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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    My beauty was the ability to work from home yesterday. We had bad weather alerts plus I was dealing with a situation with my daughter so it allowed me to focus on what was needed.

  2. Linda72766
    1 year ago

    My husband is quietly working on a project today, and I watch him with so much love. He is fastidious and exacting, and I love that about him. (I am the opposite!)

  3. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    “Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.” Marie Beynon Ray

    Today’s quote answers today’s question and has provided me with such a gift. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of presence. Makes me think of the hymn “Holy Ground.” My pain levels have been high and I have been focused on them and how they limit me instead of focusing on what I can BE and DO NOW. I needed this question today and every day for that matter!

    This hymn by Christoper Beatty has always been one of my favorites:
    Verse 1
    This is holy ground
    We’re standing on holy ground
    For the Lord is present
    And where He is is holy
    This is holy ground
    We’re standing on holy ground
    For the Lord is present
    And where He is is holy

    Verse 2
    These are holy hands
    He’s given us holy hands
    He works through these hands
    And so these hands are holy
    These are holy hands
    He’s given us holy hands
    He works through these hands
    And so these hands are holy

    Verse 3
    These are holy lips
    He’s given us holy lips
    He speaks through these lips
    And so these lips are holy
    These are holy lips
    He’s given us holy lips
    He speaks through these lips
    And so these lips are holy

  4. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    The sky is just beginning to lighten. I can see the fog that has filled the inlet the last few mornings beyond the trees that fill the window. Tall trees frame the fog, and the fog frames the trees. A streetlight casts a cone of light across the way and I can almost see the particles of light. With each minute the light grows; now I can see the lights of a few homes on the other side of the inlet.

    Inside, I have beautiful beautiful coffee in my cup, my sweetheart nearby eating breakfast. Our little Mr. Stripey Cat walks past and leaps gracefully up onto a windowsill to look out the window and hope for dreams of birds.

    Thank you for helping me pay attention to the beauty of these simple moments.

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    As I sit here with my cup of coffee,
    there is so much beauty.
    It’s just getting light outside on a grey
    and rainy day. The lights from the Christmas
    tree gives such a nice light. A vase of dead
    roses that I gave Elena. We both like decaying
    flowers and like to keep them as long as
    possible. Of course my two cats. And the
    stillness and quiet of this morning.

  6. Christina
    1 year ago

    In the beautiful flower a dear one gave as a present and which offered its beauty and caused joy at every glimpse at it all the way to the far north, where Christmas celebration together with my father will bee coming soon. In the courtesy of a dear customer- service- person to solve a technical problem which otherwise easily could have caused almost unresolvable damage, in the concession of a bus driver today, offering me to exit the bus at an uncommon stop, in the smile one person offered to another; but the most beautiful today was seeing a woman entering the bus with a Baby carriage with canopy, inside a little dog. When I asked that I am happy to see her helping her dog be outside as the dog would obviously not be able to walk any more, the lady replied, “no this dog is only 2 years old, but it is a street dog from Romania and had to endure frightful hardship, and it is so afraid. I could go nowhere with her, but in this baby carriage, she feels safe, and can tolerate the world looking from this safe place”. The rough-haired teckle looked curious over the rim of the carriage, rolling up immediately under the canopy when there was loud noise around, for then after a while to risk an eye again. It was just gorgeous and so heart warming how the lady cared for this beloved animal. It made my day today. So utterly beautiful.

    1. Michele
      1 year ago

      loved this beautiful story, thank you

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 year ago

      A lucky dog that is, Chistina.

    3. Carol Ann Conner
      1 year ago

      O. Christina, Thank you for this

    4. Barb C
      Barb C
      1 year ago

      What a beautiful description! I’ll never look at dogs in baby carriages the same way.

  7. Nannette
    1 year ago

    Today’s small beauty is the Christmas tree and lights that decorate our living room and the lighted “server” in the dining room. The little lights give me joy…where there is darkness —we can find light. Have a wonderful Monday one and all!!

  8. Pilgrim
    1 year ago

    I am enjoying the Christmas decor in my living room area. I have 2 mantles with some (faux) greenery, various battery lights/candles/, and on one table, Jim Shore pieces, many with Santas in various sizes and nationalities, and cardinals (my favorite!) to celebrate the season. Also, one small faux, decorated tree in front of the fireplace. The weather has turned cold, so the view outside is snow covered. Wishing you all well!

  9. Yram
    1 year ago

    The blustery wind playing with the flags. The emerging amaryllis. The playful snowman pillow.

  10. Journey
    1 year ago

    There is big beauty everywhere around me, it really is a wonderful time of the year and I love seeing everyone’s home and lawns all dressed up for Christmas. I love looking at the lights on our Christmas Tree.

  11. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    1 year ago

    Beautiful bouquets of fresh greens around our home.

  12. Josie
    1 year ago

    Three little Advent candles lighting the darkness of my prayer corner create a beautiful start to this dreary December Monday.

  13. Laura
    1 year ago

    There is beauty in the colorful Christmas mug I am using this morning to sip my tea. It’s one of a set of 4. It’s beautiful to me not only for its bright colors and cheerful scenes but also memories of my mother, who bought the mugs years ago. Each December they remind me of her and of the many past Christmases in my own life.

  14. Michele
    1 year ago

    My desktop wallpaper – I have a beautiful Christmas themed one – a beautifully decorated tree, stone fireplace with fire going, red poinsettias, 4 red stockings hanging on the mantel along with green garland that has lights in it with red and gold poinsettias, presents under the tree. A wood rocking chair next to the tree. I smile EVERY TIME I look at it, lol.

  15. Butterfly
    1 year ago

    In my garden pots the bulbs are just beginning to peep through into the light with the promise of beautiful flowers to come as we move towards the winter solstice and onwards to another spring.

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