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  1. Ose
    6 months ago

    For so many, for dear people, kindred heats, family and friends, my beloved sister as well as my dear boss and all who are with me in my life through thick and thin. What would be without my neighbor who planted a by now huge fig tree in our garden, offering beautiful fruit for us all, including feeding birds and bees, to create most delicious compote of fig and prunes (cooked on precious applejuice instead of precious water, added some cinnamon and some sugar, mmmh) for the joy and well being of my fellow dear friends; how could life be so comfortable without the people who provide heating, light, food, water for drinking and for cleaning the dishes, or those who look after my beloved car to have it run smoothly and reliable for carrying me to my beloved locations as well as beyond to unknown places and realms when at night i perceive the stars blinking and greeting me when opening the top? Thank you all deeply from my heart for being here in my life.

  2. Antoinette88615
    6 months ago

    The Meditation helpers and all the people that do this Meditation who are available all the time and care so deeply!

  3. Mary
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for my mentor and art instructor, William.
    He has created a safe place for beginners and artists
    to improve their drawings and paintings.
    He has encouraged me and helped me to become confident
    in my ability to do portraits and figure drawings.
    My drawings as well as my photography have given me joy
    and the feeling of accomplishment during my first several years of retirement.
    I will share my gratitude with William by showing him this post. ♥️

  4. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen
    6 months ago

    I’m grateful for having Loc in my life. He ‘s really supportive in the way he always listen to me with non-judgement. Not today, but whenever he wants to go eat his favorite hotpot. I’ll take him there.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      My Ngoc, I’m also grateful for our compatability and your deep affection. It’s softened my rough edges. You’re one of the few people who understands me well and I feel comfortable being myself around. Yes, we have the 2W1-9-7 from my response all over again. I love Hot Pod. Delicious food excites me.

  5. Jenifer
    6 months ago

    My family and friends. I can let them know how much they mean to me and how I wouldn’t be here without their unconditional love and guidance 🧡

  6. KC.
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for my husband. He is the main cook in our house. I will contribute to dinners today and tomorrow. Will look for a healthy pear recipe for dessert tomorrow, with a few extra guests. The Bartlett pears from Argentina are abundant and sweet this year!

  7. Linda72766
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for my sister-in-law, a retired physician who is helping take care of my husband (her brother). Her medical knowledge and ability to talk to his doctors is invaluable. She also comes over and stays with him when I need a break. This situation would be so much more difficult without her love and expertise.

    1. Yram
      6 months ago

      I am happy for you that she is present in your lives.

  8. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    6 months ago

    Well, there’s a few people I’m super
    grateful for and I will do what I normally
    do and try to be a positive part of there

    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      6 months ago

      I wish I could edit. Their not there. 😁

      1. Joseph
        Joseph McCann
        6 months ago

        It would be nice if that option was to be reinstated.

  9. pkr29022
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for my dear Cousin. She is a bright light, always smiling & full of joy. I am spending the afternoon with her today, will treat her to something, perhaps a coffee, she loves ☕️.
    I am thankful for her friendship, love & support.

  10. Carol Ann Conner
    6 months ago

    My son and my next door neighbors….plan to bake cookies today so will share with them.

  11. L
    6 months ago

    I am grateful for my partner- it’s his birthday tomorrow and we’re going on a short overnight trip to celebrate. He’s been through a bit of a rough time lately taking care of his mom. A relaxing, care free day exploring a new place – eating good food and relaxing on the beach seems like a good plan.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      6 months ago

      Lauryn, you guys deserve it, especially him. Have fun on your trip.

  12. Yram
    6 months ago

    I have to be grateful for myself today. I have had some tough emotional days of late. I have to say thank you to me for sticking with the planned activities in the best way I could.

  13. Michele
    6 months ago

    I am very grateful for my children – I tell them I love them often.
    Wishing everyone a peaceful relaxing weekend.

  14. Laura
    6 months ago

    I am grateful to spend the weekend with both my daughters. I’ll tell them how grateful I am that they gave up time with their partners to be with me.

  15. L
    Loc Tran
    6 months ago

    I’m grateful for Avril. A few days ago, she stated that she’s an ennielgram Type 7. I took the most updated ennielgram tri-centers with wings test for both the short and long versions. For the first one, I got tri-centers 2W1 9W8 5W4. I got 2W1 9 7. Both those results were based on how I am around Ngoc or in an environment I feel comfortable in. I’m only feeling more comfortable in my own skin, so I feel that the results are accurate. I go with the long version. There are more questions, and the questions are more thorough.
    Avril’s post taught me that public images can be misleading. To put in a nutshell, one thing we can all agree on is that there’s a setting for everything. INTJ 5W6 9W8 4W5 makes me rough around the edges to protect myself from incompatibilities, conflict of interests, and being steered in undesirable directions even out of goodwill. I’m one of the most softhearted people for those who get to know me better. It feels pleasurable when whatever I do for others is received well including empathizing. I feel like I get that here without a lick of a doubt.
    With all that being said, I give a special shout out to Avril.

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