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  1. Anna
    1 year ago

    An ancient desire to be happy, serene, fulfilled by who I am, joyful with people…
    That desire has guided me to listen to old and new friends with an open heart, and I have found new resources, including walking with my loved ones, visiting this site, playing tennis, working with fewer complaints, praying with new vision, staying in my faith with a new perspective.

  2. Christina
    1 year ago

    Being calm and openhearted to allow all to arise to my heart´s perception, including all around. To be with what is, let Love guide and to be still in an inner position of loving kindness and gratefulness.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    My faith for sure and coming to this site and reading everyone’s reflections and words of wisdom!!

  4. Dolores Kazanjian80021
    Dolores Kazanjian
    1 year ago

    An excellent question. I have been amazed at how accepting I have been of the relatively sudden onslaught of health problems that both I and my husband have had over the last couple of months, although I would certainly prefer that it not be so. Where has this acceptance come from? My faith, of course, supported by our regular meditation practice is a large part of that.
    But, when I looked at it more deeply, it has a lot to do with my heritage. I am the grandchild of survivors of the Armenian genocide. We have been left with a very strong strength and resiliency. There is, in fact, evidence that survivors of oppression have their ‘DNA changed, and that that is passed on for generations,

  5. pkr29022
    1 year ago

    My belief in a higher power. Learning to trust that I am not in control. Trust in that the Universe supports me & loves me. The Universe is working in my favor. Letting go, surrendering to what is. One day at a time. Trusting in God.

  6. Linda72766
    1 year ago

    I keep hoping and wishing that my husband’s health will significantly improve. I have put many things on hold waiting for him to get better. I am coming to the realization that due to his age he will probably not get much better. It is a hard pill to swallow because we used to be so active and did so many fun things together.
    It is time for me to accept how things are, rather than how I wish they were. We are still very close and I am grateful for the way he accepts his health challenges without complaining. It is time to find joy in what still IS, rather than what was lost.

    1. Yram
      1 year ago

      I am with you there! Making a life beside a diminishing spouse is difficult and exhausting but so necessary! We are in this together no mater the distance. In unity is strength.

    2. Dolores Kazanjian80021
      Dolores Kazanjian
      1 year ago

      Amen to that, Linda. I can relate. Blessings to both of you.

      1. Linda72766
        1 year ago

        Thank you, Dolores.

  7. M
    1 year ago

    I am constantly reminding myself to slow down and live in the present.
    Don’t worry about the future and don’t dwell on the past.
    What is meant to be, will be yours and if it isn’t it like that saying about someone people walk in and out of your life and leave footprints on your heart.

    Life isn’t supposed to be lived in fear.

  8. Diane
    1 year ago

    The great lesson in my life has been radical acceptance of what is. It’s something that God has been teaching me over and over again in this my “2nd half of life”. I just had my 68th birthday and this continues to be a work in progress!
    I recently learned of a practice that I immediately began to employ. A daily reflection from Richard Rohr (one of my favorite spiritual gurus) on this very topic. Richard describes being in the moment, no matter what is visiting me, by taking a pause and saying “Just This”. This is my new mantra.
    I am hopeful that it will help me in my desire to be fully present in each moment, seeing all the moments in my life with a new and accepting glance. Taking those sacred pauses.
    I suppose what supports me is the certainty that I am unconditionally loved by the Divine no matter how many times I have to be taught this lesson.
    ~Blessings on your day everyone 🙏

  9. Pilgrim
    1 year ago

    Well, hmmm … my actual life supports me in paying direct attention. I live alone, and along these many years I have been (and still am) blessed with wonderful and wise friends and spiritual directors. I am also blessed with two very wise daughters and their partners who suggest/support along life’s pathway. I have learned discernment along this path, as well … taking the time for that process is helpful.

    1. Diane
      1 year ago

      Good morning Pilgrim. So happy to meet you here!
      I hope this day brings you unknown blessings. And may you be surprised by joy my friend.
      Om Shanti 🙏

      1. Pilgrim
        1 year ago

        Thank you, my Friend. Your kindness is always a gift.

  10. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    Some elements of my life don’t fare well under deep scrutiny: the environmental footprint in my cup of coffee, for example, or the exploitation of human misery and damage to the earth that went into the components of the laptop I’m typing this on. If I looked directly at all of that I would live in despair, laden with guilt. If I look directly at the life in which I spent the last two days putting up many, many jars of zucchini/summer squash pickles and eggplant caponata thanks to people on my Buy Nothing group giving freely, I see a different world of bounty and kindness. A poem by David Budbill I read yesterday highlights this paradox between savoring and suffering:
    The choice to look with attention supports me: To recognize the embedded costs, the connectedness of all, to try to change the bad parts through my donations and voting and actions while also appreciating the good parts because I have no guarantee that they’ll be here tomorrow (or that I will be).

    1. Nannette
      1 year ago

      Barb, Thank you so much for your thoughts today and that beautiful poem….how meaningful that is. It will stay with me for many days…I am going to copy it…and refer to it. I am just in awe of those words. Thank you … always.

    2. Diane
      1 year ago

      Such a thoughtful response Barb…thank you!

  11. Maeve87787
    1 year ago

    What supports me in looking directly at my life “as it is”?
    – Slowing down so that I can reflect and notice my body and my feelings.
    – Talking with others, discussion and sharing- gets me out of my own head, so that I can view my life with another perspective.

  12. Joseph
    Joseph McCann
    1 year ago

    Looking directly and honestly at my life, finally, is what supported me in making the decision to sober up this go around. That in turn led me to my daily practices. An attitude of gratitude is the lead practice and awakened me to just how fortunate I am. Thank you to everyone who shares on this site and those who keep the lights on for each of us. Namaste.

    1. D
      1 year ago

      Your share inspired me to become a member here so I could respond to you since I connected to your post so much. I too have looked directly and honestly at my life and continue the same whenever I am disturbed. My daily practices are in my ‘toolbox’ and an attitude of gratitude is my best tool for an attitude adjustment. I was told to ‘keep coming back’ in 1989 and I do. 🙂

      1. Joseph
        Joseph McCann
        1 year ago

        Thank you so much DIANEC. May we all be kind, peaceful and supportive of each other.

  13. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    What supports me in looking directly at my life as it is?

    Acceptance of what is, not resisting, going with the flow…always asking myself what can I learn from this situation. As Eckhart Tolle says, “Don’t turn a situation into a problem.”

    I posted a 2017 journal entry in the Gratitude Lounge yesterday as Fall(Autumn) is headed our way here in NE Kansas and is already visible for many of you around the world who visit here each day. In many ways it addresses this question so I’ve pasted it below. It reminds me to live one day at a time with gratitude and oneness with each other.

    Journal entry from October 2017
    I was reading the October Newsletter from early this morning and was quite moved by the poem below and wrote a reflection on it. Then I opened the Word of the Day from Gwendolyn Brooks: “We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond”: and the quote was saying what I wrote in a nutshell. Then I read the daily question and said, I have to share the poem I read and the reflection I wrote so here it is:

    Autumn. By Susan Whelehan posted in October Newsletter 2017

    What is that silent “n” all about anyway?
    It should be dropped
    quietly, like a leaf.
    And the “m” should be doubled
    or tripled or more—
    so it becomes a hum:
    a comforting, steady mantra of trust and change.

    My reflection:
    One of the joys of being retired is the luxury of savoring one’s mornings.
    No rush to get dressed and off to work.
    The luxury of early morning quiet time or the choice to sleep in.
    The joy of sipping instead of gulping a cup of coffee or tea.
    The time to discover things like Susan Whelehan’s poem about Autumn.
    Autumn is a fruitful time of harvest and a challenging time of letting go.
    If you are fortunate enough to live where there are four distinct seasons, the trees will teach you the value of vulnerability as they shed their leaves in a blaze of glory.
    If you live in the farm country, the fields of golden wheat, the stalks of sugar cane, the root crops, the apple and pecan trees will shower you with the fruits of the farmers’ labor.
    I can hear the hum of harvest, the song of letting go of what no longer serves me? Can you?
    I’m reminded of the difference, the wisdom of how nature teaches us the importance of giving in not giving up. Are you reminded?
    I’m committed to the wonder of preparing for the winter frost with the warmth of a compassionate heart. Will you join me?
    I hope so as I really don’t want to do it alone.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      I loved both the poem and your reflection Carol, thank you.

    2. Diane
      1 year ago

      Dear Carol….I am blessed to still be living in an area that has the 4 seasons. Although I am learning that they have a different rhythm here in Colorado than in New Jersey where I lived the first 65 years of my life.
      I will join you in your commitment! To embrace this new season that is upon us with a grateful and compassionate heart. Nature really does teach us so much. Summer is gracefully giving way to Autumn….letting go and honoring the new gifts that are arriving.
      Thank you so much for giving me this perspective this morning.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        1 year ago

        Thanks for your note and I’m glad my reflection was helpful to you.

    3. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      1 year ago

      Thank you for this, Carol 🙏
      Yes, the letting go of summer.
      Here in California, the Buckeye tree
      is my guide to the seasons. It’s the
      first to sprout leaves in summer and
      first to turn yellow and drop its leaves
      in the fall. It gives me hope and it
      fills me with dread. I will work on
      letting go.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        1 year ago

        Charlie, If trees could speak, the stories they could tell!

    4. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 year ago

      “The root crops”. I pulled a few carrots before we embarked on our journey and the ones I harvested grew well. No little grubs either. There are always a few and even though I know they only eat their share it mars the carrot. I have not dug any potatoes yet, but judging by the foliage they will be bountiful. Fresh potatoes are as respite from the commercial ones from the storage cellars. No bruises or chain cut scars. That will be one of the first things I do upon our return. Dig a few potatoes for supper and see how they have done. Thank you, Carol for another of your lovely writings.

      1. Carol Ann Conner
        1 year ago

        Joseph when I read the reflection from 2017 that I shared today, I thought of you and how your sharing about life on your farm helps us all to connect with nature. Thanks for your response. It’s been years since I lived where we had room to plant potatoes but I still remember how tasty they were. I use to love to cook fresh green beans with new potatoes and flavored with some chopped onion.

  14. Antoinette88615
    1 year ago


  15. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    All of my practices are about attempting
    to see things, including my life, as they
    truly are. Like a meditation, I come back
    again and again from all the things that
    take me away from this moment.
    Some days I’m more successful than
    I get lost thinking about friends who are
    suffering, past situation, future anxiety,
    or disappointments.
    Reading, writing, contemplating,
    meditating, medication, movement,
    connection, and therapy, are all tools
    to help me see things ( including my life)
    as clearly as possible.

    1. Diane
      1 year ago

      “Some days I am more successful than others”
      Me too Charlie!

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      Amen, Charlie T

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