My son is struggling with different stressors (selling our house, new boss and GF ) and we just had a long conversation. He recently went on antidepressant which I am grateful he did. As we talked I mentioned (remembrances) some of my life struggles and family members. Sometimes if helps to know that the world may crumble around us but there is light at the end of the tunnel and we should all seek it. He is managing so well and I am hopeful life will get easier again for him. It is so very important to me that both my children are happy and healthy : )
Memories of raising my children…most likely prompted by the heart attack my son JJ suffered on Monday. Thankfully, he made it to the ER in time for them to save his life and he is responding well to treatment. His sister, my daughter Shannon, has been calling daily to check on him. She and I have been reminiscing about their childhood. Love is flowing like a river! I’m so grateful to be the mother of JJ and Shannon and to still be around to share memories with them.
Oh no Carol, I may have missed a posting about JJ! I am so sorry this happened to JJ and hope all will be well
with his recovery. How scary for you. Take care!
Robin Ann, Thanks…I admit I was really shaky when I got the call but I was blessed to have a friend who would drive me into Kansas City to the hospital. I don’t know my way around the big city and had never heard of the hospital he was in. He went from his job to the closest ER.
Thank goodness for your dear friend helping out. Wow, how old is your son if you don’t mind me asking. Thank goodness he was with folks at work that helped him get to the ER fast.
My son is all I have left . . .
all the people who knew me as a child
are gone.
That child is gone as well. . .
No longer
is she drawing pictures on the white siding of her home in Silver Spring
(to be punished later) . . .
no longer sitting
while her mother rolls and ties her hair in rags,
so it will be curly for Sunday church.
No longer loving strawberries
and eating them like a small, feral animal would,
juice running off her chin . . .
it made her father laugh and call her his strawberry girl.
That girl is gone.
She who wore a silver donkey pin on her overalls,
a nod to her stubborn streak . . .
the one who loved the tall Pakistani man who came to visit,
in his white kurta pajamas and turban,
and rode beaming on his big shoulders
for as long as he would carry her,
his name rolling sweetly off her tongue-
Lal Moti Lal–
Pearl Ruby Pearl.
All that’s left
are shadows . . .
I surrender myself to these memories today.
The season of autumn brings so many memories for me. Not so much now, but the smell of burning leaves, making leaf piles and jumping into them, driving to the countryside to see the colors, and then all the fall foods.
Thank you for the memories!
I will try to remember to be present.
I will also try to remember to have gratitude for what I have and the fact that I am still here.
And I will try to keep with me the memories of friends and family that have passed, but still live with me in my habits, sayings, knowledge, and attitude.
And before I forget, I would like to remember to thank all of you that share your wisdom here on this site. 🙏
How interesting that this should be today’s question as I woke this morning remembering today, October 17, is the anniversary of the big Loma Prieta earthquake that rocked the SF Bay Area in 1989. It was big, 7.1 on the Richter scale.
I thought I was going to die as the building I was in shook, rattled, rolled & the wall of windows were moving back & forth. It sounded like a freight train rolling, roaring thru the building. Very very scary & sobering.
Lots of damage & deaths all over the SF area.
I have vivid memories & the key people I experienced this event with are all gone, my husband & brother, as well as a few friends. I am sad that they are no longer with me. Miss them.
It was quite an experience, one that I will always remember. Mother Earth is very powerful, I felt her move under my feet.
Happy full 🌕.
So many things are calling out to be remembered in my mind. Last night I was up half the night and just going over and over things that I could and cannot change. It takes a lot out of my soul. I will remember to care for me…not easy as that is not how I roll. I was a nurse and other people always take priority over myself. I will also remember those who come to mind first…My mom who died 58 years ago (I was 14) and my dear sweet twin nieces who call and check on me all the time…I am also remembering all of you who share on this site. Thank you.
Self compassion. I’ve been really down these last few days. The stress of hurricane prep, the actual hurricane and the week after with no electricity or internet took a lot out of me.
You are in good company,
dear Lauryn . . .
going through what you have been through
is a terrible shock.
Feel the pain of it
and trust that it will get better
with love…♥
My mom died in 1992, when I was 19 years old. Our 19 year old niece and her 1 year old daughter are currently visiting. I don’t have kids of my own, but I am feeling called out to remember and feel gratitude for mothering, and my mom in particular.
It’s interesting because before I logged on, I kept repeating my name over and over in my head. Jenifer, Jen, Jeni, Yeni. This is who I am, and I can’t seem myself as anything but Jenifer. But to be honest, I haven’t taken care of myself lately. It’s been a struggle to do so and I feel like I’ve forgotten myself. Maybe, I was repeating my name in my head because I am calling out for myself, to come back home to myself. For today, I will remember myself.
I know about not taking care of myself too, Jenifer.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the needs of loved ones.
Sometimes I just don’t want to do anything.
I will take care of myself after responding to you
by going to bed as it is getting late.
I love that you said by calling out to yourself,
you were calling yourself to come back to yourself.
That sounds right.
Best wishes to you, Jenifer!
That I wanted a big change in life. That I asked for a big change in life. It is being given to me and has been for a few months now. While it didn’t work out for us in WNC (at this time), I truly believe we’re being directed into an area where we can truly thrive. I went to my cousin’s yoga class yesterday evening and when I left, I turned the immediate curve and the big gorgeous full moon was sitting there smiling at me from over a mountain. And everything just felt right. May I go into this day remembering that… we’re moving this weekend!
I’m currently in a good place. Some of Barb C’s answers to these types of questions is calling out my rememberence for today. Dwelling and fishing for problems go together, and looking for a specific can easily lead to that. This question reminds me to appreciate everything in the moment. As Ngoc says, instead of dwelling, we can channel that energy into creating new memories instead.
I’m nostalgic for my 20s in Vietnam. Nine years ago today, I started staying in national training school, preparing for a competition. It was my first time leaving my parents’ embrace as I lived at the school for 3 months. I learned a lot: maintaining peace during conflicts, time management, and experiencing a beautiful, innocent love. These memories remind me that I shouldn’t dwell in the past, but instead create new memories for this day next year.
My Ngoc, those were some good times. It’s very easy to dwell in the past, especially for us introverts. We’re likelier to get caught in overthinking. Creating new memories makes me think of us. We’ll definitely create one for sure on Saturday for when we go out to eat at a Japenese Ramen Noodle restaurant for sure.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
My son is struggling with different stressors (selling our house, new boss and GF ) and we just had a long conversation. He recently went on antidepressant which I am grateful he did. As we talked I mentioned (remembrances) some of my life struggles and family members. Sometimes if helps to know that the world may crumble around us but there is light at the end of the tunnel and we should all seek it. He is managing so well and I am hopeful life will get easier again for him. It is so very important to me that both my children are happy and healthy : )
Memories of raising my children…most likely prompted by the heart attack my son JJ suffered on Monday. Thankfully, he made it to the ER in time for them to save his life and he is responding well to treatment. His sister, my daughter Shannon, has been calling daily to check on him. She and I have been reminiscing about their childhood. Love is flowing like a river! I’m so grateful to be the mother of JJ and Shannon and to still be around to share memories with them.
I’m so glad JJ is okay. May his recovery continue going well.
Carol, blessings on you and yours.
Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery to your son, JJ.
Healing thoughts for your son JJ, dear Carol.
Oh no Carol, I may have missed a posting about JJ! I am so sorry this happened to JJ and hope all will be well
with his recovery. How scary for you. Take care!
Robin Ann, Thanks…I admit I was really shaky when I got the call but I was blessed to have a friend who would drive me into Kansas City to the hospital. I don’t know my way around the big city and had never heard of the hospital he was in. He went from his job to the closest ER.
Thank goodness for your dear friend helping out. Wow, how old is your son if you don’t mind me asking. Thank goodness he was with folks at work that helped him get to the ER fast.
JJ is 62.
My son is all I have left . . .
all the people who knew me as a child
are gone.
That child is gone as well. . .
No longer
is she drawing pictures on the white siding of her home in Silver Spring
(to be punished later) . . .
no longer sitting
while her mother rolls and ties her hair in rags,
so it will be curly for Sunday church.
No longer loving strawberries
and eating them like a small, feral animal would,
juice running off her chin . . .
it made her father laugh and call her his strawberry girl.
That girl is gone.
She who wore a silver donkey pin on her overalls,
a nod to her stubborn streak . . .
the one who loved the tall Pakistani man who came to visit,
in his white kurta pajamas and turban,
and rode beaming on his big shoulders
for as long as he would carry her,
his name rolling sweetly off her tongue-
Lal Moti Lal–
Pearl Ruby Pearl.
All that’s left
are shadows . . .
I surrender myself to these memories today.
So beautiful, Sparrow…My Mom use to roll my hair with rags, too!
A silent embrace, if I may, dear sparrow, being with you at your side with all my heart.
Thank you,
dear Ose . . .
your kind words
mean so much to me. ♥
The season of autumn brings so many memories for me. Not so much now, but the smell of burning leaves, making leaf piles and jumping into them, driving to the countryside to see the colors, and then all the fall foods.
Thank you for the memories!
I will try to remember to be present.
I will also try to remember to have gratitude for what I have and the fact that I am still here.
And I will try to keep with me the memories of friends and family that have passed, but still live with me in my habits, sayings, knowledge, and attitude.
And before I forget, I would like to remember to thank all of you that share your wisdom here on this site. 🙏
How interesting that this should be today’s question as I woke this morning remembering today, October 17, is the anniversary of the big Loma Prieta earthquake that rocked the SF Bay Area in 1989. It was big, 7.1 on the Richter scale.
I thought I was going to die as the building I was in shook, rattled, rolled & the wall of windows were moving back & forth. It sounded like a freight train rolling, roaring thru the building. Very very scary & sobering.
Lots of damage & deaths all over the SF area.
I have vivid memories & the key people I experienced this event with are all gone, my husband & brother, as well as a few friends. I am sad that they are no longer with me. Miss them.
It was quite an experience, one that I will always remember. Mother Earth is very powerful, I felt her move under my feet.
Happy full 🌕.
So many things are calling out to be remembered in my mind. Last night I was up half the night and just going over and over things that I could and cannot change. It takes a lot out of my soul. I will remember to care for me…not easy as that is not how I roll. I was a nurse and other people always take priority over myself. I will also remember those who come to mind first…My mom who died 58 years ago (I was 14) and my dear sweet twin nieces who call and check on me all the time…I am also remembering all of you who share on this site. Thank you.
Self compassion. I’ve been really down these last few days. The stress of hurricane prep, the actual hurricane and the week after with no electricity or internet took a lot out of me.
100% relate, with you Lauryn.
You are in good company,
dear Lauryn . . .
going through what you have been through
is a terrible shock.
Feel the pain of it
and trust that it will get better
with love…♥
My mom died in 1992, when I was 19 years old. Our 19 year old niece and her 1 year old daughter are currently visiting. I don’t have kids of my own, but I am feeling called out to remember and feel gratitude for mothering, and my mom in particular.
It’s interesting because before I logged on, I kept repeating my name over and over in my head. Jenifer, Jen, Jeni, Yeni. This is who I am, and I can’t seem myself as anything but Jenifer. But to be honest, I haven’t taken care of myself lately. It’s been a struggle to do so and I feel like I’ve forgotten myself. Maybe, I was repeating my name in my head because I am calling out for myself, to come back home to myself. For today, I will remember myself.
I know about not taking care of myself too, Jenifer.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the needs of loved ones.
Sometimes I just don’t want to do anything.
I will take care of myself after responding to you
by going to bed as it is getting late.
I love that you said by calling out to yourself,
you were calling yourself to come back to yourself.
That sounds right.
Best wishes to you, Jenifer!
That I wanted a big change in life. That I asked for a big change in life. It is being given to me and has been for a few months now. While it didn’t work out for us in WNC (at this time), I truly believe we’re being directed into an area where we can truly thrive. I went to my cousin’s yoga class yesterday evening and when I left, I turned the immediate curve and the big gorgeous full moon was sitting there smiling at me from over a mountain. And everything just felt right. May I go into this day remembering that… we’re moving this weekend!
Wishing you good luck and a smooth move this go around:)
Thank you! We are excited!!
Best of wishes for your new journey, SunnyPatti!! You and your husband will do well. God Bless.
Thank you, Nannette! We are looking forward to it 🙂
I’m currently in a good place. Some of Barb C’s answers to these types of questions is calling out my rememberence for today. Dwelling and fishing for problems go together, and looking for a specific can easily lead to that. This question reminds me to appreciate everything in the moment. As Ngoc says, instead of dwelling, we can channel that energy into creating new memories instead.
I’m nostalgic for my 20s in Vietnam. Nine years ago today, I started staying in national training school, preparing for a competition. It was my first time leaving my parents’ embrace as I lived at the school for 3 months. I learned a lot: maintaining peace during conflicts, time management, and experiencing a beautiful, innocent love. These memories remind me that I shouldn’t dwell in the past, but instead create new memories for this day next year.
My Ngoc, those were some good times. It’s very easy to dwell in the past, especially for us introverts. We’re likelier to get caught in overthinking. Creating new memories makes me think of us. We’ll definitely create one for sure on Saturday for when we go out to eat at a Japenese Ramen Noodle restaurant for sure.
To treat my own wounds as tenderly as I would someone else’s hurts.
So wise Laura.
I could be happier if I was kinder to myself.
hot cocoa + coffee = delicious mocha
That sounds wonderful Michele!
I would add vanilla latte to that list!