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  1. C
    Clarence Hinton
    2 months ago

    If I were in better health, I would have more mobility and the ability to assist others with activities and necessities that place a greater emphasis on physical activity.

  2. TofuLove75790
    5 months ago

    My gifts. That’s a weird question to me because I’m not always sure I know what gifts I have in relation to others beyond like earning good money then helping pay for things. Like relationally, I try to offer positivity but I am not always sure everyone appreciates that and some people can even feel hostile towards those they view as coming across as too positive, like they aren’t being understanding enough or even they might feel you are not taking their suffering seriously enough. So like it’s hard for me to answer this other than earn good money and give to charities?

  3. Carol Ann Conner
    5 months ago

    Better health would afford me more mobility and the ability to aid other in more physically oriented pursuits and necessities.

  4. M
    5 months ago

    I fee like I lack so much confidence, and that hinders me from sharing my gifts with the world. I always get struck by the thoughts “what if no one care?” “what id im not enough?” “im not special at all.” I think getting over my self doubts would help me be more open to sharing what I have with those around me.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      5 months ago

      Whatever you have to offer is uniquely yours, not something anyone else has.

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 months ago

    Interesting question. I guess just being out
    in the world more and being in contact
    with people in a more substantive way,
    would help me express whatever “gifts”
    I may have. I’ll have to ponder what my
    gifts actually are.

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    5 months ago

    Most days I feel as if I express myself quite a bit and I need to consciously make space for others to express their gifts. I’ve been working at that for a long time after years of trying to make sure people knew about my particular gifts. I’ve outgrown the insecurity and need to perform and am comfortable employing my gifts when and where they add value, and when I can support others in their growth and flowering.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      5 months ago

      Barb, that shift from being the “safe on the stage” to “the guide on the side” is no small feat. Congratulations .

      1. Yram
        5 months ago

        I like the poetry of that statement, Mary.

  7. Yram
    5 months ago

    First, would be, to recognize my gifts. I often tend to think I have nothing to offer.
    I will share my homemade food with others.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      5 months ago

      To share food is an age old and important gift dear Yram.

  8. Jenifer
    5 months ago

    Allowing myself to open up to other people. Allowing myself to be seen and heard. Allowing myself to simply just be myself. I have always been a very guarded person and I can be quick to judge others. I hold myself at arms length from others because I don’t want to get hurt, I close myself off and this leaves me feeling alone. My best friend asked me once “why don’t you let others in?” This was 3 years ago. I still think about that moment. I’ve been told I’m a very loving person but I am so harsh on myself that I don’t believe it. I think too forgiving myself would also help me express my true self more.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      Jennifer, I use to isolate myself as well but out of fear of incompatibilities. Paw Mu is the big sister Burmese friend I’ve talked about before on multiple occasions with shorter hair and a stronger voice a couple years older than me I met at the Minnesota State Academy for the Blind School known to be a strong caring traditional woman who speaks the truth as it is on the spot. Her style brought discomfort. Many inner struggles and even conflicts with Ngoc in our earlier days of our marriage later made me realize that Paw Mu was right on whatever she said. Her sarcasm certainly didn’t help, but my pride also damaged the relationship too. Now that my life is much more under control and have a clearer direction, feeling more confident and safer in multiple social settings is steadily bringing down walls I built to protect myself. Clearer motivations reduce discomfort. Treating my autism and bipolar mania is mine for becoming more socialable.

  9. Laura
    5 months ago

    To just be myself.

  10. Michele
    5 months ago

    I don’t feel a need to express my gifts more fully in the world. I’m content with practicing gratefulness and positivity each day.
    I do mention this website when I can to family/friends/co-workers.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
    It’s Nat’l German Language Day to our German participates 🙂
    It’s also Nat’l Eat A Hoagie Day – boy I miss Philly’s Lee’s Cheltenham hoagies – I get one EVERYTIME I visit PA.

  11. L
    Loc Tran
    5 months ago

    Autonomy and clear motivations help me express my gifts more fully in the world. I intend on using piano for fun but have a lot to offer. My part-time piano jobs meet my desires.

  12. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    5 months ago

    I think of receiving a hamburger as if I never wanted it. Remember that many out there are hungry and would want it. Whatever undesired occurrences come to me might be someone else’s wishes. That’s how I express my gifts more fully in the world.

    1. L
      5 months ago

      Thank you for this perspective, I’ll carry that with me today. 🙏

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      5 months ago

      My Ngoc, I remember a conversation we had a week or so ago that care starts and ends with the heart. We have a tendency to expect others to understand us too much. We’re the only ones who understand each other the best. Getting something not to our liking is better than nothing.

  13. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    5 months ago

    This very question will help me express my gifts more fully in the world today. I would not have considered doing so otherwise.

  14. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    5 months ago

    The gifts I have to offer the world or the gifts I have received from the world. “Can you answer? Yes I can. But what be the answer to the answer man?” (Hunter, Lesh. Garcia) Living with awareness and acceptance are a good place to begin. Sharing what I can and accepting what I receive. A line in today’s word of the day offers a lesson in hope and humility……”don’t expect it to be easy or even noticed.”.

    1. Michele
      5 months ago

      That line stood out to me too Joseph, thanks:)

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