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  1. Cathie

    I was part of a team a few years ago, where based on personality tests we were all different colors, meaning we were all different in personalities from each other. We had to collaborate on all work because we were all responsible for getting the job done. We became an amazing team because although we all thought and approached things differently, we learned to appreciate each other’s strengths and ideas. And the outcomes were always better than any one of us imagined!
    So in collaborating with different thinkers, our end-product was better than any 1 idea!

    2 years ago
    1. Rabbit

      Oh my, the whole world could learn from that.

      2 years ago
  2. Avril

    A crazy day. Glad I made it here… I’m not naturally a collaborator. I tend to like to go it on my own. But I find that I work well with someone that compliments my enthusiastic outgoing, sometimes chaotic energy. My work soulmate is grounded, more introverted, and handles the tedium better. Together we’re one amazing mind, lol.

    2 years ago
  3. Tenderheart

    When I let go of the ego, I hear creative ideas from my partner on parenting, from colleagues on patient care, from you all about the benefits of meaningful collaboration. It reminds me of Mark Nepo’s line: “To listen is to lean in softly with the willingness to be changed by what we hear.” When the higher purpose of an endeavor is kept in mind, the details and who takes credit fade into the background as group purpose and meaning take center stage.

    2 years ago
  4. Don Jones

    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. …”

    2 years ago
  5. Erich617

    I have done a lot of creative work and volunteering in my life, and I am a major proponent of collaboration in both areas. For years, I worked on live stage productions, doing things like sketch comedy and plays. As I got to know people, I was able to find those I connected with. Between actors, writers, and directors (many of whom had experience in all of those areas), anybody could bring a good idea to the table that elevated the work we were doing. For several years, I worked as copy director on projects with an art director who took rough ideas for visual treatments and just made them soar. I also worked for years with my neighbor and a team of volunteers making and distributing food to the unhoused. It was such a phenomenal experience for me. I continue to collaborate on volunteer projects and have made even more connections, each person playing to their own strengths and supporting others.

    Just to prove that I am not being hyperbolic, I will say that I have had some times that I didn’t connect with my collaborators on a project. Things have gotten a little ugly at times. As with so much, it is not 100%, but I would say that I have benefited tremendously time and again from collaboration.

    2 years ago
  6. dragonfly

    Many, many times. I find it especially useful when planning a children’s program. Once everybody’s creative juices get flowing the different contributions make a program better and better. The result is a program where everybody (including the presenter) has a lot of fun. But it also works when trying to overcome challenges. The more input the better the chances to find ways to make things easier. Where I come from, we say, “Shared suffering is half the suffering. Shared joy is twice the joy.” Collaboration can give so much in so many situations in life.

    2 years ago
  7. Barb C

    So many times. The one that stands out In recent years is working on an ambitious statewide plan and putting it out for comment repeatedly inside my agency and then out to the public. Of course I thought the draft was wonderful and some of the more pointed comments could sting a bit. But listening to what they were telling me about how that plan didn’t land for someone else and then addressing those comments genuinely made it a stronger plan and now in fact it’s winning awards, so that’s exciting.

    2 years ago
  8. Carol

    My 20 years in 12 Step groups gifted me the most. I saw so many grow. Myself included.

    2 years ago
  9. Racel W.

    I believe there is indeed magic in collaboration. I always look for opportunities to make this happen. I do this at work for sure, in my hobbies, when i am learning a new skill…i guess you can say in general this is what i do..

    Noone has all the answers and you can gain valuable insight from others. You can also learn more about yourself. You fine tune yourself because each collaboration yoy might take on a new role.

    Also you learn when a collaboration is not being purposeful and make changes or dissolve it.

    This space is a prime example of collaboration. I am learning a lot.

    2 years ago
  10. Yram

    A few years back I joined a group called the Sagers. Our ages are 60 – 95. We encourage each other to age positively. We gather wisdom from living long and look at the guft of aging. This journey is easier together.

    2 years ago
    1. Rabbit

      Is that a local group or in other areas? Sounds like a great idea.

      2 years ago
      1. Yram

        It is local.

        2 years ago
        1. Rabbit

          Thank you. Good idea for other to start.

          2 years ago
  11. Holly in Ohio

    The question brought up rather random thoughts today, but potluck celebrations and learning are two things that sprang to mind! A classroom that is vibrant with curiosity is quite electric!

    2 years ago
    1. Rabbit

      Many times when I have taken a class I have felt, this is where I want to be. There used to be a Spirituality Center near me that I appreciated for classes but unfortunately it closed with nothing to take its place.

      2 years ago
  12. d
    ocean voyager XIII

    Being a dunce, it always does I suppose.

    2 years ago
    1. Holly in Ohio

      why would you label yourself so?
      Sometimes the hardest thing is to be kind and nurturing to our own self… is believing we deserve kindness and love.
      Better times are coming, I promise.
      I’m glad you are here, by any name. ❤
      Welcome! 🙂

      2 years ago
      1. Rabbit

        I am glad you are here too Holly.

        2 years ago
  13. c

    Collaboration has been the answer to procrastination. For this I am grateful as the outcomes led to greater happiness, satisfaction and connection.

    2 years ago
    1. Rabbit

      Very good thought. Even with just my husband if we say we will do a project on a certain day it is much more likely to get done than just thinking it to yourself.

      2 years ago
  14. Rabbit

    I remember a work meeting where no one could agree or find a way out of a problem until the about the last minute of the meeting. Suddenly an idea surfaced and the problem was solved. I always thought it was divine intervention or hunger as it was lunch time. Perhaps both. It has always been a memorable experience for me and I prefer to think of it being something spiritual. This is so long ago. I need to watch for a more current example.

    2 years ago
  15. devy

    Having played football, other sports and playing in a band when younger taught me the importance of teamwork and working together towards a common goal. These early experiences transcended unto my adult working and volunteering life. Taking a group of individuals with different ideals and experiences and learning to work together is awesome. Things would be different if countries around the world would learn to collaborate rather than be in conflict

    2 years ago
    1. Tenderheart

      Well said, Devy. Our differences are not problems to be solved, but gifts to be opened and discovered. May those who understand the nature of meaningful collaboration continue to inspire others who are less open.

      2 years ago

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