Hope to supporting a dear vriend when already soon starting a new exciting but also may be a bit challenging job through sharing as well as possibly support her new beginning in various ways if reqired 🌸
If by hope, you mean looking forward with optimism. I struggle with this daily. I do what I have to do, to keep the balls in the air. I get up and go to work, take care of my house and tools and things, give love to my wife, friends, and my sister, and I plan for things in the near future. All of these things represent my trust in the future. I have been working on my little yard and plan on growing some veggies and other things this year. Nothing like planting something to represent hope. 😁
This quote from Audrey Hepburn
came to mind
when I read your post,
dear Charlie . . .
it has helped me
through some very challenging times.
I hope it speaks to you. . .
I hope I am soon active, and fit, and cheerful again. It is important to have our hopes!!! When I first read the question this morning, I did not have an immediate answer come to mind; but spending time with all of the reflections from the community here has helped me….. and now I feel more hopeful!!!! Remember the old, “Thanks! I needed that!” quip? I can send it out to you all here! Thanks. I needed that.🙏❤️
onward, Grateful.
I went through a year and a half of feeling hopeless,
dear Carol Ann,
until it was finally discovered that I had a bad hip.
After it was replaced,
it took a lot of PT,
effort and hope
to get back on my feet,
mostly because of being inactive for that 1 1/2 years.
So hope away . . .
it does get better.
I’m on my feet again
and planning on working in my garden this year . . .
you can do it too. ♥
I have learned from grateful.org programs that since the future is unknown,
the possibilities are endless. This gives me hope.
What seeds of hope am I planting?
I am doing things that should help me see possibilities as they arise.
First, I follow my curiosity. That comes naturally to me.
Other things that come less naturally, but I am working on,
are organizing my environment,
organizing my time,😬
and getting to bed earlier, so that I can start my days earlier.
Lack of organization, and fewer active daytime hours
make it harder to see and act on possibilities.
My curiosity offsets these negatives somewhat,
by acting as a launching pad into possibilities.
Does this make sense??
To my mind it does.
I am actively working to clear away my obstacles.
Thank you, Mary– I find your response very insightful and helpful. Such a great reminder that hope can be connected to the endless possibilities of an unknown future. I love the idea of building skills to see and act on possibilities as they arise. How paradoxical, that by being more organized, I might actually be enabled to be more spontaneous. Often for me a first step in moving forward out of confused overwhelm is to tidy up and organize the dining room table, which can get piled high with papers.
It makes sense to me, Mary. “actively working to clear away our obstacles” is a lovely description of this “organizing” of space and time we feel we need. Then the possibilities will have space and time for manifesting; and hopefully I won’t feel distracted and preoccupied and miss them. I do want the organizing of space and time to lead to openness in my energy, as well. Makes sense to me!
I am planting seeds of hope for my daughter & her husband’s desire to expand their family. I pray for them. I have requested a number of prayer groups pray for them too.
I have planted seeds of hope for myself as I navigate this new life, in a new place without my friends & family, whom I leaned upon for so many years. They have all passed.✨
❤️ & 🕊️
I continue planting seeds of hope for my daughter’s sobriety. Her year long support group will end at the end of April but I am hopeful a new outpatient program will be set up as a replacement. A care coordinator at her current program is supposed to assist with that. Praying all goes well since she will also need help with continuation of certain medications.
I am planting and tending the seeds of hope that I can regain my confidence after a shattering event, and come out of the wreckage stronger, wiser, and more loving.
now this is a worthy goal and an impressive image. Even getting to the point of having this resolve seems like healing and recovery in progress to me. wishing you continued progress and the eventual circumstance of looking back and seeing that you have the outcome you desire!🙏
Dear Drea,
I am so very sorry!
You have been so kind and insightful in this group.
I know you are wise and I am confident that you will find your way through.
You have the support of this group dear Drea.
I am here for you.
Please don’t hesitate to share anything you would like to share about your situation in this forum.
But only as you feel comfortable doing so.
Sending my love and care to you, Drea.
Through my spiritual practice, I am tending the hope of radiating a loving presence into the world. I continue to learn about and share about nonviolence to tend the seeds of hope of a world where people have tapped into their inner power and have learned a “third way” to resolve conflict that is neither fight nor flight. I am leading the stewardship campaign at my church this year, so I am tending the hope of a continued strong faith community that supports one another and the community and works for social justice in our community and world.
Like the quote of the day says – what a miracle it is to get to live another day ! I’m planing seeds of letting go of old minds and see each day as exactly that – a new day! It’s so easy to drag those negative minds around like a bag of burdens and take them out like cows chewing on their cud !
I pray and bow down to this very present beautiful spring day and I’m grateful. Thank you universe for blessing me so deeply . I love you 🥰
Blessings all of you ! 🌱💓🙏
Three weeks ago while back country skiing, I took a significant fall. While I was so grateful to be able to ski out, back to our car, a visit to my ortho doc and an MRI revealed a sprained MCL and bone bruise. Again, more relief and gratitude nothing was broken.🙏. So, in addition to PT twice a week, I am tending to my healing body with daily PT work at home, and self-treating with Reiki. I am tending to what is, listening to my body, and loving it up in a big way, nurturing it as I and it goes
I am planting seeds for me to share yoga, and some are starting to grow which is exciting. I’m waiting for feedback on a class submission for my YTT200 and in the meanwhile I’ve been taking a Yoga Nidra certification course which I am really enjoying. What a great practice. I’m so grateful for all I’ve learned and continue to learn each day. I’ve also been planting seeds of friendship and community and was really excited when another student I met at the yoga studio asked me the other day to get together for coffee. We’ve been in a few classes together, and I look forward to growing a friendship with her.
growing friendships is certainly planting seeds of hope! I am happy for you and can choose to follow this as well. thank you for such a good reminder stated.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
Hope to supporting a dear vriend when already soon starting a new exciting but also may be a bit challenging job through sharing as well as possibly support her new beginning in various ways if reqired 🌸
Firmly on the discernment path. Take a step – pause – pray for wisdom and direction – another step – rinse, repeat.
If by hope, you mean looking forward with optimism. I struggle with this daily. I do what I have to do, to keep the balls in the air. I get up and go to work, take care of my house and tools and things, give love to my wife, friends, and my sister, and I plan for things in the near future. All of these things represent my trust in the future. I have been working on my little yard and plan on growing some veggies and other things this year. Nothing like planting something to represent hope. 😁
As a fellow gardener, Hope Springs Eternal or maybe it should be Hope Springs Now!
This quote from Audrey Hepburn
came to mind
when I read your post,
dear Charlie . . .
it has helped me
through some very challenging times.
I hope it speaks to you. . .
“To plant a garden
is to believe in tomorrow.”
I hope I am soon active, and fit, and cheerful again. It is important to have our hopes!!! When I first read the question this morning, I did not have an immediate answer come to mind; but spending time with all of the reflections from the community here has helped me….. and now I feel more hopeful!!!! Remember the old, “Thanks! I needed that!” quip? I can send it out to you all here! Thanks. I needed that.🙏❤️
onward, Grateful.
I went through a year and a half of feeling hopeless,
dear Carol Ann,
until it was finally discovered that I had a bad hip.
After it was replaced,
it took a lot of PT,
effort and hope
to get back on my feet,
mostly because of being inactive for that 1 1/2 years.
So hope away . . .
it does get better.
I’m on my feet again
and planning on working in my garden this year . . .
you can do it too. ♥
I have learned from grateful.org programs that since the future is unknown,
the possibilities are endless. This gives me hope.
What seeds of hope am I planting?
I am doing things that should help me see possibilities as they arise.
First, I follow my curiosity. That comes naturally to me.
Other things that come less naturally, but I am working on,
are organizing my environment,
organizing my time,😬
and getting to bed earlier, so that I can start my days earlier.
Lack of organization, and fewer active daytime hours
make it harder to see and act on possibilities.
My curiosity offsets these negatives somewhat,
by acting as a launching pad into possibilities.
Does this make sense??
To my mind it does.
I am actively working to clear away my obstacles.
Thank you, Mary– I find your response very insightful and helpful. Such a great reminder that hope can be connected to the endless possibilities of an unknown future. I love the idea of building skills to see and act on possibilities as they arise. How paradoxical, that by being more organized, I might actually be enabled to be more spontaneous. Often for me a first step in moving forward out of confused overwhelm is to tidy up and organize the dining room table, which can get piled high with papers.
Thank you Elizabeth. ♥️
It makes sense to me too,
dear Mary . . .
I spend a lot of my day
‘working to clear away my obstacles.’ ♥
I think that noticing
and then dealing with obstacles
is just part of living life.
Thank you Sparrow.
It makes sense to me, Mary. “actively working to clear away our obstacles” is a lovely description of this “organizing” of space and time we feel we need. Then the possibilities will have space and time for manifesting; and hopefully I won’t feel distracted and preoccupied and miss them. I do want the organizing of space and time to lead to openness in my energy, as well. Makes sense to me!
Thank you Carol Ann♥️
I am planting seeds of hope for my daughter & her husband’s desire to expand their family. I pray for them. I have requested a number of prayer groups pray for them too.
I have planted seeds of hope for myself as I navigate this new life, in a new place without my friends & family, whom I leaned upon for so many years. They have all passed.✨
❤️ & 🕊️
Wishing you much love, PKR, as you continue to navigate this new life.♥️✨
May you be comforted dear PKR.
I continue planting seeds of hope for my daughter’s sobriety. Her year long support group will end at the end of April but I am hopeful a new outpatient program will be set up as a replacement. A care coordinator at her current program is supposed to assist with that. Praying all goes well since she will also need help with continuation of certain medications.
Please pass on my support, thoughts, and congats for your daughter Robin Ann.
Sending my love and prayers
to you and your daughter, Robin Ann.
I am planting and tending the seeds of hope that I can regain my confidence after a shattering event, and come out of the wreckage stronger, wiser, and more loving.
now this is a worthy goal and an impressive image. Even getting to the point of having this resolve seems like healing and recovery in progress to me. wishing you continued progress and the eventual circumstance of looking back and seeing that you have the outcome you desire!🙏
Dear Drea,
I am so very sorry!
You have been so kind and insightful in this group.
I know you are wise and I am confident that you will find your way through.
You have the support of this group dear Drea.
I am here for you.
Please don’t hesitate to share anything you would like to share about your situation in this forum.
But only as you feel comfortable doing so.
Sending my love and care to you, Drea.
A trip to meet and cuddle my great-grandchildren (Sophie 7 months) and (William 3 months) in the Spring.
Special dear Carol.
Through my spiritual practice, I am tending the hope of radiating a loving presence into the world. I continue to learn about and share about nonviolence to tend the seeds of hope of a world where people have tapped into their inner power and have learned a “third way” to resolve conflict that is neither fight nor flight. I am leading the stewardship campaign at my church this year, so I am tending the hope of a continued strong faith community that supports one another and the community and works for social justice in our community and world.
Peace and Love.
Like the quote of the day says – what a miracle it is to get to live another day ! I’m planing seeds of letting go of old minds and see each day as exactly that – a new day! It’s so easy to drag those negative minds around like a bag of burdens and take them out like cows chewing on their cud !
I pray and bow down to this very present beautiful spring day and I’m grateful. Thank you universe for blessing me so deeply . I love you 🥰
Blessings all of you ! 🌱💓🙏
It was a beautiful day here too Antoinette, and most of the cows I saw today were chewing their cuds with their babies by their sides.
I hope I am planting a few seeds with uplifting messages and spontaneous greetings!
You do,
dear Yram . . .
you do. ♥
Three weeks ago while back country skiing, I took a significant fall. While I was so grateful to be able to ski out, back to our car, a visit to my ortho doc and an MRI revealed a sprained MCL and bone bruise. Again, more relief and gratitude nothing was broken.🙏. So, in addition to PT twice a week, I am tending to my healing body with daily PT work at home, and self-treating with Reiki. I am tending to what is, listening to my body, and loving it up in a big way, nurturing it as I and it goes
Wipe outs trend more debilitating as I age dear Mary.
Oh no! Wishing you a speedy recovery Mary!
Mary, wishing you steady healing, and a comfortable return to outdoor fun.
You inspire me to be more dedicated to daily PT exercises I have been given.
Yikes..enough already. It sounds like you are doing great self care. Your awesome body will heal.
Loving Kindness to all.
I am planting seeds for me to share yoga, and some are starting to grow which is exciting. I’m waiting for feedback on a class submission for my YTT200 and in the meanwhile I’ve been taking a Yoga Nidra certification course which I am really enjoying. What a great practice. I’m so grateful for all I’ve learned and continue to learn each day. I’ve also been planting seeds of friendship and community and was really excited when another student I met at the yoga studio asked me the other day to get together for coffee. We’ve been in a few classes together, and I look forward to growing a friendship with her.
growing friendships is certainly planting seeds of hope! I am happy for you and can choose to follow this as well. thank you for such a good reminder stated.