My singing voice adds delight to my life. I am so happy to know that even though I have nothing in my life; money, job, good score in studying etc… I still have a voice to sing for me and for everyone who wants to listen to my singing.
Noticing my moments of delight and writing them in my journal every day definitely adds delight! Themes that show up often: being outside in nature, moving my body, tasting something wonderful, feeling changes of temperature in the air, seeing birds or wildlife, noticing when the house is very very quiet, moments with people I love.
Today’s delights: a bike ride to the house of a friend who lives nearby, a cup of good tea and conversation, trees that look as if they’ve been partially dipped in pots of bright paint, flavors of a dish of potatoes, mushrooms, and chard topped with chimichurri made with herbs I grew, hot fresh coffee.
I like others here, am saddened by Christine’s heartbreaking post. I intend to find delight in music today in honor of Christine, piano music.
Let music fill the air in honor of our dear beautiful Christine. 🎹🎶❤️
I could make a long list of things
that bring me delight, but I will
spare you all the minutiae.
When I’m tuned to it, I can find
delight wherever I am and with
almost anything. The trick is being
tuned to it. Oriented in that
direction. This gratitude practice
is definitely helping.
I am fully aware of the horrific
situations in so many places, but I
am seeking to balance and bring
awareness to my current situation.
Living in this moment, after all,
is all I have.
My attention in recent days has been focused on coping with pain and attempting to keep myself in the present moment and not project into the future. Delight has not figured into the equation. The poem below is not a poem designed to be uplifting. But,after reading today’s question, I turned to it because it is a poem that reminds me not to measure the quality of my life through this painful lens that I’m currently experiencing.
Brief for the Defense by Jack Gilbert
Sorrow everywhere. Slaughter everywhere. If babies
are not starving someplace, they are starving
somewhere else. With flies in their nostrils.
But we enjoy our lives because that’s what God wants.
Otherwise the mornings before the summer dawn would not
be made so fine. The Bengal tiger would not
be fashioned so miraculously well. The poor women
at the fountain are laughing together between
the suffering they have known and the awfulness
in their future, smiling and laughing while somebody
in the village is very sick. There is laughter
every day in the terrible streets of Calcutta,
and the women laugh in the cages of Bombay.
If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction,
we lessen the importance of their deprivation.
We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure,
but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have
the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless
furnace of this world. To make injustice the only
measure of our attention is to praise the Devil.
If the locomotive of the Lord runs us down,
we should give thanks that the end had magnitude.
We must admit there will be music in spite of everything.
We stand at the prow again of a small ship
anchored late at night in the tiny port
looking over to the sleeping island: the waterfront
is three shuttered cafes and one naked light burning.
To hear the faint sound of oars in the silence as a rowboat
comes slowly out and then goes back is truly worth
all the years of sorrow that are to come.
I share my reaction to the poem in relationship to today’s question of What adds delight to my life.
Gilbert reminds me that “I/we can do without pleasure but not delight.” He’s preaching an attitude of gratitude. He’s reminding us that without darkness, how could we measure or see the light?
I quoted a line from a Leonard Cohen poem yesterday: “…there’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” In contrast, Gilbert is reminding me that I need to let this little light of mine shine even when it’s experiencing life through a painful lens. He ends the poem with the image of “one naked light burning.”
I had a dear friend who suffered both physical and mental anguish his whole life but his mantra to his dying day was always “Don’t let anything rob you of your joy.”
Gilbert puts it this way: “We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure, but not delight.”
Thank you for sharing Gilbert’s words. Life is immense, both joyful and painful, often mixed up together. I hope you can find some relief for your pain.
Today I am saddened beyond words of Christine’s news and her farewell to us. I can only think of her and her journey. May God Bless her and protect her on her last journey.
October – my favorite month, autumn my favorite season, Halloween my fav Holiday.
this time of years ALWAYS adds delight to my life. oh yeah, the food too – chili, Sauerbraten, pumpkin everything
music – I enjoy listening to Loreena McKennitt this time of yr; watching scary movies all month {although I’m the type will watch all year, lol}
I’m really looking forward to my Philly trip next weekend – going on a fun haunted hayride in the woods, seeing family, looking forward to change in weather from FL
Have a good relaxing weekend everyone.
My granddaughters who are coming to visit tomorrow and will leave me utterly exhausted!
My garden with all the trees, shrubs, flowers and birds that I can look out on every day.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
My new little Corgi puppy Charlie. She is mystified, intrigued and joyful at the discovery of a pine cone in the backyard.
Finding a short new hike near my home today, enjoying new scenery and fresh air while getting some exercise.
I am only thinking of Christine.
On the back of Christine’s news, it is the awareness of life itself in this moment.
My singing voice adds delight to my life. I am so happy to know that even though I have nothing in my life; money, job, good score in studying etc… I still have a voice to sing for me and for everyone who wants to listen to my singing.
Yes, making music is magical. I, too, love to sing and will do so at every and any opportunity.
Noticing my moments of delight and writing them in my journal every day definitely adds delight! Themes that show up often: being outside in nature, moving my body, tasting something wonderful, feeling changes of temperature in the air, seeing birds or wildlife, noticing when the house is very very quiet, moments with people I love.
Today’s delights: a bike ride to the house of a friend who lives nearby, a cup of good tea and conversation, trees that look as if they’ve been partially dipped in pots of bright paint, flavors of a dish of potatoes, mushrooms, and chard topped with chimichurri made with herbs I grew, hot fresh coffee.
I like others here, am saddened by Christine’s heartbreaking post. I intend to find delight in music today in honor of Christine, piano music.
Let music fill the air in honor of our dear beautiful Christine. 🎹🎶❤️
that is so beautiful PKR.
I could make a long list of things
that bring me delight, but I will
spare you all the minutiae.
When I’m tuned to it, I can find
delight wherever I am and with
almost anything. The trick is being
tuned to it. Oriented in that
direction. This gratitude practice
is definitely helping.
I am fully aware of the horrific
situations in so many places, but I
am seeking to balance and bring
awareness to my current situation.
Living in this moment, after all,
is all I have.
My attention in recent days has been focused on coping with pain and attempting to keep myself in the present moment and not project into the future. Delight has not figured into the equation. The poem below is not a poem designed to be uplifting. But,after reading today’s question, I turned to it because it is a poem that reminds me not to measure the quality of my life through this painful lens that I’m currently experiencing.
Brief for the Defense by Jack Gilbert
Sorrow everywhere. Slaughter everywhere. If babies
are not starving someplace, they are starving
somewhere else. With flies in their nostrils.
But we enjoy our lives because that’s what God wants.
Otherwise the mornings before the summer dawn would not
be made so fine. The Bengal tiger would not
be fashioned so miraculously well. The poor women
at the fountain are laughing together between
the suffering they have known and the awfulness
in their future, smiling and laughing while somebody
in the village is very sick. There is laughter
every day in the terrible streets of Calcutta,
and the women laugh in the cages of Bombay.
If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction,
we lessen the importance of their deprivation.
We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure,
but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have
the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless
furnace of this world. To make injustice the only
measure of our attention is to praise the Devil.
If the locomotive of the Lord runs us down,
we should give thanks that the end had magnitude.
We must admit there will be music in spite of everything.
We stand at the prow again of a small ship
anchored late at night in the tiny port
looking over to the sleeping island: the waterfront
is three shuttered cafes and one naked light burning.
To hear the faint sound of oars in the silence as a rowboat
comes slowly out and then goes back is truly worth
all the years of sorrow that are to come.
I share my reaction to the poem in relationship to today’s question of What adds delight to my life.
Gilbert reminds me that “I/we can do without pleasure but not delight.” He’s preaching an attitude of gratitude. He’s reminding us that without darkness, how could we measure or see the light?
I quoted a line from a Leonard Cohen poem yesterday: “…there’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” In contrast, Gilbert is reminding me that I need to let this little light of mine shine even when it’s experiencing life through a painful lens. He ends the poem with the image of “one naked light burning.”
I had a dear friend who suffered both physical and mental anguish his whole life but his mantra to his dying day was always “Don’t let anything rob you of your joy.”
Gilbert puts it this way: “We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure, but not delight.”
Thank you for sharing this powerful poetry.
Thank you for sharing Gilbert’s words. Life is immense, both joyful and painful, often mixed up together. I hope you can find some relief for your pain.
Laura, I appreciate your words.
Thank you once again, Carol. 🙏
Our cosmic radio dials are tuned
to a similar frequency. Sending you
some warmth and hoping you find
Thank you
Thank you Carol for such a powerful poem. Lots to process in the magical words written by you. I thank you!
You are most welcome.
Today I am saddened beyond words of Christine’s news and her farewell to us. I can only think of her and her journey. May God Bless her and protect her on her last journey.
My kids!
October – my favorite month, autumn my favorite season, Halloween my fav Holiday.
this time of years ALWAYS adds delight to my life. oh yeah, the food too – chili, Sauerbraten, pumpkin everything
music – I enjoy listening to Loreena McKennitt this time of yr; watching scary movies all month {although I’m the type will watch all year, lol}
I’m really looking forward to my Philly trip next weekend – going on a fun haunted hayride in the woods, seeing family, looking forward to change in weather from FL
Have a good relaxing weekend everyone.
Thank you Michele for the reminder to have fun!!
My granddaughters who are coming to visit tomorrow and will leave me utterly exhausted!
My garden with all the trees, shrubs, flowers and birds that I can look out on every day.
My lovely wife Cheryl and the love we have for each other.