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  1. Lisa M Alvarado39153
    Lisa Alvarado
    2 years ago

    That it’s OK to cry until you’re done.

  2. Amanda S65027
    2 years ago

    Love of exploring in nature, having unconditional love from my mom and sister, enjoying movement in this human form, having quite a bit of freedom and lack of fear in the safe town I grew up in.

  3. Elaine19531
    2 years ago

    Pie making. Always feel my Mom’s presence when I make pie. She was the queen of pie makers I dare say . I’m pretty good too. The food highlight of our current cabin time with friends: my blueberry pie! :

  4. Don Jones69078
    Don Jones
    2 years ago

    Wonder and curiosity.

  5. HelenH72309
    2 years ago

    My baby doll – my heart warms when I hold her. A home with pets – Cinder and Trixy, primarily. Two wonderful brothers, and many fond memories.

  6. Linda72766
    2 years ago

    I am a lot like my father, who helped so many people when they needed it. I look for ways to help others each day.

    2 years ago

    The determination to survive without bitterness

  8. Charlie T22956
    Charlie T
    2 years ago

    Gifts? Well, I guess a sense of humor would be one. My curiosity about the world around me is still very strong and I love learning how things work. And on a morning like this (even though I’m going to work), I still feel some excitement for this new day and I am ready for whatever might unfold.

  9. Chester
    2 years ago

    One stands out in the moment – as a child I shared a room with my brother who was 7-8 years older – I suspect that experience contributed to being able to push back with “larger” individuals, yet still get to sleep at the end of the day.

  10. Ross Marzarella59840
    2 years ago

    For the most part, my childhood wasn’t very good. That said, in hindsight, it was chock full of gifts. Some were obvious to me at the time, like my grandfather’s unconditional love and desire to put a smile on my face whenever we were together. Most gifts though weren’t understood until now, when I realized the opposite action of what I experienced is where the gift lies. In this moment, and for most of my adult life, the gifts from my childhood are compassion, desire to spread goodwill wherever I go, appreciation for outdoor activities, ability to self sooth and being fine when alone, acceptance and being non-judgmental of everyone regardless of their history, humility, my ability to remain a calm and sturdy force in the midst of chaos, and the knowledge that I can do anything when I put my mind to it.

  11. Barb56116
    Barb C
    2 years ago

    Oh, so many! I think of some of these as the gift of my parents, especially my mom.
    – Love of reading and the ability to lose myself in a book
    – A love of looking up at the night sky to see the stars (did that just last night; so glad we moved to a small town that doesn’t have as much light pollution as the last place we lived)
    – A love of good cookies!
    – Appreciation of what I see in the natural world when I look closely and curiosity that makes me learn more
    – Ability to make friends
    – My younger sister, who is one of my best friends
    – Memories of long, glorious summers
    – Ability to knit (thanks Grandma!), sew and cook (thanks Mom!), and garden (thanks Dad!)

  12. Rabbit81616
    2 years ago

    *Importance of education and a love of learning.
    *Love of nature
    *Thrift- waste not want not
    *Ability to sew
    * Manage one’s temper and seek peace

  13. Yram10616
    2 years ago

    I have brought the gift of resilience. Also that friendship is a key to happiness 😊.

  14. Carla N84768
    2 years ago

    I bring my whole self with my tenacious spirit, hutzpah, humor, nurturing smile, all grounded in a mystical gift of faith that a young girl found in a bare cold window pane at the age of four.

  15. c
    2 years ago

    To wonder, to stare into the sky in awe, a sense of the ridiculous in a lighthearted way, kindness, determination, …

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