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  1. Robin Ann

    I will take this opportunity to say Happy Father’s day to all the Dad’s out there!!. My Dad lives about an hour and a half from me but I will not be able to see him tomorrow (still not feeling 100%). We made a plan though to meet soon in afternoon for lunch and I will take a half day and be closer to Massachusetts from my office. Will be great to have some quality one on one time : )

    1 year ago
  2. Charlie T

    As always, the opportunity to be
    present. And the opportunity for
    kindness. And maybe the opportunity
    for change. Although, real change
    is hard to come by. Ahhh, and this
    brings me to the opportunity for
    the willingness to try something new,
    something different.
    A new way of looking at a problem,
    situation, or a difficult relationship.
    A new way of conceiving this life.

    1 year ago
  3. luv-1-nutter

    the opportunity to see all living entities, as equal and one .. knowing that the insects have no ears, yet welcome them and asking if they are at home, are comfortable, and had enough to eat, because no one in my village will starve..

    1 year ago
  4. O.Christina

    To have the opportunity to simply sleep is just wonderful. So grateful. May you all have a peaceful rest tonight and a new day full of opportunities. Thank you.

    1 year ago
  5. L

    Opportunity: a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

    I’m not working today so I have the opportunity to sit back , relax, and listen to the birds for however long I want. I have the opportunity to check some household tasks off my list, while listening to music. I have the opportunity to plan and cook food that will last me the next few days. I have the opportunity to work on my cross stitch project and start reading a new book. I have the opportunity to relax with my cats and play with my foster kittens. I have the opportunity to work on my garden. I have the opportunity to self- reflect.

    1 year ago
  6. Nannette

    I came to this site this morning- later than usual. Then I had to rush to get ready to meet with my Saturday morning meditation group. Just a bunch of older ladies who get together every Saturday morning and do a reading…and then meditate for a bit and discuss what we felt, learned, gained, etc. So I took this morning’s question with me in my heart…and took all the opportunities of our meditation and being with the ladies…the opportunity of friendship, the opportunity and feeling of being safe with whatever we say…the opportunity of being in quiet and just hearing the birds outside of the window. I also grasped at the opportunity to be calm…and relish my time. Thank you everyone…once again…for your thoughts…

    1 year ago
  7. Emmaleah

    I am camping with my son this weekend, and I’m going to take the opportunity to be present with him as much as I can. He has autism and has issues with impulse control and he is constantly testing my patience, but today I will do my best to be patient and empathetic and enjoy our time together.

    1 year ago
  8. Carol

    I try to remember that I always have the opportunity to be present, to learn and grow from what ever is happening. I also remind myself that as Br. David teaches: gratitude leads to opportunity. Right now I am grateful for the opportunity to share with all of you and to read what you have shared.

    1 year ago
  9. Barb C

    In this moment I have the opportunity to appreciate the morning sun shining on the leaves of the tree we call the “Dr. Seuss tree” (think rounded on the top, trimmed flat across the bottom to keep branches from dangling onto the deck next to it). The leaves are moving ever so gently in a light breeze. Hummingbirds are coming to the feeder outside the door. The cat on my lap has made it quite clear that the opportunity to cut his claws does NOT exist in this moment, so I’ll read a bit more poetry and drink coffee before doing yoga, eating breakfast, and getting ready to go for a long walk with my sweetheart.

    1 year ago
  10. Pilgrim

    Rest & recovery. I did a partial fall from a step stool yesterday and rolled my ankle. Fortunately, no place I need to go. A day of tv, reading, taking it easy is in order. Enjoying the bird sounds out my window, and watching the squirrels and chipmunks having a good time.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      Wishing you a speedy recovery Pilgrim.

      1 year ago
    2. Barb C

      Sorry to hear about the fall! R&R sounds like a very good prescription.

      1 year ago
  11. Yram

    Right now this moment gives me an opportunity to collect myself in the beginning of this day. I like to absorb the quiet that surrounds me after a night. I get great pleasure in just being and reviewing what the events of the day may bring. I am so grateful I found this site and have connected with folks that appreciate the spiritual accept of human living.

    1 year ago
  12. Antoinette

    The opportunity to let go of the false negative thoughts worries etc. The opportunity thankfully is there every moment we let go and let god as they say. Let go! What a lovely moment to let go! Thank you universe!

    1 year ago
  13. Laura

    A multitude of opportunities for kindness, patience, gratefulness, joy, peace. I only need a moment to give those things to myself or to pass them along to anyone I encounter.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Thank you Laura!! Beautiful, just what I needed to calm my mind and center my heart.

      1 year ago
  14. Michele

    I enjoyed sleeping in this morning. I am now having my cup of coffee and starting my day on this gratefulness website with all of you.
    I will be taking my father out to lunch for Father’s Day – looking forward to that. I had made homemade vanilla extract months ago when my daughter was out visiting me and I have a bottle for him:)
    Enjoy the weekend everyone.

    1 year ago
  15. W

    I cannot even imagine what opportunities exist in this moment. This is an excellent question to print and post on my mirror. Starting the day without expectations keeps the doors (a.k.a. my heart and soul and mind) open to situations and events I could never fathom. A friend texted me before sunrise asking me what I was going to do this weekend. She knows it is a weekend of chosen solitude for me.

    1 year ago

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