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  1. devy

    I am longing that others in the world will realize what we are doing to the earth, and how all the wars and injustices going on are not the answer. May we all be compassionate for Mother Earth and our fellow human beings

    1 year ago
  2. Robin Ann

    My new perspective lately has been acceptance. Acceptance that my daughter is not ready for change. She has suffered on and off with addiction for 15 years.
    I am grateful she is taking her insulin (she is Type I diabetic) and that she is still communicating with close friends and family. I also keep an active health Insurance plan for her. That helps give me peace of mind. For now it is what it is and i will continue to pray to God to watch over her and try to keep her safe and for her to want change soon.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Thank you for sharing Robin, may you be bless so you can bless your daughter too. Prayers coming your way.

      1 year ago
    2. Iamme

      Hi Robin, I hope that one day your daughter will be able to address her problems and recover, it must be painful for you to see your child going through that. I have an adult son who is locked into self imposed isolation, he has cut off all his friends and he does not work and hasn’t left the house for years other that for the occasional short ride in his dad’s car. His addiction is probably computer games, he has no income at all and refuses to claim any benefits or accept any clinical intervention, he never asks for anything at all not even food. If he weren’t living with us, and we weren’t caring for him I’m not sure he’d survive. It limits our lives and we haven’t had a holiday since 2016, we can’t leave him on his own and he refuses to have anyone else come and stay and that includes my parents. His half life is a source of great sadness to us, he is intelligent and kind and good natured, his life could be so much more than the four walls of this house. I have managed to come to a place of acceptance and instead of looking at the future and worrying I now live in the present moment, with gratitude that he is with us and that we are able to support him. I’ve been through some very bleak moments worrying about a future that may or may not happen, I work on remaining rooted in the now, and apart from not going on holiday daily life is good. Obviously we hope and pray that the situation will improve for him and us but acceptance that this is how life is right now and it’s manageable, keeps me sane. I’m glad that you too are able to find acceptance in your daughter’s situation. x

      1 year ago
      1. Robin Ann

        Thank you so much for sharing your story about your son Iamme. I understand the heartache.
        I have an older brother that right now is doing a lot better (thank goodness) in his life. He suffers from depression and likewise will isolate himself a lot during his life and hasn’t always been able to work also. He found comfort in taking college classes though and also spends way too much time on his computer. I am grateful he is doing better right now. He has lived with me 2x and I have been able to help him at times. I guess we should continue praying and never give up hope but at the same time take care of ourselves the best way we can 🙂

        1 year ago
        1. Robin Ann

          I also want to share a wonderful story of my son’s childhood friend who rents a room from my son now. He suffered very badly from his parent’s divorce at some point in HS and ended up in a mental health facility for a bit. He had lost contact with all of his friends (for almost 10 years) and i remember asking my son about him on several occasions but kept getting the same reply (he is MIA, we have tried contacting him but gave up ). One day I happened to see a comment this young man’s sister made on my son’s fb and I asked again. Low and behold my son reached out to his sister and somehow thankfully a connection happened. It is a very heartwarming story so I needed to share it. He is a CNA and studying to be a nurse. He is the sweetest most kindest person too : )

          1 year ago
      2. A
        Ana Maria

        Blessings to you and your family. I have you in my prayers. Thank you for being there for him, may he find a bit of light on his path to help him on his journey.

        1 year ago
  3. O.Christina

    That all will be well, for all. Although this is no new perspective, it is what I am longing for, as well as that for all to find back to hope and trust when we may find ourselves in the dark sometimes. Blessings, friends.

    1 year ago
  4. Antoinette

    The perspective of no longing .

    1 year ago
  5. Barb C

    Honestly, I’m longing for a new perspective in someone else with whom I live and that’s not something I get to choose for others so I’m trying to be realistic about expectations and to remind myself not to take things personally. Thank you, Don Miguel Ruiz, for The Four Agreements–they’ve done so much to help my perspective shifts over the years, although the ability to shift my own perspective comes and goes some days.

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann

      I will have to look this up. Thanks Barb.

      1 year ago
    2. pkr

      Barb C., yes, I too am very thankful for Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements. His teachings have aided me tremendously on this road of life.
      Have a blessed day.

      1 year ago
  6. R

    I longing to learn more every day. To keep improving myself.

    With this phrase, I learned a new word in English: longing… so now I am checking how to use it in my vocabulary.

    1 year ago
  7. Carol

    What new perspective am I longing for today?
    I looked up the definition of the phrase “psychological perspective” and this is what I found: “the ability to view objects, events, and ideas in realistic proportions and relationships.” I honed in on “realistic proportions and relationships.” One of my mentors use to say, “There’s nothing more real than a relationship.” Today’s question is a reminder that the relationship with myself, with others and with all of creation is paramount and provides a life-giving perspective in all of of what Eckhart Tolle calls our “life situation.” This is not a new perspective for me but today’s question is a good reminder of the importance of always applying it.

    1 year ago
  8. Yram

    My perspective will be to be open and aware. That is new to me because it is a new day I am gifted with. Reading the replies gives me a new twist on issues. Thank you!

    1 year ago
  9. Nannette

    I cannot think of a new perspective that I am looking forward to…Perhaps just trying harder at the behavior that I want in myself and so often do not acheive…I just give in. But everyone here makes me want to be a better human being…You ALL are such wonderful souls….and have become my friends…I look forward to “hearing from” everyone each day.

    1 year ago
    1. Robin Ann

      I couldn’t agree more! I love all the wisdom and learning from everyone.

      1 year ago
    2. Yram

      Amen to that!

      1 year ago
  10. Josie

    My prayer-desire today coincides with this question.
    I long to resist the subtle deceptions of over-thinking.

    1 year ago
    1. Rabbit

      My husband calls me an overthinker so I can relate.

      1 year ago
  11. Sheila

    The new perspective I would like is this- when I am doing something I would prefer not to do, instead of saying “I have to”, saying “I get to”. Kristi Nelson writes about this in her wonderful book, “Wake Up Grateful “. I am happy and grateful for the opportunity to adopt this new perspective. 💞

    1 year ago
  12. Joseph McCann

    I am not longing for a new perspective today. I am satisfied with awareness, gratitude, to enjoy the new day I have been granted ( since I rolled out of bed after a good nights slumber I know I have one more morning for sure!) and being appreciative of being sober one more day.

    1 year ago
  13. Carla

    Awkward question, I’m not “longing” for a perspective at this moment this morning. My focus is more on being Open to new perspective(s) on an issue I’m working on with friends. Praying that the group receives clarity on how to move forward.

    1 year ago
  14. Iamme

    Hmm… I’m not sure about this question, I’m simply happy and grateful to be continuing into my second week of calm contentment and to be getting on with everything that I have fallen behind on after three months of illness and the suffocating black dog. I feel like my old self again and it’s great. A friend is popping in for lunch and we always have really interesting philosophical conversations so perhaps some new perspective will be experienced there.

    The Word for the Day was very apt for me this morning “The smallest surprise, received gratefully, yields a harvest of delight.”
    — BR. DAVID STEINDL-RAST This was because we have a light sprinkling of snow, which is something I love, we don’t see as much of it here in the south of England as we did when I was a child, so it’s a small surprise and a delight and a joy! The crab apple tree still has some hanging fruits and the black birds are busy filling their bellies from it this morning in our garden. The crab apples are a deep plummy red, there’s a dusting of snow and the black of the bird with it’s bright yellow beak moving about the tree, pecking at apples is a beautiful picture. His partner with her brown feathers and beak is harder to spot but she’s feeding too, I’ve been watching them for a week or so, gathering items for their nest. We already have collared doves nesting, they were quicker with their building. We have a tiny enclosed walled garden, and yet so much life contained in it. Last night frogs were singing by the pond.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      I, too, enjoyed reading your description of your yard view. So glad you are feeling better:)

      1 year ago
      1. Iamme

        Thank you Michele. x

        1 year ago
    2. Nannette

      Thank you, Iamme for your beautiful description of your view. I am so hppy that you are feeling better. Wishing you a wonderful day! Enjoy lunch with your friend!!!

      1 year ago
      1. Iamme

        Thank you Nannette, I had a great lunch thank you. We both work from home and have lunch together every couple of weeks, we don’t stop talking and ran over our allotted hour’s lunch break by half an hour! Whoops!

        1 year ago
    3. Joseph McCann

      A beautiful picture you’ve painted for us this morning of your spot in the south of England, IAMME. Also good to hear the black dog is laying down. Do you have red winged black birds in England? We do here in the mountain valleys of Colorado.

      1 year ago
      1. Iamme

        Hi Joseph, no we don’t, I had to look the bird up as I’d not heard of them. We do have a small bird called a Redwing, it’s a thrush that over-winters in the UK it migrates from Iceland, the Faroes and Scandinavia, I see them occasionally. One particularly harsh winter five or so years ago they covered my crab apple tree and pretty much stripped it clean. The little tree is a marker of how cold the winter is, when it’s fairly mild it still has last years apples on it when it is starting to blossom! Colder years see most of the apples eaten by birds and squirrels and my little dog likes to eat any lying about on the ground. The apples are tiny, like a large cherry.

        1 year ago
    4. Carla

      Dear Iamme, good to hear your health and stamina are returning. Thank you for sharing the wonderful view out your window. As another heavy snow storm is heading to Minnesota (USA), it’s hard to remember spring is around the corner. Blessings to you this day! 💕Carla

      1 year ago
      1. Iamme

        Thank you Carla, every morning I wake up and feel so grateful to be feeling better after such a long haul. Oh I’d love a snow storm! I know most people would hate the inconvenience as roads and transport grind to a halt with a single snowflake here in the UK! A slight exaggeration, but it feels that way, we are hopeless at dealing with it because it’s a rare occurrence. I’d be straight out the door with my grippy boot covers and I’d go off for a long walk and then come home, light the fire, make hot chocolate and cosy up with a good book surrounded by candles and facing towards the window so I can keep glancing up at the snow in the garden. 🙂 x

        1 year ago
    5. Butterfly

      Hi IAMME, I opened the curtains to the delight of snow falling today too here in SW england. I’m on the coast so rarely get snow these days, the air being salty it can be snowing a mile inland but just plain old rain here. So good to hear you are enjoying “calm contentment” and feeling better in yourself. Have a good day 😊

      1 year ago
      1. Iamme

        I’m glad you enjoyed the snow, it is indeed a rare treat! x

        1 year ago
  15. Kevin

    I am coming to terms with a new perspective, but it’s one I am not longing for. Instead, after discussing it with my wife and several elders in my faith community, It is something that I am planning to let go of. It is difficult, but something within tells me it is time.

    1 year ago
    1. Nannette

      Dear Kevin,
      You are so wise,,,whatever new perspective you are undertaking may have rewards that you cannot see now. Or maybe it is just time for a change in your journey. Bless you, Kevin and we are all with you …giving you strength.

      1 year ago
    2. Butterfly

      It’s hard to give up doing the things we love and that have defined us over the years. There is a sense of loss and grief that takes time to heal and come to terms with. We get to a point when we must find a way to let go and let be. Bless you, Kevin.

      1 year ago
    3. Iamme

      When there is something unchangeable, and unavoidable in our lives, as hard as it is, acceptance (which doesn’t mean you have to like it or want it) brings a peace to the situation. Constantly pushing back against it is exhausting and ultimately pointless if it is something that cannot be changed. It’s good to hear that you are coming to terms with your situation and hope that you find peace in that. Take good care of yourself Kevin, I wish you a contented day with your loved ones. x

      1 year ago

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