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  1. K
    1 year ago

    That it is okay to grow and evolve. Change happens and I am capable of growing into a healthy version of myself. Also that everyday is a new day. I can look and feel different everyday and that is okay.

  2. Robin Ann
    Robin Ann
    1 year ago

    Good stuff always follows bad stuff!! Fog lifts. Blizzards melt. Clouds break. Hurricanes pass. And following that is beautiful weather. Nature teaches us that bad stuff is inevitable, but it is inevitably followed by something beautiful.

    1. Nannette
      1 year ago

      How true Robin Ann, and how beautiful your words are! Thank you.

  3. Charlie T
    Charlie T
    1 year ago

    Not feeling very wise right now.
    More like a wise guy.
    Of course I’ve learned so much from nature.
    I think a lot about trees and rocks. Ya know,
    botany and geology.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 year ago

      Charlie T, I think wise may be more of a state than a feeling. And nothing wrong with being a wise guy, injects some humor in life!

  4. null
    1 year ago

    Everything already works exactly as it is. The natural world doesn’t need any input from me or my species.

    1. Charlie T
      Charlie T
      1 year ago


  5. Don
    Don Jones
    1 year ago

    Be like a tree. The tree gives shade even to him who cuts off its boughs.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 year ago

      Undeniable truth.

  6. Carol Ann Conner
    1 year ago

    Being raised where there are four distinct seasons and then living as an adult in the deep south where the cycle of the seasons is not predominant remind me of the importance of cycles. Also, my love and observation of trees has taught me how important it is to respond graciously to the cycles in my own life. Evergreen trees have always made me ponder.

    I can’t look at a seed without wanting to know if it is a perennial or an annual. The literally thousands of zinnia seeds I save each year started 4 years ago from a packet of 12 seeds. A few weeks ago I planted 6 Basil seeds and now I have a basil plant over a foot tall.

    The thorns on the stem of a flower as beautiful as a rose make me ponder.. Does the rose have thorns or do the thorns produce a rose?

    The power in a river’s current tells me the importance of going with the flow in my own life. The majestic sound of the tide when standing on an Atlantic Ocean coastal beach leaves me in awe . A walk in a gentle rain or the the thunder and lightening of a violent storm is really no different than a shout or a whisper from my own lips. Just like Mother Nature, I have experienced it all in my own life–The Wisdom of Nature.

    1. Joseph
      Joseph McCann
      1 year ago

      Dear Carol, ” Does the rose have thorns or do the thorns produce a rose?” That line will give me something to ponder.

  7. Christina
    1 year ago

    That all is light. That the core is light. Spaceless and timeless. That this is what is. And that this light is the same everywhere, One light, One Love. And that all is all right. Like Bob Marley sung. 🙏🙇🙏

    One love, one heart
    Let’s join together and a-feel all right
    One love (full of mercy)
    One heart (I tell you)
    Let’s join together (at this house I pray)
    And a-feel alright (and I will feel alright)
    Let’s join together and a-feel all right

    Now, let them all pass all their dirty remarks (one love)
    There is one question I’d really like to ask (one soul)
    Is there a place for the hopeless sinner
    Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own?

    One love, one heart
    Let’s join together and a-feel all right
    One love (hear my plee)
    One heart
    Let’s join together and a-feel alright
    Let’s join together (let’s just trust in the Lord)
    And a-feel all right (and I will feel alright)

    Let’s join together to fight this holy battle
    So when the man comes there will be no, no doom
    Have pity on those whose chances grows thinner
    There ain’t no hiding place among the kingdoms of love, yes
    One love (hear my plee)
    One heart (oh)
    Let’s join together and feel all right

    One love (full of mercy)
    One heart (I tell you)
    Let’s join together (let this house a-pray)
    And a-feel all right (and I will feel alright)
    Let’s join together and a-feel all right
    One love, one heart
    Let’s join together and a-feel all right
    One love (full of-)
    One heart (oh)
    Let’s join together and a-feel all right
    Let’s join together (let’s all pray to the Lord)
    And a-feel alright (and I will feel alright)

    I tell you, let them all pass all their dirty remarks (one love)
    There is one question I’d really like to ask (one soul)
    Is there a place for the hopeless sinner
    Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own?

    One love (full of mercy)
    One heart (I tell you)
    Let’s join together (at this house I pray)
    And a-feel alright (and I will feel alright)

    One love (hear my plee)
    One heart (hear my plee)
    Let’s join together and a-feel all right
    Let’s join together (let us pray to the Lord)
    And a-feel all right (and I will feel alright)

  8. Nannette
    1 year ago

    Some things come to mind instantly:
    There is goodness and there is badness
    There is love and there is hate
    There is life and then there is death
    There is me and there is you
    We are not alone
    We can stretch out our hands and together we can be one and help one another along….bringing love and peace and joy as we go.

    1. Christina
      1 year ago

      Yes! I am sure we can. Thank you!

  9. pkr29022
    1 year ago

    God is Good.

  10. Barb C
    Barb C
    1 year ago

    No matter what happens in this day, the sun will rise tomorrow.
    What goes around comes around.
    Things happen in their own due time.
    All living things that are born must die, and when they do, their bodies nourish new life.
    It really is a great circle of life.
    Every uphill has a downhill.
    If you put something under enough pressure it will transform into something new.
    My energy is connected with the energy of the entire universe.

  11. Chester50628
    1 year ago

    As the universe is constantly expanding toward an unknown end state, so are we as individuals constantly expanding and building towards our cumulative potential.

  12. W
    1 year ago

    “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu — I have shared this quote with the parents of nearly every preschooler I have ever had in class.

  13. Michele
    1 year ago

    I looked out my front dining room windows this morning and saw 3 baby peacocks with their mama! sooooo cute. The natural world’s wisdom is birth for me today:)
    Have a great weekend everyone:)

  14. Yram
    1 year ago

    Ever changing!
    Singles together make abundance.

  15. Laura
    1 year ago

    Be what you are. Everything else depends on it.

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