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  1. F

    My mother and sister. My faith too

    1 year ago
  2. Robin Ann

    My faith, certain friends and family but definitely this site! I look forward to coming here each day and reading reflections and wisdom from all of you! Thank you for helping me focus on being grateful : )

    1 year ago
  3. O.Christina

    You here do, of course, and dear friends do with their being an example of living grateful; the dog of my friend when just expressing pure gratitude and joy when being together with us; today when a dear friend arrived who was visiting unexpectedly and we all were meeting in joy and gratitude, just to name a few. Thank you.

    1 year ago
  4. Charlie T

    Anyone who is struggling, but can still
    have gratitude. All of you on this site
    inspire me every day. My group of friends
    from a residential treatment facility are
    amazing in so many ways. My friend Max
    who has allowed me to share his journey.
    I met a new coworker, that shared a bit of
    his story about coming here from Cuba.
    A harrowing ordeal. He has so much
    gratitude for the things most of us take
    for granted.

    1 year ago
    1. Michele

      I, too, have worked and learned from Cubans about how different their life was back in Cuba. They are great workers and very grateful for everything in America. I also watch Youtubers, Yoel and Mari who vlog their journey.

      1 year ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      In the early 80’s I worked with a Cuban fellow who came over in the Murial Boat (I think that is what it was named) Lift. He too was much more grateful for simple things that I took for granted. It was humbling experience.

      1 year ago
  5. Barb C

    The people in this community, every day, sharing what you’re grateful for and lessons learned along the way remind me to be grateful both for your presence and for the technology that enables us to come together in this virtual space, including everyone who makes sure the electrical grid is working, my software updates are downloading, the servers are exchanging 1s and 0s, and all the rest.
    The poets and thinkers whose work I read every morning, whom I choose specifically because their thoughts and words give me a pause in which to rest, reflect, and realize all that’s around me and inside me. Too many to name, but I will call out Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, whose practice of posting a poem every day at started me on this morning habit and whose words embody gratitude in beautiful ways.

    1 year ago
    1. pkr

      Barb C., I love Rosemerry & her poems.
      I have been receiving her poems in my inbox for many years now. I love her writing. She is my inspiration.

      1 year ago
      1. Barb C

        Happy to know there’s another Rosemerry fan here! I have several of her books and have attended an online reading.

        1 year ago
  6. Chester

    This question brings me to wonder what it means to live gratefully. So often living, at least for me, is centered on one area of focus after another, meeting or striving to meet one challenge then going to the next. Gratitude informs and is often linked to interactions, team efforts, but am I living gratefully? I would like to think, yes, but will have to further consider.

    1 year ago
  7. Yram

    This question baffles me. Like many have already said, the daily responses help me appreciate and be aware of everything in my life. I am grateful to have this site as part of my routine.

    1 year ago
  8. Michele

    I get inspiration from reading everyone’s reflections on this website.
    I have made this a daily practice for years now. This is a great way to start the day and is grounding and centering.
    btw, one of today’s National days is National Barn day – I know there are a few of you who will appreciate that:)

    1 year ago
    1. Joseph McCann

      I had no idea Michele. I have spent many a cold night in one assisting first calf heifers and yearling sheep when they needed some help in birthing.

      1 year ago
  9. Laura

    All of you! Thank you!

    1 year ago
  10. W

    A co-worker who is one of the most negative people I have ever met. I strive to be an example of living gratefully in person and on social media to set an example and encourage her to see how blessed she is.

    1 year ago
    1. Charlie T

      Yes, lessons come in many forms.

      1 year ago
    2. Barb C

      This reminds me of the saying, “No one is completely useless. You can always serve as a bad example.” This person is an inspiration for you from a 180-degree angle.

      1 year ago
  11. Nannette

    This is not a “who” question as I see it. I cannot attribute living gratefully to any one person. This site and most importantly all of the people who visit this site inspire me daily. After getting my tea…returning to my bed- with my dog, Clancy..coming to this site is the first thing that I do each morning. I am always joyful and anticipating all of the thoughts and wisdom exhibited by each of you. I am also inspired by daily life…each day a miracle. And for me I am very grateful for my faith in God. Thank you all!

    1 year ago
  12. Butterfly

    The one person that inspires me is Ram Das. At the height of his teaching career he suffered a stroke that paralysed his right side, robbed him of speech and caused contant neuropathic pain in his feet. Yet he continued to be ever grateful and joyful because he knew who/what he really is. His example has helped me to cope with the chronic illness I have which causes me to be bed-bound and there are so many things that I can no longer do but I focus on what I CAN do and I am so grateful to live in a peaceful, secure home with my beautiful garden view. I have lovely neighbours who will help me whenever needed and a team of care workers who help me every day. I have found a level of contentment after years of study and meditation. I do occasionally have a meltdown – but who doesn’t? 😆😉

    1 year ago
    1. Josie

      Beautifully put, Butterfly. Your words inspire me to greater gratitude today. Thank you.

      1 year ago
  13. Pilgrim

    To be alive, when it could have been otherwise at this point, inspires gratitude. How? I am here.

    1 year ago
  14. sunnypatti

    Life inspires me to live gratefully.

    1 year ago
  15. Joseph McCann

    Whom not who. All the good people who reflect here on this site. I discovered this site during my quest for a path of sobriety from alcohol that I had not yet tried. I am not sure, but I think I was introduced to a video of Brother David’s from a Palouse Mindfulness eight-week course. I had been given a paper on gratitude by Bryan Handwork, Gratitude: How to Change Negative Beliefs, be Happy. and Become Successful. That essay, some Green Rennaisance videos, a daily meditation, a 20-minute mindful standing yoga by Dr. Lynn Rossey. this site and the reflections of others, my desire to live the last portion of my time on the earth (I will be 66 a month from today) alcohol free, has brought about a shift in perspective of my life. I am so very grateful for this past 16 months and a bit to not have relapsed, yet again. This daily visitation to this site has become an integral part of my journey. Thank you all. Namaste.

    1 year ago
    1. Linda

      Congratulations, Joseph. One day at a time…

      1 year ago
    2. Josie

      Thank YOU, Joseph for your honest, humble daily sharings. Namaste.

      1 year ago

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