well we are totally encased in an atmosphere of grey wet constant rain and sky and ground right now….. and my pink cyclamen outside the kitchen door have their heads up and are doing little jigs in the wind gusts and rain sheets and they are just loving it…… and so am I!!! Thank you, community! I hope you can have a special day-before-valentines day today🙏💕.
Is there such a thing as small beauty? I can’t get past Br. David’s quote, “Gratitude is a celebration of love.” I am imagining a world where gratitude would reign and thinking of John Lennon’s song “Imagine.” Wouldn’t that be absolutely beautiful? Here’s the song with its words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT4hLudO-is
Snow! It always acts differently, depending on the level of sun, the humidity, the cold. This morning, a thin layer is melting into ice, very gradually. It is mostly still crunchy and light. I love observing the snow as it changes throughout the day. Secretly I hope it will melt enough for me to go for a run with the dog. And if it doesn’t, I can practice delighting in what is.
Our funny tree outside the back window that we named the Dr. Seuss tree. Its thin branches rise up and then droop down and we keep it clipped straight across on the bottom so it doesn’t trail growth down onto the deck below. This makes it look like it has a bowl cut. Moss is growing all over its trunk, and looking out today I realized it has a few baby ferns growing out of the moss. I usually notice this kind of collaborative growth in the big woods I go walk in at a nearby park and here it is right in my back yard. In the spring it will be covered in leaves and tiny pink and white flowers.
Is it a Snow Fountain Cherry tree? We have a Snow Fountain Cherry tree that sounds like that outside our front window. In the spring, it makes our whole front room turn pink. As a matter of fact, my profile picture is a close up of one of the buds on an afternoon when there was a rainbow in the sky.
Our tree doesn’t have moss and ferns growing from the trunk– that is really cool!
Ooh, I love tree ecosystems. It’s generally too dry here for much besides mistletoe to grow in trees. What a treat to see ferns, moss, and other members of the tree’s family.
As I sit here at the table in my little house on this dark and stormy morning, and I look past the stuff that needs doing today, I can see the beauty of this place I call home. The dried flowers from our wedding, the deer antlers and hawk feathers that I have found out on the trails, the photos and paintings on the walls, and just the general warmth and love here in this place. I am so grateful to be here this morning. Thank you all for posting and sharing. 🙏
Small beauty. As in size? How often noticed?
I’ll go with leaves
as in leaves on a tree, a flower or a weed.
Blades of grass, pine needles, and large waxy leaves from a magnolia tree.
I might notice these if I Stop. Look. And then go.
So today I will stop and look at some leaves today before I go.
Beauty on a small scale, in front of me every day.
It is early and I have not yet opened the blinds to the outside world, but in the room where I am sitting, there are some beautiful quotes posted on our bulletin board, and many beautiful pieces of art in this room, many of them made by friends of ours. One simple piece of beauty hanging in the corner of this room is a mobile made by a friend of ours as a wedding gift. She was living near the coast at the time, and made the mobile out of driftwood and shells that she had collected.
I remember this question from years ago. It’s nice to see it again. I’ve been shot out of a cannon the last few days. I’m in my meditation room/office. It rained last night night, and it’s foggy and cool. Although it’s Thursday, it looks like a Sunday morning outside. My neighborhood is quiet; there will be no leaf blowers today because of the soaked earth. Even though it’s winter, the first blossoms are on the Japanese magnolia (Tulip tree). The pods look like kitten paws. They swell and burst open with beautiful magenta flowers. It’s breathtaking and ephemeral. I hope it blossoms slowly so I can enjoy it for a little longer.
In Florida the azaleas also start blooming in February.
Until cold weather kicks in and knocks them back.
Here today, gone tomorrow.
If I open my eyes and heart I will see what’s in front of me.
Wow! I no longer live where I can wake up to that winter wonderland effect on a regular basis. We did have some early last week and the world was frosted in white for a while. All gone now.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
well we are totally encased in an atmosphere of grey wet constant rain and sky and ground right now….. and my pink cyclamen outside the kitchen door have their heads up and are doing little jigs in the wind gusts and rain sheets and they are just loving it…… and so am I!!! Thank you, community! I hope you can have a special day-before-valentines day today🙏💕.
Plants are such wonderful teachers! Thanks Carol Ann.
Thank you for sharing this visual and joyful post!
EVERYWHERE!! 🙂 I feel inspired by the word of the day. I have never thought about gratitude that way before and it has made me so happy.
well, your inspired post about being happy is making ME happy, Suzanne!! ty!
This is just the beginning,
dear Suzanne . . . ♥
Yes, wishing all a beautiful sleep tonight, sweet dreams and a happy new day may be yours. Greetings and blessings to all, and beyond.
Pure relaxation, appreciating the signs of sleep, coming after a busy week.
Hi Anna!
It’s so good to relax and sleep after a busy week.
It’s also so good to see you here!
Sending love to you, dear Anna. ♥️
There is beauty and love all around me! The full moon is shining through my window and my puppy is sleeping. Everything is so peaceful. Thank you .
What wonderful energy. Thank you, too, Antoinette 💜
Is there such a thing as small beauty? I can’t get past Br. David’s quote, “Gratitude is a celebration of love.” I am imagining a world where gratitude would reign and thinking of John Lennon’s song “Imagine.” Wouldn’t that be absolutely beautiful? Here’s the song with its words.
Love that song 🎵 thank you 🤩 ! Yes let’s pray and make it happen!
Snow! It always acts differently, depending on the level of sun, the humidity, the cold. This morning, a thin layer is melting into ice, very gradually. It is mostly still crunchy and light. I love observing the snow as it changes throughout the day. Secretly I hope it will melt enough for me to go for a run with the dog. And if it doesn’t, I can practice delighting in what is.
That sounds beautiful!
There certainly are many variations of that frozen water Drea.
Our funny tree outside the back window that we named the Dr. Seuss tree. Its thin branches rise up and then droop down and we keep it clipped straight across on the bottom so it doesn’t trail growth down onto the deck below. This makes it look like it has a bowl cut. Moss is growing all over its trunk, and looking out today I realized it has a few baby ferns growing out of the moss. I usually notice this kind of collaborative growth in the big woods I go walk in at a nearby park and here it is right in my back yard. In the spring it will be covered in leaves and tiny pink and white flowers.
Is it a Snow Fountain Cherry tree? We have a Snow Fountain Cherry tree that sounds like that outside our front window. In the spring, it makes our whole front room turn pink. As a matter of fact, my profile picture is a close up of one of the buds on an afternoon when there was a rainbow in the sky.
Our tree doesn’t have moss and ferns growing from the trunk– that is really cool!
What kind of tree is it Barb?
It sounds unique.
Ooh, I love tree ecosystems. It’s generally too dry here for much besides mistletoe to grow in trees. What a treat to see ferns, moss, and other members of the tree’s family.
I love the artwork that I have decorated our home with, many from local artists. It is beautiful and peaceful.
As I sit here at the table in my little house on this dark and stormy morning, and I look past the stuff that needs doing today, I can see the beauty of this place I call home. The dried flowers from our wedding, the deer antlers and hawk feathers that I have found out on the trails, the photos and paintings on the walls, and just the general warmth and love here in this place. I am so grateful to be here this morning. Thank you all for posting and sharing. 🙏
Small beauty. As in size? How often noticed?
I’ll go with leaves
as in leaves on a tree, a flower or a weed.
Blades of grass, pine needles, and large waxy leaves from a magnolia tree.
I might notice these if I Stop. Look. And then go.
So today I will stop and look at some leaves today before I go.
Beauty on a small scale, in front of me every day.
It is early and I have not yet opened the blinds to the outside world, but in the room where I am sitting, there are some beautiful quotes posted on our bulletin board, and many beautiful pieces of art in this room, many of them made by friends of ours. One simple piece of beauty hanging in the corner of this room is a mobile made by a friend of ours as a wedding gift. She was living near the coast at the time, and made the mobile out of driftwood and shells that she had collected.
My daughter did that for me when she lived in Hawaii 🙂 I have it hanging in my bedroom.
I just listened/ watched the video that this site has. I am sure it was a biggie to produce but it is a small delight to start my day.
Which video,
dear Yram? ♥
It is part of the offering on this site.
I remember this question from years ago. It’s nice to see it again. I’ve been shot out of a cannon the last few days. I’m in my meditation room/office. It rained last night night, and it’s foggy and cool. Although it’s Thursday, it looks like a Sunday morning outside. My neighborhood is quiet; there will be no leaf blowers today because of the soaked earth. Even though it’s winter, the first blossoms are on the Japanese magnolia (Tulip tree). The pods look like kitten paws. They swell and burst open with beautiful magenta flowers. It’s breathtaking and ephemeral. I hope it blossoms slowly so I can enjoy it for a little longer.
I absolutely love Japanese magnolias! So beautiful!
I love tulip trees, Avril! ♥️
In Florida the azaleas also start blooming in February.
Until cold weather kicks in and knocks them back.
Here today, gone tomorrow.
If I open my eyes and heart I will see what’s in front of me.
When we lived in VA, the dogwood trees and crape myrtle trees were my delight.
Love them!!!
Yes! We got about 11 inches!
Wow! I no longer live where I can wake up to that winter wonderland effect on a regular basis. We did have some early last week and the world was frosted in white for a while. All gone now.
Nice, Yram. We’ve had a major shortage of snow here in the Twin Cities. Funny enough, there was a major snowstorm in the gulf coast last month.