As a few other people have beautifully mentioned in their replies, I desire what I have now. The connections that I have with friends and family is truly all I’ve ever wanted and I’m so thankful to be surrounded by amazing people. I’m thankful for my home, education and myself & the life I have now and the path that I’m on in my life. I trust that everything will work out for me for the greater good. I desire what is meant for me because I know it’s amazing.
What I already have: People I love who love me, knowing I’ve made a difference in my community and beyond, a warm and happy home that suits my life, good friends I can trust, satisfying work, enjoyable hobbies.
All of this could change in an instant, I know, so I try to consciously appreciate what I have, not create new wants or desires.
Love this Barb! When I first looked at the question I started to create this big elaborate image, but this is beautifullly, simply put. I appreciate your outlook.
For the moment being, hopefully and possibly to being able to let go of left shadow aspects which, when provoced, unwillingly could hurt other´s feelings
*More & deeper connection on a daily & weekly basis:
My reason for starting a monthly GL “Say Yes to Joy” Group is so that I can experience & nurture more compassion for myself and others;
* Make & Meet additional friends who share my similar spiritual & intellectual inclinations;
*Expand my awareness of others and their daily joys and challenges
Direction is the 2nd answer that just jumped out. My mom is known to tell it like it is. She’s my toughest Vietnamese teacher. She corrects my spelling mistakes on the fly and even helps me improve my writing mechanics. Sometimes, she has me playing scavenger hunt to help me correct my errors to stick it in my brain longer. Her tough love is very beneficial.
Hmmm, I try to be careful with desire.
Desire gets me into trouble. My lower self desires things and lifestyles and experiences that I will never have or most likely never have. I guess my higher self desires contentment. It’s a fine line, isn’t it? Desire does take us to new and different places and experiences and can be the way to manifest things. I’ve spent most of my life with low expectations. Living in fear of the disappointment of not achieving. But the good things in my life, have usually come from dreaming and desiring. I’m still trying to figure out this balance.
Thank you for this question. 🙏
Yes, Charlie, balance. I love that you are seeing it this way rather than either/or. You have named the benefit of both. Seize your opportunities in a way that keeps you out of trouble.😉
Good energy.
That the energy from within me is experienced as positive, helpful, encouraging, peaceful, aware, and grateful energy; that the energies around me and coming toward me may be beneficial as much as possible, and if they are not, that I have the grace and good fortune to be able to either change that or separate myself from negative engagement with them.
“amen. 🙏.”
I will partially quote from Bob Perks.
I wish enough sun to keep my attitude bright on the darkest day.
I wish enough pain so the smallest of joy may appear big.
I wish enough hellos to get through the final goodbye.
Life-giving relationships…the ability to travel to see my great grandchildren…also, a trip back to Louisiana to visit with old friends…to always be kind no matter what the situation…and to be here NOW.
I’m an ordinary woman. I desire for my life to be free from gossip. In my life, unintentionally or not, it’s tempting to build a relationship by agreeing to gossip about someone else. Secondly, I desire a work-life balance, a stable job that allows me to have time for myself and my family.
My Ngoc, we touched a bit on the concept of gossiping this morning. Nonchalance will lead to that. “It’s all good until…” “Until” is the key word. We’re on the same page for work-life balance. We both value quality time for each other.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
Connection. Connection with myself and connection with others.
As a few other people have beautifully mentioned in their replies, I desire what I have now. The connections that I have with friends and family is truly all I’ve ever wanted and I’m so thankful to be surrounded by amazing people. I’m thankful for my home, education and myself & the life I have now and the path that I’m on in my life. I trust that everything will work out for me for the greater good. I desire what is meant for me because I know it’s amazing.
What I already have: People I love who love me, knowing I’ve made a difference in my community and beyond, a warm and happy home that suits my life, good friends I can trust, satisfying work, enjoyable hobbies.
All of this could change in an instant, I know, so I try to consciously appreciate what I have, not create new wants or desires.
Love this Barb! When I first looked at the question I started to create this big elaborate image, but this is beautifullly, simply put. I appreciate your outlook.
For the moment being, hopefully and possibly to being able to let go of left shadow aspects which, when provoced, unwillingly could hurt other´s feelings
I desire a deep rudder
to steer me towards what is right and true. ♥
What do I desire for my life?
*More & deeper connection on a daily & weekly basis:
My reason for starting a monthly GL “Say Yes to Joy” Group is so that I can experience & nurture more compassion for myself and others;
* Make & Meet additional friends who share my similar spiritual & intellectual inclinations;
*Expand my awareness of others and their daily joys and challenges
Direction is the 2nd answer that just jumped out. My mom is known to tell it like it is. She’s my toughest Vietnamese teacher. She corrects my spelling mistakes on the fly and even helps me improve my writing mechanics. Sometimes, she has me playing scavenger hunt to help me correct my errors to stick it in my brain longer. Her tough love is very beneficial.
One day to find my soul mate.
Hmmm, I try to be careful with desire.
Desire gets me into trouble. My lower self desires things and lifestyles and experiences that I will never have or most likely never have. I guess my higher self desires contentment. It’s a fine line, isn’t it? Desire does take us to new and different places and experiences and can be the way to manifest things. I’ve spent most of my life with low expectations. Living in fear of the disappointment of not achieving. But the good things in my life, have usually come from dreaming and desiring. I’m still trying to figure out this balance.
Thank you for this question. 🙏
Yes, Charlie, balance. I love that you are seeing it this way rather than either/or. You have named the benefit of both. Seize your opportunities in a way that keeps you out of trouble.😉
Good energy.
That the energy from within me is experienced as positive, helpful, encouraging, peaceful, aware, and grateful energy; that the energies around me and coming toward me may be beneficial as much as possible, and if they are not, that I have the grace and good fortune to be able to either change that or separate myself from negative engagement with them.
“amen. 🙏.”
I will partially quote from Bob Perks.
I wish enough sun to keep my attitude bright on the darkest day.
I wish enough pain so the smallest of joy may appear big.
I wish enough hellos to get through the final goodbye.
Yram, it’s about to be a cloudy day in the Twin Cities. 1-2 inches of snow for tonight into tomorrow morning.
Life-giving relationships…the ability to travel to see my great grandchildren…also, a trip back to Louisiana to visit with old friends…to always be kind no matter what the situation…and to be here NOW.
I’m an ordinary woman. I desire for my life to be free from gossip. In my life, unintentionally or not, it’s tempting to build a relationship by agreeing to gossip about someone else. Secondly, I desire a work-life balance, a stable job that allows me to have time for myself and my family.
My Ngoc, we touched a bit on the concept of gossiping this morning. Nonchalance will lead to that. “It’s all good until…” “Until” is the key word. We’re on the same page for work-life balance. We both value quality time for each other.
…the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Amen, Julie.❤️
In a nutshell! Bravo!
Greater awareness of the presence of God.