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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    First my own values and beliefs. However I am open minded to new ideas. that make sense to me.

    1 year ago
  2. Christina

    I don´t know, just doing and caring and supporting what matters to me. In times of emotional turmoil, especially fear, the need to sort out and resolve might reduce capacity for action. It is freed again once the emotion or a problem has been felt deeply, has been cleared and understanding brings back balance and peace. This frees therein bound energy and supports taking action (and some rest to recover) again.

    1 year ago
  3. Don
    Don Jones

    It is my three second rule. I can think about it and let it pass or do something, right now. There was a time when something was always going to be better tomorrow. Tomorrow never came. The fullness of this life can only exist in the now.

    1 year ago
  4. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    I have defined what’s important to me
    and I have developed practices
    that support those beliefs. It’s an
    ongoing process of discovery and
    adjustment. As for taking action, I would
    like to be more involved with my local
    community, but time and energy are
    a precious commodity for me.
    I try to live my beliefs as best as I can and
    I vote at every opportunity.

    1 year ago
  5. Michele

    Moral Principles and positive energy.

    1 year ago
  6. devy39652

    My daily breathing exercises and meditations whenever I have a need to take action over something that is troubling or interferes with my inner peace or goals..

    1 year ago
  7. Barb C
    Barb C

    Knowing I am living my values. The energy of others also taking action– sometimes it’s their energy that gets me started, sometimes I’ve done something that sparks another. Seeing some outcome or effect, no matter how small, as a reminder that every step takes you somewhere and I’d rather move forward than back.

    1 year ago
  8. Yram

    The knowledge that I can check out resources, professionals and friends to talk to, past experiences, and a strong faith.

    1 year ago
  9. Carol Conner

    Throughout my life the answer to today’s question has been “others.” And at this point in my life, I would say my son, my belief that life is trustworthy and so am I, and still ‘others’ like the beautiful people on this site who share from their hearts. I think of that song, “No Man is an Island.” Relationship is paramount to my growth and growth is most important to me.

    Also: Just wanted to let all know that I changed my profile picture today. I chose a photo from my storytelling days. It is one taken in 2001. The character is the Fearful Angel. She is afraid to fly so she jumps from cloud to cloud and when she misjudges the distance she winds up down here with us. I usually wrote humorous monologues for her to perform at the beginning of women’s retreats. I found that when women arrive at a retreat center they usually need to unwind a bit before they can settle in. Laughter is a good relaxer.

    1 year ago
    1. Patti

      Laughter is indeed a good relaxer! Thank you for sharing 🙂

      1 year ago
    2. Yram

      Good song thank you for sharing!

      1 year ago
  10. c

    Citizenship. I live in Canada. The other day a friend told me about the documentary Thunder Bay. It exposes horrific systemic discrimination against the First Nations People. I came to the conclusion that it was my obligation as a bystander and citizen to watch and learn. To allow myself to be appalled, hurt and shocked: to look over the wall. Actually there is a pay wall too.- fortunately there is a month by month plan.

    1 year ago
  11. Nannette

    Just knowing in my heart that I am doing the right thing…and it does not matter how big or small it is…just that it matters and has meaning to someone or something.
    I will be “out of touch” for several days as we are still traveling and will be camping in a national forest without any “connection”…no wifi, internet, TV, etc. I will miss my daily meeting with all of you, Blessings until we “meet” again.

    2 years ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Safe travels

      1 year ago
    2. Carol Ann Conner

      Nannette, If you get a chance today, checkout Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation. I posted it in the Gratitude Lounge. I think it might be timely for you as you head to your next camp ground with no internet connection. As Yram said, “Safe Travels!”

      1 year ago
    3. Yram

      Safe travels!

      1 year ago
    4. Maeve87787

      Have a wonderful time!

      1 year ago
  12. Joseph
    Joseph McCann

    Being aware of what good fortune I have had in my life and treating that with respect. A fellow much older than myself, funny I am about his age now, told me once “your a person who just can’t stand prosperity” after I had gotten arrested for a DUI. With the help of my daily practices I am beginning to “stand prosperity” and be grateful for the good fortune that I have.

    2 years ago
    1. A
      Ana Maria

      Because you are worthy Joseph! Sometimes we are the only ones that think we don’t deserve the goodness of life. We do! Through this site we learn to be grateful and to embrace the gifts of life and all its lessons.

      1 year ago
  13. Butterfly

    The knowledge that whatever I do to support wildlife, the environment, another person or any positive action I take, however small, is a valuable contribution.

    2 years ago
  14. Patti

    My faith and perseverance. God and Universal Energy. Trusting the process and knowing everything will be as it should, but that my effort still matters and is necessary.

    2 years ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Love the line “…my effort still matters and is necessary.” Such wisdom. Thanks

      1 year ago
  15. Kevin

    Previous experience, prayer, desire, and will.

    2 years ago

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