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  1. O.Christina

    Today it was a surprise and deepened by a dear one expressing and acknowledging belonging through an unexprected kind gesture and tender touch; some days ago it was through the light sparkling in the other´s eyes as gratitude and joy filled our both hearts after singing or meditating together; when I was gifted to find a beautiful musical instrument, it spontaneously led to a heartfelt embrace with the one who offered to choose among some to find the instrument which exactly enlightened my soul while playing it. We both were filled with deep joy about the warmhearted and senseful encounter. Thank you dearly, life, musicians, developers of such instruments, earth from where it comes, sellers and soundlovers for such most beautiful gifts for the sparkling joy of all.

    3 weeks ago
  2. barba

    Being in nature for moments, listening to the birds and forgetting about myself. When more noises slowly appear in my consciousness and I can remain open without naming or judging. Then everything becomes a pleasant surprise. Then there is no longer the longing for connection because then I am.

    3 weeks ago
  3. Robin Ann

    My workplace has a culture of diversity and inclusion. I think it is still a work in process in a lot of ways. I love the concept but know that there is
    still many that are conditioned in their own set of ways. It took me a long time to feel comfortable and accepted in the dept I am now.
    I make an effort where ever I work to make someone feel welcome when they first come on board. I think it is very important.

    3 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Robin, I’m all too familiar with that being a cross between the Vietnamese and American cultures and old and new school. All we can do is to just better ourselves without expecting anything in return. Eventually, the universe will reward us on its terms.

      3 weeks ago
  4. Yram

    We moved into a senior community about 2 1/2 years ago. I don’t sense community yet. To be fair, we are in a ranch home and notan apartment complex.
    I feel belonging when I am addressed by my name, looked at when talked/listened to, and asked to join.

    3 weeks ago
  5. Ngoc Nguyen

    Compassion! Without compassion, even if I live in a place I call “home,” there’s no sense of belonging to that place.
    May everyone be filled with energy and motivation.

    3 weeks ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, not that we need to be understood by everyone, getting that from those closest to us makes a huge difference. Home is from within. If we feel at peace, even our workplace can feel like home. If not, our home may not even feel like home. It’s why psychologists, councelors, and mental health forms have asked questions before concerning whether individuals have run away from their homes or not.

      3 weeks ago
  6. L

    The knowledge and understanding that animals, plants, and humans are all interconnected on this planet. Therefore we all belong.

    This one took a bit of thinking…as Charlie mentioned….zooming out a bit makes the “belongingness” seem more visible to me.

    3 weeks ago
  7. Barb C

    We moved to this town 3-1/2 years ago. I don’t yet have the deep, wide network I had when I lived in another city for many years and it will take time and effort to create that here. Over the last couple of weeks as I’ve been on a staycation, several times as I’ve walked or biked in downtown I’ve seen someone I know who waves and says hi or stops for a brief chat. Those kinds of loose ties, as the sociologists would label them, give me a sense of belonging. My husband and I have been taking swing dance classes and when we see the same people week after week, smile and say hello it’s the same feeling.

    Extending myself to help others feel they belong builds my own sense of belonging. On another site I visit I connected with someone who lives in this town who’s finding it hard to make friends (small child, no time to join things) and we’re going to have coffee tomorrow. I connected another person from that site to my best friend back in my old hometown so she can have an acquaintance when she moves there next month. It feels good to weave the net of connection that leads to belonging.

    3 weeks ago
    1. Barb C

      Replying to my first post with an additional thought–I went to look up the definition and origins of the word “belonging” and found that its first meaning is in the sense of possessions, “all our belongings”. The personal relationship sense is the second meaning. The common meaning is rooted in the idea of “going along with”, so our stuff travels with us and we travel with others. Perhaps we deepen a sense of belonging not just by being with someone(s), but by moving with them whether that’s through time or through space.

      I’ve truly transitioned to vacation brain since I didn’t even think of a workplace initiative in my agency to foster a culture of belonging. That’s rooted in our work for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Responding from my personal reaction gives me things to think about when I go back to work day after tomorrow and resume my contributions to that effort.

      3 weeks ago
      1. L

        Thank you 🙏..your responses give me a lot to ponder today…

        3 weeks ago
  8. pkr

    My morning meditation & my time spent in the quiet with the Divine. These moments deepen my sense of belonging. I feel grounded & peaceful.

    3 weeks ago
  9. C
    Carly J

    Laughter. Listening and being listened to.

    3 weeks ago
  10. Carol

    Having a bit of trouble with deepening my sense of belonging right now. Will attend a grief support group tomorrow.

    3 weeks ago
    1. Michele

      Like Barb, I send you a hug too.

      3 weeks ago
    2. Anna

      May you find strength and courage, dear Carol.

      3 weeks ago
    3. Yram

      I hope the support is good for you. I have attended seven the past and I have found them supportive. Prayers for that journey.

      3 weeks ago
    4. Ngoc Nguyen

      May peace be with you, Carol!

      3 weeks ago
    5. Barb C

      A gentle hug to you, Carol, and to your memories and love of your sister.

      3 weeks ago
  11. Charlie T

    In my experience, so far, it helps me to
    zoom out and consider my belonging
    to this world. My place in the cosmos.
    It’s when I focus on particular relationships
    or groups, I can fall into a desire/wishing/
    wanting things to be different trap, that can
    lead to the feeling of not belonging or not
    being included.

    3 weeks ago
    1. Barb C

      Important point, Charlie–belonging where and with whom? I can feel a sense of belonging to all of nature but that isn’t the same thing as human belonging.

      3 weeks ago
  12. J

    Being seen and acknowledged. Being thought of. Growing up Hispanic in an area where they weren’t many people who looked like me, I often felt isolated and alone. Forgotten. I have gone through life being in the shadows, not taking up any space. However, I am realizing that this is no way to live. I deserve to be surrounded by others, to be loved and cared for. I deserve a place in this world. I am allowed to exist and take up space. I am deserving of feeling good about myself. Logically, I understand all of this. But my heart and soul has convinced me otherwise. I’ve been attending AA meetings recently and the sense of belonging I feel when I’m there is so profound. After our meeting yesterday, I had lunch with 10+ people and got to know them a bit more. I am extremely grateful for being apart of this loving community and feeling like I matter. May you all be reminded that you matter. 🧡

    3 weeks ago
    1. Michele

      I’m glad you found this wonderful Grateful Community:)

      3 weeks ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      Yes, Jenifer we all deserve a place in this world. It took me awhile, but now 28 + months since my last drink, I have found a better one.

      3 weeks ago
    3. Yram

      You are surrounded here.

      3 weeks ago
    4. Linda

      Jenifer, you do indeed belong. Thank you for sharing your feelings, and I’m glad you are finding a group that makes you feel welcome.

      3 weeks ago
  13. Josie

    Last evening I returned from a trip visiting friends in Buffalo. After a long drive back, being greeted so warmly by welcoming faces here in our facility certainly added to my sense of “coming home. ” I am grateful for my visit as well as my renewed sense of belonging right here where I am.

    3 weeks ago
  14. Mary Mantei

    I think when I believe I belong; when I recognize there are many ways to belong on this ole spinning ball. For whatever reason, I have always believed we are not meant to be loved by everyone. And when that occurs, I try my best to bless them and send them on their way. And that allows me to go on my way in a peace-filled manner. There is always a surprise around the next corner.

    3 weeks ago
    1. Josie

      What a liberating attitude! You helped me today by posting this. Thanks, Mary.

      3 weeks ago
      1. Mary Mantei

        You are welcome, Josie.

        3 weeks ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Mary Mantei, well said. I love the part when you said that we are not meant to be loved by everyone.

      3 weeks ago
  15. Nannette

    Love, being told I am loved despite my faults gives me a sense of belonging. Being in my home…a place of love …my home…a place that I truly belong.

    3 weeks ago

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