Overnight frost on my windshield. Intricate designs, never the same each day. Handiwork of the Divine Artist who sends the little ones out (the fairies) all bundled up to paint the scene.
Stay warm if you can all. Others, enjoy the warmth of your day
The plants in my kitchen and dining room… I am at my table now and can see all of them. I am no plant lady, but I love them and do my best to take care of them. One is colorful with red woven into the green leaves, most of which fell off. An “indoor” plant purchased off of the clearance rack at Lowe’s last November. It has a twin in our living room that is doing quite well, filled with leaves. Both beautiful in their own way. Then there’s the palm plant my husband has had since before we were together. It was not doing so well last fall, but we put it in this huge vase that his dad gave us, and it is thriving. The vase is so pretty as well… made of glass, it’s quite large with green, yellow, aqua blue, and a little orange-y red that circles around it. The little tropical plant that I can’t remember where it came from, but I do remember finding it in our old garden last spring with just a little stump and one tiny leaf growing from it (still in a pot). I first thought it wouldn’t make it, but decided it needed a new life just like we did. It’s so pretty now, lots of leaves, and when it warms up I’m going to put it in a larger pot so it can continue to thrive. Lastly, the iris that came from my great grandmother’s land in Tennessee that my cousin brought to Charleston and split up the bulbs for our family. She was in the ground at our house down there, and I left some for the young family who bought our home, but the part of her in the pretty blue pot is hanging in there with five healthy leaves coming from the dirt. She gave us the most beautiful white iris I have ever seen… it’s where my profile pic came from. I hope she will flower again one day.
I went back and reread my post, and you are correct! The one that I thought was dead was shared as a social media post back when it looked dead. I said I could relate to it as I thought about all of the growth that was still possible… I can definitely relate, and I feel like my life is thriving more now, too
I’m so happy to hear from you , Mary! Thank you for looking for me here. I look forward to the coming of Spring! We got another huge snow dump yesterday. The backyard does look beautiful, though!
Blessings, my Friend!!
On my study desk, I placed a roly-poly cat next to my computer. She looks sweet. Whenever I feel tired, I push her with my fingers. No matter how hard I try, she always goes back to her upright position. So, she messaged me that whenever life’s difficult, stands up repeatedly.
Four inches of fresh snow through yesterday and last night has blanketed the neighborhood. As I look out the south window of my studio, the hushed quiet, the deepest snowbanks we’ve had in many years, the pristine, sparkling reflection of the snow cover in the few street lamps, to me is such a beautiful landscape. So simple, so much clarity in the sharpness.
There is ‘small beauty’ around me right now while looking at my beautiful desktop background wallpaper of purple and yellow-white pansies – so colorful. I also have a colorful large tree tapestry hanging on my wall in my office – there are 5 different colored birds on the branches. On my other wall I have a 4-piece zen garden rock/flower art work; A metal peace sign underneath my windows that have various Siamese cats on my window sill; next another vinyl tree that has the saying ‘Family like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one’
Wishing everyone see ‘small beauty’ throughout their day https://nationaltoday.com/national-internet-friends-day/
Michele, as far as the purple and yellow goes, I’m excited for the Lakers future after trading for a 25-year-old Slovenian Generational Icon, Luka Doncic.
Regarding family like branches on a tree, that’s very true. 2 people can have the same root with different branches.
A new day. What will it bring ? What gifts will there be along my path? Will I recognize them as gifts? I suspect there are many small beauties each day that I wouldn’t see as beautiful right away. May I be more aware to such gifts!
Our home. For many, any housing would be beauty. I am grateful for my lovely wife Cheryl and the way she decorates. If you good people would be able to ask her about the house I lived in when we were “a courtin” you would understand the beauty I see! Suffice it to say she has somewhat civilized me over the past 36 years. May all encounter some beauty and peace today.
doesn’t have to look far
when a cat is involved
(in relation to beauty) . . .
sleeping next to me
with her stretchy reachies
spread out in front of her . . .
a classic Sophie position.
She is a small,
beautifully crafted
with tiger stripes,
golden eyes,
and a semi-prehensile
tail. ♥
Love “stretchie reachies”! Earlier I was looking closely at the fur patterns on our brown stripped tabby Tiggs (short for Tigger) as he leaned into my hand to get good chin scritches. Such fine grizzling in some places, fur that’s one color at the base and changes color toward the tip, his perfectly applied eyeliner (the typical dark stripes from the corners of his eyes out toward the hinge of the jaw), the dark stripe down his spin and onto the tail. Then there’s his tidy white cravat and four white paws that resulted in one of his nicknames, Mr. Cute Boots. So beautiful when I look closely.
My Sophie
has white paws too,
dear Barb,
and sports a white bib,
rather than your cat’s cravat . . .
a girl thing,
I think.
They do capture our hearts
just by being themselves.
Sparrow, I love your description of Sophie.
I have two kitties, one (Pearl) is very much like you described and very quiet and shy. The other (Pumpkin) is a calico that is so loud and bossy. They really are such beautiful creatures.
Give yourself the gift of free bi-monthly inspiration including uplifting articles, diverse stories, supportive practices, videos, and more, delivered with heart to your inbox.
Overnight frost on my windshield. Intricate designs, never the same each day. Handiwork of the Divine Artist who sends the little ones out (the fairies) all bundled up to paint the scene.
Stay warm if you can all. Others, enjoy the warmth of your day
I do not have a garage, Carla, and live at the 45th Parallel. You have reminded to take a minute and enjoy those etchings before I scrape them away!
The plants in my kitchen and dining room… I am at my table now and can see all of them. I am no plant lady, but I love them and do my best to take care of them. One is colorful with red woven into the green leaves, most of which fell off. An “indoor” plant purchased off of the clearance rack at Lowe’s last November. It has a twin in our living room that is doing quite well, filled with leaves. Both beautiful in their own way. Then there’s the palm plant my husband has had since before we were together. It was not doing so well last fall, but we put it in this huge vase that his dad gave us, and it is thriving. The vase is so pretty as well… made of glass, it’s quite large with green, yellow, aqua blue, and a little orange-y red that circles around it. The little tropical plant that I can’t remember where it came from, but I do remember finding it in our old garden last spring with just a little stump and one tiny leaf growing from it (still in a pot). I first thought it wouldn’t make it, but decided it needed a new life just like we did. It’s so pretty now, lots of leaves, and when it warms up I’m going to put it in a larger pot so it can continue to thrive. Lastly, the iris that came from my great grandmother’s land in Tennessee that my cousin brought to Charleston and split up the bulbs for our family. She was in the ground at our house down there, and I left some for the young family who bought our home, but the part of her in the pretty blue pot is hanging in there with five healthy leaves coming from the dirt. She gave us the most beautiful white iris I have ever seen… it’s where my profile pic came from. I hope she will flower again one day.
Thank you for sharing your story
of the iris,
dear Sunnypatti. ♥
Just looked at your profile picture.
Just glorious!!!
If you could have seen me the first time I saw it… I was so excited!!
Thanks for telling us the special story behind your profile picture, Sunnypatti!
My great grandma was a treasure, and so is this iris!
I hear “thriving” in every sentence.
I went back and reread my post, and you are correct! The one that I thought was dead was shared as a social media post back when it looked dead. I said I could relate to it as I thought about all of the growth that was still possible… I can definitely relate, and I feel like my life is thriving more now, too
You sound like a “plant lady”
I think I need to change my perspective from “i can’t keep plants alive” to “I’m a plant lady!”
let the plants love you, Sunnypatti! It makes them happy.
I like to have seasonal decor in my small abode. Right now I have valentine decor on tables and mantles, along with battery candles. Brightens my day!
I’m so glad to hear from you Pilgrim.
I always look for you here.
Sending love.
Spring is coming!
I’m so happy to hear from you , Mary! Thank you for looking for me here. I look forward to the coming of Spring! We got another huge snow dump yesterday. The backyard does look beautiful, though!
Blessings, my Friend!!
On my study desk, I placed a roly-poly cat next to my computer. She looks sweet. Whenever I feel tired, I push her with my fingers. No matter how hard I try, she always goes back to her upright position. So, she messaged me that whenever life’s difficult, stands up repeatedly.
Love this, Ngoc.
My Ngoc, I remember that thing. It’s the symbol of resilience.
Four inches of fresh snow through yesterday and last night has blanketed the neighborhood. As I look out the south window of my studio, the hushed quiet, the deepest snowbanks we’ve had in many years, the pristine, sparkling reflection of the snow cover in the few street lamps, to me is such a beautiful landscape. So simple, so much clarity in the sharpness.
New fallen snow
mutes the world,
and washes the canvas clean,
dear Mary…
you describe it so beautifully. ♥
Indeed it does, Sparrow. Thank you.
Mary Mantei, the Twin Cities had 3 inches of it last Saturday and about to get a few more tomorrow.
There is ‘small beauty’ around me right now while looking at my beautiful desktop background wallpaper of purple and yellow-white pansies – so colorful. I also have a colorful large tree tapestry hanging on my wall in my office – there are 5 different colored birds on the branches. On my other wall I have a 4-piece zen garden rock/flower art work; A metal peace sign underneath my windows that have various Siamese cats on my window sill; next another vinyl tree that has the saying ‘Family like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one’

Wishing everyone see ‘small beauty’ throughout their day
Michele, as far as the purple and yellow goes, I’m excited for the Lakers future after trading for a 25-year-old Slovenian Generational Icon, Luka Doncic.
Regarding family like branches on a tree, that’s very true. 2 people can have the same root with different branches.
My kids school colors were purple and gold … mine were red and black.
A new day. What will it bring ? What gifts will there be along my path? Will I recognize them as gifts? I suspect there are many small beauties each day that I wouldn’t see as beautiful right away. May I be more aware to such gifts!
Our home. For many, any housing would be beauty. I am grateful for my lovely wife Cheryl and the way she decorates. If you good people would be able to ask her about the house I lived in when we were “a courtin” you would understand the beauty I see! Suffice it to say she has somewhat civilized me over the past 36 years. May all encounter some beauty and peace today.
Snowflakes lightly sprinkling on my morning.
A small candle in front of me on the table that I have lit for the birthday of my godmother that would have been today.
Hi CH. I lost my godmother just over a year ago and miss her very much
How lovely that you lit a candle for your godmother.
doesn’t have to look far
when a cat is involved
(in relation to beauty) . . .
sleeping next to me
with her stretchy reachies
spread out in front of her . . .
a classic Sophie position.
She is a small,
beautifully crafted
with tiger stripes,
golden eyes,
and a semi-prehensile
tail. ♥
Love “stretchie reachies”! Earlier I was looking closely at the fur patterns on our brown stripped tabby Tiggs (short for Tigger) as he leaned into my hand to get good chin scritches. Such fine grizzling in some places, fur that’s one color at the base and changes color toward the tip, his perfectly applied eyeliner (the typical dark stripes from the corners of his eyes out toward the hinge of the jaw), the dark stripe down his spin and onto the tail. Then there’s his tidy white cravat and four white paws that resulted in one of his nicknames, Mr. Cute Boots. So beautiful when I look closely.
My Sophie
has white paws too,
dear Barb,
and sports a white bib,
rather than your cat’s cravat . . .
a girl thing,
I think.
They do capture our hearts
just by being themselves.
Sparrow, I love your description of Sophie.
I have two kitties, one (Pearl) is very much like you described and very quiet and shy. The other (Pumpkin) is a calico that is so loud and bossy. They really are such beautiful creatures.
dear Charlie . . .
they are pure purrfection.
I’ve had many cats over the years,
including an ocicat,
but never a calico . . .