I don’t know if the almost impossible hope of good health for a dear woman is a challenge that can strengthen my soul.
I don’t know if this strange weather is testing my expectations for a good spring and summer, especially that there is enough water for agricultural activities.
I have to agree with Journey, life challenges my expectations in a good way. Recently I have been feeling very annoyed that my daughter’s medical insurance plan increased the premium to a ridiculous amount of monthly amount. We needed to reapply for a new plan after being fine with this plan for 4 years now. However I now found one that is way better! I definitely did not feel like dealing with this right now but glad it happened and now happy for a better plan for her!
Robin Ann, Oh glory! Insurance plans sure give me a headache. I am so happy you were able to find an even better one!! These things seem to run our lives! Wishing you all good things!!
To be honest, I don’t know what to think about today’s question, and I’ve been pondering it on and off during the day today. Something may challenge my expectations once, but not repeatedly. If it does so repeatedly, it seems like I’m not paying attention. I love this site, and these daily questions, but every now and then a daily question comes along that just feels like absolute gobbledygook to me. Sorry.
I feel I have high expectations of myself. I seek to be the best version of myself and as such push myself to the outer limits of my comfort zones. I have come to call it pursuit of mastery. I think not settling for ‘close enough’ has made a positive difference. It has (and is) from building a ‘discernment’ around what is unfolding and being aware of that voice of mediocrity which is quick to discourage going down the road less travelled.
Like so many here have responded, I try not to have any expectations. I have been disappointed so many times because of my expectations. I am trying so very very hard to surrender, to give it up to a higher power, to let go let God. Trying to go with the flow. Some days I am successful at this “surrendering” thing & other days not so much. I am a work in progress.✨🌟🙏🏻
Good morning….grateful to be back with you again this day.
Ah….expectations!! They have been a thorn in my side so to speak and have not served me well over the years. This is a dicey question for me because lately I have been trying to let go and surrender my expectations as a part of my spiritual journey. I’ve heard it said that expectations can be a form of judgement…that rings true to me in my life.
It is the supreme “Letting Go and Letting God” to me. Putting aside how I think things should go and trusting in the Divine Spirit that guides and is always working for my good….despite appearances and especially my expectations.
Charlie’s response: “the whole trust life thing” is what I am trying to live out.
~Namaste all 🙏
As some of the others have said…this is a difficult one. The word “expectations” was recently said to me in a very negative form. I was told I have “high expectations’. I am still not sure what that meant. It had to do with the Christmas Eve dinner that I had made and invited one person who was alone. The total was then 3…my husband, my self and the “friend”. Before dinner….the invited person made a comment ..”I thought you were not doing this anymore”…to which I replied.. “well – this is not a big gathering…I am getting older and find it hard anymore…and we (my husband and I) are not ever invited to anyone’s for dinner…I am always doing it” To which the person replied with hands streaming forward- toward my dinner table…”well who can do this?” “YOU have high expectations”. My table was set for a nice meal…I want things to “be nice” for my company and for this special holiday. The woman was negative and the evening ended in a row…So now “expectations” has a whole new dimension for me. My expectations are that people will be kind to one another…a simple expectation but nonetheless not easily attained.
I’m sorry you experienced this. Maybe they were just in a bad place right now because they are unhappy. You were so kind to invite someone that would have been alone for the Holiday. Kudos to you Nannette!
Dear Nannette, I am sorry your Christmas Eve dinner was somewhat unpleasant for you. Sounds like You did your best. Too bad your guest did not appreciate your efforts. May you heal from this experience & move forward.
P.S. don’t invite them back next year!!!!
Blessings & Love…✨🙏🏻❤️
As others have noted, having expectations can be a recipe for disappointment. I try to remain open to possibility and not lock myself into expectations, which are necessarily a more limited set than what life might offer up today.
For better or worse, I’ve never been one
to expect too much and as a defense
mechanism, I catastrophise and expect
the worst. I’m learning to try and
keep my expectations more neutral.
The evidence of my life is proof that
things generally have worked out.
Ya know, that whole “trust life” thing.
I am very puzzled on how to give an answer to this question. I don’t know that I have expectations as such. I take things very much the way they come and am surprised if the outcome is better than I expected.
Life does. Just when I’m head down in my routine day, joy breaks through. Or, the music I hear feels as though it’s moving through me. I love that Life can surprise me like that.
The physical pain and limitations I am experiencing have taught me to be grateful for what I have and to expect what I need and not what I may want. It’s a perspective that helps me respond instead of react to life. As my son often says, “Every day’s a good day.”
Life challenges my expectations in a good way. Sometimes when I expect there to be no solution, Life challenges that and finds a solution. When I expect my relationships to remain broken, life challenges that and helps improve them. When I expect my health is not getting better, Life challenges that and shows that the body is so complex and can heal if we only work with the healing instead of against it.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
I don’t know if the almost impossible hope of good health for a dear woman is a challenge that can strengthen my soul.
I don’t know if this strange weather is testing my expectations for a good spring and summer, especially that there is enough water for agricultural activities.
Where do you live may I ask, we have had an over abundance of water over the last 24 hours. One area got 5 inches of rain!
I have to agree with Journey, life challenges my expectations in a good way. Recently I have been feeling very annoyed that my daughter’s medical insurance plan increased the premium to a ridiculous amount of monthly amount. We needed to reapply for a new plan after being fine with this plan for 4 years now. However I now found one that is way better! I definitely did not feel like dealing with this right now but glad it happened and now happy for a better plan for her!
Robin Ann, Oh glory! Insurance plans sure give me a headache. I am so happy you were able to find an even better one!! These things seem to run our lives! Wishing you all good things!!
To be honest, I don’t know what to think about today’s question, and I’ve been pondering it on and off during the day today. Something may challenge my expectations once, but not repeatedly. If it does so repeatedly, it seems like I’m not paying attention. I love this site, and these daily questions, but every now and then a daily question comes along that just feels like absolute gobbledygook to me. Sorry.
I feel I have high expectations of myself. I seek to be the best version of myself and as such push myself to the outer limits of my comfort zones. I have come to call it pursuit of mastery. I think not settling for ‘close enough’ has made a positive difference. It has (and is) from building a ‘discernment’ around what is unfolding and being aware of that voice of mediocrity which is quick to discourage going down the road less travelled.
Like so many here have responded, I try not to have any expectations. I have been disappointed so many times because of my expectations. I am trying so very very hard to surrender, to give it up to a higher power, to let go let God. Trying to go with the flow. Some days I am successful at this “surrendering” thing & other days not so much. I am a work in progress.✨🌟🙏🏻
I try my best not to have expectations! Life has proven otherwise to those I had in the past, so I try to let go and let God!
Good morning….grateful to be back with you again this day.
Ah….expectations!! They have been a thorn in my side so to speak and have not served me well over the years. This is a dicey question for me because lately I have been trying to let go and surrender my expectations as a part of my spiritual journey. I’ve heard it said that expectations can be a form of judgement…that rings true to me in my life.
It is the supreme “Letting Go and Letting God” to me. Putting aside how I think things should go and trusting in the Divine Spirit that guides and is always working for my good….despite appearances and especially my expectations.
Charlie’s response: “the whole trust life thing” is what I am trying to live out.
~Namaste all 🙏
As some of the others have said…this is a difficult one. The word “expectations” was recently said to me in a very negative form. I was told I have “high expectations’. I am still not sure what that meant. It had to do with the Christmas Eve dinner that I had made and invited one person who was alone. The total was then 3…my husband, my self and the “friend”. Before dinner….the invited person made a comment ..”I thought you were not doing this anymore”…to which I replied.. “well – this is not a big gathering…I am getting older and find it hard anymore…and we (my husband and I) are not ever invited to anyone’s for dinner…I am always doing it” To which the person replied with hands streaming forward- toward my dinner table…”well who can do this?” “YOU have high expectations”. My table was set for a nice meal…I want things to “be nice” for my company and for this special holiday. The woman was negative and the evening ended in a row…So now “expectations” has a whole new dimension for me. My expectations are that people will be kind to one another…a simple expectation but nonetheless not easily attained.
That would be good for the whole world Nannette, people being kind to one another.
I’m sorry you experienced this. Maybe they were just in a bad place right now because they are unhappy. You were so kind to invite someone that would have been alone for the Holiday. Kudos to you Nannette!
Dear Nannette, I am sorry your Christmas Eve dinner was somewhat unpleasant for you. Sounds like You did your best. Too bad your guest did not appreciate your efforts. May you heal from this experience & move forward.
P.S. don’t invite them back next year!!!!
Blessings & Love…✨🙏🏻❤️
As others have noted, having expectations can be a recipe for disappointment. I try to remain open to possibility and not lock myself into expectations, which are necessarily a more limited set than what life might offer up today.
For better or worse, I’ve never been one
to expect too much and as a defense
mechanism, I catastrophise and expect
the worst. I’m learning to try and
keep my expectations more neutral.
The evidence of my life is proof that
things generally have worked out.
Ya know, that whole “trust life” thing.
I am very puzzled on how to give an answer to this question. I don’t know that I have expectations as such. I take things very much the way they come and am surprised if the outcome is better than I expected.
I also struggled with this one, Yram.
Maybe that’s a good thing?
Life does. Just when I’m head down in my routine day, joy breaks through. Or, the music I hear feels as though it’s moving through me. I love that Life can surprise me like that.
The physical pain and limitations I am experiencing have taught me to be grateful for what I have and to expect what I need and not what I may want. It’s a perspective that helps me respond instead of react to life. As my son often says, “Every day’s a good day.”
“What I need not what I want.”
Thank you for a great rethinking of the idea.
Very well-put, Carol. It helped me discern my own response to an initially puzzling question today.
Life challenges my expectations in a good way. Sometimes when I expect there to be no solution, Life challenges that and finds a solution. When I expect my relationships to remain broken, life challenges that and helps improve them. When I expect my health is not getting better, Life challenges that and shows that the body is so complex and can heal if we only work with the healing instead of against it.
That I have expectations at all is what challenges me.
That was my first reaction to the question, also.
Bingo…this resonates perfectly with me. Thanks Antoinette!!