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  1. S
    Suzanne S
    2 days ago

    I am okay with pain, discomfort, and negative emotions because I know that no matter what happens in life, I will always be okay. And if I ever lose myself, I trust that I can always find my way back.

  2. T
    Tyrone Clownsmith
    4 days ago

    You probably don’t want to hear about it.

    Oops I mean sure I’ll participate properly..

    I’m not going hungry this week…

    Edit: well I guess something else should be added haha, how about I managed to open the car door before puking then felt safe inside a Child of Prague open for private prayer space, I prayed a heartfelt one of remorse after I felt refreshed in a warm bathroom.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      4 days ago

      You showed up here, Mustafa. A point of groundedness perhaps. Blessings on you and your day.

    2. sparrow51014
      4 days ago

      I do want to hear about it,
      dear Mustapha.
      like others here perhaps,
      have been in a place like yours
      or even worse…
      this isn’t our first rodeo.
      Your life might not be looking up right now,
      but things have a way of changing,
      whether you are open to it or not.
      You might be singing a different song
      in a few years.
      My heart is with you
      with love…♥

  3. Antoinette88615
    5 days ago

    Like many people here I’m well off and have what I need and then some!
    I definitely have improved in health . I use to have as many as 18 migraines a month! Now this last month I have not had any to speak of . It’s so easy to forget how important health is – when you have it ! I can’t believe how easy it is for the human mind to always crave more or look from a place of lack . I even found myself thinking that most everyone here is married and I’m not anymore so that means I lack . I’m not looking for anyone to date either. I’m fortunate to have three boys who are now adults who I enjoy. They are all doing well and that makes me happy.
    Meditation is going well and the method has helped me through many challenges.
    Today I got to swim laps again and I’m so fortunate to have a pool not too far away with a sauna.
    We are all very blessed indeed.

    1. sparrow51014
      4 days ago

      I wouldn’t say that I am well off,
      dear Antoinette,
      but I have enough
      of everything I need
      to live a grateful life. ♥

  4. D
    5 days ago

    A handful of things are going well. With a lot of help and years of hard work, I finally see the other side of a lifelong challenge and feel empowered to move forward. Our house is warm and cozy this winter. My dog makes me laugh every day. My husband likes his work and is a calm, loving presence. I have loving, supportive friends. We have enough to eat. The snow is off the streets enough to ride my bike again. Life is presenting interesting challenges, which, frankly, I prefer to no challenges. My body is healthy and strong.

  5. S
    Suzanne S
    5 days ago

    This practice. I have the ability and desire to work doing what I love. I have more than I need and the ability and privilege to help with the extra. People that I love and room for more. Dogs that I adore and who adore me. I am in a period of growth in many areas of my life which is wonderful and scary and stressful at times, but all moving me toward my wants and dreams.

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    5 days ago

    – My husband and I love each other.
    – I have good friends who make me laugh and we listen to each other and give what’s needed, whether that’s advice, a receptive listener, or shared joy or outrage.
    – I adore the results of our kitchen remodel and enjoy the effects on the whole house every day. We made a new house with the changes.
    – Our cat, who usually doesn’t purr for me, purred on my lap the other day. He has a very quiet purr but it was there.
    – I’m knitting a beautiful scarf out of Zauberball “Crazy” yarn. It involves doodling through the color changes, doing short rows back and forth to create swatches of color and then moving on, evening out the overall shape with another hill or valley somewhere else. And the cat isn’t eating the yarn for a change; I’m able to knit with him on my lap in the evening.
    – I’ve been pretty consistent this month in doing yoga; haven’t gone more than two days without doing it, mostly doing a short practice every other morning.
    – I live close to two parks and my work enables me to make some meetings into walking meetings so I head into the woods. I watched a pileated woodpecker hammering at a tree and flinging big chunks of bark off last week and this week heard a barred owl hooting loudly in the mid-afternoon.
    – The one-on-one conversations I have with the people on my team give me new ideas and help me stay connected as we’ve grown, which is important to me.
    – A bill I’ve been working on for two years (providing technical advice since I’m a state employee, not lobbying) has been introduced in the legislature.
    – My older daughter had her first annual review in her job recently; got good feedback and a small merit pay increase. (She’s hourly and every penny matters.)
    – My younger daughter will be visiting at the end of March from California, where she and her fiance have been because he’s in school there, and they plan to get married while they’re here.
    – I’m in good health.
    – I live in a state where diversity, equity and inclusion are practiced, celebrated, and protected by state law with elected officials who will continue this. (If any of you want to relocate, ask me about Olympia, WA, and other great places to live!)
    – I live in a friendly community that supports biking and walking. Our local transit agency provides staff to promote two challenges, the Bicycle Community Challenge in May (National Bike Month) and the Winter Biking Challenge in February, which starts tomorrow. #RideInTheRain #WinterBike #BicyclesChangeLives

    My intention was to start the list and find out if I could come up with 10 things (thanks to something I read in Meditations for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman about not letting the quality gatekeeper be in charge and setting quantity goals instead) and ended up with even more.

    1. D
      5 days ago

      Barb, congratulations on your successes (cat and yarn included!). Thank you for making a list. I was scratching my head on what to write and I’m going to borrow the list technique.

      1. Barb C
        Barb C
        5 days ago

        Thanks, Drea. Something about the bullet points (thanks to work, I’m quite sure, and probably really I should credit Microsoft PowerPoint) helps me keep going.

  7. Patti
    5 days ago

    I am generally content and happy overall, feeling a bit more in tune with the divinity within. My husband and I have a better relationship than we did while running the restaurant, and I am happy to have “us” back. My yoga practice is in full swing again, and I’m so grateful to be feeling the benefits. I’m about to shift into the next section of my YTT and am excited about that and proud of my progress. I have a loving relationship with my parents, something I appreciate more and more each day. We are in a good spot financially and are safe with everything we need to live this human life. Oh, and we have two dogs that adore us!

  8. L
    5 days ago

    My job is going well, my workload has picked up as we enter the busy season. I’m grateful to work with colleagues who are kind and supportive and with clients who are grateful and appreciative of the work we do.

    I am very slowly paying down my debt.

    I’m lucky to be in good health, and to have a schedule that allows me to go for a mile walk each morning.

    After thinking about doing it for months, this past week I finally picked up my cross stitch project. I’m trying to work on it a bit every evening – usually while I’m watching basketball. I’m determined to finish it this time. It’s feels good looking forward to sitting down with this at the end of each day.

    I appreciate this question today – often times I focus on the negative too much and don’t give the positive the attention it deserves…

  9. Avril
    5 days ago

    Like others, I acknowledge there is plentiful goodness in my life. I hope not to sound braggadocious. My children are thriving; my son is adulting; my husband’s career change has been lucrative; my career is a blessing, and we moved into a lovely home with my parents. At this junction, there is enough money, and we will be able to help others and travel. It’s not always this way, so it feels good to offer gratitude. There are challenges. But, there is so much to be grateful for.

  10. Yram
    5 days ago

    Going well:
    Hot water out of the shower head.
    Electricity for the stove to heat up tea water.
    The internet to get on this site.
    My arm to life the cup to my lips.
    My eyes to read the wisdom words here.
    My bills are paid.

    1. Mary
      4 days ago

      Love this Yram!

    2. D
      5 days ago

      Thanks for naming the little things Yram. A good reminder.

  11. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    5 days ago

    Great question. So often I focus on what’s not going well or what negative things might happen, when in reality, things are going and have gone amazingly well. I don’t have wealth or fame or power, but I have the basic ingredients for happiness. I have more than enough to be comfortable and I have far exceeded how I thought I would be living when I was younger. I could complain (and believe me, I do😁) but when I step back and look at this life, I see how incredibly lucky I have been. My marriage is going well, my work is going well, my health is good, and I am able to give and receive kindness. I know that all of this is temporary and not permanent. We build sandcastles on the beach, only to watch them crumble in the waves. I’m okay with that.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      4 days ago

      And so castles made of sand slips into the sea

      Jimi Hendrix

      The impermanence of it all Charlie. Thank you.

  12. L
    Loc Tran
    5 days ago

    There are too many items for me to list. I’ve accomplished everything I’ve set out to accomplish. My inner life feels much simpler these days.

  13. Carol Ann Conner
    5 days ago

    The first thing that comes to mind is my physical therapy sessions…wonderful young therapist and very helpful exercises.

    1. Avril
      5 days ago

      I’m getting great PT now, too. She has changed my life.

  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    5 days ago

    Many of you have mentioned basic needs being met as a foundation for life going well and that is true for me as well. Currently, it seems there are many challenges going on regarding relationships for people I love, both family and friends. I am being tapped as the person to whom these individuals want to talk to about these challenges. What is going well is that I am able to be a good listener rather than a fixer. Another part of that going well is my ability to set boundaries so I do not become drained in these situations. I understand what I can and cannot do. Will, and will not do.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      4 days ago

      Mary, I can certainly say the same thing about myself but to a smaller degree. It’s helped Ngoc and me bounce ideas off each other. Our marriage has greatly benefited.

      1. Mary
        Mary Mantei
        4 days ago

        Yes, Loc Tran, to be able to just hold the space for someone to talk, think aloud, no judgment on our part, can lead to great benefits for both.

  15. D
    Dawn Elaine Bowie
    5 days ago

    I am learning to yield to someone else’s vision whether I fully agree with it or not, learning to look for, and find, strands of good in the midst of what I can’t identify as good. It’s not a practice of giving up or losing what matters to me but of allowing. Allowing myself not to know the answers, of keeping an open mind and admitting I may not be right all the time. Most of the time I find this exercise deeply unpleasant but I know it’s one I need to practice and learn to grow.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      4 days ago

      “keeping an open mind” Thank you, Dawn Elaine.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      4 days ago

      The Traditional Asian value system has taught me that. Mastering it feels relieving. I find it to be easier to add on to an established culture than to create my own.

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