hot drink (especially with a friend) on a cold day.
I agree!! A hot drink first thing in the morning is so comforting.
If the weather is cold all the better. ☕️☕️
The Lakers about to be strong for the next 10yrs after trading for Luka Doncic adds delight to my life.
Talking to long time friends over the phone. Starry nights, a full moon or seeing a sliver of a new moon. The smell of fresh mowed grass, or alfalfa, but that wonderful smell won’t be around for months here in MInnesota. Seeing and hearing giggly children brings joy and delight. Blessing to all this day💫
The smell of fresh mowed grass, or alfalfa, or meadow hay is truly a seasonal delight Carla😊.
Ah yes they are Joseph! Smells that can’t be bottled 😉
We will be getting many more Alberta Clippers in MN and WI before it gets warmer.
Minnesota! must be cold!❄️
Carla, we have cold today and tomorrow, a few inches of snow on Friday, and more cold after that.
Yes, me too. Being bundled up going outside delights me too 🤓
Carla, my parents and much of the older generation Vietnamese people don’t like the cold and snow. Vietnam is a warm climate. I was born in Vietnam but was raised in Minnesota, so I enjoy winters here.
I am easily delighted. Fresh fruit for my morning cereal, an interesting show on the radio while I’m driving, a sunny and warm day, a relaxed afternoon with friends, and so many little things bring me delight.
Although, it’s not like I’m delighted all the time, but maybe that’s part of what makes it special.
Orienting myself towards gratitude, is key to seeing and experiencing so much joy and delight.
Charlie, I feel happy hearing that you’re easily delighted. I aspire to be easily delighted too. Have a wonderful day.