Can I be fit and healthy again for a phase in my future? Can I remember to experience incredible gratitude CONSTANTLY should that wellness become possible? Will I honor the incredible gift of having our health and wellness enough to prioritize honoring, preserving, protecting and promoting it as best I can? And then, as health and wellness inevitably shift as we continue to shift into our aging, how will I manage that? Will I be able to hold a healthy spirit even if my physical wellness gets compromised? what can I be doing NOW to hold this priority and concern? I believe this site and the reflections shared here will be a part of that for me —- and there will also be so much more, God willing.🙏!!!!! I hope I am given the chance. thank you, Grateful.
Thank you Carol Ann! I needed your comment! I hear you! I am in the same situation. I must get back to the priority of taking care of my self. You have helped me in making this so clear. Have a wonderful day!
. . . little signs of spring . . .
I go poking around,
looking for crocus and iris buds,
daffodils and tulips,
snow drops . . .
usually the first to appear.
I’m always curious,
every spring,
to see how things have survived the winter . . .
depending on the amount of rain or snow we’ve had,
there is a difference
in whether they have spread or diminished.
After a particularly dry summer
I look to see who has made it through the drought.
Last year
I lost a whole bed of gallium.
I have bits of it in other garden beds,
so this spring
I will build the bed again.
I am curious
about every aspect of the gardens,
and wonder if I’ll have the strength to do what I want to do out there . . .
there have been a few serious setbacks,
but I’m learning now,
to do what I can
and be happy with that . . .
my gardens are my haven from the world. ♥
I like to observe all that springs forth from our mother. I especially find joy, sometimes grief if hail visits, within the vegetable garden dear Sparrow. Enjoy🌱.
Hmm, I’m not sure. Maybe that’s what I need to explore. My curiosity and zest for life has been extremely low. I’m hoping by participating in these daily reflections it will ignite a fire to get me back to me!
That is a good point, Carol! I also sometime suffer from “analysis paralysis”. It is interesting to think how that is different from curiosity– maybe that in itself is something I am curious about 🙂. I think of the analysis paralysis coming from a place of control and fear, whereas curiosity is more playful and open.
I think you have hit the nail on the head! Analysis Paralysis definitely comes from a need to control. Love your view of curiosity as playful and open!
Carol, this reminds me of legendary NBA Coach, Phil Jackson’s, 2 zen leadership principles of “1 breath=1 mind” and “When in doubt, do nothing.” It’s very easy to keep pushing forward and try to find answers to everything only to keep running into walls.
What a fun question! Gardening and travel are top of the list right now.
I’m going to be reading the rest of Vegetables Love Flowers and making plans for companion plantings this year that will include blossoms as well as food. I’m eager to get seeds in the ground for early greens and am thinking about starting some indoors, which I’ve never done. I don’t have a great place to do it, though, so will they thrive?
I’m scheduled to go to Romania for a work thing in early April and need to start reading up on the city I’ll be in, Timisaroa. I’ll arrive a day before the meetings start so I can acclimate to the time zone and look around a bit, and stay a day at the end for more touristing.
In the fall I’m joining family in England. they’ll be on a 2-week stay and I need to figure out how many days I’ll be there and for which portion. Hoping to visit places I’ve always wanted to see, and I also know that I’ll enjoy whatever we do because it will all be new. I’ve been to London once and loved that. My sister-in-law booked a place in the Cotswolds that looks wonderful.
yes, dear Barb . . .
We are starting the process of ordering seeds,
deciding which vegetables to plant in the veggie beds.
I’m hoping for some cauliflower and broccoli,
as we eat a lot of those,
We started things indoors last year,
and our dining room table became a nursery for three months,
for all of the sprouting seeds.
It turned into quite an operation
with lights and warming trays,
but we’re doing it again this year,
and I hope you’ll try it. ♥
My challenge is that we have this cat… I have a very high sort of “nook”, an architectural thing created by an interior wall, that’s big enough to hold some trays. It has a plug-in so I could add a light on a timer. I’d have to get on a ladder every time I wanted to water them but the cat couldn’t get up there. I’ve been thinking about it.
My other option is to really test him and to put a small tray on the kitchen counter where it would get nice northern light all day, behind the kitchen sink where I have an extra wide window sill. He’d be able to get to it so I don’t think it would work well but I’d be able to watch the progress better. Darn cat.
Two cats here,
used to be four . . .
We pull the chairs away from the table,
cover the seedlings,
The table is pretty full,
so they don’t really have a landing pad for jumping up.
In the end,
dear Barb,
it depends on the cats. 🙂
Barb, I’ll be going on a family cruise for a week at the end of this month into the beginning of the next on the “Icon of the Sea” ship in Miami. It’s the biggest ship in the world. Ngoc and I get to have our own room.
It seems like there are so many little groups of people in the USA and around the world gathering to discuss how to align with love and stand up for justice. I am so curious if there is a “spark” that can bring these groups somehow together in a more powerful movement that invites everyone in, including those who may have been sucked into the world of fear and hatred for awhile and now are realizing that they want something different.
I have been participating in a Tapping (EFT) workshop for the last week. I am very curious about this healing tool & how I can incorporate it into my life. I notice that after I tap I feel better, emotionally uplifted, more positive, happier.
I am also curious about how I want to participate in these next 40 days of lent.
I have been using this method to reduce trauma and anxiety for years, first as a therapist, and now for myself. It is an amazingly effective technique and so simple to do. Sometimes it takes more than once, but the anxiety definitely goes down. I am glad you found this excellent method of release.
Are we going to set roots in this city?
How soon will I really be able (ready) to start teaching?
When will I meet my newest nephew in person?
Why can’t everyone see that love is the answer?
Why is there no middle ground anymore?
What am I going to eat for lunch today? 🙂
I have been interested lately in having better self care,
especially as it relates to my appearance, but also my comfort.
My eye glasses are old and have scratches. Thank you very much dear kitties.
I just picked out a new pair. Wire rimmed, but in red.
I have an old much loved magnet on my refrigerator that says, When in doubt, wear red. 😍
My hair has gotten very long, down my back, and has become a bit unruly.
So I’ve started wearing it in a single long braid, to contain it.
I will make an appointment to get a nice cut, and will feel and look, so much better.
I haven’t worn make up for years but I recently have bought a few tubes of lipstick.
I enjoy wearing them when I go out in the evening.
So these self care measure all have to do with my appearance, but also with comfort.
I will think about other areas where, I have neglected self care
and look into making more positive changes.
Thank you for the question.
Mary, I enjoyed reading how you are taking this interest in your self-care and appearance. As I read it, I could hear my older brother saying, in regard to his role at work, “You look good, you feel good, you feel good, you do good.’ Enjoy giving yourself a boost, Mary.
Off to a later start today. I am curious about doing a forty day practice during the season of Lent. While my path is Eastern, I was raised in the church and both traditions honor periods of reflection– in fact, 40 days is auspicious in the Himalayan Tradtion. I am taking today to affirm what I want to add, as opposed to give-up, I want to create a new habit. I am very curious and excited about growth.
I think you can do this,
dear Avril . . .
most ‘religions’,
at their core,
teach basically the same things,
and I believe we can find their interconnectedness
without too much trouble.
I hope you will be pleased and delighted. ♥
Such a lovely idea to think of what to add instead of give up during Lent, Avril! My husband first got the courage to ask me out on our first date because he decided to add in taking more risks during Lent.
I’m looking forward to my twin sister’s delivery day in the middle of this month. How cute our son looks is sparking my curiosity. Praying for her smooth delivery. (he’ll call me mom, too) 👦
What to plant in the garden, and in which combination. I found a new type of potato that I’m excited to try. How to better amend the soil this year. Which flowers to add as insect repellants, and where to add shade this year.
I had a similar answer, Drea. The book Vegetables Love Flowers is giving me lots of ideas for companion planting and I’m looking forward to having beautiful cut flowers in the house as a bonus.
I am curious as to what help will be needed when my husband comes home from the hospital.
I looked very closely at a beautiful orchid I have. I was curious at the color and formation of it.
I am also curious about connections. Just prior to looking at the orchid, I listened to an old spiritual (on Art and Theology) comparing lives to flowers. Interesting.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
Can I be fit and healthy again for a phase in my future? Can I remember to experience incredible gratitude CONSTANTLY should that wellness become possible? Will I honor the incredible gift of having our health and wellness enough to prioritize honoring, preserving, protecting and promoting it as best I can? And then, as health and wellness inevitably shift as we continue to shift into our aging, how will I manage that? Will I be able to hold a healthy spirit even if my physical wellness gets compromised? what can I be doing NOW to hold this priority and concern? I believe this site and the reflections shared here will be a part of that for me —- and there will also be so much more, God willing.🙏!!!!! I hope I am given the chance. thank you, Grateful.
Thank you Carol Ann! I needed your comment! I hear you! I am in the same situation. I must get back to the priority of taking care of my self. You have helped me in making this so clear. Have a wonderful day!
Right now I am curious when we might be moving. All depends on the weather right now and when the new septic can be done.
. . . little signs of spring . . .
I go poking around,
looking for crocus and iris buds,
daffodils and tulips,
snow drops . . .
usually the first to appear.
I’m always curious,
every spring,
to see how things have survived the winter . . .
depending on the amount of rain or snow we’ve had,
there is a difference
in whether they have spread or diminished.
After a particularly dry summer
I look to see who has made it through the drought.
Last year
I lost a whole bed of gallium.
I have bits of it in other garden beds,
so this spring
I will build the bed again.
I am curious
about every aspect of the gardens,
and wonder if I’ll have the strength to do what I want to do out there . . .
there have been a few serious setbacks,
but I’m learning now,
to do what I can
and be happy with that . . .
my gardens are my haven from the world. ♥
I adore your posts Sparrow
I adore,
and look for yours too,
every day,
dear Avril . . . ♥
I like to observe all that springs forth from our mother. I especially find joy, sometimes grief if hail visits, within the vegetable garden dear Sparrow. Enjoy🌱.
Like minds,
dear Joseph . . . 🙂
Sorry dear friends, i am sick and have to rest today. If possible, i will reply tomorrow. May you all have a good night and a beautiful new day.
Feel better
Speedy recovery and healing wishes to you Ose.
Thank you for taking care of yourself, Ose. Godspeed to your good health.🩷
rest rest rest, Ose. Give it time. Rest, get the help you need, and please get better.
Feel better Ose
Rest easy,
dear Ose . . .
I keep you in my heart,
and hope you are feeling better soon. ♥
Hmm, I’m not sure. Maybe that’s what I need to explore. My curiosity and zest for life has been extremely low. I’m hoping by participating in these daily reflections it will ignite a fire to get me back to me!
…yup. Even a slow burn is progress, in my opinion😊. Hello, Ashley….👋
Mine has too,
dear Ashley . . .
maybe we can all figure it out together. ♥
Hi Ashley! Welcome 🙂
I’m sure it will, Ashley. Welcome to the “Grateful Living Community.”
I concur
I suffer from “analysis paralysis” and I’am not convinced that is curiosity!
That is a good point, Carol! I also sometime suffer from “analysis paralysis”. It is interesting to think how that is different from curiosity– maybe that in itself is something I am curious about 🙂. I think of the analysis paralysis coming from a place of control and fear, whereas curiosity is more playful and open.
I think you have hit the nail on the head! Analysis Paralysis definitely comes from a need to control. Love your view of curiosity as playful and open!
Carol, this reminds me of legendary NBA Coach, Phil Jackson’s, 2 zen leadership principles of “1 breath=1 mind” and “When in doubt, do nothing.” It’s very easy to keep pushing forward and try to find answers to everything only to keep running into walls.
Loc Tran, I am a big proponent of doing nothing at the right time. Let the magic and the mystery in.
Mary Mantei, answers have a way of showing up when we least expect them. It’s easy to overthink.
What a fun question! Gardening and travel are top of the list right now.
I’m going to be reading the rest of Vegetables Love Flowers and making plans for companion plantings this year that will include blossoms as well as food. I’m eager to get seeds in the ground for early greens and am thinking about starting some indoors, which I’ve never done. I don’t have a great place to do it, though, so will they thrive?
I’m scheduled to go to Romania for a work thing in early April and need to start reading up on the city I’ll be in, Timisaroa. I’ll arrive a day before the meetings start so I can acclimate to the time zone and look around a bit, and stay a day at the end for more touristing.
In the fall I’m joining family in England. they’ll be on a 2-week stay and I need to figure out how many days I’ll be there and for which portion. Hoping to visit places I’ve always wanted to see, and I also know that I’ll enjoy whatever we do because it will all be new. I’ve been to London once and loved that. My sister-in-law booked a place in the Cotswolds that looks wonderful.
We were able to enjoy the Cotswold area years ago. You will love it. Take in some gardens. They are magical.
yes, dear Barb . . .
We are starting the process of ordering seeds,
deciding which vegetables to plant in the veggie beds.
I’m hoping for some cauliflower and broccoli,
as we eat a lot of those,
We started things indoors last year,
and our dining room table became a nursery for three months,
for all of the sprouting seeds.
It turned into quite an operation
with lights and warming trays,
but we’re doing it again this year,
and I hope you’ll try it. ♥
My challenge is that we have this cat… I have a very high sort of “nook”, an architectural thing created by an interior wall, that’s big enough to hold some trays. It has a plug-in so I could add a light on a timer. I’d have to get on a ladder every time I wanted to water them but the cat couldn’t get up there. I’ve been thinking about it.
My other option is to really test him and to put a small tray on the kitchen counter where it would get nice northern light all day, behind the kitchen sink where I have an extra wide window sill. He’d be able to get to it so I don’t think it would work well but I’d be able to watch the progress better. Darn cat.
Two cats here,
used to be four . . .
We pull the chairs away from the table,
cover the seedlings,
The table is pretty full,
so they don’t really have a landing pad for jumping up.
In the end,
dear Barb,
it depends on the cats. 🙂
Your gardening project on the dining room table sounds wonderful, Sparrow. Seeing that fresh life everyday is so heartening. 🍃
It’s like being present
to see a miracle happen
every day,
dear Mary! ♥
I’ll be in England in the fall
Barb, I’ll be going on a family cruise for a week at the end of this month into the beginning of the next on the “Icon of the Sea” ship in Miami. It’s the biggest ship in the world. Ngoc and I get to have our own room.
With 2 new babies, possibly?
It seems like there are so many little groups of people in the USA and around the world gathering to discuss how to align with love and stand up for justice. I am so curious if there is a “spark” that can bring these groups somehow together in a more powerful movement that invites everyone in, including those who may have been sucked into the world of fear and hatred for awhile and now are realizing that they want something different.
Thank you for this answer, Elizabeth. We can go farther together.
I have been participating in a Tapping (EFT) workshop for the last week. I am very curious about this healing tool & how I can incorporate it into my life. I notice that after I tap I feel better, emotionally uplifted, more positive, happier.
I am also curious about how I want to participate in these next 40 days of lent.
I would love to know how it works for you,
dear PKR . . . ♥
I have been using this method to reduce trauma and anxiety for years, first as a therapist, and now for myself. It is an amazingly effective technique and so simple to do. Sometimes it takes more than once, but the anxiety definitely goes down. I am glad you found this excellent method of release.
Are we going to set roots in this city?
How soon will I really be able (ready) to start teaching?
When will I meet my newest nephew in person?
Why can’t everyone see that love is the answer?
Why is there no middle ground anymore?
What am I going to eat for lunch today? 🙂
All wonderful questions.
Oh my.
Your brain sounds like mine, SunnyPatti.
I have been interested lately in having better self care,
especially as it relates to my appearance, but also my comfort.
My eye glasses are old and have scratches. Thank you very much dear kitties.
I just picked out a new pair. Wire rimmed, but in red.
I have an old much loved magnet on my refrigerator that says, When in doubt, wear red. 😍
My hair has gotten very long, down my back, and has become a bit unruly.
So I’ve started wearing it in a single long braid, to contain it.
I will make an appointment to get a nice cut, and will feel and look, so much better.
I haven’t worn make up for years but I recently have bought a few tubes of lipstick.
I enjoy wearing them when I go out in the evening.
So these self care measure all have to do with my appearance, but also with comfort.
I will think about other areas where, I have neglected self care
and look into making more positive changes.
Thank you for the question.
Mary, I enjoyed reading how you are taking this interest in your self-care and appearance. As I read it, I could hear my older brother saying, in regard to his role at work, “You look good, you feel good, you feel good, you do good.’ Enjoy giving yourself a boost, Mary.
Thank you Mary.
I will especially enjoy taking care of my hair!
Off to a later start today. I am curious about doing a forty day practice during the season of Lent. While my path is Eastern, I was raised in the church and both traditions honor periods of reflection– in fact, 40 days is auspicious in the Himalayan Tradtion. I am taking today to affirm what I want to add, as opposed to give-up, I want to create a new habit. I am very curious and excited about growth.
I think you can do this,
dear Avril . . .
most ‘religions’,
at their core,
teach basically the same things,
and I believe we can find their interconnectedness
without too much trouble.
I hope you will be pleased and delighted. ♥
Such a lovely idea to think of what to add instead of give up during Lent, Avril! My husband first got the courage to ask me out on our first date because he decided to add in taking more risks during Lent.
Thanks Elizabeth
I’m looking forward to my twin sister’s delivery day in the middle of this month. How cute our son looks is sparking my curiosity. Praying for her smooth delivery. (he’ll call me mom, too) 👦
Congrats Ngoc!
. . . a new life coming . . .
dear Ngoc,
like the first flower bud in spring. ♥
What?! Wow! That’s wonderful.
Wow! Thats great. Congratulations!
Congratulations Ngoc!
Oh my goodness ~ congratulations!
My Ngoc, that’s very exciting. He can call me “Dad” too. I see it as spiritual support.
CONGRATULATIONS, Ngoc! That is the best news ever!
What to plant in the garden, and in which combination. I found a new type of potato that I’m excited to try. How to better amend the soil this year. Which flowers to add as insect repellants, and where to add shade this year.
Another gardener!
We might be able to trade some tips and wisdom,
dear Drea. ♥
Sparrow, I would be delighted to!
I had a similar answer, Drea. The book Vegetables Love Flowers is giving me lots of ideas for companion planting and I’m looking forward to having beautiful cut flowers in the house as a bonus.
I do a little of that,
dear Barb,
but would like to learn more. ♥
What a great book title! I put it on reserve at the library. It’s fun to learn.
Nice, Drea. It’s about that time of year.
I am curious as to what help will be needed when my husband comes home from the hospital.
I looked very closely at a beautiful orchid I have. I was curious at the color and formation of it.
I am also curious about connections. Just prior to looking at the orchid, I listened to an old spiritual (on Art and Theology) comparing lives to flowers. Interesting.
I pray he comes home soon
I hope you will have help for this,
dear Yram . . .
you can’t possibly do this alone.
I hold you in my heart
with love . . . ♥
That can be a scary place to be in, Yram– not knowing what to expect when a loved one comes home from the hospital. Sending much love.