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  1. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann

    I would say my parents who let myself and all of my siblings know we were going to College after HS. Back then I didn’t like being told that but I am truly grateful I had the opportunity. I decided I only wanted to pursue an Associates degree back then and then went back at age 50 for a 1 yr Certificate. I passed along that tradition to my children, slowly but surely my son got his Associates first and then onto his Bachelor degree. It was amazing to see his growth since he barely got by HS. My daughter has also taken about a year and a half of college and we shall see what may be next for her. My daughter was high honors at one point so I know she may want to go back to school too : )

    3 months ago
  2. Ose

    Among many dear people who made life possible as it is blossoming now already in many aspects, some kind and to their heart`s themes committed teachers are to be named. They offered their knowledge and commitment and their love for the themes at hand in order to pass forward what their cornucopia of enthusiasm, knowledge, wisdom, inspiration and Love for mankind told them to do. It was a huge gift to have been given the possibility to learn from them and unfold and be part of this journey all together, where I hope that my deep gratefulness for this opportunity has reached them and hopefully is expressed in my daily work and in heartfelt engagement for serving my fellow people as best to my ability.

    3 months ago
  3. Kevin

    Unfortunately, the most significant people who have helped pave the way for me, especially in ministry, have gone home to God. So in nearly everything I do that has something to do with Spirit, ministry, or pastoral care, I invoke their name, image, tone of their voice, and hope that it all reaches them and fortifies whatever it is I am doing.

    3 months ago
    1. Carol Ann Conner

      Kevin, love this.

      3 months ago
      1. Kevin

        Thank you, Carol.

        3 months ago
  4. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian

    Who? All who have come before me. The brave people who fought a revolution so I live in a free, independent, democratic country.. My grandparents who left Turkey before the Turks had a chance to slaughter them. The feminists who set the stage for me to have the career that I did. My parents, who in spite of flaws, raised me without deprivation or abuse and gave me many gifts and good genes. The great spiritual leaders. The medical researchers who discovered preventions and cures that have improved our health and lengthened our lifespan.

    3 months ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Love this Dolores, so very true!!

      3 months ago
  5. Antoinette88615

    First and foremost, the universe does everything and that is for sure. I have had many people a long the way who have helped for sure. My mom never abandoned me even if I thought that she had many times. I know she has many regrets about making so many mistakes due to being a super young mom. But now I see things as whatever hasn’t killed made me more resilient. This of course isn’t anything I could see during deep sufferings, but now I know that the universe has always been here.
    It’s like the bible says- paraphrasing even thought I walk through the valley of darkness I need not be afraid, because the universe is here all the time.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Antoinnette, immigrating to the US in 1993, I can certainly say the same thing too a varying degree about my relationship with my family with my mom standing out since I was very close to her for many years during my childhood and growing up. Autism and mental health struggles are still new for Vietnamese and many Asians. She, just like with many parents, just wanted whatever was best for their kids with their goal-oriented approach. It was after 2 manic bipolar episode hospitalizations with one in 2004 and again in 2019 for me as mentioned on some of my other replies to other people’s answers, my relationship with her grew.
      My mom is the most open-minded of my family members. It took time and patience for both sides to develop understanding and equinimity. She’s embraced me for my unique qualities, and I’m able to see that she just wants whatever’s best for me more clearly. I can say this about anyone in my family, but it’s more obvious with my mom that I’ve seen mellowing out.
      As if for you, Antoinette, I’m happy for your relationship with your mom growing. It takes time.

      3 months ago
  6. Linda72766

    My father, who paved the way for me to go to college, and then helped me move away from the state I was from. I have had a good life, despite a lot of pain from when I was growing up. I will always be grateful for his love and support.

    3 months ago
  7. Charlie T
    Charlie T

    On one level, my way has not been paved.
    I did not have the tradition family to guide
    me along, or give me crucial advice,
    knowledge, and support.
    There hasn’t been a safety net or bail
    out option.
    Of course, this is the cynical view.
    The ungrateful view.
    I have built family and support along the way.
    My teenage friends were my connection to
    jobs, work, and housing, all through my
    twenties. And when I started a business,
    my employees and customers offered me
    so much. Supporting me and allowing me
    to make a living doing something that I
    felt competent at. I am only now, in the last
    few years, realizing and appreciating all of
    these amazing people that touched and
    enriched my life. And I still find myself
    assembling and inserting myself in groups
    of people who are struggling and who
    might not have the traditional support
    that so many take for granted.
    I have tried to let all these people know
    how much they mean to me and what a
    an impact they have had on my life.
    But this is a good reminder for me to
    double down on the reaching out and
    communicating my gratitude.
    This is one place that I feel supported.
    Thank you all for allowing me to be part
    of this community. I am enriched daily,
    by the wisdom and life circumstance
    that you all share here. 🙏

    3 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Thank you, Charlie T. I look forward to your responses each day. You have great insight and wisdom and I gain from it all the time. I think you are a really good person and have worked hard. Thank you for being part of this Community and sharing yourself here. Wishing you only good things.

      3 months ago
    2. S
      Ana Maria

      Thank you Charlie T. Your wisdom shows me a new way to be grateful. I am grateful for your sharings as they open my heart to a a more peaceful way of being. Wishing you the very best. AM

      3 months ago
  8. Patti

    First and foremost, my mom. She has been my rock so many times over the years and has always been there for me no matter what. My dad, the man who loves me like I am his own and has since I was 7 years old. My parents both taught me strength, determination, and to enjoy life. I thank them all the time and make sure they know how much I love and appreciate them.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Sunnypatti, your mom reminds me of mine. She’s the first one I go to when I need something. That seems to be the norm in more traditional households, especially Asian ones. Dad was known to be more of the tough lover.

      3 months ago
  9. Nannette

    As a child until the age of 14, it was my Mom…who watched out and protected me. At 14 she suddenly passed away and I was left alone to continue my way. Of course I had a father but he really was not capable of being a father and caring for a 14 year old girl. He was a working alcoholic- a hard worker and always had a job–with the same company for many years. But his relationship with alcohol and other women was more important than me. My half brother who I never lived with as he was older and lived with his Mom and then my Dad’s parents…became my savior. I ran away from home at 16 and he and his wife took me in. They had 4 children all under the age of 5 and took me as well. They paved the way for me with a safe and a loving home. I learned what a true family was….I was able to finish school, went on to nursing school, then years later graduate and post graduate education. My brother was always my cheerleader….from not knowing one another to being the best of friends. He was proud of who I became and happy with the man I married. Sadly, my brother passed away almost three years ago. I was Blessed to be with him and care for him his last days on earth. He is with me always. So in ending the two most important people in my life are number one , my Mom…and then my brother…without him I would not have the life I have today.

    3 months ago
    1. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann

      Thank you for sharing your story, loved reading it!

      3 months ago
    2. Nannette

      Thank you all for your kind responses ….it always makes my heart sing to hear from you!!

      3 months ago
    3. Joseph
      Joseph McCann

      A gift for all of us. Thank you, Nannette.

      3 months ago
    4. Carol Ann Conner

      Nannette, Thanks for sharing such a inspiring part of your journey.

      3 months ago
    5. S
      Ana Maria

      Thank you Nanette! What a powerful story of love. It is a lesson of how to be an amazing human, your brother and his wife are that for sure. What an example for us to follow. Blessings to you and your loved ones.

      3 months ago
  10. Carol Ann Conner

    I sincerely thank everyone for their comments yesterday. They were very helpful to me. You have no idea how much you all are helping pave the way for me now.

    3 months ago
    1. Nannette

      Carol! You rock!! You are amazing!!

      3 months ago
  11. Barb C
    Barb C

    Such a timely question for me! I was asked to provide brief remarks this morning on the mentors in my life and what mentoring means for our agency at a gathering of people participating in a mentorship program. I’m one of them, with a mentee I’ve enjoyed getting to know. I have a list that starts with my mom and chose someone from each significant element of my career to mention with some aspect of what I learned from them. This question is also similar to the one a couple of days ago about who has had the greatest impact in my life (although impact can be negative, too) and I won’t repeat my long list.

    As I reread the question and thought about it, “paved the way for me” goes beyond direct mentoring. Every woman who fought for the right to vote paved the way for me, as did the men in office who ultimately listened. Everyone who worked for rights for all women beyond the vote paved the way for me. Everyone who created the systems of education that prepared me to strive and succeed paved the way. On and on and on. I can’t thank them all directly; I can only pay it forward and keep paving the way for others.

    I work in transportation and could probably turn this into a graphic that represents roadbuilding because a lot happens before the paving goes down. I have a very real connection to this question’s wording: Whoever made the decision to put a bike lane on the street in front of my home in Spokane years ago paved the way for me to start bike commuting, which in turn led to a lot of activism and a change of careers. Talk about paving the way!.

    3 months ago
    1. S
      Ana Maria

      Thank you!!! Your work is needed in so many comunities. I appreciate the leaders that paved the way for communities to be able to plan for the future of transportation. I am focusing on the youth in our community, a rural community that lacks the tranportation needed to make sure that our young people can participate in after school activities because of the lack of transportation. Using their bikes safely would be one way for them to et around. I thank you for paving the way!

      3 months ago
  12. L
    Loc Tran

    Kobe Bryant is another figure that jumps out. Work ethic is everything. His trademark “Mamba Mentality” can go beyond material achievements. I certainly have it in me and have learned to channel that energy into improving my spiritual life and taking care of my health, especially my mental health.

    3 months ago
  13. Ngoc Nguyen
    Ngoc Nguyen

    My mom is the one who has paved the way for me. When I was a little girl, I had asthma. My mom motivated me to exercise daily to improve my health. I wanted to give up many times because I felt tired of doing it after a long day at school and then going to the stadium for exercise. I was a national athlete in Vietnam until I entered the US. Throughout her life, my mom taught me that even if something isn’t interesting at the moment, if it brings me benefits, I should keep going. When facing challenges and feeling like giving up, I remember my mom. I don’t know exactly how to thank her enough, because I think nothing will ever be enough to express my gratitude to my mom. I commit to myself that whatever I can do for my mom’s happiness, I will do it with full love!

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      My Ngoc, we may very well have similar stories there with a varying degree of differences. In my case, my mom encouraged me more coming from the angle of discomfort and discontent. I’ve had to learn to look past those feelings and see the bigger picture. The solution was there every time after I took time to clear my mind. We’re living in an ever growing society of instant gratification. Virtues and values are on the decline. Like Suzuki said, a calm and constant mind can help us get past the modern madness.

      3 months ago
  14. Mary
    Mary Mantei

    Although there are many, 3 people come to mind instantly. As others have said, my Mom. I chose a bit of an alternative lifestyle from our family norms early on. And what my Mom did so graciously, was stepped out of my way and loved me deeply. My dear friend, Susie, always my biggest cheerleader and mostly objective sounding board.😉She can be a bit protective of her dear friend. And third, and the order doesn’t add or detract to any of these dear people, my husband, Pedro. Another person in my life who either joined in the effort, or stepped aside to support me in wherever I wanted to go. I am beyond fortunate to have these beautiful people and others, in my life.
    Thanking them? That is an ongoing Hallelujah.

    3 months ago
    1. L
      Loc Tran

      Mary, Paw Mu for me has many similarities to Susie for you at a first glance.

      3 months ago
  15. L
    Loc Tran

    Shunryu Suzuki and Phil Jackson jump to mind. Continuing to increase accessability for the people on the same boat as me while still honoring their works is my way of showing thanks to them. It’s why I call my zen practice “Suzuki 3rd Gen Zen.”

    3 months ago

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