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  1. O.Christina

    To simply be, be with my friends, be with what is, with all its beauty and be happy.

    2 months ago
  2. Robin Ann

    Right now I am discovering that I am a bit sleep deprived because my company is undergoing a migration of all lines of business into one system. So I am working too many hours to stay on top of the work load along with all of my co-workers. I will be taking a a week off though mid june to be on the sailboat. Can’t wait and hope for good weather!

    2 months ago
    1. Avril

      There is a lot of talk about sleep in this thread. It’s so interesting…

      2 months ago
  3. Anna

    Sometimes I am like the earth after a strong drought, ready to receive the rain and enjoy life for what it is, everything has its beauty.
    Sometimes I suffer but I don’t let go, so I hold on to my troubles,
    I only look at myself, obviously without finding beauty or enjoyment in it.
    It depends on my mood.

    2 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Beautiful words, Ann…”Sometimes, I am like the earth…..” Calming and heartening words. I hope you are able to find some beauty and happiness…Take a deep breath and let go….if only for a minute. Namaste.

      2 months ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      “…… the earth after a strong drought, ready to receive the rain……..” Certainly do like that stringing of words Anna, thank you.

      2 months ago
  4. Dolores Kazanjian

    I don’t look for “meaning,” and I am not sure that there is any. Just being is enough. To quote Werner Erhard, “it doesn’t mean anything and t it doesn’t mean anything that it doesn’t mean anything.”

    2 months ago
  5. Barb C

    I’m snagged on the word “discovering” in this question. I find great meaning in my professional life, where I’m doing work I believe in. That isn’t a new discovery–I’ve managed to find or create that commitment and fulfillment in my jobs for many years and I don’t take that for granted. I find meaning in my love for my husband, family and friends, and in getting our garden started for another year as Joseph described. I would say “noticing” rather than “discovering” to describe how I find meaning.

    2 months ago
  6. Charlie T

    Reading, talking with others, and
    This is where I find meaning. Or at least
    a framework for understanding.
    Of course, working, providing for
    our little family, being out in the world,
    experiencing life, making things, riding
    my bike, taking care of our house, cooking,
    and being a support for friends. All of
    this and more gives my life meaning.

    2 months ago
  7. Yram

    Today I am discovering that each day is different! I had emergency kidney stone removal yesterday! How precious our health and how it can be taken away quickly. I also have discovered how wonderful people are. The hospital staff was amazing. Our son’s business trip here coincide with my surgery. He is a blessing!

    2 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Wishing you a speedy recovery and time to spend with your son!! Take care…Drink lots!!

      2 months ago
    2. Michele

      Wishing you a speedy recovery Yram:)

      2 months ago
    3. Joseph McCann

      Cheryl suffers with re-occurring kidney stones. Not pleasant at all. Comforting thoughts, Yram.

      2 months ago
    4. Avril

      I’m glad you are doing well Yram

      2 months ago
    5. Dolores Kazanjian

      I know kidney stones can be very painful. I am glad you are recuperating.

      2 months ago
    6. Barb C

      So glad you’re okay!

      2 months ago
  8. pkr

    I am finding meaning in this present moment. Sitting on my veranda sipping coffee & observing the beautiful green meadow land in front of me. Listening to the birds singing & the Canadian geese squawking! I meditated earlier feeling the Divine’s peace & presence. All is well. I am truly blessed. ✨🙏🏻✨❤️

    2 months ago
  9. L
    Loc Tran

    I’m finding meaning in my: marriage with Ngoc, zen practices, and being an advocate for the people on my boat. Ngoc has made me feel most comfortable being my natural self and has given me something to look forward to at every moment. My zen practices brings simplicity to my life and gives me a clearer mind. My social activism project mentioned from a couple days ago on the question regarding new perspectives makes me feel helpful and gives me a goal to shoot for.

    2 months ago
  10. Maeve

    My job as a teacher in an elementary school definitely gives my life meaning. It’s amazing, joyful, and challenging all at the same time.

    2 months ago
  11. Ngoc Nguyen

    I often experience sleep paralysis, so that I discovered how meaningful of having a good night’s sleep.

    2 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, I’ve had troubles with that myself before, so I find meaning in that too.

      2 months ago
  12. Mary Mantei

    Like so many of us, I am trying to find it right where I am throughout the day/s. Being in the flow. . .

    2 months ago
    1. Josie

      Exactly my response too, Mary.

      2 months ago
  13. Nannette

    Right now…I am so happy to have had a good sleep for the first time in many nights…I am thankful for my sleep and I am thankful for my hot drink this morning and my faithful dog lying next to me…snoozing. The meaning of life does not have to be complicated…I sit here this morning so in awe of God’s Blessings…my green space in this world…surrounded by trees and a small brook..deer and rabbits run about…and my dear cats. For now this is my home. When I look back at where I came from and how I got here….I know that some Supreme Being had his/her hand in my life and well being. I hope I have and am fullfilling my purpose in life.

    2 months ago
    1. Josie

      Beautiful, Nannette.

      2 months ago
  14. Avril

    The daily word today is, as usual, apropos. It reminds me that there is no meaningless moment. This isn’t to create neuroticism; however, as Steindl-Rast encourages us, we can remember that there is always opportunity to pause and see the gift. I am finiding meaning in life right now in this moment—it’s setting the tone for my whole day to unfold with more presence.

    2 months ago
  15. Michele

    I had terrible insomnia last night so I am discovering meaning in a good night’s sleep- which is very rare for me.

    2 months ago
    1. Michele

      Thank you everyone – I did:) I will always promote the benefits of medical marijuana.

      2 months ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Michele, as someone who values sleep myself, I wish you get a better sleep tonight.

      2 months ago
    3. Ngoc Nguyen

      Wishing you a better sleep tonight, Michele!

      2 months ago
    4. Nannette

      Good Morning, Michele, I too suffer from insomnia…and it just beats you up!! Last night is a night I actually got to sleep and slept. This morning; I am thrilled that I had a decent sleep. I pray that comes to you tonight. Blessings for a better day, my friend.

      2 months ago

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