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  1. barba
    8 months ago

    The beauty
    my writing

  2. Dolores Kazanjian
    Dolores Kazanjian
    8 months ago

    This planet earth. If it doesn’t thrive. we’re all doomed.

  3. H
    8 months ago

    First, myself. I have been struggling for a long time with my executive functioning while studying for my doctorate degree; it’s imperative I improve. In lieu of that, I have to utilize all the knowledge I have acquired to improve my health. Currently I’m about 7 lbs down and I’m gonna get down to my goal weight of 200 within the next year.

    Secondly, my family. Little by little, I want to improve the way I act around the house to help people thrive. I have to act with good intention and do things without being asked. “Treat others how you would like to be treated” is a tenet in our household, and it goes for every aspect of life.

    Thirdly, my girlfriend. She begins a huge milestone in her career next week, and I aim to relieve any tension or anxiety that will come along from this long and arduous new journey. This goes hand-in-hand with my family thriving; little things make all the difference.

    Lastly, my creativity. I have to keep writing my book. I am gonna promise myself to have 5k words by the end of the year at minimum.

    1. Mary
      Mary Mantei
      8 months ago

      Hal, I can feel the intensity and the desire in your life right now. Godspeed on your journey.

    2. Pilgrim
      8 months ago

      Blessings, Friend, as you make your way along this pathway. Each step is movement forward. Trust is on this journey with you.

  4. Ose
    8 months ago

    The spiritual community I belong to, in ways possible and with all I might be able to offer; the well being of my fellow people; with all my heart.

  5. Yram
    8 months ago

    The who is me, the younger generation, the elders in my life, those struggling with literacy issues, and the marginalized.

    The what, is research for rare and complicated issues both health and environmental.

  6. Barb C
    Barb C
    8 months ago

    Myself: Put your own oxygen mask on first.
    My marriage: We’re getting ready to start our “17 dates for 17 years” anniversary celebration with a date every day starting June 22 heading toward July 7, our wedding date.
    My children and stepchildren, all of whom have both opportunities and challenges as do we all.
    My yard and garden, where things are sprouting and growing and I’m harvesting strawberries every day with the raspberries and tayberries coming on and the bins producing salad greens we almost can’t eat fast enough.
    My community, where I’m planning to get more involved in a couple of organizations to feel more connected; we moved here in 2020 and are still settling in.
    The work team I lead, which has grown a lot in the last year (we were 6 this time last year, now we’re 13). As we thrive we help our state thrive through our work to make it safer and easier for people of all ages and abilities to walk, bike and roll.
    My writing: I’ve been capturing thoughts for a future book.

    1. Michele
      8 months ago

      I like how you celebrate your anniversaries.

    2. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Those are some great goals, Barb. Happy anniversary.

    3. S
      Ana Maria
      8 months ago

      A life well lived! Keep having fun and Happy Anniversary!

    4. Yram
      8 months ago

      You have remarkable goals. I applaud you in all your undertakings.

  7. L
    Loc Tran
    8 months ago

    I want to help my marriage with Ngoc thrive. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 4yrs. Having a partner like her was my dream for years before we met. It’s really hard for both of us to find a partner.

  8. Carol Ann Conner
    8 months ago

    Myself…because that is the best way I can help others thrive.

    1. Josie
      8 months ago

      This was my immediate response, too. Thanks, Carol.

  9. Pilgrim
    8 months ago

    I want/need to find my joy and help that thrive within myself, my life. There is a level of sadness that follows me around these days and I’m not sure what to do about that. I am alone most of the time, which doesn’t help. Much to consider …

    1. Michele
      8 months ago

      Like the others, I feel you. That’s what makes this site so great, remember to be Grateful and we are all here for one another.
      Loving kindness to you Pilgrim.

    2. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      8 months ago

      Dear Pilgrim, I realize the opposite effect. I am alone most of the time and seem to struggle when I am around lots of folks. I experience a level of sadness when thoughts stray to the burden that so many people put on the resources of our home.

    3. Yram
      8 months ago

      I have a dullness that has been with me for awhile. I can relate with you. Together we are strong.

    4. Ngoc Nguyen
      Ngoc Nguyen
      8 months ago

      Sadness often brings loneliness, Pilgrim. For me, I can’t ignore the feeling of sadness, but I try to shift my attention to nature, like going for a walk or volunteering online since I can’t drive. I hope you find some activities that suit you, so you may find joy in your life.

      1. Pilgrim
        8 months ago

        Thank you, my friend.

    5. Carol Ann Conner
      8 months ago

      Pilgrim, I hear you.

  10. pkr29022
    8 months ago

    I really need to make sure I thrive these days. I have had so many upheavals in this last year & the few before. Lately, I feel like I am really struggling with all the new, the changes & wonder will I make it. I must focus on me & my well being as I don’t want to fall & I do want to thrive in this new way of life I am creating.
    I am grateful for every day & all my many many blessings. My gratefulness practice keeps me going.
    Happy Summer Solstice All….✨

    1. Carol Ann Conner
      8 months ago

      PKR, I think that when we focus on our own well being, we are able to share that well being to help others thrive.

  11. Patti
    8 months ago

    I want to help myself thrive. Life is shifting for us, and I am going to make time to get back into my yoga teacher studies. I would like to get certified and share my love of the practice. I started the studies in late 2022 but put them aside when we opened our restaurant. I look forward to getting back into it!

  12. Michele
    8 months ago

    I want to help my children thrive.
    I always want to help my Team thrive at work and meet our monthly goals.
    Our planet, Mother Earth.
    Happy Summer Solstice! 🌻🌞

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      8 months ago

      A lovely Summer Solstice to you Michele!

      1. Michele
        8 months ago

        Thank you Joseph.

  13. Mary
    Mary Mantei
    8 months ago

    Oh there are so many opportunities in my life for this. The divisiveness in our country, our world, is of concern to me, as it is to many. Respect, civility, seeking some sort of connection along with differing viewpoints is something I want to continue to help grow.

    1. L
      Loc Tran
      8 months ago

      Mary, you’re certainly right about that. Look no further than politics. All these politicians do is bicker. I remember a day where a president should be highly respected in office such as: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and John F Kennity to name a few old-school names. Now, we’ve made plenty of jokes on the president and deserveingly so with Trump especially and Byden not too far behind. Both are up there in age with the former having bad morals with the ladder having too many health concerns. Michael Jordan once said “Republicans by sneakers too.” My trademark saying for politics is “I’m not a republican, democrat, or independent. I only follow the family party.”

    2. Carol Ann Conner
      8 months ago

      Amen, Mary

  14. Laura
    8 months ago

    I’d like to help myself thrive, to use my time here fully.

  15. EJP
    8 months ago

    World peace and kindness……

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