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  1. barba

    Quietly enjoying the morning peace in nature

    4 days ago
  2. Robin Ann

    My Mother passing away of cancer when I was age 40. She was 63 and I am now 64.
    She was diagnosed at age 57. Also, realizing that my daughter almost died 6 mos ago.

    4 days ago
  3. Yram

    When my body hurts and I can still move.

    4 days ago
  4. Ngoc Nguyen

    I’m 29. I’m glad that I don’t have any serious health conditions yet. However, I sometimes experience severe headaches along with light sensitivity. When this happens, my eyes become very sensitive to light, and I can’t read text on the screen. Typically, sleeping for a few hours helps me recover from it. But last night, the headache lasted longer than usual. Fortunately, when I woke up this morning, everything was getting better. The headache is still mild, but the light sensitivity is gone. I can read the Gospel reflection and all your comments again. I’m grateful for the times I feel bored because I didn’t realize how blessed I am to still have good health.
    Besides sharing my comment, may I please ask you for an English term? I didn’t mean “light sensitive” in my comment. I meant the experience when my vision goes black for a few seconds, then returns to normal for a few seconds, and then goes dark again repeatedly. What can you call this experience? Thank you so much!

    5 days ago
    1. Nannette

      Hello Ngoc, I cannot think of the term for what you are experiencing..but as Linda suggested- it sounds as if you are experiencing migraine headaches. There are many good treatments and medications now to help that. Please take care. I know that this is not a pleasant experience. Blessings!

      4 days ago
    2. Michele

      I searched your vision symptoms, this is what came up – Amaurosis fugax refers to a temporary black-out of vision. This is usually affects one eye, is painless, and is often described like a “shade coming down over the vision” of that eye. The black-out may last minutes, and then the vision returns.

      4 days ago
    3. Linda

      Ngoc, could you be having migraine headaches? Your symptoms sound very similar.

      4 days ago
    4. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, I’m glad you’re doing better. Sleep helps. Health is everything.
      BTW, expanding upon my Trump post, politics aside. All I care about is that he’s in good condition. If this were to happen to Byden which is more unlikely, I’d be doing the same thing except under Byden’s name.

      4 days ago
  5. Barb C

    Anything, really, if I pause to pay attention. Some of the moments that come to mind:

    Sunrises and sunsets.

    Feeling my breath and the movements of my muscles as I walk or bike.

    Walking through a forest of old, old trees.

    Being next to the ocean with its unending movement and remembering that the salinity of the blood in my body matches the salinity of the ocean, mother of us all.


    Remembering a book I read many years ago: Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History by Stephen Jay Gould. The probability that I should be here writing this is diminishingly small and yet here I am. We’re all the product of so many “what if it didn’t” moments I can’t help but appreciate and marvel.

    5 days ago
  6. Dolores Kazanjian

    This is an easy one. I am 90 in rehab for a broken femur getting better each day. Grateful for every breath I take and for all the good wishes from the folks on this site. The healing process is an amazing thing to watch.

    5 days ago
    1. Nannette

      Oh my dear Dolores…somehow I missed that you had a broken femur. You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery. God Bless You…that is not an easy fracture. It sounds like you are doing well…I am so glad for you. Take it easy and take care. Thinking of you!

      4 days ago
    2. Michele

      Glad to hear of your good news update Dolores.

      4 days ago
    3. Robin Ann

      Glad to hear you are slowly recovering Delores!

      4 days ago
    4. Yram

      I agree! When I broke my femur, ice packs were my best friend. Here’s to healing and anything that helps.

      4 days ago
    5. Barb C

      Good luck with continuing recovery, Dolores!

      5 days ago
    6. Barb C

      Oh dear, Dolores! I somehow missed t his news but I’ve been traveling. Good luck with your recovery.

      5 days ago
  7. pkr

    Waking up to the sun shining bright.
    Hearing the birds singing.
    My breath. Splashing cool water on my face.
    Seeing the full moon these last few nights.
    I am thankful for each new day; this is a gift. 🙏🏻

    5 days ago
  8. Carol

    I needed today’s quote from Mark Nepo: “When we can’t find it in us to give thanks, it is a sign that we are blocked from our reverence for life. Rather than judge ourselves, we are being called to identify the blockage, to part whatever veils have come between us and life, and to reconnect with life directly.” I’ve been in a WHY? mode instead of a HOW? frame of mind. That quote definitely reminds me of the miracle of simply being alive.

    5 days ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Carol, I’m all too familar with the “why mode” as an introvert and aspy. Both are deep and can look similar. Hows are normally more visible. It’s even easier to get stuck, beat around the bush, explain too much, and overthink with the why.

      4 days ago
      1. Carol

        Thank you, Loc Tran

        4 days ago
        1. L
          Loc Tran

          No problem, Carol.

          4 days ago
  9. sunnypatti

    My breath.
    Waking up to a new day.

    5 days ago
  10. Charlie T

    When I can focus on my breath and my
    heartbeat and give thanks to my
    ancestors for passing along this spark
    to me, I am taken away from my egocentric
    perspective and given a slightly bigger and
    more grateful view of this life.

    5 days ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      It is amazing this “spark” called life.

      4 days ago
    2. Carol

      Beautifully said dear Charlie.

      5 days ago
    3. L
      Loc Tran

      Charlie, very profound. It goes to show the value of the heart.

      5 days ago
  11. Charity

    Meditation and practicing living in the moment. Being actively aware of my existence, my life and my body reminds me of how precious and miraculous life is. Also, the body is a wonder in itself: it heals itself without thought on my part, my heart beat and breathing are automatically regulated, cells are continuously regenerated, etc….

    5 days ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Charity, I can resignate to what you just said meditating every morning myself.

      5 days ago
  12. L
    Loc Tran

    The Trump assasination attempt is the first thing that jumps out for me. Regardless of how one may feel towards him, all I can and will say there is that I’m glad he’s ok.

    5 days ago
  13. Pilgrim

    Waking to a new day is a gift. And if I had a full night of sleep, I am grateful for the bonus. Wishing you blessings, my friends!

    5 days ago
    1. Mary

      Hi Pilgrim!
      Yes, waking up to a new day surely is a gift.
      I would like to get back into the habit of remembering this each day!
      I will begin tomorrow when I wake up.
      Many blessings to you dear Pilgrim. ♥️

      4 days ago
    2. L
      Loc Tran

      Pilgrim, as someone who values sleep myself and has experienced sleep deprivation before, that can make a world of a difference.

      5 days ago
  14. Mary Mantei

    Good morning Dear Friends,
    I have missed being with each of you. I have been doing the Reclaiming Play on-line workshop this past week, and true to course, it is taking me 2-3 days to really get into each day offered! Partly due to the fact that it is so rich and offers so much to think about and “play” with. I am giving myself over to that right now, and I will be back to my daily practice with each of you when I finish. Blessings on you each.🩷

    5 days ago
    1. Michele

      I am glad you and others are enjoying this class – I had thought about taking it myself, but after work I’m exhausted and knew I wouldn’t have time for it – will enjoy reading your experience with it.

      4 days ago
    2. Mary

      Thanks for your positive outlook on spending extra time with each day.
      I also enrolled in the class, but became discouraged after starting a day late and not catching up.
      So I stopped after day 2.
      I feel encouraged and re-excited about the class after reading your post.
      I will go back to it and continue on.
      Thank you Mary!

      4 days ago
  15. Nannette

    When I wake; I am so grateful for a new day. Not so long ago, I may not have been given a new day. So every day when I open my eyes…I say a prayer of thanks for being here and living a new day.

    5 days ago
    1. Mary

      That’s beautiful Nannette
      I feel joyful after reading your post.
      Thank you ♥️

      4 days ago

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