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  1. D

    As I see it, the shift of focus from “me” to “we” is implicit in a metaphor which Raimon Panikkar said he had found in Persian, Indian, Christian and Jewish writings: “I am a drop, but a drop made of water and what matters in me is water. That water, as a drop, is indeed different from your drop, but, as water, it is not. We are not two distinct waters, but one single water, identical to itself, identical to water which, as water, is only divine water. […] The drop is the locus of my struggles, my failures and my victories, and of everything that causes joy and suffering in an immediate mode, but if I achieve my true identity, if I listen to my deep reality, I am water.”
    In “Les Contemplations”, Victor Hugo concurs : “We sometimes complain about writers who say me. Tell us about ourselves, we shout at them. Alas! when I speak of me, I speak of you. How can you not feel it? Ah! fool who thinks I’m not you!”

    6 months ago
  2. Concetta 29998

    Shifting the focus from I to we requires individuals to make space within themselves for “sweetness,” and “space.” Until we can let go of the “stuff,” (unwanted and unnecessary) to allow for space, we will be unable to contribute to a successful we. So, fix ourselves first to promote a successful we.

    6 months ago
    1. Concetta 29998

      Unfortunately, part of the comment is off the page.

      6 months ago
  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    Agreed that the possibilities are endless! As I have mentioned before, I work for a very diverse company. We in the last year have added many ERG’s (Employee Resource Groups) of so many different kinds and cultures. It is amazing to see what each team has Brought to the Table” in such a short time span. So many learning opportunities for all of us!

    7 months ago
  4. Cathie

    Shifting the focus outside ourself to “we” creates the possibility of intimacy with others. In intimacy, openness, listening, mutual reflection, and some sort of deep solidarity is nurtured. Out of that intimacy, and including all our differences a peace toward and action for the other is born.

    7 months ago
  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    Most of my thinking is inward. Maybe
    not such a good thing. I guess it’s a
    balance, like everything else. When I
    do think of others, it helps put my life
    in perspective.

    7 months ago
  6. Diane

    Ah…synchronicity! As often happens in my life (when I’m paying attention) this question is timely for me today and I’m grateful for the opportunity to reflect upon it.
    We recently moved to a new 55+ community, in a new state with new…..everything! So different from where I spent the first 65 years of my life. I’m grateful we are here because we moved 2,000 miles across the country to be near our daughters who have settled here. And it has been a joy and a blessing. But, I have experienced epic social anxiety since moving here and I’m just slowly coming out of my self-imposed cocoon. Today I will be meeting for lunch with a group of 5 other ladies and I have prayed this morning for the mindset of seeing each one of them through God’s eyes, which of course is Love. Shifting my focus from “me” with all my anxieties, quirks and imperfections to a collective “we”, all of us human yet with a spark of divinity, will help me as we gather together. I will strive to be an attentive listener…perhaps this is my calling for such a time as this.

    7 months ago
    1. Avril

      I affirm you’ll have a great time!

      7 months ago
  7. Nannette

    Everything is easier with “we” – but we begins with me. We delight in collective brain power, and collective energy. WE can get more things accomplished….and bring solutions to the table. As Kevin said with “WE”- Everything is possible.

    7 months ago
  8. Michele

    Shifting my focus from me to we offers different perspectives perhaps; more thoughts/opinions/ideas/more choices.

    Happy National Strawberry Day 🍓

    7 months ago
    1. Diane

      Yes Michele….I will remember this today as I listen attentively.

      7 months ago
  9. Barb C
    Barb C

    Reading the comments before mine, I appreciate the positive perspectives. My mind went to both ends of the spectrum of possibilities: It’s possible that the collective we will succeed in changing our habits, structures, economies, and systems so we begin to bend the curve on the climate crisis and other massive problems.

    And it’s possible we won’t.

    I’m a pragmatic optimist. I get up in the morning ready to do what I can–to do my part with my “me”–and I know my work contributes to shifting the “we”.

    I ran across a quotation a couple of days that fits here:

    “It is not shameful to do little. It is shameful to do nothing.”
    — Alexei Navalny (Russian activist

    7 months ago
  10. Yram

    This question is tied to yesterday’s. My living comforts are because of “we”. The “me” comes in when I enhance the object/event with my style.
    We are so entangled. Is there anything I do that I totally do on my own?

    7 months ago
    1. Avril

      I love the Buddhist idea of dependent origination:

      7 months ago
  11. J

    When I shift my perspective from me to we, I am able to let go of tension, hostility, anger. I am able to soften and see the person or situation with more understanding, love, compassion, and patience.

    7 months ago
  12. Patti

    Peace, connection, harmony.

    7 months ago
  13. A

    All things are possible through Christ! I have so many wonderful friends and together and with our faith, we can accomplish anything we put our mind to. Success is so much easier in a group!

    7 months ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann


      7 months ago
  14. Pilgrim

    Conversation is possible. Various approaches become possible.

    7 months ago
    1. Diane

      Good morning Pilgrim. I hope that you are well and your pain level is low today. I appreciate your succinct reply to this question. Conversation will be happening later today for me as I see those around the table through God’s eye as part of the collective “we”. This will be so helpful to me…thank you.
      Have a peace-filled day my friend 🙏

      7 months ago
      1. Pilgrim

        Thank you, Diane. I am happy to find you here today! Pain is still with me. I’m really hoping for improvement when beach temps become warmer. It is a gorgeous day outside today. The squirrels and I are grateful! Be well, my Friend!

        7 months ago
  15. J

    This reminds me of the question: “Who is my neighbor?” and of the quest for finding and serving the “common good.” We are all our neighbors; and the common good is an ongoing endeavor to create a more fair, more flourishing community both in where we live and in the country and in some way, the world. But it starts with my neighbor.

    7 months ago

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