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  1. R
    The Rev.
    2 weeks ago

    I wish to cultivate a stronger relationship with God. I grew up in church, I’m a PK, but I feel like I’m genuinely seeking Jesus for myself at 31 years old. I’ve dealt with a lot from addiction, to close friends being killed and imprisoned and extreme poverty. I’m doing much better now, but I know it’s time to fully surrender, and I’m ready.

    1. sparrow51014
      2 weeks ago

      From what you have written,
      dear Rev,
      I may have had most of the experiences that you have.
      We have a shared place of orientation . . .
      I was a PK too,
      and it took me many years
      to drag myself out of that hole.
      You can do it too
      with love…♥

  2. S R
    S R
    2 weeks ago

    I typed my answer to the post my but did not realize that I did not actually post my answer, so I am posting my outcome of what I hoped to cultivate. I cultivated more awareness and attentiveness in my life today by practicing gratefulness and mindfulness. I consciously practice awareness and attentiveness using or acknowledging my senses at work as I practice mindful ways doing today’s chores. My aim this year is to be able to use my senses actively instead of passively. It is difficult but that’s what makes curiosity an interesting journey. At the end of each of my morning, afternoon, and evening hours I asked what I saw, hear, smell, taste …. during my tasks, I was in awe and I was and I am grateful for the various parts of my body that gave me the opportunity to use or become aware of my senses This method gave me the opportunity to slow down and actually smell the roses but also feel the thorns. Thanks for the question. Too late

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      2 weeks ago

      It’s never too late, especially if reading the question in the morning gave you something new in the day.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    2 weeks ago

    Winter is my least favorite season. I would like to cultivate more enjoyment in the winter months .

    1. Yram
      2 weeks ago

      I can identify.
      The other day a gathering talked about being a lion or a bear in the winter. I am a bear. Not grouchy but I want to hibernate with a hot beverage, a warm covering and stay put. But the lion calls to reach out and take advantage of exploring.

      1. Robin Ann
        Robin Ann
        2 weeks ago

        Love that!

  4. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    3 weeks ago

    You know, the usual. 😁
    In would like to cultivate more compassion, more acceptance, more connection, more creativity, and a whole lot more inner calmness.

  5. c
    Carol Ann
    3 weeks ago

    clarity – direct experience of being unified/aligned between what I am doing, what I am feeling, what I am saying, what I am thinking, and where I am.

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    3 weeks ago

    I re-read the question and was struck by the word “wish.” Reading your responses tells me most of you read it as “intend”. If I just wish for something without doing anything then I’ve created dissatisfaction for myself without taking action. A couple of people picked up on the point that wishing for something just adds to a list of things not done or not obtained or not practiced.
    Harking back to responses to a question a couple of days ago, I’m not going to should on myself. The question does remind me that I would enjoy it if I got more bike riding into my life. It used to be a really big element and ultimately led to a change of profession and hometown for me more than once. Nowadays I walk more than I bike. I do cherish the freedom and joy that being on my bike brings me.

  7. L
    3 weeks ago

    Just spent a bit of time reflecting on today’s word for the day. I’d like to cultivate more slowness and softness in my life. Today I’ll spend time thinking about the many small things I can do and actions I can take to start integrating this way of being into my everyday life.

  8. Yram
    3 weeks ago

    I really like the image that Ngoc gave. Cultivate being “a positive tree in anxious soil.” I would like to Cultivate fun and lightness in my life. I am not sure of my tools. Maybe just the seeking is enough.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      3 weeks ago

      good luck, Yram. I hope you will let us know.

      1. Yram
        2 weeks ago

        Saturday I was very down. I finally started to doodle flowers and that brought lightness.

  9. D
    3 weeks ago

    Self-compassion. My mind quickly spools up in some concern or the other. I’ve grown skilled at coaxing myself back from the brink, but for a time, I believe that what I am caught up in is reality. I’d like to cultivate a wider, more accessible self-compassion, so that the realization of being caught up is quickly followed by self-compassion *for* being caught up. The inner jumpiness can grow exhausting, and I think cultivating self-compassion will help create more ease.

  10. Carla
    3 weeks ago

    I knew what’s been missing in my life the past few years—retreats and music. I’m taking action To increase opportunities for listening or attending concerts with healing music, Celtic, Women’s voices, or folk. The other is for short term weekend retreats. I put these intentions out to the Universe late fall. One weekend away opportunity presented itself, which was restful and needed. Two online mini concerts popped up, and I’m traveling to see Sweet Honey In the Rock in a few months. I’m trusting this Abundant flow will continue. To nurture inner peace, I’m decreasing listening to national news starting in late Jan. Happy Weekend All !

    1. D
      3 weeks ago

      Retreats and music sound wonderful! I’m inspired.

  11. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    3 weeks ago

    Inner spaciousness. The below quote explains it partly, but inner spaciousness would also be so helpful to me in many other ways.

    “If you pour a handful of salt into a cup of water, the water becomes undrinkable. But if you pour the salt into a river, people can continue to draw the water to cook, wash, and drink. The river is immense, and it has the capacity to receive, embrace, and transform. When our hearts are small, our understanding and compassion are limited, and we suffer. We can’t accept or tolerate others and their shortcomings, and we demand that they change. But when our hearts expand, these same things don’t make us suffer anymore. We have a lot of understanding and compassion and can embrace others. We accept others as they are, and then they have a chance to transform.”
    —Thich Nhat Hanh, How to Love

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 weeks ago

      Always a first for me to remember No Labeling!

    2. c
      Carol Ann
      3 weeks ago

      thank you, Elizabeth. “when our hearts expand” is very helpful to me. It reminds me of the adage that some of you knew and was shared here – “bless them, change me”… I have been trying to use that. Now I think I can couple the image of having my heart expand to the request: “bless them, change me, please expand my heart right now” That can be a prayer, a poem, a good exercise beat, or just a simple jingle!… but I will try to apply it when I want to switch how I am knee jerk reacting to some one or some situation with negative judgement. . It gives me something much better to be doing than being critical or self-important. I don’t enjoy doing that – I don’t even enjoy myself when I am being negatively critical, but oh, it is an old habit, and I really would like to unlearn it!!!🤞 “Thanks, Grateful! ”
      (ps many thanks for words of encouragement from some of you regarding the wildlife trail camera hiking yesterday – as the other gal put it, “Well? We flunked! [at getting to and finding all our assigned cameras] but we had a great day”…. more training in our future on how to find the off-trail cameras!…. but it was its own good day, and I did a lot of clumsy practice on my negative judgements ….. So? —-> I am encouraged!! I thought of this community and site several times, actually. I feel lucky to be here. thank you!)

      1. Elizabeth H67151
        Elizabeth H
        2 weeks ago

        Carol Ann, one quote someone I knew once said that helps me when I start being critical of others:

        “every criticism is a confession.”

        1. c
          Carol Ann
          2 weeks ago

          oooh! I will spend some time with this and see if I can apply/use it. thank you.

    3. D
      3 weeks ago

      Beautiful quote, thank you Elizabeth.

  12. Mary
    3 weeks ago

    I would like to cultivate more peace and energy in my life.
    As I become more conscious of the present moment,
    my peacefulness as well as my gratefulness will increase.
    Energy is a little harder.
    This night owl needs to go to bed earlier and get up earlier.
    I will begin by going to bed earlier tonight.
    Happy Saturday and
    Sending love to all. ♥️

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      2 weeks ago

      Thank you and love to you too.

  13. Patti
    3 weeks ago

    I hope that I am always cultivating happiness, good energy, and love. I don’t necessarily need “more” of them, but they are all positive and tend to living a good life.

  14. Michele
    3 weeks ago

    I do not need any ‘more’ in my life, I want to simplify and practice minimalism.
    Have a good weekend everyone 🙂 – for Mary Mantei and any other Michiganders

  15. Howie Geib97277
    Howie Geib
    3 weeks ago

    I used to say ‘wisdom’, but now I will answer ‘passion.’ In my experience passion is a catalyst for liveliness and vigor. I can get lost in its pursuit whether it be for a cause, or a genre of reading, or a composer of music, type of music, or any new hobby. Birding for example. I have been a slow learner, and the opportunity for me to see various and exciting birds are abundant here in my biome. Basically passion can give me a reason to greet the day with eagerness.

    I have spent a great deal too much time cultivating usefulness: to manifest reasons for people to keep me around, whether it be at work on a team, or at the bridge table, or being a good carver, a good guest, a good friend. This has been successful and yet, it provides not a great deal of satisfaction. I am a brilliant tool and that is as far as it goes. Nothing of passion but a great deal of strategizing and being attentive to the needs of others often without any regard for myself. And I mean that literally. Not heeding any inclinations of my own desires or curiosity other than noting it in passing.

    Passion swipes all of that off the table. Passion’s hallmarks are abandon, full throttled submersion, with a dangerous tendency to recklessness. Yes. I want more of that. That the Fathers and my Novice Masters all cautioned against it gives a certain provenance as well.

    1. c
      Carol Ann
      3 weeks ago

      I relate to this, Howie and I thank you for saying it. — I love passions. I like to remember my past passions because that was very pure and positive energy and can help point me in a good direction if I feel a slump. for me, they also change! But I remember their phases fondly and with a great appreciation for how easy and pure that energy is. I love it. Thanks for expressing this. so much to think about today! Right now I will try to rev up a passion for cleaning up the clutter in my house from a full week of following passions! thanks for the boost, all.

    2. Mary
      3 weeks ago

      Passion, reckless abandon.
      Yes, I like it I’d like more of that in my life!

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