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  1. pkr

    Myself. Self-care, self-love.
    The present moment.

    6 months ago
  2. Carla

    I’m preparing for a short trip to see old friends. We’ve known each other for 25 years. I’m pre-packing, which I usually don’t do. in the past, excitement kept me up too late then I’d start my journey tired.

    6 months ago
    1. Carol

      Wise woman…Have a wonderful trip when the day of deparature comes!

      6 months ago
  3. Ngoc Nguyen

    Since I have immersed myself in classwork, looking for a perfect grade and a perfect future, I forgot about my voice—my singing voice. I hadn’t sung for a while until a friend, who loves my voice, sent me a song request. He then made me a background track for singing. It rekindled my motivation. Today, my wholehearted attention will be in completing the song recording for my friend.

    6 months ago
    1. Linda

      How lovely, Ngoc! Enjoy singing for your friend.

      6 months ago
  4. Barb C

    I have a temporary work assignment to a higher-level role in my agency. I can still carry out some of the functions of my job but I’ve delegated that to others. Instead of trying to straddle two stools I want to pay wholehearted attention to this role and use the opportunity to learn about parts of the agency work I don’t usually connect with. I will breathe, read, talk with people, and stay prepared to respond when I’m needed to questions and issues I can’t anticipate. Centered and calm, centered and calm.

    And tonight is the second time for the Intro to Improv class I started last week, so I’ll definitely pay wholehearted attention to “yes and”!

    6 months ago
  5. Charlie T

    Besides work, of course, I need to give
    my body some much needed exercise.
    I missed out on my Sunday ride yesterday,
    due to the weather.
    This is in addition to the love and attention
    I need to give my wife, and the people
    in my life.

    6 months ago
  6. Yram

    Myself, as the tension is building around my husband’s medical issues.
    My husband, as we hear of the medical treatment schedule etc.
    The medical staff as we absorb the information.
    My friend as she makes a housing decision.
    Kevin, you are missed.

    6 months ago
    1. Linda

      Yes, I was wondering where Kevin has been. I always enjoy reading his postings. I hope all is well with him.

      6 months ago
  7. Josie

    Those around me in need of my gifts today. May I be generous & patient in the giving.

    6 months ago
  8. Liza

    My family.

    6 months ago
  9. Journey

    Self-care. Self-love.

    6 months ago
  10. Carol

    Right now, the present moment…expect it to remain that moment by moment all day long…I say this because I tend to ruminate and chew on the past way too much!

    6 months ago
    1. Josie

      I can so relate, Carol. Thanks for the reminder.

      6 months ago
  11. sunnypatti

    My peace of mind.

    6 months ago
  12. Mary Mantei

    Whatever shows up.

    6 months ago
  13. Nannette

    I have to start paying attention to myself.. and make BIG changes in my life and who I am. This morning at 4 Am; my cat Nora woke me up by walking on me and looking out the window next to my pillow (we are in our motorhome now). I look out the window and a cat is hanging on the screen. I quickly put down the shade and move Nora…then think…WHAT!! The cat was my cat Finn!! Somehow he had gotten out last evening when I took the trash out. He was outside for over 6 hours…in a strange State Park in Texas!! How I did not notice that he was not here when I got ready for bed? Yesterday was a busy day- we left La. and made it past Houston. We were all frazzled and tired. But I can never let that happen again. I have to pay attention to everything. Thank God that Finn is a smart fellow- he knows his RV and he jumped very high to get to my window- and was hanging on. When we went outside to get him…he was upset…”spitting and hissing”..Thankfully, he is sleeping now safe and safe and sound. Now…I am going to start changing some of my behaviors! Have a good day one and all.

    6 months ago
    1. Michele

      So glad Finn is home and safe.

      6 months ago
    2. Joseph McCann

      So glad Finn is alrighty. A loyal cat to hang around Nannette!

      6 months ago
    3. Barb C

      Who you are is someone who cares about all your animals. This sounds to me like a one-time oops so I hope you give yourself the grace you would give a friend who did something similar. Glad Finn is okay–no harm, no foul.

      6 months ago
    4. Mary Mantei

      A distinctive « wake-up » call, Nanette. So grateful all are safe and sound. Godspeed.

      6 months ago
  14. Pilgrim

    Kindness and gentleness toward myself. Let go of frustrations, worries and unnecessary expectations. Breathe!

    6 months ago
  15. Michele

    Work-today is the start of the work week
    Pat,my step-mother, is being discharged from rehab today and going home. My son and I went over to my dad’s yesterday and moved furniture around to help him get ready to bring her home.

    6 months ago

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