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  1. sparrow51014
    1 year ago

    This is a trick question,
    as we all know what in our lives is to our liking . . .
    I had to take some time to reflect on this.
    In the truest sense
    everything is going well . . .
    in the grand scheme of things.
    The question
    invites us to judge . . .
    what is good?
    what is bad?
    Reduce it to positive vs. negative,
    which is less judgemental
    (in artistic terms).
    In order to answer the question with the truest answer,
    we need to reassess especially the ‘negative’ . . .
    find the ‘good’ in what might be ‘wrong’ in our lives
    because everything works out in the end,
    and it’s difficult to see
    when we haven’t reached the end of the negative.

  2. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    I feel so fortunate to be able to think about what’s going well. Stopping to add it all up, it’s a lot!
    — I’m finally, finally coming out the other side of the flu. Still coughing but so much less and I’m finally sleeping through the night instead of waking up frequently racked by coughs.
    — I felt well enough to ride my bike to my office on Friday, and again Saturday to ride downtown to the farmers’ market and other errands. I love our little downtown: I could get veggies at the market, look at craft items and think about gift ideas, stop at a vegan cafe for takeout and at an art supply store in the same block to pick up some pens (4 for the cost of 3 for my favorite!), get cat food for He Who Is In Charge, and ride home. So simple and so satisfying.
    — Over the weekend I also did a lot of resting and reading–taking it easy to help my recovery along.
    — I went for a walk today at lunch into the big park near where I’m staying right now while our house is remodeled. So much beauty at any time of year: soaring mossy trunks with baby ferns sprouting up the side, a splash of gold from a tree that hasn’t yet lost its leaves, raindrops like little jewels hanging from branches.
    — My team at work has grown yet again with another new person starting last week. Tomorrow some of us are carpooling to Seattle and working together, and we’ll go out for pizza at lunch to celebrate our new colleague.
    — Our home remodeling project is moving right along. The space already feels so different, with a bigger kitchen window and two partial walls removed to make it more open. I feel so fortunate to have savings to cover most of the cost, and my sweet husband who majored in construction management right there to doublecheck that everything goes the way we want it if any questions come up.
    — I’m going to a holiday part at my sister-in-law’s house this Saturday; it’s always a fun time.
    — My cat hasn’t eaten holes in any of my clothing recently. (He’s especially fond of merino wool and other natural fibers and has done a lot of damage, like a giant whiskery moth.)
    — I’ve been working on drafts of blog posts to publish over the next few weeks, which always feels satisfying. I enjoy writing and committed myself at the beginning of the year to having at least a post a month on my personal blog and on my biking/active transportation blog. I’ve done better than that on average, and stepping up the writing pace has produced some ideas for a book proposal I’m going to start outlining.
    — My daughters have gone through a prolonged rough process in trying to settle their dad’s estate. He died in 2020 and it has taken 3 years due to a recalcitrant, hostile, and at times threatening family member involved in the process. They’re finally coming out the other side. They won’t net much; he had debts and part of being the executors has meant hiring an attorney and trying to settle with creditors. But it will be done at long, long, far-too-long last.

    Take it from me: Do your heirs a favor and write or update your will and go over it with them. If you have older parents, ask them to share their plans with you. After someone’s gone it’s too late to understand their intentions if they left things messy, which my ex did.

    That’s a lot of big and small stuff and it isn’t everything. Love this question.

  3. Anna
    1 year ago

    Right now, my attitude towards relationships, and towards my health.
    I am more open, I have less fear, i am more able to let challenges go.

    1. Mary80448
      1 year ago

      I haven’t checked in lately
      It sounds like you are doing well!
      Sending so much love♥️♥️♥️

  4. Christina
    1 year ago

    Countless things are going well, a gift of sorts to be allowed to live in a safe place where all basic needs are easily covered, where most people have work and may earn enough money to live on, where health insurance is possible and medical service is around when needed. My beloved sister and dear friends in my life are a huge gift to be with, sharing whatever comes along to be shared, may it be cooking together, sharing meals, dancing, playing, celebrating and meditating together with dear kindred hearts. Deeply grateful for all.

  5. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    My daughter is over 3 mos sober and doing so much better. My son and his Ex Fiance are still close and may work things out.
    My job is going well since my promotion. I love our home in the more rural area. It has been about a year now since I moved and it is fun exploring new places. I continue to love my church and growing more in my spiritual journey (our new Bishop is coming to our church next Sunday). I have very close friends that are very special to me. I am looking forward to having a large Christmas get together with family on Christmas day in Massachusetts. We have 2 wonderful dogs at home that bring us a lot of joy

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      So glad to hear that your daughter is doing well right now! And that things are good for you in general.

  6. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    1 year ago

    What a wonderful question, and such inspiring responses! I was sitting here trying not to feel sorry for myself for health issues and low energy. What is going well? For starters, I woke up this morning. I was able to help prepare breakfast and clean up after. My husband cares for me. My dog adores me. I can shower, dress, walk around, even go out now and then. I have enough money (for now) and good medical insurance. A nice warm house and enough “stuff” for the rest of my life. A car. Computer, tablet, smart phone and the knowledge and experience to use them. My friends here on the gratefulness site and in real life. And so forth and so on. We don’t have to look far for things to be grateful for.

    1. Linda72766
      1 year ago

      So true!

  7. Anna
    1 year ago

    I hope that everything is going well with Kevin.
    I miss his posts, and even seeing that first post at the beginning of the day.

    1. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      I’ve been thinking the same thing.

    2. Christina
      1 year ago

      Yes, he is missed and let´s hope all is well with him. Please, dear Kevin, if you are around, please let us know. Would be so good to see you back here. Thank you, dear friend.

  8. Arlan Berglas
    Happy Pappy
    1 year ago

    Happy & Grateful is promoting their memes on the Facebook group

  9. Linda72766
    1 year ago

    I have many good friends, a loving husband, and (so far) I am blessed with good health. I am deeply grateful for all.

  10. Yram
    1 year ago

    I have a place to sleep, eat, pray, play, and entertain.
    I am in a safe place.
    I have income.
    I have medical insurance.
    I have friends.
    I have the freedom to go to concerts, get an education, and go to the religious organization I want.
    I have sufficient health of body and mind.
    I can see, hear, taste, feel, and touch.
    I have a loving husband and supportive children.

  11. J
    1 year ago

    I am able to self-regulate when I am having strong emotions.
    I am learning more about myself everyday.
    I am giving myself more grace and compassion.
    I am putting more trust in myself.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      ‘I am able to self-regulate when I am having strong emotions’ – resonates with me. Thank you.

  12. A
    1 year ago

    I am recovering from my fractured pelvis.
    I have so many friends in my life
    I have lots of plans for shows this month.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      Speedy recovery and continued healing wishes to you Actived5.

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      1 year ago

      Ouch! I hope your friends/family are close by to help you out if needed.

  13. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    This is a good reminder for me. I tend to
    focus on the things that are lacking or
    not going right.
    My health has been pretty good and
    I am financially doing okay and my
    relationship with my wife is thriving.
    This question makes me aware of all the
    striving I do. All of the attachments I have.
    In this moment, I am grateful for all that I
    have, and all that I don’t have. 🙏

  14. m
    1 year ago

    Some things that are going well in my life:
    1. My mental health has significantly improved since leaving my last job to which I am extremely grateful.
    2. My relationship with my father and sisters seems to be improving which is huge after not talking for 2 years.
    3. My job prospects are going well, I have options and I am confident that soon I will figure out the next path for me to journey on.
    4. My cats are still alive and well 🙂

  15. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    When it’s over, I want to say: all my life / I was a bride married to amazement. / I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
    —Mary Oliver, “When Death Comes”

    I got word late yesterday afternoon that a former co-worker about 15 years my junior died unexpectedly yesterday morning and my tears began to flow. They say that only the good die young and maybe that is true and her sudden death is a reminder to me that I have been gifted with a long life. So when I read today’s question (What are some things that are going well in my life? ) I thought of well-being. I thought of the fact that I’ve been given the opportunity to learn from the perspective of hopefully aging gracefully. I visit “The Poem a Day” website and Saturday’s poem (There is No Life or Death by Mina Loy) resonated with me and since it is in the public domain, I share it below.

    There is no Life or Death,
    Only activity
    And in the absolute
    Is no declivity.
    There is no Love or Lust
    Only propensity
    Who would possess
    Is a nonentity.
    There is no First or Last
    Only equality
    And who would rule
    Joins the majority.
    There is no Space or Time
    Only intensity,
    And tame things
    Have no immensity.
    This poem is in the public domain. Published in Poem-a-Day on December 2, 2023, by the Academy of American Poets.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      Condolences to you Carol on the sudden loss of your dear former co-worker.

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