Being supportive and helping someone that needs me! Spring time, being out in nature and seeing wild life.
Sailing, hiking, biking & walking on the beach on a beautiful sunny day. Planning and traveling to an exciting destination!
. . . things that make me pay attention
and draw me back to the breath.
I feel most alive
when my body
takes me out of myself,
when my head takes me out of myself,
when my heart takes me out of myself . . .
when my self is transcended into a place outside of myself. ♥
What a wonderful question! First thing in the morning, the obvious answer is coffee. But for real–
Riding my bike makes me feel fully alive.
Walking, especially if I’m moving at a good clip and then stopping because I’m so struck by something in the world around me: Also alive.
Listening to gorgeous music.
Dancing with my husband.
Working in my garden when plants are really producing and I’m completely immersed in taking care of them, pruning, watering, harvesting, no time pressure, surrounded by the sounds of insects buzzing, maybe a bird or two although they’re pretty quiet by then because it’s past mating season, sun overhead.
Being out with friends having lively conversation and good food.
Engaging in an intense conversation about a policy topic that I know a lot about or that I’m learning about in the moment, making mental connections across different realms, feeling a sense of knowledge creation.
It is hard to explain what makes me feel most alive, as it comes in different experiences.
Being with someone with whom I feel a connection, hiking in silence, an engaging conversation, reading a book or watching a movie that speaks to something deep in me.
Oh, ok – there it is, what makes me feel most alive is any experience that touches, speaks to, or connects with that deepness within me.
This is my second post for today. I just read R. Rohr’s daily meditation for March 23rd and it explain duality so well that I wanted to share it. It was a aha! moment for me. I felt very alive!
This question makes me look back over my life and I have always felt most alive when I am giving from my heart. That’s been true when I write poetry, especially true when I was singing. I always sang with my whole being and my audience, be it one person or many people, always responded with a like energy –an energy of love and appreciation was flowing out and returning back from the listeners. Just remembering fills me with that same energy!
Upon awakening and seeing a sunny blue sky, regardless of the temperature, gets my toes tapping, and I find myself fully engaged from there throughout the day. ☀️
I feel alive observing & participating in Mother Nature. Walking outdoors, breathing in fresh air, observing the birds, watching the trees bud, flowers blooming. Watching the different phases of the moon excites me.
Seeing & feeling the Divine @ work.
Prayer & meditation.
I feel alive too when I practice my yoga.
Listening to music, reading a good book….
I guess there is a lot that makes me feel alive.
I am blessed.
Peace & Love to All. 🕊️🩷
Similar to what Charlie wrote, I feel alive when I put my attention on the moment: my body and the inputs coming in through my senses. For some reason this morning I feel nervous. The nervousness pulls me into future tripping, which feels like a fugue (less alive). When I pull my attention back to my body and sounds, sights, sensations, and watch the nervousness with compassion, I feel spacious and alive. So I think that what makes me feel most alive is putting attention and awareness on the moment, and letting things unfold.
I feel I am most alive when I realize that the Universe has given me all the things that I need(actually more than I need), when I see that the people I love are happy and doing well, when I see the sky or get some warmth from the sun, when I feel I am blessed with good food, when I travel and enjoy the nature, and also when I spend time with the people I love. These are few of the moments that keep me alive. Believe me, it is all about small meaningful things 🙂
Being outdoors, especially in weather like today, 70’s- low 80’s and clear.
Also interacting with children, especially, guiding or just letting them go in creating art.
I feel alive, when I can be in the moment and aware of the moment at the same time. Moving my body through space is another way that I feel alive
Practicing gratitude certainly helps my awareness of all the life going on around me.
Reading your words, I begin to think there’s something about movement that is life or alive. Watching the moment evolve vs. trying to control or freeze it. Death = immobility or force; life = movement.
Sun, warmth in body and soul. Good tasty food, a sense of giving and receiving.
My husband has been accepted for rehab. I pray this will give us hope that strength of body and mind will make us feel more alive.
I am happy to hear of your husband’s acceptance into rehab,
giving him a better chance for healing,
and you a little space to breathe,
not carrying the whole burden on your own. ♥
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
Being supportive and helping someone that needs me! Spring time, being out in nature and seeing wild life.
Sailing, hiking, biking & walking on the beach on a beautiful sunny day. Planning and traveling to an exciting destination!
. . . things that make me pay attention
and draw me back to the breath.
I feel most alive
when my body
takes me out of myself,
when my head takes me out of myself,
when my heart takes me out of myself . . .
when my self is transcended into a place outside of myself. ♥
What a wonderful question! First thing in the morning, the obvious answer is coffee. But for real–
Riding my bike makes me feel fully alive.
Walking, especially if I’m moving at a good clip and then stopping because I’m so struck by something in the world around me: Also alive.
Listening to gorgeous music.
Dancing with my husband.
Working in my garden when plants are really producing and I’m completely immersed in taking care of them, pruning, watering, harvesting, no time pressure, surrounded by the sounds of insects buzzing, maybe a bird or two although they’re pretty quiet by then because it’s past mating season, sun overhead.
Being out with friends having lively conversation and good food.
Engaging in an intense conversation about a policy topic that I know a lot about or that I’m learning about in the moment, making mental connections across different realms, feeling a sense of knowledge creation.
Had to laugh with you over your first answer, coffee.
I start with tea, but the thought of my hot drink with caffeine, gets me moving!😊
Living moment to moment in deep connection to the Divine Core in myself and all around me.
It is hard to explain what makes me feel most alive, as it comes in different experiences.
Being with someone with whom I feel a connection, hiking in silence, an engaging conversation, reading a book or watching a movie that speaks to something deep in me.
Oh, ok – there it is, what makes me feel most alive is any experience that touches, speaks to, or connects with that deepness within me.
Playing with my little niece and nephews. They are adorable (of course!) and they take such joy in every moment.
I chose to not have children and am now discovering the joys of “being in the moment” that only young children can demonstrate with such purity.
This is my second post for today. I just read R. Rohr’s daily meditation for March 23rd and it explain duality so well that I wanted to share it. It was a aha! moment for me. I felt very alive!
This question makes me look back over my life and I have always felt most alive when I am giving from my heart. That’s been true when I write poetry, especially true when I was singing. I always sang with my whole being and my audience, be it one person or many people, always responded with a like energy –an energy of love and appreciation was flowing out and returning back from the listeners. Just remembering fills me with that same energy!
Upon awakening and seeing a sunny blue sky, regardless of the temperature, gets my toes tapping, and I find myself fully engaged from there throughout the day. ☀️
I feel alive observing & participating in Mother Nature. Walking outdoors, breathing in fresh air, observing the birds, watching the trees bud, flowers blooming. Watching the different phases of the moon excites me.
Seeing & feeling the Divine @ work.
Prayer & meditation.
I feel alive too when I practice my yoga.
Listening to music, reading a good book….
I guess there is a lot that makes me feel alive.
I am blessed.
Peace & Love to All. 🕊️🩷
Similar to what Charlie wrote, I feel alive when I put my attention on the moment: my body and the inputs coming in through my senses. For some reason this morning I feel nervous. The nervousness pulls me into future tripping, which feels like a fugue (less alive). When I pull my attention back to my body and sounds, sights, sensations, and watch the nervousness with compassion, I feel spacious and alive. So I think that what makes me feel most alive is putting attention and awareness on the moment, and letting things unfold.
I feel I am most alive when I realize that the Universe has given me all the things that I need(actually more than I need), when I see that the people I love are happy and doing well, when I see the sky or get some warmth from the sun, when I feel I am blessed with good food, when I travel and enjoy the nature, and also when I spend time with the people I love. These are few of the moments that keep me alive. Believe me, it is all about small meaningful things 🙂
Being outdoors, especially in weather like today, 70’s- low 80’s and clear.
Also interacting with children, especially, guiding or just letting them go in creating art.
We have similar weather here, I’m excited to get out and enjoy the fresh air.
Very mood elevating for me!
I feel alive, when I can be in the moment and aware of the moment at the same time. Moving my body through space is another way that I feel alive
Practicing gratitude certainly helps my awareness of all the life going on around me.
Reading your words, I begin to think there’s something about movement that is life or alive. Watching the moment evolve vs. trying to control or freeze it. Death = immobility or force; life = movement.
Sun, warmth in body and soul. Good tasty food, a sense of giving and receiving.
My husband has been accepted for rehab. I pray this will give us hope that strength of body and mind will make us feel more alive.
May your husband encounter some relief at the rehab, dear Yram.
Great news, has to be such a relief!
I am happy to hear of your husband’s acceptance into rehab,
giving him a better chance for healing,
and you a little space to breathe,
not carrying the whole burden on your own. ♥
Yram, congratulations on your husband’s acceptance to rehab, and warm wishes for health and strength to the both of you.