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  1. Sunny

    I am only now beginning to realize how during the pandemic I picked up an outlook of negativity and scarcity. I am also finding that it is difficult to pivot away from those two fields of lower, heavy energy. So, connecting with gratitude for too many things to even begin to count is a good place to start.

    1 year ago
  2. Robin Ann

    Today I feel patience & kindness are on my mind when it comes to family. For work today (Honesty), we had a department exercise (after a company wide employee survey) and we dug deeper and were able to share our individual concerns confidentially. That was therapeutic for me today. The most voted top 2 will be worked on and I had a lot of votes on mine : )

    1 year ago
  3. luv-1-nutter

    Adventure adventurous of taking my partner to check up on her post-op procedure I developed a toothache one that has already been worked on but I was able to get an appointment soon as possible and I thank God for small things

    1 year ago
  4. Rabbit

    Stop looking and thinking about the worst that could happen. There was elderly man in line in front of me at the grocery store today who was clutching his gun to his chest while paying his bill. It made me very nervous. He made a joke about it with the cashier. I fear this type of experience will ncrease and I have to find a way to keep my fear emotions under control.

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      That would be disconcerting Dear Rabbit. Glad all went well.

      1 year ago
  5. Barb C

    So many wonderful answers. Which one(s) will need tending will depend on which ones are challenged in the course of the day. I have a feeling that paying attention, kindness, patience, and whatever value label I put on “Be quiet, inner Judgy Judgerton” could use some reinforcement.

    1 year ago
  6. Charlie T

    Fearlessness and compassion.
    Like most things, these two must be
    connected. I will try to meet
    judgment with compassion and fear
    with clear eyed calmness.
    And maybe even compassion for my

    1 year ago
  7. Carol

    Tobias Wolff Author of This Boy’s Life (Grove)
    “It’s hard for me to imagine coming to an understanding of spirituality in a single moment. Does it mean a politician competing with other politicians over who is more born-again? A novice taking her final vows? A Buddhist monk setting himself on fire to protest government oppression? Or could it refer to the determination of an immigrant couple to sacrifice their lives in grinding, minimum-wage work so that their children might have something better? Perhaps the greatest problem with this word is the line it seems to imply between spirit and flesh, between some exalted, superior state and the experience of everyday life, when in fact they are all mixed up together. We define ourselves and our deepest values by the choices we make, day by day, hour by hour, over a lifetime.”

    I find tremendous wisdom in the Tobias Wolff quote. It reminds me that I am part of the energy of creation and that many of my choices over the years were misguided and miss takes. Thankfully, they have helped me grow in self awareness but I can still get wrapped around the axle! I had what I label “a blinding glimpse of the obvious” just a few days ago. I was having difficulty accepting some new physical limitations and equating them with a loss of independence. My resistance to “what is” was keeping me tense and increasing my pain levels. I needed to let go and go with the flow so I would not be blind to what life is offering me NOW. “Stinking Thinking” (a 12-step term) was blocking my view of the gift of life. A gift I have learned to value highly.

    Today’s quote from Br. David is life-giving for me: “Hope is radical openness for surprise—for the unimaginable. If that is the attitude with which we look, listen, and open all our senses, we enter into a meaningful relationship with whatever Life offers us at a given moment.” Br. David Steindl-Rast

    1 year ago
    1. Barb C

      Thank you so much for the Tobias Wolff quotation. What an important insight.

      1 year ago
  8. Sheila

    To not judge anyone and accept people as they are. We are all worthy of love and we need to feel loved and know “we matter “. Thank you for this question, it is very helpful. 🙏❤️🌈

    1 year ago
  9. Nannette

    Patience is something that I have always lacked. I will become more aware of trying better at that today. I want everything to happen now…especially the well being of others. My dog, Clancy was in a row with a runaway cow on Saturday. The cow head butted Clancy into the creek twice…and Clancy kept at it. We could not get to him quick enough…he would not relent. We had him to the vet, no injuries that are apparent- but he has been moping around now since Saturday evening…we have to take him out to get him to go to the bathroom..I am praying that he soon turns the corner for better health…I appreciate any positive thougths and energy from all of you. Thank you and God Bless each and every one of you.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      Wishing Clancy a speedy recovery:)

      1 year ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      Loving Kindness and some good vibes for Clancy to heal up from the roughing up.

      1 year ago
    3. Robin Ann

      Oh no! Wishing Clancy a speedy recovery. That sounds terrifying to watch!

      1 year ago
    4. Rabbit

      So sorry to hear this about Clancy. Keep us posted on how he is doing. Sounds like he gets the persistence and determination award. Wonder how many of us don’t know when to quit a challenge?

      1 year ago
  10. R

    Patience… I am in a time of my life where nothing is happening, but I know that I just need to wait a few days until the gear starts to work, so Renata … keep calm and just wait!

    1 year ago
  11. sunnypatti

    Today it’ll have to be trust. We are opening our restaurant tomorrow, and I’ve had some anxiety over it. I know it’s going to be great and successful, but it’s still so scary! We have been working no-stop to make it all happen, and there’s still so much to get done today. I had to stop while journaling a little while ago to write a work list since the things wouldn’t shut up and let me be! I do trust this path. I do have faith in it all, but I’m going to have to remind myself throughout the day so that the anxiety and fear don’t take the driver’s seat.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      Best wishes to you and your husband:) Remember to add on your list to save and hang/display that first $ ya’ll make:)

      1 year ago
      1. sunnypatti

        I love that idea! Thank you!!

        1 year ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      My mouth is watering already Sunny Patti!

      1 year ago
    3. Robin Ann

      Best of luck tomorrow, so exciting too!

      1 year ago
    4. Rabbit

      That sounds amazing. Are you comfortable sharing where it is? I have been reading lots of books with food and restaurant themes. You are brave to do this. Is it a lifelong dream? 🙏😋

      1 year ago
      1. sunnypatti

        It’s in our neighboring town of Hollywood, SC just south of Charleston. My husband is an amazing chef and pitmaster, and I am an amazing cook and love to serve people. It’s a dream come true for us after doing catering and private dinner parties the past two years.

        1 year ago
    5. Barb C

      I wish we could all be there for your opening day to celebrate! Deep breaths!

      1 year ago
      1. Rabbit

        That would be great!

        1 year ago
    6. Carol

      Sunny Patti, Starting a new business would make anybody nervous! It’s very hard to stay in the NOW when major change is taking place. When that fear and anxiety rears its head, stop and bring your focus to what needs doing NOW. The strength you need is always present in the NOW. Life is trustworthy and so are you! Many years ago, my beloved mentor said, “Carol, there is a part of you that has never been afraid. Don’t hesitate to call it forth.” I believe that to be true for us all.

      1 year ago
    7. Pilgrim

      Blessings on your new business, SunnyPattie!

      1 year ago
  12. Laura

    I will continue to work on gratitude today. When I am consciously grateful, other virtues, like patience and kindness, flow more easily.
    “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” — Cicero

    1 year ago
    1. Carol

      Laura, That really rings true! Thank you.

      1 year ago
  13. Joseph McCann

    I have a set of daily practices, bi-monthly addiction therapy and several Life Ring meetings a week that I have been doing for 14 months and change now. By abstaining from alcohol, I feel physically better and by continuing with my practices I have felt mentally better. So far if I tend to these things many other aspects of my life have already been tended to. Thank you all who reflect on these pages. It has and is very helpful to me.

    1 year ago
  14. EJP

    Trust……a value that is difficult to put forth in our world today.

    1 year ago
  15. Michele

    Work has been very very busy lately so I will continue to be positive, focused, and take deep breaths as my anxiety increases throughout the day.

    1 year ago
    1. Laura

      I relate, Michele. Work is always busy, and if I don’t take mini breaks throughout the day to refocus and center I’m a little ball of tension at the end. 🙂

      1 year ago
      1. Barb C

        Same here. I’m fortunate some days that I might be able to get out and walk a couple of laps around my little neighborhood loop to step away from too much time staring at a screen, which is what my work looks like much of the time. Days that don’t let me get in that movement and that break leave me wrung out.

        1 year ago

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