The memories that sustain me is thinking back to my BEST memories in my childhood. My one Nana and her sister Glady were the one POSITIVE constant in our lives. My brother, sister and myself lived with a very controlling mother. Our parents divorced when I was just 5 and the twins were only 3. I felt like I could NEVER BREATHE while with our mom. Our dad saw us faithfully every Sunday and on occasions had us for the weekend. His mom (we called “Nana”) was THE BEST GRANDMOTHER in every way. We lived in Cleveland OH growing up in the 1960s. Nana and Glady took us downtown for shopping and lunch and always lastly to the Cleveland Market before heading back to Gladys. We have fond memories of going downtown at Christmas to see the special animated windows at Higbees, Halles and May Co. Nana and Aunt Glady made these outings so fun and special. These memories are the ones that sustain me on those days I am feeling down or are having a very bad day with my chronic pain.
Memories of my grandchildren and my children, of course. Memories of my late husband and relatives and friends that have passed on. I have quite a few, and that is good.. And, or course, memories of my childhood, those many, many years ago.
What memories sustain me…………..places which I have lived and more importantly the people that I shared time with in those places. They were not well off in the eyes of the world but on a personal/human level they were very rich. They were wonderful people, very reflective with great insight and values. They have become great pillars in my life. I am very grateful to them for the way they have helped and continue to shape me!
I have been fortunate to take 2 trips to Ireland. I fell in love and felt like I was home. My Mother died of cancer when I turned 40, it was a very difficult time in my life. I am now divorced and live with my adult son and his Fiance. I am blessed to be with them and their 2 dogs. I also have a male companion but I love my independence and time alone too at this time in my life after being in a difficult marriage off and on for 22 years.
I’m blank. It’s difficult to summon such memories when feeling bummed out and in a “pithole of loneliness” (Thanks Ose for the descriptor) over big things and little things. I’ll turn to sustaining memories later. Covid no doubt impacts the soul/psyche too.
Thinking of you Elaine. Praying for you right now that you are having better days and realize that God is always there for you to talk to. Many of us have felt the way you did on the day you posted. You are not alone.
My younger daughter (now adult) was born on October 7. So this day and date brings back a lot of memories all through the years. She is with me in heart all the time, as is my “older” daughter and other family. All the milestones and events small and large are carried in my heart and are a continual blessing in my life
Recently, a dear friend asked me how I would deal with the state when feeling lonely? and I could sense that he tried to get in contact with me as he currently seemed to be suffering himself of quite some loneliness. I felt deeply touched, especially as this long known friend never opened up to such an intimate share. After reflecting on this surprising question, I told him about a recent experience of mine, that when I felt being in this well-known pithole of loneliness and feeling a kind of being excluded again, I could internally ask for help and this alone opened the inner door of my heart to gratefulness. All my being softened, fear dissolved and a fresh breeze of silent joy spread out. He stubbed, thought of something and told me abut an incident when he once spoke to others about the theme and the blessing of Grace when he was about 20 years of age, where none of his companions seemed to have an ear for such subject, but he just felt connected to grace and gratitude at that moment of years ago, and his face brightened up and some light appeared in his eyes, as he remembered this situation and theme he then felt drawn to speak of with gratitude and joy. When we parted, his and my hands went to our hearts in gratitude for this moment of connection. This meeting my friend on the deeper heart´s level was only possible because of the constant grateful share here with all of you, and this sustains me now in every day life with my friends as well as with so-called strangers. With a bow to you all, may you be blessed, dear friends. 🙏✨🙇
I travelled to Mexico City years ago. My partner and I walked around the city at night. We found a midnight mass then a huge outdoor revival. We headed back to our inn at what must have been 1:30 in the morning, and we walked past a park where a ballroom dance class was taking place. Each street was something new and exciting, something beautiful and vibrant. I feel so privileged to experience that.
The day 33 years ago that I went to my first AA meeting. I was in crisis and I became willing. Through a series of very serendipitous events I felt taken by the hand and led to the place I needed to me, exactly when I needed to be there. I was not in charge that day. All I had to do was listen and trust that all would be well. A lifetime ago it seems, and yet the lessons are as new and fresh today as that one. Gratitude gives me that.
Memories of my children when they were growing up ; memories of all the times (from saloon, to c0mmunity theatre to church sanctuary) that I have used my voice to sing not only to me but through me to others. It is the way that I have been privileged to touch the most lives; memories of so many mentors and dear friends including those who share on this site, who have helped me to grow.
Beautiful ones! But I am also reflecting that the more difficult ones remind me that I am resilient and have courage. I am thinking these also sustain.
It has to be special moments with family and friends. I have some great childhood memories too. I love reflecting on memories with my Dragons aka my sons.
Priceless memories of my mom gives me hope, love,, strength, gratitude and comfort.
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The memories that sustain me is thinking back to my BEST memories in my childhood. My one Nana and her sister Glady were the one POSITIVE constant in our lives. My brother, sister and myself lived with a very controlling mother. Our parents divorced when I was just 5 and the twins were only 3. I felt like I could NEVER BREATHE while with our mom. Our dad saw us faithfully every Sunday and on occasions had us for the weekend. His mom (we called “Nana”) was THE BEST GRANDMOTHER in every way. We lived in Cleveland OH growing up in the 1960s. Nana and Glady took us downtown for shopping and lunch and always lastly to the Cleveland Market before heading back to Gladys. We have fond memories of going downtown at Christmas to see the special animated windows at Higbees, Halles and May Co. Nana and Aunt Glady made these outings so fun and special. These memories are the ones that sustain me on those days I am feeling down or are having a very bad day with my chronic pain.
Memories of my grandchildren and my children, of course. Memories of my late husband and relatives and friends that have passed on. I have quite a few, and that is good.. And, or course, memories of my childhood, those many, many years ago.
What memories sustain me…………..places which I have lived and more importantly the people that I shared time with in those places. They were not well off in the eyes of the world but on a personal/human level they were very rich. They were wonderful people, very reflective with great insight and values. They have become great pillars in my life. I am very grateful to them for the way they have helped and continue to shape me!
I have been fortunate to take 2 trips to Ireland. I fell in love and felt like I was home. My Mother died of cancer when I turned 40, it was a very difficult time in my life. I am now divorced and live with my adult son and his Fiance. I am blessed to be with them and their 2 dogs. I also have a male companion but I love my independence and time alone too at this time in my life after being in a difficult marriage off and on for 22 years.
I’m blank. It’s difficult to summon such memories when feeling bummed out and in a “pithole of loneliness” (Thanks Ose for the descriptor) over big things and little things. I’ll turn to sustaining memories later. Covid no doubt impacts the soul/psyche too.
Thinking of you Elaine. Praying for you right now that you are having better days and realize that God is always there for you to talk to. Many of us have felt the way you did on the day you posted. You are not alone.
sending you healing energy Elaine. try watching something funny and hilarious for a good stomach laugh.
Dear Elaine, just to let you know that I am with you. With a warm embrace, if I may, heartfelt greetings to you.
Thank you Ose! Yes you may 🙂
😘 here I am and Thank you!
My younger daughter (now adult) was born on October 7. So this day and date brings back a lot of memories all through the years. She is with me in heart all the time, as is my “older” daughter and other family. All the milestones and events small and large are carried in my heart and are a continual blessing in my life
Recently, a dear friend asked me how I would deal with the state when feeling lonely? and I could sense that he tried to get in contact with me as he currently seemed to be suffering himself of quite some loneliness. I felt deeply touched, especially as this long known friend never opened up to such an intimate share. After reflecting on this surprising question, I told him about a recent experience of mine, that when I felt being in this well-known pithole of loneliness and feeling a kind of being excluded again, I could internally ask for help and this alone opened the inner door of my heart to gratefulness. All my being softened, fear dissolved and a fresh breeze of silent joy spread out. He stubbed, thought of something and told me abut an incident when he once spoke to others about the theme and the blessing of Grace when he was about 20 years of age, where none of his companions seemed to have an ear for such subject, but he just felt connected to grace and gratitude at that moment of years ago, and his face brightened up and some light appeared in his eyes, as he remembered this situation and theme he then felt drawn to speak of with gratitude and joy. When we parted, his and my hands went to our hearts in gratitude for this moment of connection. This meeting my friend on the deeper heart´s level was only possible because of the constant grateful share here with all of you, and this sustains me now in every day life with my friends as well as with so-called strangers. With a bow to you all, may you be blessed, dear friends. 🙏✨🙇
I was just thinking today about the interesting people and situations in my life. I need to do that more often to balance out the bad memories.
Memories of the warmth love and laughter of my birthday evening last week with friends
The kindness shown to me by an aunt, and the forgiveness I have been given by others.
I travelled to Mexico City years ago. My partner and I walked around the city at night. We found a midnight mass then a huge outdoor revival. We headed back to our inn at what must have been 1:30 in the morning, and we walked past a park where a ballroom dance class was taking place. Each street was something new and exciting, something beautiful and vibrant. I feel so privileged to experience that.
The day 33 years ago that I went to my first AA meeting. I was in crisis and I became willing. Through a series of very serendipitous events I felt taken by the hand and led to the place I needed to me, exactly when I needed to be there. I was not in charge that day. All I had to do was listen and trust that all would be well. A lifetime ago it seems, and yet the lessons are as new and fresh today as that one. Gratitude gives me that.
Memories of my children when they were growing up ; memories of all the times (from saloon, to c0mmunity theatre to church sanctuary) that I have used my voice to sing not only to me but through me to others. It is the way that I have been privileged to touch the most lives; memories of so many mentors and dear friends including those who share on this site, who have helped me to grow.
Beautiful ones! But I am also reflecting that the more difficult ones remind me that I am resilient and have courage. I am thinking these also sustain.
So true about the difficult memories.
It has to be special moments with family and friends. I have some great childhood memories too. I love reflecting on memories with my Dragons aka my sons.
Priceless memories of my mom gives me hope, love,, strength, gratitude and comfort.