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  1. Roy
    Roy Howard
    1 year ago

    The last few days I’ve been letting go of books. It’s been a poignant liberation, placing them into the care of others who want to read them.

  2. dragonfly91601
    1 year ago

    Almost everything in my basement.

  3. Anna
    1 year ago

    Resentment for the past and the people who caused it.
    Instead, I can replace it with gratitude for who I am now. After all, this woman comes from that child, from that teenager, from that little girl.
    I can be proud.

  4. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    Try to let go of my constant worry and have more control over my anxiety. I have an action plan in place though for my daughter which is helping my crazy mind! Wish me luck!! I hope to have her up in Rhode Island maybe within the next 2 months. Her so called friend Ben ghosted us a week ago so now there is no reason I can’t go forward with my plan and have her closer by family to keep an eye on her. She is all for it too!! I selfishly had hoped there was some miracle guy/friend that could watch over her but my answer is me!! lol

  5. KC
    1 year ago

    Was I the only one with a very long list!? 🙂 Summary – all my old failures and sorrows.

    From Antonio Machado – Last night, as I was sleeping

    ‘Last night, as I was sleeping,
    I dreamt – blessed vision! –
    that I had a beehive
    here in my heart;
    and the golden bees
    were making
    from all my old sorrows
    white wax and sweet honey’

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      love that poem, thank you for sharing 🙂

  6. Christina
    1 year ago

    For today, to let go of fear, despair, reproach, insecurity, sadness, to start with, which fortunately is on its way, and coming back to just be. Thank you

  7. pkr29022
    1 year ago

    I can let go of energy vampires in my life now. One in particular. He has abused my kindness, compassion, heart, love & my joy long enough.
    I now cut the cord. No more. No more of “not seeing it”. No more of Me “feeling sorry” for this person at my expense. No more abuse. I release this toxic person from my life. 💨🌬️❤️✨

  8. C
    1 year ago

    I need to let go of the clothes that don’t fit me anymore. It doesn’t serve me to hang on to clothes I’ll probably never fit into again, but for some reason I always find a reason to hold on to them. I bought clothes that fit, but my closet is still full of things i won’t/can’t wear.

  9. Linda72766
    1 year ago

    Resentment. A big one for me.

  10. null
    1 year ago


  11. Emmaleah46781
    1 year ago

    Today I will try my best to let go of worry over my son. He has autism and he’s going through a tough time at a new school. I worry about him a lot and I need to let go of it sometimes and just trust that he can get through this.

  12. Nannette
    1 year ago

    Today is going to be a positive day…a day in which I say “I can do this”. I seem to be caught in a lot of negative thoughts about myself. I am going to try to think only positive thoughts today about myself and what I CAN do! This sure is a timely question.

  13. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    The idea that my aging body should look a certain way that’s long gone. What would I do with flat abs anyway? Along with that, I’m working to let go of the societal conditioning that taught me to judge the bodies of others based on artificial standards rooted in the dominant culture that judge some people to be less-than.

    Berating myself internally when I don’t do something the way I hoped or intended. That isn’t going to change what I actually did; I can only go forward and that’s easier if I set down the self-imposed load.

  14. P
    1 year ago

    As an empathic, highly sensitive person I am part of 20% of the population. Today and every day, I let go of the idea and expectation that I am like the majority. Never was, never will be, and don’t quite fit in. Yet I always see the deep gift these traits are.

    1. pkr29022
      1 year ago

      I understand Penelope. I don’t fit in either. I am in this world but not a part of it. Love, light & blessings to You.✨❤️🙏🏻

    2. Dolores Kazanjian80021
      Dolores Kazanjian
      1 year ago

      Penelope, I can relate. Us empaths have always felt as if we didn’t fit in – and we don’t. I am glad that you can see the trait for the gift that it is. I am so fortunate that I have a husband who really appreciates that I am an empath and regularly reminds me what a blessing it is.

      1. Yram
        1 year ago

        I, too, can relate. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Yram
    1 year ago

    These next few days I will be enjoying some rare time with my 2 sons while my husband will be at home.
    I want to let go of “the should ofs” and just appreciate who they have become and are today! I want to enjoy the foundations I gave them.

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