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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    6 months ago

    It was Patience last night and it got the best of me. My son is away this week and one of his tenants was on my nerves!

  2. Ose
    6 months ago

    Diving into to come closer to truth.

  3. barba
    6 months ago

    Being together
    Being myself, showing myself, living myself and at the same time being open to others. Seeing them, listening to them, appreciating them, living our togetherness. I want to live the connection and not the separation.

    If I read a little bit on this page: – Yes, maybe it also has something to do with patience

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      6 months ago

      « …live the connection and not the separation ». That should be a bumper sticker Barba. Thank you.

      1. Barb C
        Barb C
        6 months ago

        Agreed. I would wear that on a t-shirt and put the sign in my yard.

  4. Patti
    6 months ago

    I couldn’t think of anything when I came on this morning, but I think my value of friendship needs to be tended to. I lost touch with my friends in Charleston when we moved out to the country (same county but about 45 mins + away from where I was and where most of them are), and most especially after my husband and I opened our restaurant in May 2023. I saw some of them at a funeral recently, and we all clearly still love each other, but we aren’t in touch regularly… and now I am preparing to move 3 1/2 hours away.

    I am torn with time since there’s so much to do at the house before we move, but I want to see people before we go. I did have a friend reach out for a lunch date, but there are so many more. Part of my problem other than time is that I hate talking on the phone. We took the dogs to the beach this morning, and I saw a friend called while we were out walking. I haven’t called her back yet, and she’s a real talker, but I love her and really just need to buck up and give her a call. And also the other handful who I have missed a will still miss once we’re in NC.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      6 months ago

      I am the same, I dislike talking on the phone

    2. Nannette
      6 months ago

      SunnyPatti, I share your dislike of talking on the phone. When someone tells me they are going to call..I get a bell going off in my head…”OH NO”. But when I do connect I was so happy to have had the time to hear about what is going on with that person. I wish you all the best in preparation of your move; saying good bye to friends and moving on to a new journey.

      1. Patti
        6 months ago

        I have that same bell! haha! I did connect with the friend whose call I missed, and turns out she had tickets for the same concert we were going to last night. We met up and had a great time!

      2. Yram
        6 months ago

        I do like talking on the phone but I set limits. I silence it during the times I need quiet, and When I have a talkative person I make an excuse and say I have to leave. I get so few friend calls that I welcome the ring.

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      I am not too thrilled about jabbering on the phone either.

  5. R
    Renee Meier
    6 months ago

    I need to focus on patience, hope, and self-compassion. It seems like it has been a rough summer, and the hits keep coming. I have to remember to stay grounded in who I am and patient with the things I cannot control.

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    6 months ago

    I felt as if I’d just recently answered a question like this and looked back. We had a question about living by our principles Aug. 1 and another question about focusing on a value in July. I know we have a certain amount of overlap and repetition but three questions in around six weeks has me running dry on this. I hope you all are sending in suggestions for new questions to help the great staff who keep this going.

    That said, I noticed how many people cited patience and that resonates for me. And as I started writing I realized I do have thoughts.

    I’ll add kindness to my thoughts for today, and also commitment. I have a staff meeting that will include a challenging topic: how we process and deal with the fact that our work is aimed at reducing the number of people who die while walking or bicycling or rolling and yet it continues to happen, and also our reality that we work in a public agency and if we give voice to criticisms about a particular road we own we’re opening our agency up to the potential of a lawsuit–money spent on lawyers, not on more sidewalks and bike lanes. We had a conversation in our team chat that I had to gently shut down and today I’m holding space in our meeting to reflect, process, remind ourselves why we do this and also deal with the legal ramifications of creating public records.

    That’s a very difficult reality any day of the week, even more so because some of my staff have been hit by drivers and my husband has; I’ve so far only had close calls. Just yesterday during a work meeting on safety the colleague running the meeting abruptly said, “I have to leave. There’s been a crash on I-5 that involves my family and there are injuries.” His wife who also works for our agency is a friend of mine and I know their teen-aged daughter so this was a frightening moment. Later I learned they were rear-ended by a semi and their daughter has whiplash and an arm injury, not sure what else may show up today. It could have been worse. So much worse.

    My work matters. How each of you handle a vehicle if you’re a driver matters. It can be a killing machine. Whether or not it will be is up to you.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      6 months ago

      Barbara, you process through writing as so many of us do. And I am so glad you did, your message is important. Your last paragraph is a strong reminder well delivered. As an avid biker and walker, I have an appreciation for the work you and your team do.

      Patience resonated with you as you read the posts of our group. Patience is so under utilized when it comes to biking safety. Lack of patience on the part of both bikers and drivers has resulted in many injuries and deaths. Patience saves lives! Maybe that’s a new slogan! Thank you Barbara for your important work.

    2. Michele
      6 months ago

      Thank you for your service Barb, continue the good work.

    3. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Barb, you have a good memory. Some of the questions can get repetitive.

  7. Yram
    6 months ago

    I am not sure what the word is but, I want to be more be confident in the abilities I have.
    I will vote.

  8. pkr29022
    6 months ago

    Mindfulness…. I am not sure if I could say this is a value however I need to practice more mindfulness. It is a valuable component of keeping my body & mind healthy & happy.

  9. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    Kindness and compassion always need
    tending. At least for me. I can easily
    become cynical. Thank you for the
    reminder. 🙏

  10. Jenifer
    6 months ago

    This one is difficult for me to answer. I know my values but I feel like I’ve been tending to them well. However, I’ve noticed that I’ve been dealing with this feeling of waiting for like this ONE BIG THING to occur in my life that will MAKE EVERYTHING SO MUCH BETTER and only then will I be happy. I’m trying to let go of this desire of something external to “fix/change” me. My life is already changing me, I just need to be present with it while it happens. Is there a value that sums up what I mean? Maybe I’m needing to tend to acceptance of what is? Let me know what y’all think.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      6 months ago

      In my opinion it is important to find things that bring you joy. Good times/happiness can be very fleeting.

    2. Michele
      6 months ago

      May you continue to focus on being Present 🙂

    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      6 months ago

      “Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.”

    4. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      6 months ago

      Yes, I know this feeling well.
      My gratitude practice, helps me
      with contentment, and yes,
      accepting things as they are, not
      how I wish they would be, also is
      a step in that direction.

      1. Jenifer
        6 months ago

        Contentment seems to fit what I was thinking. Thank you 🙏🏽

    5. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Jennifer, satisfaction is the first one that jumps out to me.

      1. Jenifer
        6 months ago

        Ooo, I wouldn’t have thought of that word. Very interesting 🤔

  11. Pilgrim
    6 months ago

    Patience and kindness with myself. Slow down, give myself time and ease in my daily life.

    1. Jenifer
      6 months ago

      May you practice loving kindness to yourself today and everyday. 🧡

      1. Pilgrim
        6 months ago

        Thank you, my friend!

  12. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    My ability to trust myself and Life

    1. Jenifer
      6 months ago

      So true 🙏🏽

  13. Nannette
    6 months ago

    I too need to work on patience. That has been a life long quest of mine. Patience is something that I have always been short on. Lately it has to do with my husband. Last evening I was going to “have a talk” with him…but it was not the right time. So I am hoping that today I can be patient and mild and try to start a conversation. Since I have had this heart attack it seems he is angry and I am a burden. I am back to all my “duties” at home…I clean, I cook, and generally am me…I cannot drive yet (and not for at least 3 more months until I am evaluated again)..he seems inpatient with that. Well, enough of me. I thank you all for being here- for your words of support…and most of all for “listening”. May you all be Blessed.

    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      6 months ago

      I understand, I recall this period of time with my friend after his heart attack. It just takes time.

    2. Michele
      6 months ago

      Wishing ‘your talk’ with your husband goes smoothly and will be well received. Good luck Nannette:)

    3. pkr29022
      6 months ago

      Nannette, love & blessings to you as you heal. May God guide you & your husband thru these challenges. 🙏🏻❤️✨

    4. Jenifer
      6 months ago

      May you continue to heal and get stronger each day. Thinking of you Nannette. 🧡

    5. Yram
      6 months ago

      Yes, that is a challenge. I face a similar one often. I am in the position of giving care not receiving it. Both sides are tough and require a huge amount of patience. Blessings

    6. Maeve
      6 months ago

      A challenging situation, so I wish you and him patience, acceptance and ease with one another. All the best.

  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    6 months ago

    Réflection. I woke up this morning with a familiar feeling I have every now and again. It is a feeling of being ungrounded, feeling a lack of significant purpose, wondering, a wobbly compass point.
    When this occurs, I know it is time to be quiet and reflect on where I’ve been and where I want to go. Writing is the tool that will take me there. So today, I will make the time to put pencil to paper and see where it takes me. I am curious.

    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      6 months ago

      Thank you, Mary.
      I too get the free floating feeling and
      I don’t like it. I too will meditate and
      ground myself.

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      6 months ago

      I so relate to what you are saying, Mary. Thanks for juggling the cage I have put myself in.

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    I’m content with where I am. Improvement happens when I let go of it. Therefore, one of my values I’m tending to today is satisfaction.

    1. Yram
      6 months ago

      What a great idea. Kind of like a comment from yesterday…..
      Concentrate on the what is not the what if.

      1. L
        Loc Tran
        6 months ago

        Thanks Yram. Joseph was really on to something with the more and less concept.

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