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  1. O.Christina

    It is to say Thank you deeply for all which is as well as which is not, so which is. To my boss especially for all heartfelt, difficult, loving guidance and care, to you here especially who lovingly share and visit and all who have and are creating this sacred space. For my family especially. Still with fears, still with tears, and with Love. Thank you for all, and beyond.

    11 months ago
  2. Nannette

    The first thing that comes to mind is Thanking all of you who come to this site every day and share your thoughts and feelings and concerns. What a wonderful community this is….and Thank you to all who work to make this a wonderful site. How Blessed we are!! Thank you!

    11 months ago
  3. Robin Ann

    So I learned I will be getting a promotion so Thanking my Supervisor comes to mind!! Very exciting but a little nervous too. Myself and my coworker and we both share the same name and have worked many years in the department. Nice to get recognized for our hard work and dedication to our jobs : )

    11 months ago
    1. Michele


      11 months ago
  4. Anna

    Right now, to my sister.
    On Saturday I was suffering from a strong end-of-season nostalgia, due to different reasons, which brought me so many tears and I couldn’t hold them back. I was alone, with my old mother, suffering from Alzheimer’s. . I called my sister and she came to me, she took my mother and me to her, we had dinner together with my two nieces and then everything changed for me, or at least my nostalgia was softened.

    11 months ago
  5. pkr

    Like many others have already said, I say thank you to all those who cross my path on any given day. I try to be especially conscious of those in service positions because I spent many years in retail & the public can be brutal. Saying thank you is just a part of my day.
    Thank you to Everyone here & All behind the scenes. Love this sanctuary.🙏🏻❤️

    11 months ago
  6. KC

    My husband. After that, I have quite a long list of ‘conscience items’, as my father calls them – people who have been and walked with and alongside me, and more recently my husband and I through recent injuries and health concerns. Also, all in our faith community, who are in a long and challenging transition to hire and bring a new leader onboard. I say thank you many times along the way daily, but /and I also have a backlog of gratitudes to express. I will aim to clean those up through the transition to Autumn.

    Grateful for this community – all who create and maintain it, and all who share their reflections.

    11 months ago
  7. Linda

    I am grateful for my husband, and I regularly thank him for the many things he takes care of around our home. But I am most grateful for his kindness and patience. He lives with chronic pain, and yet he is still kind and loving.

    11 months ago
  8. Carol

    My appreciation for the gratefulness team and to all who visit this site to share their love, compassion and wisdom. Sincerely, Carol

    11 months ago
  9. Barb C

    I thank my husband every day for his many acts of service that are his expression of love. What comes to mind is the opportunity I have traveling with someone on my team to a meeting in another town. They have persevered and been an absolute stalwart as our workload expanded before we got the opportunity to add more help, always taking on more responsibility and making sure things get done. I thank them every so often but this is another opportunity to expand on that beyond a short statement of appreciation.

    11 months ago
  10. Diane

    As Laura has expressed, I feel I am conscious of all of my blessings and quick to give thanks to all those in my life who have gifted me with their love and kindnesses. And as Yram said, I will be sure take this intention with me as I go through my day.

    Really all of your responses, as always, have struck a chord with me. I thank all of you for your generosity of spirit and courage in sharing so authentically. Please know that so many mornings you are a balm and encouragement to my spirit.
    ~Om Shanti friends 🙏

    11 months ago
    1. Diane

      Good morning to my dear friend Pilgrim…I hope this day will bring you freedom from pain.

      May you be showered with unknown blessings. Shalom my friend. 🙏

      11 months ago
      1. Pilgrim

        Thank you for your kindness, my Friend. And blessings to you and your Family.

        11 months ago
  11. Charlie T

    Besides my lovely wife, who deserves
    and gets thanks every day, my friend and
    business partner, Marty. We have been
    working together on and off for thirty+
    years. Since he was sixteen and I was
    twenty six. He was an amazing kid and
    he’s an amazing adult. Even though we
    mostly goof around like we’re still two kids,
    I know he’s got my back and I definitely
    have his.

    11 months ago
  12. m

    I feel a longing to thank my friends for sticking by my side. There are times when I can get anxious, stressed, and depressed and they have always been there to help lift me up and support me. Especially as I am stepping into this new age where I am growing within myself and I am getting better again, the fact that they are happy for the small wins I am starting to get under my belt is huge. I am realizing finding people who truly love and support you is rare and I am grateful that I have a few.

    11 months ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      I am glad you have a few people too.

      11 months ago
  13. Yram

    I feel I am very conscious of expressing a thank you but I will make sure this is true as I move into my day.

    11 months ago
  14. Michele

    A big thank you to my employer – they closed our office today and most likely Wednesday too so we can prepare for Idalia.

    11 months ago
    1. Michele

      Thank you everyone. My dad and step-mother drove out from Clearwater Beach to stay with me – they had mandatory evacuation and are concerned with the storm surge. It’s bad – one bridge is completely closed (Courtney-Campbell), the Howard Franklin is closed in one direction. I believe the Gandy is still open and the sunshine skyway. Lots and lots of flooding and high tide will be around noon with more surges.
      Thank you for your prayers, much appreciated.

      11 months ago
    2. pkr

      Praying for You Michele & All Floridians in Idalia’s path. God bless You. Stay safe.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

      11 months ago
    3. Diane

      Be safe Michele…this one sounds like a doozy. Prayers for all of you in Idalia’s path.

      11 months ago
      1. Carol


        11 months ago
  15. Laura

    Like many of you, I try to repay it as I go and say “thank you” to the many kindnesses I receive throughout the day and thank the Divine for the breath of life.

    11 months ago
    1. Diane

      Laura….each morning as I begin my meditations I say this little prayer of thanks:

      “Thank you Abba Father for this miracle of another day of life”
      and then in Spanish:, which to me is such a beautiful way to pray:
      “Gracias Papito Dios por el milagro de un otra dia de la vida.

      11 months ago

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