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  1. J

    My mom and God.

    1 year ago
  2. Lisa Alvarado

    John has sustained me this week when I felt overwhelmed, lonely, and unlovable by his hugs — quietly infusing me with his love and renewing hope.

    1 year ago
  3. C

    My meditation practice helps focus me and level me and uplift me whenever I need it to. If I feel like things are getting on top of me I go meditate and things afterwards look different and I am able to cope better.

    1 year ago
  4. O.Christina

    My friends here living with me who are so kind and caring, my beloved sister, you all here being there for each other also; music, especially singing, even though it might have been possible only to listen to in those times; Nature in all its peaceful beauty, especially being in the woods, among the trees ever so continuous in all their witnessing wisdom, allowing to realize the relativity of the darkness which might have been present in me in those times. As a child, there was a beech tree which allowed to climb in, up and be accommodated in its strong branches and sheltered by its beautiful leaves, allowing for observing the surrounding features and overview. It all helped in times of hopelessness to calm down again and find back to equanimity as well as hope.

    1 year ago
  5. Robin Ann

    Mostly my faith brings me peace and comfort during hopelessness .Many close friends, family, self help and support groups also will bring me some relief.

    1 year ago
  6. Diane

    My faith. Looking back on the years and seeing so clearly how I and my family were always being led and guided by Divine Love. It’s all been grace and that helps calm my anxieties about the future.
    The love and support of my husband of 44 years and our 2 daughters.
    Remembering that light shines in the darkness and that love always wins.
    ~Have a blessed Tuesday 🙏

    1 year ago
  7. Dolores Kazanjian

    When I thought about this, I realized that my ultimate answer to this is “me.” Although I have been blessed with many supportive people in my life, as well as a strong faith, what sustains me in the end is my pwn very strong resiliency. I come from a people who were genocide survivors. This, plus less-than-ideal nurturing as a child, left me with what one of my friends called a “deep well of serenity.” I am so grateful for this and the wonderful people who lift me up when I am down.

    1 year ago
  8. luv-1-nutter


    Acceptance is like the feeling of fear as being something like clouds dissipating. Example when I stub my toe stopping to think, look, and go. what actions had led up to this? Are the inconsequential circumstances from the Lord, a token of My punishment I deserved it, and alot more.. perhaps it should have been a hundred times worse.. if being under the control of a negative thought.. It’s easier to create something, but it’s even more difficult to maintain the sustainability.

    1 year ago
    1. Dolores Kazanjian

      Wow, sounds like somebody or somebodies did a job on your head. Tell them to bug off. God/the Divine Creator/ the Good Lord is not interested in “punishing” us for our “sins.” God bless you.

      1 year ago
      1. luv-1-nutter

        God helps those who help themselves. Look out for number one. .

        If one is wanting to forget God, then God is willing to give one the ability that he/she will never remember God.

        one who does want to remember God the Lord will make all arrangements to make that possibility real.

        1 year ago
        1. luv-1-nutter

          “When I speak of God, ‘ I am speaking of Lord Sri Krishna ‘” and, of course is equal to everyone.
          “I come to protect my devotees and annihilate the miscreants..” – Bhagavad-Gita
          Hate the sin not the sinner.
          Of course the Lord doesn’t personally take charge of punishing miscreants, as he has his controllers reside over the prison inmates, such forces of nature i.e., hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, famines, diseases, etc

          1 year ago
  9. pkr

    My faith in the Divine, prayer.
    Mother Nature.
    Meditation, yoga, walking.
    Reading poetry.
    All of the above sustain me, guide me during moments of feeling helpless & hopeless like this morning @ 4 a.m., waking up filled with fretting, fear & helplessness. It takes hard disciplined work to not give in to these feelings.
    Blessings to All🙏🏻❤️

    1 year ago
  10. Emmaleah

    My family has always been my rock; especially my sister. They have pulled me out of the darkness of addiction and depression countless times. These days I consider myself blessed and feel that my addiction is behind me, for the most part but my family still shows up to support me as a struggling single mother; I couldn’t do it without them.

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      Loving Kindness on your journey Emmaleah.

      1 year ago
    2. Dolores Kazanjian

      You are truly blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. Bless them.

      1 year ago
  11. Charlie T

    Friendships. There are a few people
    in my life that have always added to
    my life in a positive way. These are the
    ones that come to mind when I have
    given up and can only see the darkness.
    Only now, after 30-40 years, have I been
    able to tell them how important they are
    to me and how much I love them.
    What took me so long? It’s becoming
    clearer that fear, insecurity, and self
    doubt have been driving me for far
    too long.

    1 year ago
  12. Carol

    What or who has sustained me during times when I felt hopeless? The gift of choice comes to mind.

    Feeling hopeless is not always a negative. It can and often has led me to choose to surrender, to letting go and going with the flow. We always fight surrender because we equate it with failure. It has nothing to do with failure and everything to do with the willingness to be real, the willingness to let go and grow. Until we understand the difference between submission to a feeling and surrender to what is, we are asleep at the wheel because growth is a series of unending surrenders to our true nature. It changes hopeless to hopeful.

    The scripture based song, “You are Mine” by David Haas comes to mind.

    You are mine
    I will come to you in the silence,
    I will lift you from all your fear.
    You will hear my voice,
    I claim you as my choice,
    be still, and know I am here.
    I am hope for all who are hopeless,
    I am eyes for all who long to see.
    In the shadows of the night,
    I will be your light,
    come and rest in me
    Do not be afraid, I am with you.
    I have called you each by name.
    Come and follow me,
    I will bring you home;
    I love you and you are mine.
    I am strength for all the despairing,
    healing for the ones who dwell in shame.
    All the blind will see, the lame will all run free,
    and all will know my name.
    Do not be afraid, I am with you.
    I have called you each by name.
    Come and follow me,
    I will bring you home;
    I love you and you are mine.
    I am the Word that leads all to freedom,
    I am the peace the world cannot give.
    I will call your name embracing all your pain.
    Stand up, now walk, and live!
    Do not be afraid, I am with you.
    I have called you by name.
    Come and follow me,
    I will bring you home,
    I love you and you are mine.
    David Haas
    © 1991 and this Arr. © 2011 GIA Publications

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Thank you, Thank you Carol!! What a powerful hymn! Surrender has been the word I have chosen for two years in a row. My anxiety becomes better when I remind myself to surrender. To just be and have faith in my God. It allows me to calm down and see my situation more clear. I thank you!

      1 year ago
    2. Diane

      Carol….I always appreciate what you share about willingness. And surrender. Thank you for the beautiful song lyrics. “Do not be afraid, I am with you” is a helpful mantra when I am living in big fear.
      Have a blessed day

      1 year ago
  13. Rabbit

    I definitely felt hopeless after my heart surgery and was grateful for my husband to just sit by me when I needed him.

    1 year ago
  14. JayJacks

    There are so many great answers to this question but the one that sticks out to me and that I would like to offer service to today is my wife. She is there for me every day regardless of her own emotional state and offers me pure unconditional love. That woman whom I love and cherish, is my anchor, my compass, and helps to show my purpose. Thank you, Katelyn.

    1 year ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      How beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

      1 year ago
  15. Yram

    A daily routine of quiet, including this wonderful site. Reaching out to others and nature. Humor, intentional exercise and spiritual writers, have given me a sense of hope.

    1 year ago
    1. Rabbit

      What are your favorite spiritual writings?

      1 year ago

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