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  1. Yram
    1 year ago

    That I am loved.

  2. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    1 year ago

    It is easy to take everything for granted: a warm house, clean clothes, enough food to eat, a loving husband, a sweet dog, good friends, life itself. But I try to stay aware and grateful most of the time, and usually succeed. Having health issues and knowing time is running out helps (and vice-versa).

  3. Ose
    1 year ago

    Much too much still. The living body, a miracle in itself serving me every day I am gifted with, and only when something hurts, painful consciousness of the physical and its impermanence arises. And as Nanette mentioned, that there will be a tomorrow, dreaming of it as if this would be for granted. Things like availability of most precious water, or of sharing life with dear friends and loved ones, sharing human values, compassion, care, peaceful togetherness, nature are felt as precious gifts and are not at all taken for granted, but in the same time, so many other things are, while all being held in His awareness.

  4. Nannette
    1 year ago

    I try not to take much for granted…but like others- I know I do. I take clean running water, a warm home, clean clothes all for granted…I am always grateful for all of it- but often “forget”…it all could be taken away. Mostly, I take for granted that I will have another “tomorrow”…and that is certainly no guarantee. Today’s question will make me more mindful of all that is in my life..I will try to be mindful of that in all my days.

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    I try not to take anything for granted,
    but of course I do. “You don’t know
    what you’ve got till it’s gone”.
    This practice of gratitude, helps me
    keep a balanced view of my life.
    Living in this world of wants and desires,
    can overwhelm me and obscure the beauty,
    that is existence.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 year ago

      “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone”, Is that a lyric from Joni Mitchel’s Tree Paradise song Charlie?

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    After reading the question I turned to my husband, who’s sitting beside me, and told him I love him.

    I try to be appreciative for the “ordinary” things around me. I don’t entirely take my physical health for granted, especially with the reminders from an aging body that Joseph describes.

    Something I don’t really take for granted since I do think about its potential loss: My mental abilities. My entire career has been built on things I do with my mind, not with my hands. If something happened to my brain I would lose all my ability to produce income, which is what provides the other things I count on. In my daily life I use my brain without observing how marvelous the human brain is. But my mom had vascular dementia for many years before she died so I know those capabilities aren’t guaranteed through the end of my days. I watched the woman she had been pack up and leave, a bit at a time, until she lost her verbal capabilities and didn’t know who I was. She remained cheerful and hospitable so I know those tendencies were hardwired to the bone, but the thought of losing thinking, imagining, reading, KNOWING chills me. I know my husband would be there to ensure I had comfort and care and I don’t take that for granted either.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      Wow. Reading your reflection made me think of my step-mother, Pat, who has brain ca right now and like you, I use my brain for my work too. Yes, mental abilities definitely is something not to be taken granted for.
      Thank You Barb.

  7. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    “We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders.” Desmond Tutu

    After reading today’s quote and then today’s question, I found the quote dominating my thought process and so I write:
    I take the hot and cold water coming from my faucet for granted. I take the warm air from my furnace as a given. I fail to be thankful daily that my children and grandchildren are not in harms way.

    So, what can I say or do to tell the world that there are no outsiders? Etty Hillesum said it this way: “Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.”

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      “Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.” – Thank you Carol, this last part really resonates with me – I was just telling myself this morning I need to let go of all my anxiety and just want more peace in my life.
      Thank you🤗

  8. Michele
    1 year ago

    Life – no guarantees. Have a great weekend everyone! Live it up – it’s Nat’l Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, Nat’l Carrot Cake Day,Nat’l Feed The Birds Day among many others, take your pick

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      I’m thinking about carrot cake a la mode now. The birds have a suet cage they’ve been working at so this is a good reminder to check on the need for a refill. Thank you for these fun notes!

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Michele, Your posts always gift me with a smile.

  9. Laura
    1 year ago

    I take for granted that there will be another day.

  10. Patti
    1 year ago

    That I am taken care of and have everything I need. I have clean water, a warm home, a comfy bed, and people that love me.

  11. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    1 year ago

    What a good reflection. Initially I thought, « I don’t take much for granted. » However, staying with the question a bit, my list began to develop. Time to do the things I say I want to do, it is not infinite and at times I treat it as if it is. My breath; it is everything, and I can honor it and use it more effectively and beautifully. So two good nudges for the day.

    1. Josie
      1 year ago

      Thank you, Mary for the reminder that I, too, take my breath for granted.

  12. Antoinette88615
    1 year ago

    I take for granted that I have almost everything I need and it’s easy to forget to be grateful for clean water, food and a home. When I forget that I have so much it’s easy to be greedy and unsatisfied. I think buddhist called that the hungry ghost, the mind that is never satisfied, and is always looking for more to feed itself on something.. This is the perfect time to let go of those minds of wants and demands.
    Thank you !

  13. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    1 year ago

    I do not feel that at this moment I take anything for granted. I know for certain I have that I have taken the form of my being and the mind of my being for granted. My mental health thanks to this daily practice and a few others and the plasticity of the brain have helped me in that region. The physical aspect of my form I am taking less for granted that in my youth. This form speaks to me sometimes in growls and once in a while in shrieks. The aging process and the impermanence of our world spares no one. Although the thought of this saddens me, I know at times I have taken the love given by my lovely Cheryl for granted. I have accepted this and strive to do that no more.

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Joseph, I hear you. It is so hard to accept the limitations that an older body brings but as long as the heart beats, self-awareness can grow if we are willing. Thanks for the reminder of the “plasticity of the brain.” After all, our biggest battle is the battle within.

  14. EJP
    1 year ago

    I often take for granted my inner strength and courage.

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