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  1. Barb C
    Barb C
    4 months ago

    All of you by being here and creating this community, and the people who make this site possible.

    The teachers and writers on mindfulness whose books have helped me pay attention to what’s right here, right now, too many to name.

  2. Nannette
    4 months ago

    All of you inspire me to live gratefully and this wonderful site and indeed Brother David. What a gift this has been to discover Grateful Living. I also thank all who work on this website. My faith also is helping me be appreciative and grateful for all that I am and all that I have. Thank you all for your inspiring posts…they always make me think and be grateful for something else. May God Bless You.

    PS…Does anyone know where Joseph is? He has not posted for a few days. I hope all is well with him and his wife Cheryl. Thinking of him and his wife with prayers.

    1. Yram
      4 months ago

      I am also wondering about Kevin.

  3. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    4 months ago

    Looking for Hope is what inspired me in the beginning when I first joined this website along with my faith. I can also very much relate to what Elizabeth wrote about her Mother,. my Mother’s life inspired me in my first 40 yrs and I know she is still with me through my life’s journey and continues to guide me.. Also, everyone that visits this community and reflects here. Thank you for this website!

  4. Mary
    4 months ago

    All of you who answer the question of the day inspire me to live gratefully.
    All who work at and make this website possible inspire me to live gratefully.
    Each time I come to the question of the day I am reminded to live with gratefulness.
    Reading your responses bring me into a space where I see my life as being full of possibilities.
    Reading your words move me out of fear and scarcity
    and remind me of how much I have to be grateful for.
    So thank you to all at and all who participate in this site.
    All of you inspire me.
    Thank you!

  5. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    4 months ago

    Without hesitation, all of you that contribute and share here on this site, inspire me to live gratefully.
    And of course, there are authors that have inspired me to live a more grateful life, for sure.
    But, in my daily life, I am the one that encourages others to try gratitude. It seems that most of us are caught up in our daily lives and consumed by our shortcomings and struggles.

  6. pkr29022
    4 months ago

    So many inspire me to live gratefully. I have to say tho, that Brother David is the one who inspired me as I began this journey of gratefulness many many years ago. This/His site inspire me daily. I have taken personal responsibility to live a grateful life. This is my intention. I inspire & intend myself. ❤️🍂🍃🍁❤️

  7. Linda72766
    4 months ago

    My husband. He is in near constant pain, but he rarely complains and is always kind to me.

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      Loving kindness to you both.

      1. Linda72766
        4 months ago

        Thank you, Michele.

    2. Ose
      4 months ago

      May the pain in your husband find relief. My prayers will be with you and your husband, dear Linda. Blessings be with you both. ✨🙏

      1. Linda72766
        4 months ago

        Thank you, Ose.

    3. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      Sending caring wishes of some relief to you both Dear Linda.

      1. Linda72766
        4 months ago

        Thank you, Robin.

    4. Mary
      4 months ago

      I am so sorry, Linda, that you and your husband have to deal with so much pain.
      I’m sending the both of you my love, and hoping that the pain eases.

      1. Linda72766
        4 months ago

        Thank you, Mary.

  8. Elizabeth H67151
    Elizabeth H
    4 months ago

    My mom, who gave me the gift of life, and who died in 1992 of cancer, inspires me to live gratefully. She did certainly let herself experience the anger and fear and sadness about getting cancer at a young age, but she also continued to notice and enjoy the small things of life. I particularly remember her going on joyful walks around the neighborhood and appreciating the things she saw as she walked. She gave me and our family so much love growing up, I am so grateful to her! She died on Thanksgiving Day, which is hard in many ways; but there was much to be grateful for even then. There was a huge snowstorm, and I had to travel to reach her and my plane was delayed. I had to spend the night in an airport wondering if I was going to make it home on time. A neighbor drove in the snow to pick me up at the airport. Other neighbors prepared a Thanksgiving meal for us. I made it home and was able to see her before she slipped out of consciousness and she died a few hours later. I recently started reading Kristi Nelson’s book “Wake Up Grateful,” and I was really struck by these words of hers on p. 145, “I will not take your life or loss for granted. Your legacy will live on in me. In your honor, I will acknowledge and celebrate the gift of every moment with a grateful heart.” I desire to remember this always about my mom.

    1. Michele
      4 months ago

      I relate to your reflection as my mom passed in 2017. I loved readying Kristi Nelson’s book, very inspiring.
      Thank you

    2. Robin Ann
      Robin Ann
      4 months ago

      I love what you wrote Elizabeth and can totally relate to this. My Mother also died of cancer but in 2000. I do know because of my Mom passing that I have viewed life very differently and try to live it to the fullest. She did for 5 year after she was diagnosed. She was a fighter and never gave up hope. She was a true inspiration.

    3. Mary
      4 months ago

      This is so powerful, Elizabeth.
      After reading your response,
      I had to take a few minutes to take it all in.
      I am so sorry that you lost your mother at a young age.

      I love the quote from Kristi Nelson’s book.
      This could help me to be more accepting
      of the passing of my youngest sister in 2022.

      I am grateful to you, Elizabeth, for this sharing.
      Sending my love to you.

  9. Yram
    4 months ago

    The other day I looked around at the members of my church community. I thought of the stories of their lives that they have told through the years.
    They have lived to tell it. That brought gratitude to my heart for the example of courage and resiliency.

  10. Butterfly
    4 months ago

    Definately this website and everyone who takes the time to post here. Just reading through all your comments today is my inspiration for now. Thank you 🙏

    1. Mary
      4 months ago

      I agree, Butterfly.

  11. L
    Loc Tran
    4 months ago

    Being on my Vegas trip, I saw my peers loving my photos as well. That makes it easier to expand upon my liberal nature. Project 9X has a strong liberal base. Conservatism is meant to honor my roots. It’s the delicate between individual and conservative nature.
    Steph Curry also inspires me. My leadership style is similar to his. My way of prioritizing individualism over collectivism is similar to Steph Curry’s shoot first style while still passing the ball to his teammates when needed.

    1. L
      4 months ago

      In 2009 in Steph Curry’s rookie year, the Warriors had a terrible season and he tweeted “Promise to all the Warriors fans…we will figure this thing out…if it’s the last thing we do, we will figure it out”. In the following years, he would go on to lead the team to 4 championships. Truly inspiring.

  12. Laura
    4 months ago

    All of you inspire me! Thank you for sharing your triumphs, struggles and observations here each day.

  13. Patti
    4 months ago

    I have been inspired by so many. My friend Jessica comes to mind this morning, as I am expecting a guided journal that she has just published. I’ve known her for years, seen her life take many new paths, and watched her come out beautifully each time. She has a strong spiritual practice and is always grateful for everything life offers her. I did a yoga retreat at her old house years ago… the same house that held the beautiful backyard with a giant oak tree next to the marsh where she officiated my wedding. We met with her a few times before our big day, and she guided us thru meditation and offered journal prompts to help us set intentions for our marriage and life together. She is a beautiful person, and I am grateful for her inspiration.

  14. Michele
    4 months ago

    Louise Hay comes to mind as I just listened to one of her ASMR morning affirmation videos.

    1. Nannette
      4 months ago

      Thank you, Michele! I read one of Louise Hay’s quotes every morning. However; I did not know of this book :You Can Heal YOur Life!! I am going to order it right now!

    2. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      4 months ago

      Why haven’t I heard of this author before?
      Thank you, Michele 🙏
      I just bought her book You Can Heal Your Life.

      1. Patti
        4 months ago

        You are going to love that book, Charlie!

      2. Michele
        4 months ago

        SunnyPatti had mentioned her and that book before which lead me to getting it.

        Enjoy it – you can find her also on YouTube for positive affirmations/meditations too.

    3. pkr29022
      4 months ago

      I love Louise too. “You Can Heal your Life” by Louise healed my life. I have shared her wisdom with sooooo many.❤️

    4. Patti
      4 months ago

      I love Louise Hay! Her book, You Can Heal Your Life, truly changed my life 🙂

      1. Michele
        4 months ago

        You had mentioned her and that book before and so I had gotten it awhile back. Now you can also find her on YouTube with affirmations and meditations too.
        Thank you:)

        1. Patti
          4 months ago

          Oh, I’m so glad I could help! I’m going to have to pull her up on Youtube. I used to have a “hotline” of hers in my phone where you could call and hear an affirmation of the day, but it’s not there and I can’t seem to find anything online about it.

  15. Ose
    4 months ago

    When I just arrived home, many butterflies of one species (called admirals here) were swirling in and around our gorgeous fig tree, happy to be nourished and enjoying the leftovers of an incredible harvest of figs this year. Natures abundance nourishing us, the birds recently, the butterflies and bees also, as they have become so rare, while happyly perceiving them dancing around this beauty of a tree in our garden in the autumn´s sunshine.
    There are so many people inspiring to live gratefully, the group of kindred hearts which i was lucky to have been allowed to join for a retreat last week; all the ones who were so kind to offer their knowledge, kindness, their loving heart like you here or like my beloved sister or my dear friends who are warmhearted whenever in contact, they in both good or very difficult situations have been there for me unconditionally and lovingly despite the burden i felt to be and often really was then. It is deeply inspiring to live gratefully, having learned it especially through this site which has been conveyed by Br. David, to embrace almost every situation with gratefulness. Today, deep gratefulness was arising for having learned and incorporated respect and humility during the last years, of which i was aware of that it was painfully missing when i started the path of meditation and gratefulness. All situations, as well the many very difficult ones, i am grateful for, having taught me to love and taught me to trust in life again. And it taught me to bow my head in gratitude for the mystery and gift of life. I re-learned to be a child of it all, of light, held in universal love and with you all together and hopefully to be able to give back what I have been given. Some moments are still there when this awareness is slipping into old patterns but soon coming back to be able to listen to the love in my heart for it all and simply choosing for it again and again. Then it is as if the sun shines even brighter, conjuring up a smile on my face and in my heart. Sorry for the long Sunday-reply, just what´s in my heart right now. Thank you dearly you all, and blessings to all of you who share and who visit here.

    1. Nannette
      4 months ago

      Ose, What a beautiful and meaningful response to today’s question. Thank you so very much for speaking from your heart and sharing with us…I have learned something. May you be Blessed. Thank you.

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