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  1. Linda72766
    6 months ago

    I am an outgoing and friendly person.

  2. TofuLove75790
    6 months ago

    Optimism and positivity. I tend to be a very positive minded person. Like very much someone who like everything is falling apart and I’m like well, the good thing is at least we have toast to eat! I just am a very positive minded and optimistic person, where I have a lot of belief it works out somehow and it’ll be better for even the current setbacks. I don’t know if that’s current circumstance but it’s the natural way I relate — seeing the good, the positives and focusing on what is good in the moment. I tend to have a lot of this positive mindset and confidence so I am like, oh yeah — I can fix it! And that can be people, that can be anything — where I’m learning the humility to realize I can’t fix everything and everyone and I can actually seek out situations of reciprocal kindness vs like always stepping into this role of fixing everything for someone. It’s like when you are so positive minded you see all the challenges, all the flaws, everything wrong and yet your positive little mind says — oh no, this can be turned around! There’s positives and negatives to being really optimistic.

  3. Ose
    6 months ago

    This is not possible for me to answer this question. I honestly do not know. There are attributes my friends might mention, like kindness, loyalty, honesty, sometimes – up to naivity, too emotional sometimes, courageous may be, caring and a good friend, someone whoes heart is with my fellow people. But does one of those make me most who i am?? Wishing a beautiful day to all of you.

  4. barba
    6 months ago

    I’ve only just discovered how much. And it doesn’t always feel good. Adaptation has enabled us humans to survive.
    But there is also overadaptation, too much, where I get lost. I will observe this behavior…

  5. sparrow51014
    6 months ago

    I am not who I thought I was
    for most of my life . . .
    simply said,
    I am everything
    and I am nothing.
    I am a teeny, tiny piece
    of the Universe,
    and I embrace all of it.

  6. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    6 months ago

    The quality that defines me the most is empathy. It helps transform my limited sight into a gift because not all occurrences can be observed with vision. Thank you so much for today’s question, which reminds me of how special I am. Today is also a remarkable day for me as I just received my certificate of naturalization. From now on, I am a citizen of the United States. I am grateful to the country that accepts me as I am.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      6 months ago

      Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your news with us.

    2. Michele
      6 months ago

      Congrats Ngoc!

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      Congratulations Ngoc. Welcome.

    4. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      My Ngoc, this reminds me of Vorail, a social media App where visually impaired and blind people send each other audio messages both privately and in the public domain. When I was on there, I heard some users talking about having insite without eyesight. That’s a good one.

    5. sparrow51014
      6 months ago

      dear Ngoc . . .
      I hope you will be happy in this country,
      and that she treats you well. ♥

    6. Nancy Walton-House63093
      Nancy Walton-House63093
      6 months ago


  7. Antoinette88615
    6 months ago

    Motivational and determination!

  8. Barb C
    Barb C
    6 months ago

    I’m sort of stumped, as I’m definitely a mixture as Richard said. I think I’ll go with “connecting”. I see connections between small things and big issues, between people I introduce to each other because I believe they’ll find value in that connection, between a local issue and national politics, between how I live and what happens to the earth.

    I believe my daughters would define reliability as an important quality since I’ve been the consistent, reliable parent in their lives. Kindness and intelligence are both right up there as well: One is what I bring to the world, the other is what has brought me opportunities and rewards in my career.

  9. Nannette
    6 months ago

    I may be off track but the first thing that popped into my sleeping brain was my love for all animals. So maybe that is compassion. I have compassion for people also…but sometimes people just are not good…whereas animals always are and never disappoint. I am sure my family would all respond that my love for animals is what they think of when they think of me.

  10. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    Hopefully, kindness…

  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    I hope it’s kindness. But I could just as
    easily said insecure or fearful or curious.
    It’s an interesting question, as we are
    made up of many qualities. And then,
    there’s how we perceive ourselves
    and how others may perceive us.

  12. pkr29022
    6 months ago

    My insatiable curiosity.
    I gotta know, I ask a lot of questions (which upsets some folks).
    I am interested in so many things, some days it’s hard to keep up!!!
    Keep on learning……❤️

  13. Avril
    6 months ago

    Hey folks. I’ve been on retreat for almost 2 weeks in Spain without email! It was amazing. I’m grateful to have gone and grateful to have returned. The quality that I most embody with ease is enthusiasm. I am a seven in the enneagram ( “Type Seven is spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered” (and it’s true). I feel that bringing positivity is my strength and when I am meditating and doing good self care, it comes easily for me to be joyful.

    1. Michele
      6 months ago

      Welcome back Avril – I’ve missed your presence. Glad you had a nice retreat in Spain.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Welcome back, Avril. I’m a Type 5, the investigator. It’s reflective in my calm demeanor, strategical, and observant qualities. 5s and 7s are polar opposites of each other. As the saying goes, opposites attract; likes repel. You’d get me out of my head, and I keep you under control.

    3. Nannette
      6 months ago

      Hi Avril! So happy to have you back! Your retreat sounds wonderful…and YES! you sure are enthusiastic. It is awesome!

    4. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      Avril,Welcome back. I’m a six on the enneagram.

    5. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      6 months ago

      Welcome back! And yes, enthusiasm.

  14. Patti
    6 months ago

    This is tough for me as well, as I believe I have quite a few qualities that together make me who I am. I do often say that I’m a people person… is that a quality? I love people and am curious about others’ lives, backgrounds, etc. I guess that’s why I’m so good at doing what I do.

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    I like Richard and Laura’s answer. For me, the one that popped up first and the most was “Adaptable.”

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